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So teen Ce mee for you and He desires that you reach your full potential Eg RUS ees / ‘nis Word, you wil soon begin fo experience = Ar tae es ee 4 Sa a cr ee PN Tio. a wie caine” 4) MOO Tes | A fae, i) ares les [eivHiois LULN I have come that they may bave life, and have tt to the full bn 10:10 1a you want to experience the abunciant fife Jesus promised in dobn 10:10? The Bible tells us that as a man thinks —or believes — in his heart so is ‘e (Proverbs 23:19) I you believe in your heart that you ae an overoommer in Christ, ven you wil act like an overcame, and you will become en overcomet. You can have victory in every ares of your life — thats ‘why | put together this simole, yet extreely effective tao! to holp you set your thoughts on victory When your thoughts are filed with victory, your actions and experiences willbe filled with victory — to the Glary ‘af Goa God has promised to lead you into vietary in every area af your lf! Its my prayer that as you spend time with the ‘lord each day, you will Discover the Champion in You. Believing God's Best for You! Jo! Osteen THINK THE WAY GOD THINKS No man has ever seen, beard or even imayined the wonderful things Gad basin store Jor those who love the Lord (I Corinthians 2:9) [No mater whore you are in life right now, God has uch ‘more in store for you. God wants to tke you to new loves in tery area of your lite He wants to give you more wisdorn so you can make better decisions. He wants to cive you a stronger anointing so you can have areater influence. He wants to bless you financially sa you can be a blessing to thers. Dan get stuck inthe same old rut — theres sa much ‘more t life! God has new frontiers for you to explore and higher mountains to climb! | can ell you with great confidence that your best days are right out in ront of you! Begin today to think the way God! thinks. The Bible ses, “The path ofthe righteous grows brighter ard brichter an brighter.” Think increase think big... thnk expansive! Start expecting the unexnected and look at Ife through your eyes of faith. When you do, Gad wil sow up and begin to work things ‘in your favor Take a step towers victory in your life today. Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father; Tthank: You for thts day. Uthante You that Yuu have new opportunittes for me to experience tercase saad vitory i cory area of ry life. Teach reo howe to think like You and see niyself the way You see mie, so 1 axes experience all Yor: bave for me today DEVELOP A VISION OF VICTORY Behold I ans doing a neto thing. Can you not perceive tt? (Isaiah 43:19), Da you have a vision f victory for your lite? Do you ppereeive vitory in your every step? Are you living each day Filled with faith and expoctancy? Today's vorse doesn't say that God is going t do a new thing some day — He didn't say maybe next week, next month or next year. God said, “Tim doing something new in your life right now!" Can you rat perceive it? God wants to do something new in your life today Let go of your old way of thinking and take hold of the new zhing God has for you! God said in Jeremiah 29:11, “My plans for you are good and not evil, 1 give you a future and @ hope.” His plans for you are good, regardless of what has happened in {your past, No matter what, His plans wil always befor your jood! God can turn your setbacks around. He can take your tragedy and tum it nto triumph! Let go ofthe past, seek Gnd plan and develop that vision of victory for your life! Prayer for Today: Heavenly Pather thank You that Your plans for me today are for good. Thar You for pustong that vision ‘of victory in my heart Tack that You belp me pur You first in all L do, Father, bless me in a special way so 1 tani be a blessong to others ray. MAKE A PLAN Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3). {h order to fulfil your destiny, you have to make a plan aoeording 0 God's purrases and stay focused to fil that plan. Wake up each day knowing where you's head, which cirectian you's taking and what you are going to accomplish — and then stick with it! Don't allow the distractions and busymess of lfe get you offcourse. Ask yourself, “ls what m doing moving me towards my God-given destin? Is this my purpose in fe, or am I just wasting time being busy and not really making any progress?” Proverbs 4:25 says, “Keep yout ys fixed strait ahead, Don't took tothe let and don't ok to the right.” Don't be distracted and spend your time and eneigy on things that are not helping you fulfil your destiny. Remember, Gods plans are blessed, and as you walkin His olan for your life, you will experience His abundance in everything you set your hand tol Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the plan that You dave for ney life. Help me set ney schedule to accomplish Your will today. Thanks You for the Holy Spirit who és iney Comforter and leads and guides mo into all rath Help me bonor You in all do today! SPEAK WHAT YOU SEEK Declare what is to be. . (Isaiah 45:21), If you're going to live life af vitor, you mast speak positive womds of faith and declare what God says about your Situation. Philippians 4:13 deciares tat you can do al things ‘through Christ who strengthens you. No matter how inadequate or unqualified you may fee!, Jesus promises to stengtien and enable you When the time of adversity eames, what do you say about you situation? Do you dectare that you are an ‘overeomer trough Christ? ‘Ayan can be positive when things are going well. But the way you resaond when adversity comes will make ar break you. What you say in the midst of your difcuties will have a ditect impact on the outcome. Don't lok atthe facts cf your situation. Look atthe tuth of God's Word. Declare His Truth over your situation until the facts line up with His Word! Mace the decision today that you ate going to make it hough — and quickly! Prayer for Today: Precious Heavenly Father, today I commit the wonds of ney mouth to You. I determine to speak Your thoughts of victory aver vey life and the lives of those around me Help me stay focused on Your Word today, kecomving thut You have provaised that 1 can do all things with You on ney sie, STAND STRONG DURING ADVERSITY Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil conres, you may be able to stand your ground (Ephesians 6:23), We all face challenges and dificult times. God doesn't send these storms, but i’ in times of cificuty that we grow ‘and became stranger. tt's an opportunity to allow Gods Word ‘to come alive in your ifs and see you though to victory. You eat run from everyting that’s hard in your life and expect God to deliver you immediately. God uses these challenges to stretch you and enlarge your vision, emain faithful during your time of adversity. Moke ‘up your mind to serve God no matter what comes against you, and God will enor you. Fight the good fight of eth. Remember, Go will not waste anything you go through in hfe. You are grewving You are maturing. You are being prepared for prornotion. Simply remain faithful and fight life tough. In due 50250, in God's oppointed time, He will promote you to new Jevels of victory. and youl live that abundant life that He has promised you! Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father thank You for making me strong Athrowgh adversity I shank You that bocause You are faithful to mae, | can be faithful to You. Give me Your wisdom to male the right decisions today and the strength to stand strony no raatter what life brings, BE JOYFUL ALWAYS For the joy of the Lord vs your strength (Nebemuiah 8:10). InPsekms, Devic said, “I wl bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mauth "aif times means in the goad times as well as the tough times. The Bible tells us to stay ful of jy ro matter what we are facing, The jy ofthe Lordi out soutce of sttength and the enemy knows it. He knows that if be can get you dawn and cliscouraged, before long, youl be weak and feeble and hel be able to easily defeat you When you are ful f jay and have a good attitude, you keep yourset strong. That postive attude o faith paves the way fr God to work miracles in your life —it paves the way for Gad to tum your situation around! Decide today to have a good attitude. Keep yours fll if His oy by meditating on the goodness and promises of God Be full of the joy ofthe Lord! You'l soon experience Supernatural strength and discover the victorious life God as planned for you! Prayer for Today: Dear Father, shante You for filing may life with joy. Thank You that | am Blessed and cannot be curved, hank You that in all thangs You cause me to trivinph, ‘Thank You for your strength within me that comes from that joy. Ubless You today and rejoice in Your goodness YOU ARE APPROVED Before you were cver formed in your mother's womb, {save you and approved you (Jeremiah 1:5). ‘You are approved by Almighty God! Isn't that awesome? You are created in His image, and you are the apple of His cee. You did not choose God, but He chose you and He is pleased with you — His most precious creation Notice that verse doesn't say that God approves you as tong as you don't have any faults r 2s long as you don't make ay mistakes, No, God approves you urconditionally. No matter how many weknesses you may think you have toa, no matter how many times you fll, you've gat to get right hack up again and hold your head up high Dorit allow the ‘enemy to bring strife into your fife hy deceiving you into thinking that you are not “good enough.” Stand strong in your though’s about youself knowing that not only have you boen chosen, but you are appraved by Almighty God! Prayer for Today: Dar Heavenly Father, thante You for Your tnconditional dove for me. Thank You for apprnsing and accepting me. 1 «xk that You reveal Your love to me today, so 1 can share with others. I determine in my heat that no matter twhat happens, Til keep moving forward with You on the path to victory! PURSUE YOUR VICTORY This one thing I do, fongetting what lies bebind, 1 press on towards the mark... (Philippians 3:13-14). les time ta be aggressive and energetic when it coxnes to letting oo of the past and pressing forward to the abundant |ife God has in store for you. Its time to rise up and boldly G0 after your victory! Its time to develon a wattior mentality and proactively pursue the hapainess, health and peace that God has promised in His Word. God told Joshua to ers over the Jordan and go in to possess the land. "Possess implies action. It means to ove ‘out the previous tenents. Jesus said in Matthew 11:12, “The Kington of Heaven suffers violence, but the violent take it by force.” Its time to stop dwelling on past mistakes and failures, ‘at determine to ever look back! ‘As you set your focus on the Word af God and His promises, youl discaver His abundance of joy, peace and prosperity in every area of your lifet Prayer for Today: Dear Father give me the boldess to pursue victory for ‘my life determine today to forget my past failures ecnuse | now they are washed clean by the precious load of Your Son, Jesus. U will rise up today and declare «and pursue the plan You have prepared for me. Bill my ‘art iwith Your joy and peace HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Let no foul or polluting langeage come out of your mouth (Epbesians 4:29). Your words can pollute or purty f you constantiy complain, you release poison inta your life, Complaining is not based on your circumstances; its based on the attitude ‘of your heart Ifyou keep the right attitude curing your time (of adversity, Goa wil honor you \Whan you have a heart full of gratitude, it leaves no room for complaining, There is always something to thank God for, no matter what kind of adversity you have in your life, Start by thanking Him for giving you life and salvation through Jesus Christ. Thank Him for the air you breathe and the sunsets you enjoy. Thank Him for the promise in His Word that no matter where you are in hf, He is leading, guiding ‘and prospering you. Decide today 10 live alte of thanksgiving, Don't llow the poison of complaining to prevent you from receiving all God has for you! Prayer for Today: Dear Father, Lam so thankful for Your love and peace Tm shank that You are faithful even wher Lamm nok Thank: You for Your promises of victory. I bless You today. Wii the frit of roy lips I give You thanks and praise all day Long. May the twonds of ny mouth and the meditations of vey beart be pleasing to You today. OVERCOME OPPOSITION A wrde door has been opened to me and with it are ‘many adversaries (I Corintbians 16:9). Gad is always giving us opportunities to move forward in fe, itis Gods desire that you grow and reach your full Potential. Any time you take a step forward, the enemy wil ‘ny to bring apposition and adversity against you. Paul aid in | Gernthians 169, “A wide door has been opened to me ancl ‘with tare many adversaries ” God promises tht trough Him. ‘you tan overcome any opposition the enemy brings your wey. ‘When you step out in faith and opposition comes, stand your ground and keep doing wht you know to da. Kees on praying, reading the Bible, going to church and waking in love and forgveness, Keep your heart tender and speak words of hope and vetory over your life. When the enemy sees you are ‘nore determined thar he i, hel back down andl you'll move forward to new levels of victory! Stay focused ard full of joy co matter whet comes against you You will avercorne apposition ‘and wei through the door the Lord has opened to you! Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this dey and for every opportunity to advance ti life [ask for the ‘wisdowe to. make the right choices, and I determine to stand on Your promises. I thante You that You are bigger than any problene may encounter. Thank You for Towing me and setting me free t0 well in victory today. DECLARE BLESSING Say to thems, may the Lard bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile upon you and be gracious to you, Mary the Lord show you His favor and wive you His peace (Numbers 624) A blessing is not a blessing until itis declare! So tay, declare a blessing over yourself and others. Speak that blessing in the tame of Jesus! Declare you ate blessed with God's supernatural wisdom and receive clear direction for yous life Declare today thet you are blessed with creativity, courage, talent and abundance. You are blessed with a strong wil selt- control and self-cisciline. You are blessed with a reat fami, ood friends, good health faith, favor anc futiiment. You are blessed with suacess, supematural strength, promotion and sivine protection. You are blessed with a compassionate heart ‘anda positive outiook on lif. Declare that any curse or negative word that’s ever been spoken over you is broken right row in the rame of Jesus. Declare thet everything you put your hard to is gong to prosper and succeed! Declare it today and every day (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) Prayer for Today: Precious Father, thane You for speaking blessings over ny life in Your Wond. Thank you for equipping me swith everything that | need to be successful. Teich me 10 consistently believe in and declare Your blessings over ny lifeand the lives of those around me. DEVELOP A RESTORATION MENTALITY Toll restore the years that the locust has eaten and {will bring you out with plenty and you shall be satisfied (Joel 225). God wants you to live a satisted ite. He has promised 10 estore all the things that the enemy has stolen. However, just because God gives this great promise, doesn't mean it ‘will automatically come to pass in your life. You have to do Your part 0 develop a restoration mentality. Expect things to changin your favor Be strong-willed and determined, and «do everything you can to recover what the enemy has stlen Remember, obstacles are simply opportuitis for advancement. f you'll do your part to have @ restoration ‘mentality, God will tke every obstacle that comes into your life and tum it into a stepping-stone that wl take you to @ place of higher honor and greater blessing! Prayer for Today: Deu Father, thank You for promising to restore to me what the enemy bas stolen. Teach me to trast You more and develop a restoration mentality. Than You for eeping nee on the path to victory m every anca of my ie! FOCUS ON THE FUTURE Do not cast away your confidence for ut will be richly rewarded (Hebrews 10:35). Godt is eanstantly trying to plant new seeds of victory inside of you! He's tying to increase you and enlarge your vision He wants to take you ta nev levels of victory But in order for this to happen, the seed has ta take rant in your heat, Before you'e ever going to be successful, you've gat to see yourself boing success ul. Before your dreams come to pass, you've got to look through your eyes of faith and see them coming to pass. The enemy doesn't want you to fulfill your destiny, so fie immediately ties to discourage you and uproot the seed God planted. In orde to defeat the enemy in your life, you have to stay focused on 60's promises. Constantly medhtat on His promises, live a lite that is pleasing and honoring to Gad, ‘and thank the Lor for His feithfulness no matter what the circumstances look like. Before long, you'll begin ta see the dreams God placed in your heart come to pass — dreams filled with blessing and victory! Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father L commit ray thoughts to You today. 1 purpose in ray heart to stay focused on You and the good pare You heave fur me today. Holy Spirit, remind ne of God's Word so 1 ean fill nzy heart with His prontise of victory today. FEED YOUR FAITH .. Jor everyone born of God overcomes the world. This isthe vietory that hes overcome ike world, ‘even our faith ("Jobn 5:4). Asa child of God, you have the power within you ta overcome the world. That includes everyting in the world, and everything the word brings your way! The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God As you hear the Word of God and store itn your hear, your faith in God grows stroiger. When the enemy ties to attack you through sickness, feer, worry or financial mishaps, just put your faith to work by declaring the Word of Go. Declare that hy His stripes you are healed! Declare that perfect Jove casts out all fear! Declare that God shall supply all your needs! Declare that because you are born of God, you fave faith to aveicame the world! Store the Word of God in your heart foday so you can declare it in your day of need. Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word which brings umderstanding and purpose imo nay life Thanks You for the gift of faith that yrones as I stuay Your Word Lask You to bring to ray memory Your ‘rath that stored in my heart that will give me the victory T need today. LIVE TO GIVE Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over (Luke 6:38). God wants you tobe happy! He wants you to live a satisfied lif, Jesus said, "I Have come that you might have ane enjoy life, and have it to the full — until overfiows!” ‘A major key to enjoying lite is that we Ive to give Tue happiness en true fulfilment come when you give ‘of your ite n some way to others. Gad promises to multiply back to you what you give When you step out in faith, you ‘open a door for God's hard! of blessing to move on your. ‘oehalf. ts rhe simple principle of sowing and reaping God has a soexific plan for everyone of our lives. His lan involves reaching out and touching other people with His love, mercy and compassion. Ask the Lord to show you how you can share His lave with others by giving of your time, your talents and your resources today. Prayer for Today: Dear Father, thank You for ibe precious opportunity to share Your love and compassion with others today. 1 fencte that as step out to give of mysell. You will use me to be a blessing to others. Thank You for Your goodness anid mercy, which follow me all te days of ay Hf LIVE BY THE SPIRIT Ifyou live by the Spirit, you'll wot fulfill he lasts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16) Dic you know that you meke over 2500 choices every clay? The quality of your ifs is determined bythe quality of your decisions. Because ofthat, choosing ta live aconcng tn the Spirits the most irportant decision you can make, One way God specks to yous through your spit, that sal "wice” inside that prompts you when you should o should do something, When you choose to obey God's leading, that “inner prompting,” yoo wil always make the rig choice! | John 3:21 says that a quity conscience hinders communication with our Heaventy Father. Thats why iis s0 important to stay tr to your conscience and quickly rept if ‘you've made a mistako, Remember Jeremiah 29.11 promises that God has oreat plans instore for you and wen you choose to follow His leading, He will uide you on a path of vitor in every area of your life! You are tom to win! Prayer for Today: Pracious Father thank You for Your prosnise to lead and guide wre by Your Spirit. 1 ask You to teach ree to clearly now Your prompiings in rey bear so tha I can follow Your leading, Thank You for vetting me jree to walk in story today. RELEASE THE PAST but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are bebind, and reaching forward to what lies ahead, | press toward the mark for the prize of the brigh calling of Ged in Christ Jesus (Phalippians 313-14). (ne of tho mein keys to overcanng disappointments in life is learning to let oo of the past. You lt go ofthe past by choosing to forgive those who have hurt or wranged you by believing that God wl restore to you anything that was taken. \When you receive Christ’ forgiveness in your own lif, you are released fom the pressure to make up fr past mistkes oF failures, You begin to expesience the bright future God hes in sre for you Don't et he rages of yesterday destroy the hoes of tomorrow, No matter whet has happened in te past, God is God cf restoration, and He wil restre wat the enemy has stolen from you ‘Acnopt Gods mercy and forgiveness oc, an ook forward to the wonderful plan He has for your future! Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank You forthe if of forgiveness — ‘the gift that releases one frora the past and enables me to run towards You and the bright future You have tn store for me. Shore me if there are any area of rnforgiveness ‘ney bean so that I mary forgive and walk in victory! FILTER YOUR THOUGHTS Laill set no evil before my eyes Psalm 101:3) Did you know that what you think determines tho rection and quality of your ite? The Bible encourages us to think on things that are pure, wholesome and of a good report Phil 48). In order to think on the night things, ris important that youfiter wat you watch, read and lsten to. Don’ et the enemy siowly deceive you into lowering your standards and desensitzing you to what is good and pure Don't let him have a single opportunity to pull you down by ‘watching of being involved in things trat are questionable. Remornbor you a tho temple of ie Hoty Sprit Fill your thoughts with the promises of God found in His Word — promises of peace, joy and freedom, promises of safety, deliverance and provision; promises of a future and a hope that are ony found through Jesus Christ! As you fill your thoughts with God's Word, victory will came alive in every anes of your lifel Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today t ask You to fill ey thoughts with Your thoughts, and fll my bear with Your rovatses. | choose ta focus on You and the goud things You have in store for me. 1 will meditate on Yor Word, Thank You for guiding my every action, my every tought and my every step STAND FIRM Fear not; siand firm and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today (Exodus 14:13). When yau step out tn do something big for God, the nei wl Send challenges and distractions to knock you off course, He may iy o ser you tuning, but you have a promise that God is wnking behind the scenes for you. You! be amazed at wit God will do in your fe when you stand and face your challenges and hold on to the promises found in His Wor. When you take a stand, you make a declaration of your faith in God and automatealy raise that shield of faith ich extinguishes all the flaming arrows of the awl ane (Ephesians 6:16) Sa take a stand today, and stay on the cours the Lord has set for you — take a stand in your prayer life — take a stand in your Bile study time — take a stand in your avis. cf sevice and giving to others. Take stand and see the salvation and provision ofthe Lord in every area ot your lif! Prayer for Today: Deur Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise to rng me throagh fo victory. Task for Your strength as T take a stand to do what is right acconding to Your Ward. Throw Your hand of blessing és upon ney every act of. obedience. I bless Your name today and will seek to serne You én everything Id, LIVE A BALANCED LIFE they have mde me a keeper of vineyanls, but my wun vineyard Lave not kept (Song of Solomon: 10). ‘Are there areas of your life that are not “kept” because ‘you are taking care of everyone else? If you're always on the ‘ge, constantly working and never take time for yourself, you will end up stressed out and overwhelmed, and you won't be abe to enjoy life the way that God intended. Living a belance life brings peace, oy and heclth The person speaking in Song of Soloman was good at taking car af everyone else — his family, his friends, his work. He made sure everyone else was happy, but in doing ‘thal, he neglected to take care of himself. Are you living like ‘that today? Do you spend all your time on other people, but not ary on yourself? Eventually you will burn out. Decide today to begin investing in yourself, Take time to relax and ‘ejuvenete yourselt. When you are refreshed ematioraliy, physically, and spiritually, you are able to give to others mare ‘effectively. As you bring balance to your life. you will begin to ‘enjoy every day 10 the fullest — just the way God interdad Prayer for Today: ‘Dear Heavenly Father thank You for giving me the wisdom to make right choices and bring balance in try life. { make the decizion to put You first in all that Ido I purpose to take time to invest in myself wo that L may sctive i sharing and giving to others EXPECT FAVOR the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good: thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless (Psalm 84:11). ‘What an awesome prose — no goot! thing does He withhold... God wants to pout out his abundant bessings, His abundant victory and fevorn your if! In Psalm 8S, the Bile ‘ays that God hes crowned us with glory and hone Another ‘word far honor is “favo” In othe! words, God has crowned is ‘with His favor! He wants you to thrive and excel inf Yau are a child ofthe Most High God. You walk in His favor each and every day — not because of who you are, but bacause of Whove you are! You are favored because you are a child of God and He wants you to be "favorminded.” To be ‘avorminded simply means that you are releasing your faith, knowing that God wants to bless you. The more faverminged you are, the mare of God's favor you're going to see! Begin to declare that you nave the favor of God surrounding you knowing Gods favor wil bring you to a piace of peace, hope ‘and victory like you've never experienced before. Prayer for Today: Father God, thanks You for calling mae Your cid andl ‘pouring Your favor upon my every step. Help, me to sce Your hana of blessing, so that I maey glrify Youn al that 1 do, receive Your fovor in ay Ifo this day! Thanke You Jor blessing me today, so that I may be a blessing to others FORGIVE PAST HURTS Let all bitterness, indignation, wrath, resentment, quarreling and slander (evil-speaking, abuse or blasphemous language) be banished from you . (Ephesians 431) Did you know that unforgveness, bitterness and resentment block the flow of Gods blessing in your life? Holding ‘on to te huts of your past cen poison your present and init your Future, But when you lt go ofthese emctonal wounds, ‘you open the door tothe lie of vctory that God hs planned ‘The enemy wil ry o use your past 10 influence Yaur ‘ection and responses. He wil try to paralyze you with fear ‘and shame. But when you choose to forgva those wo have ‘wronged you and release your past to your Heavenly Father’ Joving care, you can waik in freedom. You can tae your sone for His oy. You can trade your shame for Hs peace. You can twee your insecurities fr His love and victory! You are not defined by your past. You ae defined by Gods Word and His pln for your ite And God sees you as an overcorer! God sees you as a champian in Ie Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift forgiveness. Thank You for loving me enough to set ‘me frce. ask You now to search rey heart and show ‘me any burt or bitterness [need to release so can twalk in forgiveness amd freedare today RAISE YOUR SELF-IMAGE As a man thinks in heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Did you know that you never will rise above the image you have of yoursel? If you see yourself as poor and \dfeatad, then you're going to live @ poor, defeated life In order to change your lite, you have to change your focus. You have to change what you Te looking at and believing fr You have to believe that Gos is for you end desires good things for your life. you choose tn stay focused on the things that ere negative in your life, then ty your own ehoice you are agreeing with the enemy. You cast the deciding vote When you bolieve his is. itopers a door to destruction in your life But on the ather hand, if you choose to agree with God ‘and His Wo, i you'll choose to focus on the fact that you ‘can do all things through Christ, and that you'te more than @ conqueror, then your faith is going to cause God to show tp and work supematuraly in your lel Your faith will help You go to new levels of vietory and soon you wl fise to be the champion God has called you to bel Prayer for Today: Dear Heaventy Father, thank You jor designing mre to succeed in every area of my life. | choose io agree with ‘Your Word and focus on the good things in wry life. 1 a that You have equipped me to live as a champion in fo! AVOID STRIFE For where there is yealousy and selfishness, there is strife and every evil work... (James 3:16). Ae you praying and seeking Go fora change in your life? ‘Does there seem to be an imvsble roachock preverting you from experiencing Gods biessing and favor tn the fullest? The Bibi tells us that when we hold on to sti, it brings ‘confusion. Strife apens the door to every evil work ofthe enemy {aes 3:18) Strife can creep in ke cancer to steal your peace destoy relationships an extinguish hope. You must crnstantly stay on guard against suifs and make the decision tovak in love and peace, Keaping strife out of your ie is 2 vita ke to ving the abuncant lite Go basin store for you! Follow the exemple of Jesus and let our wards and actions bring life to those around you. Focus more on lowing ‘people than proving your point As you anor and rete others, and lay yout cum opinions ase, youl soar a level ot peace and est you've never experiencad before — end new levels of victory and abundance! Prayer for Today: Dear Father, show me where E may be harboring any strfe or selfishness in wey heart. I repent of any attitude that ts unpleasing to You and blocks the flow of Your Spits in ney life. Show me how can demonstrate Your love to otbers this day and use me as a catalyst to Bring hope, joy and encouragement to others. REST AND WAIT ‘The vision i for an appointed time. Though it tarry, watt earnestly for tt for it wll surely come (Habakkuk: 2:3) | now God has put dreams and desires in your heart — things you are honing for, praying about, ond believing in, The Bible says if wel pray in faith according to God's Word, then Bed will boar us and answer thoso provers. When you havea dream frm God in your heart you don't fave to strugale and iy to fore tt hap, You dort have to be worried of frustrated, wondering i its ever going to come to ‘pass, When you have the eromises of God deep in your heart, the Bible says you vil “enter into the rest of God.” Thats @ ‘place of totl trust. place where you know, beyond a shacow ‘ofa doubt, that God is ging ta see you through. fsa place of faith, knowing that God fs in complete cantal, ard atthe exact, ‘ight time, He will ring your dream to pass! Prayer for Today: Dear Hoaverly Father, thank You for the droavas and desires You've placed in my heart. T choose to trust is Yiwu and wait for Your plan to bring thems to pass. I Kraonw You are faithful, and | sbane You for yuiding and directing may every step. EXPECT GOD’S BEST Those who teait for the Lord, zoho expect, look for, and hope in Hom, shall renew their strength (saiah 40:31). ‘What are you expecting in life — good things? Bad ‘things? Big things? Little things? Anything at all? God warts yeu To get your hopes up! The Bibi sys, “Faith s the ‘substance of things hoped for." One definition of hope is ‘confident expactaney, id you koa you can't even have faith if you don't first have hope? ‘Your expectations set the limits for your life. If you never expect anything good, you're never going to receive anything good. If you don’t expect things to get better, then thing wll get better God promises tn meet you at your level of expectancy. Thats why Jesus said in Matthew 228, “According to your faith be it dane unto you,” One transtation simply says, “Have what your faith expects.” ‘Start expecting to overcome every challenge you face and for God to mest all af your needs! Live every day of your life filled with anticipation that God is going to bless you abundantly above and beyond your wildest dreams! Prayer for Today: Dear Father, thank You for Your hand of blessing on ney life Today I purpose ux my heart to ratse wry level of expectoncy ad bepe in You, Thank You for puting Your deste ix my Beart and bringing theme to pass ie may life BE WHO YOU ARE For you are God's own handiwork, recreated in Christ that you may do ike good works that Gr predestined... (Ephesians 2:10), You are God's special handiwork — equipped and ‘anointed tobe the person God has called you to be! The Bible says in Psalm 139 that God knew who you were before you were ever formed in your mother’s womb. You have Unique gifts, abilities and talons, and God has a unique plan for your lif, The enemy may ty to make yu think you have to conform to the opinions of others, but if you ae secure in who God made you, then you can resist those outside demands and pressures that ‘try to mald you into something youte not ‘As you continue to grow in your relationship with the Lord, through prayer, worship and fellowship with ather believers, you will gain confidence in the Lord thet wil free you from the opinions of man and allow you to be the person Gud called you to bel Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the unique gifts abilities and talents You've placed in my life. Show me bow fo use what You've groen me to fulfill Your plan cand be a blessing to those around me today. I beliene You have a good plan for my life and T purpose to he who Yeu have called me to be LET GOD DEFEND YOU God is a just God and He will repay the exact compensation onved yo. He will settle and solve the cases of bis people (Hebrews 10:30) ‘Ae you dealing with an “unsolved case" trom your past that needs resolution? Are you waiting for your day of justice ‘repayment? God promises in His Word that He is your Vindicator He is your Defencer He wil settle your case and repay everything the enemy has stolen. But in order to allow CCist to settie your debts, you have to forgive others in the same way Jesus forgave you when you were guilty of sin ‘You have to release those who have wronged you trom what you think they owe you. That's true forgiveness freeing others, sa that you can be free. ‘AS you wrlk and live in forgiveness, you show that you trust in God! to repay and defend you. You show that you have faith in God to be your Defender. God will hanar your faith in +Him-and move on your behalf, every single time! Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being my Defender. Lash You right mow to search my heart and show me any areas that Lave not released io You Help me forgive those who have wronged me so that 1 ‘nay be free to lve on sictory GUARD YOUR HEART Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that yor guard, for out of it lows the springs of life (Proverbs 4:23), God is constantly trying to plant new seeds of vietry inside of you, ard your heart isthe soil or those seeds. Hf you harbor bitterness, jealousy. or pride in your heart, those seads won't beable to take root and develop in your We, Jesus tld the story of how the enemy comes to steal the seed of God's Word through temolatons, cares and anxieties But you ate good ground for the seed ofthe Word wien you ard your beat by standing and belevingtrat Goos promises will come to pass — even when the citeumstannes sar't ‘agree, Don't allow discouragement to affect your faith. Stand and guard your heat knowing tat through faith and patience, you wil hart all of Gods promises for your lel Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father thank You for the plan of victory You have for my life. Thank You for giving me the strength to guard my heart by staying focused on You Help me stay focused on Your thoughts or may life PRAISE HIM FOR THE VICTORY But you will give us victory over our enemies... and swe will praise your name forever (Psalin 44:78). God has commended victory tobe yours! And when God commands something. i going to happen! When Gor commande fight 0 come. light came at 186,000 miles per second — and light s still coming! ‘God has commendod that we lve in victory. That means no mattat what you're going through, no mater how datk it looks, you can be eicouraged that the darkness has to ave way fo the ight. Defeat has to give way to vetory! But in order to open that door to victory, we must continually do what ‘he pszimis did and constently prose His name. Don't go arcund talking about your probiems; go around taking about yourGod! Dart go around speaking wards of defeat and failure: speak wands of faith and victory! Quit wonying and start worshipping! Start praising and thanking God, and ‘expect things to chango in your favor. Goa wil ake you places thet you've never even reared of, and youll start experiencing the victories that He's commanded to be yours! Prayer for Today: Ob Heavenly Father, | praise You today for the promise of victory n my life! Thank You for Your Word and the precious blond of You Sov, Jesus, that causes me to overcome in every area of life. With the frit of ry Ups, Twill praise You all day long!

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