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Insurance Companies

1. increasing overlap and blurred distinctions between insurance and financial investment
2. Add in the insurance and banking meltdown of 2008/2009, which broke up, merged and
destroyed several companies

Operation Coverage of LIC:

LIC operates all over India. It has :-
-7 Zonal offices
-100 Divisional offices
-2048 Branch offices
-6,28,301 Agents

LIC has a variety of insurance plans to choose from. These plans cater to all categories of people and
to their diverse needs. The plans are simply unmatched in reliability, benefits and in providing
happiness and security.

Objectives of LIC:
1. Spread of Life Insurance widely an in particular to the rural areas an to the socially an
economically backward classes with a view to reaching all insurable persons in the country and
providing them adequate financial cover against death at reasonable cost.
2. Maximise mobilisation of people’s savings by making insurance-linked savings adequately
3. Conduct business with utmost economy and with the full realisation that the money’s belong to
the policy holders.
4. Act as trustee’s of the insured public in their individual as well as collective capacities.
5. Meet the various Life Insurance needs of the community that would arise in the changing social
and economics environment.
6. Involve all people working in the corporation to the best of their capability in furthering the
interest of the insured public by providing efficient service with courtesy.
7. Bear in mind, in the investment of funds, the primary obligation to its policy holders, whose
money it holds in trust, without losing sight of the interest of the community as a whole; the funds
to be deployed to the best of advantage of the investors as well as the community as a whole,
keeping in view the national priorities and obligations of attractive returns.
8. Promote amongst all employees and agents of the corporation, pride and job satisfaction through
discharge of their duties with dedication

1. Children Plans
2. Plans for Handicapped Dependents:
3. Endowment Assurance Plan:
4. Plans for High Worth Individuals:
5. Money Back Plans:


• Jeevan Nidhi
• Future Plus (closed for sale)
• Jeevan Akshay-III (closed for sale)
• Jeevan Akshay-IV (closed for sale)
• Jeevan Akshay-V
• New Jeevan Dhara-I
• New Jeevan Suraksha-I

As individuals it is inherent to differ. Each individual’s insurance needs and requirements are
different from that of the others. LIC’s Insurance Plans are policies that talk to customers
individually and give customers the most suitable options that can fit customer’s requirement.
1. Children Plans:
As the name suggest Children Plans are made spicily for Children. It gives secured future to the
parents and their children by different schemes mentioned below:
• Jeevan Anurag
• Komal Jeevan
• Marriage Endowment Or
• Educational Annuity Plan
• Jeevan Kishore
• Jeevan Chhaya
• Child Career Plan
• Child Future Plan
2. Plans for Handicapped Dependents:
LIC also provides support and make more able to build the status in the society by making them
• Jeevan Aadhar
• Jeevan Vishwas
3. Endowment Assurance Plan:
This policy not only makes provisions for the family of the Life Assured in event of his early
death but also assures a lump sum at a desired age. The lump sum can be reinvested to provide
an annuity during the remainder of his life or in any other way considered suitable at that time.
• The Endowment Assurance Policy
• The Endowment Assurance Policy-Limited Payment
• Jeevan Mitra(Double Cover Endowment Plan)
• Jeevan Mitra(Triple Cover Endowment Plan)
• Jeevan Anand
4. Plans for High Worth Individuals:
This is an Endowment Assurance plan offering the choice of many convenient premium paying
terms. It provides financial protection against death throughout the term of plan with the
payment of maturity amount on survival to the end of the policy term.
• Jeevan Shree-I
• Jeevan Pramukh
5. Money Back Plans:
This type of policies is that in the event of death at any time within the policy term, the death
claim comprises full sum assured without deducting any of the survival benefit amounts, which
have already been paid. Similarly, the bonus is also calculated on the full sum assured.
• The Money Back Policy-20 Years
• The Money Back Policy-25 Years
• Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years
• Jeevan Surabhi-20 Years
• Jeevan Surabhi-25 Years
• Jeevan Rekha (closed for sale)
6. Term Assurance Plan:
The Term Assurance plan caters to the individuals who specifically require insurance cover
against risk for specific period, for instance persons who are required to go on tours for instance
for a year or so.
• Two Year Temporary Assurance Policy
• The Convertible Term Assurance Policy
• Anmol Jeevan-I
• Amulya Jeevan
Pension Plans are Individual Plans that looks into your future and foresee financial stability
during your old age. These policies are most suited for senior citizens and those planning a
secure future, so that you never give up on the best things in life.
Following are the Pension Plan which LIC offers:
• Jeevan Nidhi
• Future Plus (closed for sale)
• Jeevan Akshay-III (closed for sale)
• Jeevan Akshay-IV (closed for sale)
• Jeevan Akshay-V
• New Jeevan Dhara-I
• New Jeevan Suraksha-I

Unit plans are investment plans for those who realise the worth of hard-earned money. These
plans help you see your savings yield rich benefits and help you save tax even if you don?t have
consistent income.
• Jeevan Plus (closed for sale)
• Future Plus (closed for sale)
• Bima Plus (closed for sale)
• Market Plus
• Money Plus

LIC’s Special Plans are not plans but opportunities that knock on your door once in a lifetime.
These plans are a perfect blend of insurance, investment and a lifetime of happiness!

LIC offers Two types of Special Plans.

1. Golden Jubilee Plan:

• Bima Gold (closed for sale)

• New Bima Gold

2. Special Plan:

• Bima Nivesh 2005

• Jeevan Saral
• Jeevan Madhur


UTI Mutual Fund is managed by UTI Asset Management Company Private Limited (Estb: Jan 14,
2003) who has been appointed by the UTI Trustee Company Private Limited for managing the
schemes of UTI Mutual Fund and the schemes transferred / migrated from UTI Mutual Fund.

UTI Mutual Fund has come into existence with effect from 1st February 2003. UTI Asset
Management Company presently manages a corpus of over Rs. 34500 Crore.
UTI Mutual Fund has a track record of managing a variety of schemes catering to the needs of
every class of citizenry. It has a nationwide network consisting 70 UTI Financial Centers (UFCs)
and UTI International offices in London, Dubai and Bahrain.


1. UTI - Money Market Fund
An open-ended pure debt liquid plan, seeking to provide highest possible current income, by
investing in a diversified portfolio of short-term money market securities.

2. UTI - Floating Rate Fund

To generate regular income through investment in a portfolio comprising substantially of
floating rate debt / money market instruments and fixed rate debt / money market instruments.

3. UTI - Liquid Fund - Cash Plan

The scheme seeks to generate steady & reasonable income with low risk & high level of liquidity
from a portfolio of money market securities & high quality debt.


1. UTI - G-Sec Fund - Investment Plan

An open-end Gilt-Fund with the objective to invest only in Central Government securities
including call money, treasury bills and repos of varying maturities with a view to generate
credit risk free return...
2. UTI - G-Sec Fund - Short Term Plan
An open-end Gilt-Fund with the objective to invest only in Central Government securities
including call money, overnment securities including call money, treasury bills and repos of
varying maturities with a view to generate credit risk free return...

3. UTI - GILT Advantage Fund - LTP

To generate credit risk-free return through investments in sovereign securities issued by the
Central and / or a State Government. LTP
4. UTI - Variable Investment Scheme
An open ended debt oriented fund with 100% investment in Debt/G-sec. Investment can be
made in the name of the children upto the age of 15 years...
5. UTI - Bond Advantage Fund - LTP
It aims to generate attractive returns consistent with capital preservation and liquidity...

6. UTI - Monthly Income Scheme

An open-ended debt oriented fund investing a minimum of 90% in Debt and G-Sec and a
maximum of 10% in equity instruments. The fund aims to distribute income periodically. Best
suited to the investors...

7. UTI - Liquid Fund - Short Term Plan

The scheme seeks to generate steady & reasonable income with low risk & high level of liquidity
from a portfolio of money market securities & high quality debt.
8. UTI - MIS - Advantage Plan
To generate regular income through investments in fixed income securities and capital
appreciation / dividend income through investment of a portion of net assets of the scheme in
equity and equity related instruments so as to endeavor to make periodic income distribution to
Unit holders.
9. UTI - Bond Fund
Open-end 100% pure debt fund, which invests in rated corporate debt papers and government
securities with relatively low risk and easy liquidity.
10. UTI - Capital Protection Oriented Scheme
The scheme will invest in a portfolio predominantly of fixed income securities that are maturing
in line with duration of the respective plans. Each Plan will have a separate portfolio. The debt
component of the portfolio structure shall have the highest investment grade rating. The equity
components of the scheme will mainly focus on those companies / stocks that have potential to
appreciate in the medium to long run.
1. UTI - Variable Investment Scheme
The UTI- Variable Investment Scheme is an open-ended scheme with dynamic allocation
between equity and debt classes.


1. UTI - Master Index Fund
UTI MIF is an open-ended passive fund with the primary investment objective to invest in
securities of companies comprising the BSE sensex in the same weightage as these companies
have in BSE sensex...
2. UTI - Nifty Index Fund
UTI NIF is an open-ended passive fund with the objective to invest in securities of companies
comprising of the S&P CNX Nifty in the same weightage as they have in S&P CNX Nifty...
3. UTI - Gold Exchange Traded Fund
To endeavour to provide returns that, before expenses, closely track the performance and yield
of Gold. However the performance of the scheme may differ from that of the underlying asset
due to tracking error.


1. UTI - Equity Tax Saving Plan
An open-ended equity fund investing a minimum of 80% in equity and equity related
instruments. It aims at enabling members to avail tax rebate under Section 88 of the IT Act and
provide them with the benefits of growth.
2. UTI - Master share unit Scheme
An open-end equity fund aiming to provide benefit of capital appreciation and income
distribution through investment in equity.
3. UTI – Master gain Unit Scheme
Master gain is open-ended equity scheme with an objective of investing at least 80% of its funds
in equity and equity related instrument with medium to high risk profile and upto 20% in debt
and money market instruments with low to medium risk profile.
4. UTI - Opportunities Fund
This scheme seeks to generate capital appreciation and/or income distribution by
investing the funds of the scheme in equity shares and equity-related instruments.
5. UTI - Software Fund
An open-ended fund which invests exclusively in the equities of the Software Sector companies.
One of the growth sectors funds aiming to invest in equity shares of companies belonging to
information technology sector to provide returns to investors through capital growth as well as
through regular income distribution.
6. UTI - Banking Sector Fund
An open-ended equity fund with the objective to provide capital appreciation through
investments in the stocks of the companies/institutions engaged in the banking and financial
services activities.

7. UTI - Master Value Fund

An open-ended equity fund investing in stocks which are currently under valued to their future
earning potential and carry medium risk profile to provide 'Capital Appreciation'.
8. UTI - MNC Fund
An open-ended equity fund with the objective to invest predominantly in the equity shares of
multinational companies in diverse sectors such as FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Engineering etc.

9. UTI - Mid Cap Fund

An open-ended equity fund with the objective to provide 'Capital appreciation' by investing
primarily in mid cap stocks.
10. UTI - Infrastructure Fund
An open-ended equity fund with the objective to provide Capital appreciation through investing
in the stocks of the companies engaged in the sectors like Metals, Building materials, oil and gas,
power, chemicals, engineering etc. The fund will invest in the stocks of the companies which
form part of Basic Industries.
11. UTI - Leadership Equity Fund
This scheme seeks to generate capital appreciation and/or income distribution by investing the
funds of the scheme in stocks that are "Leaders" in their respective industries/sectors/sub-
12. UTI - Contra Fund
The fund aims to provide long-term capital appreciation/dividend distribution through
investments in listed equities and equity-related instruments. The Fund's investment policies are
based on insights from behavioral finance.
13. UTI - Wealth Builder Fund
The objective of the scheme is to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing
predominantly in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments.

14. UTI - Long-Term Advantage Fund

The investment objective of the scheme is to provide medium to long term capital appreciation
along with income tax benefit.
15. UTI - India Lifestyle Fund
The investment objective of the scheme is to provide long term capital appreciation and/or
income distribution from a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments of
companies that are expected to benefit from changing Indian demographics, Indian lifestyles
and rising consumption pattern.
1. UTI - Balanced Fund
An open-ended balance fund investing between 40% to 60% in equality related securities and
the balance in debt (fixed income securities) with a view to generate regular income together
with capital appreciation.
2. UTI - US 2002
An Open-ended balance fund. The scheme aims at providing income distribution/ cumulation of
income and capital appreciation over a long term from a prudent portfolio mix of equity and
fixed income securities.
3. UTI - Mahila Unit Scheme
An open-ended scheme with a minimum 70% investment in Debt/G-Sec and a maximum 30%
investment in equity. The fund is designed to provide an enabler to adult female persons in
pooling their own savings and/ or gifts into an investment vehicle so as to get periodic cash flow
near to the time of any chosen festival/ occasion or to allow income/ gains redeployed in the
scheme and repurchase units partially or fully as and when desired.
4. UTI - Childrens Career Plan (Balanced)
An open-ended debt oriented fund with investment in Debt/G-Sec of minimum 60% and a
maximum of 40% in Equity. Investment can be made in the name of the children up to the age
of 15 years so as to provide them, after they attain the age of 18 years, a means to receive
scholarship to meet the cost of higher education and/or to help them in setting up a profession,
practice or business or enabling them to set up a home or finance the cost of other social
This is an open-end income oriented scheme. The scheme aims at catering to the investment
needs of charitable, religious, educational trusts and similar institutions to provide them an
investment vehicle to avail of tax exemption and also to have regular income.

An open-ended balanced fund with an objective of investing not more than 40% of the funds in
equity and equity related instruments and balance in debt and money market instruments with
low to medium risk profile. Investment by an individual in the scheme is eligible for exemption
under section 88 of the IT Act 1961. In addition the scheme also offers Life Insurance and
Accident Insurance cover.

7. UTI - Retirement Benefit Pension Fund

An open-ended balanced fund with a maximum equity allocation of 40% and the balance in
debt. This ensures to provide pension to investors particularly self-employed persons after they
attain age of 58 years, in the form of periodical cash flow up to the extent of repurchase value of
their holding through systematic withdrawal plan.


Growth of Indian Economy is not a consumption driven but it is an investment driven growth,
and opens a wide variety of investment avenues. We, in the project, focused on two best
avenues from the top two companies. LIC (Life insurance corporation of India) and UTI (Unit
trust of India) helps us to gain the knowledge of products and services offered by them. As one
provides insurance cover for securing a life and another organisation plays a role of collecting
money from their customers and invest in a proper manner in different avenues. If one would
read the project can easily understand that what LIC and UTI catering their products to their
customers and help their customers to achieve a better standard for near future life.

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