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Comenzado el Friday, 27 de November de 2020, 16:11
Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 27 de November de 2020, 16:16
Tiempo empleado 4 minutos 51 segundos
Calificación 20,00 de 20,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1
Write questions for these answers.
Tom watched an English film.
Puntúa 3,00
sobre 3,00 Who did watch an English film?

watch / did / English film? / an / Who

Pregunta 2
Write questions for these answers.
Jenny helped her father in the garden.
Puntúa 3,00
sobre 3,00 Who did help her father in the garden?

her father / help / in the garden? / Who / did

Pregunta 3
Write questions for these answers.

Puntúa 3,00
We learned the irregular verbs yesterday
sobre 3,00

When did we learn the irregular ver

did / When / the irregular verbs? / learned / we

Pregunta 4
Complete the sentences below with the past tense of the verbs.
Quintin: __ __ you at the party last night?
Puntúa 8,00
sobre 8,00
Angela: Yes, I was

Quintin: ___ ____ your classmates go with you?

Angela: No, they ___ ___. I was with Amy only.

Quintin: __ ___ did you enjoy it?

Angela: I ___ _ it a lot.

Quintin: Who did you _ _?

Angela: I danced with Jose. Were

Quintin: Sounds like a party with everything!



How much
Pregunta 5
Write questions for these answers.
Correcta enjoyed
Kate needed a new computer.
Puntúa 3,00
sobre 3,00 What did Kate need? dance

Kate / What / need? / did

◄ Past tense (Regular verbs) interrogative sentences - Short answers.. danced enjoy

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