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Grossman’s Terrible Tale (Graffiti Painting Story)

Dr. Grossman was once one of the world’s most famous brain surgeons. He had saved

many lives and was often considered a miracle worker. For his next great feat, Dr. Grossman

decided to search for the answer to reverse evilness in someone’s brain. In collaboration with

the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he was given approval to experiment on one of the world’s

most heinous criminals who was already on death row.

However, something went very wrong. On the day of the surgery, there was trouble with

the anesthesia, and Dr. Grossman unknowingly started the procedure while the criminal was

awake. As Dr. Grossman was about to inject a serum he had created that would reverse a

person’s personality, the criminal yanked the syringe and injected it into Dr. Grossman. Dr.

Grossman fainted and eventually awoke several days later in a hospital room.

Upon waking up, everything seemed normal. Dr. Grossman’s serum seemed to be a

failure, and he appeared to be the same kind, brilliant doctor. After being discharged and

returning to his home, Dr. Grossman’s new personality was revealed. Instead of wanting to use

his skills for the good of mankind, he now saw things in a more sinister light.

Dr. Grossman stopped showing up for his job at the hospital and concern started to grow.

One of the newest hired doctors volunteered to check up on him. Unfortunately, this new hire

did not return either. The hospital knew Dr. Grossman was working on a project with the FBI

and got in contact with the project members. The FBI had not heard from Dr. Grossman either

and feared something went wrong with his newest experiment. After assembling a team, the FBI

raided Dr. Grossman’s house and were horrified to see numerous people being experimented on

in the most horrific ways imaginable.

The FBI took him in for questioning and quickly realized that the project had not been a

failure, but the wrong person was given the personality reversal serum. This realization meant

the world had lost one of the world’s greatest minds and would probably never see his brilliance

used for good again. After this, Dr. Goodman was placed in solitary confinement for the rest of

his life for the safety of the public. This would keep people safe for now, but Dr. Goodman was

always one step ahead.

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