Bahasa Inggris 2: Tugas Job Vacancy

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Nama : Savira Aura Shalsabila

NIM : 061830400304
Kelas : 5KB

Tugas Job Vacancy

Terms = Istilah
 Posisition : Posisi
 Requirement : Persyaratan
 Maximum 30 years old : Maksimal berusia 30 tahun
 S1 / D3 Biology / Biotech / Chemistry / Physics / Material Science : S1 / D3 Biologi /
Bioteknologi / Kimia / Fisika / Ilmu Material
 Having experience in selling Scientific / Analytical product is preferable : Memiliki
pengalaman dalam menjual produk ilmiah / produk analitik yang baik.
 Able to operate Microsoft Office (MS Word & Excel) & Paint : Mampu
mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (MS Word & Excel) dan Paint.
 Good oral and written communication in English : Komunikasi lisan dan tertulis yang
baik dalam Bahasa Inggris.
 Good communication and presentation skills : Keterampilan komunikasi dan
persentasi yang baik.
 Analytical and attention to details are required : Analitis dan perhatian terhadap detail
yang dibutuhkan.
 Good personality and attitude : Kepribadian dan sikap yang baik.
 Job description : Tugas atau tanggung jawab
 Develop new market & opportunities to leverage business competitive advantage :
Mengembangkan pasar dan peluang yang baru untuk meningkatkan keunggulan
kompetitif bisnis.
 Make & present strategic plan for increasing market share : Membuat dan menyajikan
rencana strategis untuk meningkatkan saham.
 Work closely with the internal stakeholders to achieve target : Bekerja sama dengan
pemangku kepentingan internal untuk mencapai target.
 Follow up & negotiate with customer : menindaklanjuti dan menegosiasi dengan
 Send application letter and CV to via email : Mengirim surat lamaran dan daftar
riwayat hidup melalui email.
Description :
Job vacancies have been opened at PT. Gaia Science Indonesia in Jakarta. This
company is one of the company which is engaged in the sale of analytical product. To
increase the development of new business at the company, job vacancies have been opened.
The position required in the company is Product Manager. This position is assigned to
develop new market & opportunities to leverage business competitive advantage, make &
present strategic plan for increasing market share, work closely with the internal stakeholders
to achieve target, follow up & negotiate with customer.
Qualification required for this position is maximum 30 years old, S1 / D3 Biology /
Biotech / Chemistry / Physics / Material Science, having experience in selling Scientific /
analytical product is preferable, able to operate Microsoft Office (MS Word & Excel) &
Paint, good oral and written communication in English, good communication and
presentation skills, analytical and attention to details are required, good personality and
If you are interested in this position, and you've completed all the qualifications
then you can send your application letter or CV to our email. Via email address to or

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