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❖ Single mitochondrion,

❖ A mitochondrion with many cristae (c)

❖ A secondary lysosome
Golgi stacks
❖ Transport vesicles
❖ Condensing vacuoles and secretory vesicles.
❖ Centriole (C)
❖ Golgi complex (GA)
❖ Coated vesicle (CV)
❖ Polyribosomes (PR)
❖ Glycogen granules
❖ SER (1)
❖ Multiple mitochondria (2)
❖ Ribosomes (3)

Simple squamous epithelium
❖ flattened nuclei
❖ - One layer of flattened plate-like cells.
Bowman's capsule in the kidney
2- Simple cuboidal epithelium:
❖ Single layer of cuboidal cells.
❖ round central nuclei
- Site: Thyroid follicles
simple columnar ciliated epithelium.
❖ single layer of tall cylindrical cells.
❖ Apical surfaces of epithelial cells show numerous cilia
❖ oval basal nuclei.
- Site: Fallopian tube
simple columnar non-ciliated epithelium.
❖ single layer of tall cylindrical cells.
❖ oval basal nuclei.
- Site: gall bladder
4- Pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cell epithelium:
❖ All the cells are attached to the basal lamina
❖ some of cells do not reach the surface.
❖ The nuclei lie in various levels.
❖ cilia on the apical surfaces of cells reaching surface
site respiratory passage
B) stratified squamous keratinized epithelium.
❖ made up of many layers of cells.
❖ The most superficial 1 -2 layers are squamous or flattened
❖ an additional superficial layer of dead cornified cells

-It covers dry surfaces e.g. epidermis of skin

2- Transitional epithelium
❖ made of 3-8 layers.
❖ Cells of the superficial layer are large cuboidal dome shaped cells
❖ each cell may contain 1-2 nuclei.
❖ basal layer is cubical or columnar

- Sites: e.g. urinary bladder

Transitional epithelium
Loose Areolar connective tissue
fibroblast & collagen fibers
Reticular C.T
❖ Reticular fibers are very thin 0.5 - 2  m in diameter.
❖ Reticular tissue forms the framework around parenchymal cells
❖ stained black () with silver salts (argyrophilic).
❖ Reticular fibers in lymph node
Adipose connective tissue

1- Unilocular (yellow or white) adipose tissue stained with H & E

*peripheral flattened nucleus


❖ oval to rounded cells
❖ small, spherical, centrally located nucleus obscured by cytoplasmic granules.
❖ filled with basophilic coarse granules stained metachromatically with toluidine blue
(curved arrow).
❖ large ovoid cell with basophilic cytoplasm
❖ contains pale area near the nucleus (- ve Golgi image)
❖ spherical, eccentrically placed nucleus.
❖ Nucleus contains compact coarse chromatin alternating with light-areas of equal
size that gives clock-face appearance ().
E/M: Rich in RER, well developed Golgi and centriole are present at the juxtanuclear region

1-Hyaline cartilage
❖ perichondrium

Deeper chondrocytes form cell nests

2-Elastic cartilage
❖ Perichondrium
❖ Matrix contains elastic fibers.
❖ Chondrocytes inside lacunae

I- compact bone:-
❖ covered on the external surface by periosteum.
❖ bone cavities lined by endosteum.
❖ bone lamellae organized in the form of:
a) Haversian systems.
b) Outer circumferential lamellae.
c) Inner circumferential lamellae.
II- (spongy) bone:
❖ branching and anastomosing bone trabeculae.
❖ bone marrow spaces.
❖ no Haversian systems.
❖ surrounded by a layer of compact bone.
covered by periosteum
Human blood smear Showing:
• red blood corpuscles (red biconcave corpuscles with pale centres)
• Monocytes with Kidney-shaped eccentric nucleus
Human blood smear Showing:
• red blood corpuscles (red biconcave corpuscles with pale centres)
Lymphocytes with large rounded nucleus and scanty cytoplasm
Human blood smear Showing:
• red blood corpuscles (red biconcave corpuscles with pale centres)
• Eosinophils with bilobed nucleus and acidophilic granules

Human blood smear Showing:
• red blood corpuscles (red biconcave corpuscles with pale centres)
• Neutrophils (lobulated nucleus and salmon pink granules)
Skeletal muscle:
longitudinal section (LS)
muscle fibers are:
❖ long and cylindrical fibers
❖ deeply acidophilic cytoplasm.
❖ do not branch.
❖ multinucleated with ovoid elongated peripheral nuclei.
❖ show prominent transverse striations.
❖ C.T. in the form of epimysium, perimysium and endomysium
transverse sections (TS):
❖ Muscle fibers appear rounded or polygonal in shape
❖ ovoid elongated multiple peripheral nuclei
❖ deeply acidophilic cytoplasm.
❖ C.T. in the form of epimysium, perimysium and endomysium
❖ T.S. Skeletal muscle: low magnification

Cardiac muscle fibers are:
❖ cylindrical in shape.
❖ branch and anastomose with each other.
❖ one or two centrally located, oval nuclei.
❖ moderately acidophilic cytoplasm.
show transverse striations
Nerve cell bodies (perikarion):
• large central nucleus
• prominent nucleolulus
• several radiating cell processes
• numerous clumps of coarse basophilic granules (Nissl bodies)

Nerve Trunk

❖ bundles (1) of longitudinally arranged parallel nerve fibers.

❖ has an external sheath of dense C.T called epineurium .
❖ Each bundle is surrounded by dense connective tissue coat called perineurium (2).
❖ Each nerve fiber with its sheathes of myelin and Schwann's cell is enveloped by
endoneurium .
the nerve fibers appear acidophilic surrounded by unstained area (myelin) and thin band of
neurolemmal sheath
❖ Capsule of dense C.T. and few smooth muscle fibers.
❖ vascular Trabeculae
❖ red pulp (Blood sinusoids)
❖ white pulp (formed of lymphatic follicles with central arteries)
Palatine tonsils
❖ stratified squamous epithelium with invaginations forming crypts
❖ Lymphatic follicles with germinal centers
❖ separated from surrounding structures by dense C.T. (capsule).
❖ Capsule and trabeculae ( dense connective tissue)
❖ Outer cortex cotains lymphatic follicles (Primary and Secondary)
❖ Cortical sinuses
❖ branched medullary cords
❖ medullary sinuses
Respiratory system


1-Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with goblet cells

2-Submucosal tracheal mucous glands and lymphatic nodules.

3-C-shaped plate of hyaline cartilage attached posteriorly by smooth muscle and connective tissue.
Trachea T.S
2- Lung

❖ Intrapulmonary bronchi
❖ Bronchioles
❖ Respiratory bronchioles
❖ Alveolar ducts
❖ Alveolar sacs
❖ Alveoli


❖ Epithelium: stratified squamous non keratinized.

❖ Muscularis mucosa: inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle.

❖ Submucosa contains simple branched tubulo-alveolar glands.

Musculosa: Inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers.
Lingual papillae

Each papilla has a core of C.T covered with epithelium.

a) Filiform papillae:
❖ conical in shape
❖ The most numerous
❖ epithelium: stratified squamous partially keratinized.
❖ no taste buds
Large Intestine

• no villi.
• epithelium:simple columnar with numerous goblet cells.
• simple tubular intestinal glands.
• Muscularis externa:
inner circular layer
outer longitudinal layer arranged in three bands ( teniae coli).

1. The outer surface is thin skin.

2. The inner surface :stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium with labial glands in the lamina
3. The red (lip) margin : rich in blood vessels.

• broad leaf-like villi.

• Intestinal crypts (glands).
• Submucosa contains Brunner's (mucus secreting) glands.
• Muscularis externa: inner circular and outer longitudinal layers.

• finger like villi: very short or absent over Payer's patches.

• epithelium: simple columnar with numerous goblet cells.

• intestinal glands.

• Payer's patches: in mucosa and submucosa.

Musculosa: inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers
Fundus of stomach

• thick and highly folded Mucosa.

• Epithelium: simple columnar
• fundic gastric glands Numerous acidophiic parietal cells
• Muscularis externa: consists of 3 layers of smooth muscle (inner oblique, middle circular, outer

• The hepatocytes are arranged in plates or cords radiating to central veins.

• plates of hepatocytes separated by blood sinusoids.

• hexagonal classic hepatic lobules

• Portal areas contain branches of hepatic artery, portal vein and bile duct.

• In humans, there are no C.T septa between adjacent lobules.

1- Kidney

❖ cortex contains:

• renal (Malpighian) corpuscle

• proximal and distal convoluted tubules.

❖ medulla contains:

• loops of Henle

• collecting tubules.

• thin wall

• convoluted lumen

• Epithelium: transitional.

• Musculosa: thin inner longitudinal and outer circular smooth muscle layers

I- capsule covered by the germinal epithelium).

2-Outer cortex contains primordial, 1ry, 2ry growing follicles and mature Graafian follicles.

3-Inner medulla of vascular c.t.

2-Fallopian tube


• Highly folded.

• Epithelium: simple columnar partially ciliated and partially secretory.

2-Musculosa: inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle fibers
1- Testes

Several seminiferous tubules (T):

❖ lined with stratified germinal epithelium resting on a basement membrane.
❖ The central lumen of each tubule is filled with tails of spermatozoae (Sz).

❖ Tubules:

• wide lumen

• lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia.

surrounded by smooth muscle cells and loose connective tissue

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