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Ricardo Yáñez Cook ______ Ricardo Palma University

Vida y Cultura Inglesa



1. In the first section of the Reading, which paragraphs talk about stereotypes?
In the Reading, the first and the second paragraphs talk about stereotypes.
Which paragraphs talk about diversity?
The third, the forth and the sixth talk about diversity.
2. Give an example of a stereotype of American Indians.
-Indians never lied.
-Their languages were very simple. and had limiter vocabularies.
-They are lazy.
-They couldn't adapt to modern life.
How could you find out if it were true or not?
The member of any group might be similar in some ways, but everyone is
unique. Some Indians were quiet and some talkative; some lazy, some
hardworking. ________________________
3. Who gave the name “Indians” to Native Americans?
Columbus was who gave the name Indians to all the Native people he found in
America, this was followed by European. ___________________
4. Look at the map on page 44. Name one tribe or nation from any four of the
Subarctic: Chipewyan
Northwest Coast: Tlingit
Plateau: Umatilla
California: Cahuilla
Great Basin: Paiute
Southwest: Yaqui
Great Plains: Comanche
Mr. Ricardo Yáñez Cook ______ Ricardo Palma University
Vida y Cultura Inglesa

Eastern Woodlands: Ottawa

Southeast: Chitimacha
● Which of the tribes on the map had you heard of before?
I have heard of the Chipewyan Tribe before.
5. Which is the other name used for Eastern Woodlands?
The Northeast
6. In the second section of the reading, identify the topic of each paragraph.
¶ 7 The importance of nature for the American Indian tribes.
¶ 8 The beliefs of the American Indian tribes.
¶ 9 American Indian Tribes lifestyle.
¶10 Which kind of food American Indian Tribes eat.
¶ 11 American Indian tribes traditional clothing.
¶ 12 American Indian tribes’ kinds of housing.
7. What did the white people bring to the Plains Indians that greatly changed their
way of life?
a) The horse b) The gun
8. What was the most important feature of Plains Indian life? The buffalo, they
were totally dependent on this animal. The buffalo provided them with meat for
food, hides for clothing and for their tipis, and bones and horns to make into
tools. They also burned dried buffalo dung for fuel.
9. Why did the Plains cultures grow weaker around the end of the nineteenth
century? With the destruction of the buffalo herds by white hunters around 1890,
the tribes lost their source of food and the central feature of their culture.
10. True – False Questions
1. People were more important than nature to Native Peoples. F
2. Indians never punished their children. T
3. Ceremonies were very important in Native cultures. T
4. Food was variable, depending on the climate and customs. T
5. Most Indians were vegetarians. F
6. Cloth was unknown to the Native Americans until the arrival of Europeans.
7. Each Indian family lived in a separate tent made from animal skins. F
Mr. Ricardo Yáñez Cook ______ Ricardo Palma University
Vida y Cultura Inglesa

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