Information For Planning A Language Awareness Lesson

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Information for planning a Language Awareness


Language Awareness lessons are an opportunity for you to plan review and extension
activities to practice grammar covered in the textbook unit. The choice of focus(es) will
depend on the information you get from Formative Assessment.

Note that Language Awareness lessons should be presented and practised using a main
skill and complementary skill (Listening, Speaking, Reading or Writing).
For this lesson, teachers need to refer to the Content and Learning Standards in the
Curriculum Framework document, and identify one main skill and one complementary skill
that match the given grammar focus (demonstrative pronouns). It is important to remember
that grammar activities should be integrated into tasks which practise language skills.
Use the information below to plan a Language Awareness lesson. Write your plan on the
lesson plan template provided by the Ministry of Education.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic: Free time
Cross curricular elements: Language
Language/Grammar focus: Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)

Refer to the Year 5 Student’s Book p.9 Activities 1 and 2 and instructions for teachers in
the Teacher’s Book p.23 when planning this Language Awareness lesson.

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