Guidelines - PH.D Thesis (UU)

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(Established vide Uttaranchal University Act, 2012, Uttarakhand Act No. 11 of 2013)
Arcadia Grant, P. O. Chandanwari, Premnagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand


1. Candidates submitting the thesis for the University Ph.D. degree is required to follow the
following aspects regarding paper size, text layout etc., except in special cases in which
concerned faculty dean is satisfied that it will not be possible to comply with the
requirements of these rules:

(a) Size of the bond paper should be A4 (8.5" x 11.5") except for maps, drawing, graphs on
which no restriction is placed.
(b)The text should be typed on one side of the paper leaving a margin of 4 cm on left hand
side and 3 cm on right hand side as well as 3 cm at the top and 3 cm at the bottom.
(c) The text should be typed in 1.5 line spacing using normal typeface /electronic typing/
PC word processing in 12 font size of Arial/Times New Roman; Fancy fonts should be
avoided for text writing.
(d)Optimal length of the thesis in Faculty of Management & Business Studies should be
kept between 200-350 pages. However, in the other faculties it can be less.

2. Likewise, cover layout is also specified. Affiliation of the supervisor could be added but it
should not contain administrative designation like Head of the Department/ Dean, etc.

3. Candidates should submit thesis in the following specific colors on cover page.

 Faculty of Management & Business Studies : Cream

 Faculty of Engineering : Light Blue
 Faculty of Law : Black
 Faculty of Applied Science : Mehroon
 Faculty of Humanities : Dark Grey
4. The format of cover and title page of the thesis shall be as prescribed in Annexure C1.

5. Following certificates shall be submitted along with the thesis:

 Certificate of fulfillment of residential requirement by the candidate duly signed

by the supervisor.

 ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the Dean of the concerned Faculty where the research
work was done.

 Plagiarism Certificate from the competent authority of the University.

 A Declaration by the candidate regarding originality of the research work should

be given to the effect that the thesis has been scanned for anti-piracy software.
Anti Plagiarism certificate to be attached on A4 sheet (to be attached with the

 Research papers published/ accepted of the candidate relevant to the research

work reported in the thesis.

 The scholar will be required to submit a certificate duly signed by the Scholar and
Supervisor(s) in the prescribed format that the work embodied in the thesis
entitled “--” is original and has been carried out by the Scholar and that it has not
been submitted in full or in part for any other Diploma or Degree of this or any
other University/Institution.


Thesis (General Content )

1. Front Page
2. Certificate (Candidate)
3. Candidate Declaration
4. Copyright
5. Urkund Report
6. Acknowledgements
7. Preface
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Tables
10. List of Figures
11. List of Published and Conference Papers
12. Abbreviations
Abstract (Content)

1. Front Page
2. Declaration Certificate

3. Certificate

4. Acknowledgements

5. Preface

Ph.D Degree bifurcation to be provided by Scholars for uploading in Shodganga

S.No. Title Format Remarks

1 Title Page PDF format

2 Declarations PDF format Signed

3 Certificate PDF format Signed

4 Preface PDF format Signed

5 Table of Contents PDF format

6 List of Tables PDF format

7 List of Figures PDF format

8 List of Appendices PDF format

9 Chapter 1 PDF format

10 Chapter 2 PDF format

11 Chapter 3 PDF format

12 Chapter 4 PDF format

13 Chapter 5 PDF format

14 Chapter 6... and on PDF format

15 References PDF format

16 Bibliography PDF format

17 Abstract (Max 2048 characters) Word File

Additional information to upload the thesis (In Excel Sheet)

1 Date of Registration

2 Complete Date

3 Award Date

4 Title (with subtitle)

5 Alternate Title

6 Note
7 Keywords

8 Coverage

9 Citation Reference


1. Introduction: The general introduction may be related to the necessity and utility of the
proposed research work for the dissertation and the introduction to various aspects of the
proposed research topic.
2. Rationale of the study: In this section researcher will justify the relevance of the study
undertaken in a contemporary environment.

3. Literature Survey: The third portion should be related to the literature survey, including the
recent development already carried out by various authors/Research workers in the related
field on which the researcher wanted to be carried out for his/her dissertation. The review
of literature should lead to synthesis & identification of research gap.

4. The objectives of the Study: In this section the researcher is supposed to give the objectives
(number wise) of the Research work related to his/her proposed dissertation. She/he is also
supposed to give the scope/limitations of the study. In this section towards the end
“Research Hypothesis” should be developed.

5. Research Methodology for Proposed Research Work: This section should be precise,
focused and include the following:

 Statement of Research Problem

 Research Design
 Sampling Design

 Data Collection Strategy

 Planning of analysis of Data
 Plan about time scheduling of Research
6. Tentative Chapter Scheme: The researcher will provide the information about the
structure of the dissertation and total number of chapters in the dissertation
(tentatively). The dissertation should be structured in such a manner that the information
presented to the beneficiary (s) is arranged in a logical sequence.

7. Expected Contribution from the study: in this section the researcher will provided the
important contribution and expected benefit from the proposed study.

8. References/Bibliography: All references/bibliography which are referred in the text of

the manuscript should be given in chronological order.

(i) References must include the citations from the review of literature.
(ii) Bibliography must include the citations from journals, books, magazines etc.

Both must follow American Psychological Association (APA) Style. (

For Example: Williams, J. H. (2008). Employee engagement: Improving participation in

safety. Professional Safety, 53 (12), 40-45.

Note: Please use suitable numbering scheme in the synopsis, including references.

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