Worksheet On Moral Deliberation - Finalb

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Liberal Arts – Philosophy Department

1 Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: Carl Patrick G. Garcia ETHICS Section:_____________

Instructions: Using the Worksheet on Moral Deliberation, do the following task:

1. You and Ethics: Given a scenario and set of questions, apply your realization to the
course to answer.
2. Application of Theory: Given a Moral Dilemma, apply the steps of the Worksheet of the
Moral Dilemma

Your responses will be graded based on the following rubric:

Excellent (28-30 pts) Demonstrates deep understanding of the concept; has no
misconceptions; shows high competence in explanations
Superior (27 pts) Demonstrates good understanding, has very few minor
misconceptions; shows competence in explanations
Above Average (25-26 pts) Demonstrates some understanding of the concept, has few
High Average (23-24 pts) minor misconceptions, can explain in some detail
Average (22 pts)
Low Average (20-21 pts) Demonstrates limited understanding; has some
Passed (18-19 pts) misconceptions, can explain in some details with
Failed (0-17 pts) Demonstrates low understanding; has many
misconceptions; needs help in explaining ideas

Part I. You and The Theory (30 points)

In the first day of class, the teacher asks: “What makes something good or bad, right and

wrong?” Many, if not most of the students, would just say, “It depends!” By this they mean that
the question of good and bad, right and wrong, is all a matter of personal opinion. It is, they say,

What is right or wrong depends on how one looks at something. What is good or bad for one
may not be good or bad for the other. To each his/her own. Do you think this is correct? What
does the subject of ethics or moral philosophy say about this? Can philosophical discipline of
ethics help in clarifying this?

In saying what things makes good or seen as bad the answer is not depending why? In
these subject ethics or moral philosophy, it concerns that every decision of a man there is
existing or underlying reason of doing so or not doing. In Greek it is tradition that they prized
highly in wisdom, bravery, self-control, justice and pity. When we view things as good or bad
based on what we perceived to be true and good is not depending on the situation you are
facing it is merely the good which leads you to decide certain actions to be done on that
situation, which for Plato, there is an ascending order of more and more inclusive and more and
more fundamentals ideas. Which good is the source of all reality. Good transcends every real
thing. It is more exalted than being.

For Aristotle as well it is hard for us humans to be good because anyone can get angry, or
can give away money or spend it but to do all this to the right person, to the right extend, time
and in right way it is no longer something that is easy that we can do. It is the reason that good
conduct is rare, praise-worthy, and noble. Understand by being happy the same as “living well”
and “doing well”. Many views held about happiness: Pleasure, Honor, Wealth. Characteristics of
the Highest Good: Final and Self-sufficient. We define as self-sufficient that which taken by itself
makes life something desirable and deficient in nothing. By the act we do which we think is
good is the activity that our soul is in conformity with excellence virtue and if there are several
virtues in conformity with the best and complete that is what we seen good as right and vice
versa. It is not something we call “depends” sometimes being too neutral too everything leads
us to confusion which in the end we are regretting our decision or even forget the action that
need s to be taken. We also have this goodwill in us being humans, when we act, we always act
to accomplish something; every action has some goal or other. But we do not consider people
to be morally wanting when, despite their best efforts, they fail to achieve their goal. Instead -
“morally good, good, just for what it is and not good merely insofar as it is effective in achieving
something further.

The belief which accepts as the foundation of morals “utility” or the “greatest happiness
principle” holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong
as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the
absence of pain, by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure.

Part II. Application of the Theory (30 points)

Using the Worksheet of Moral Deliberation, give a Moral Decision for the given Moral Dilemma


Your supervisor enters your office and asks you for a check for 1500.00 for expenses he tells you
he incurred entertaining a client last night. He submits receipts from a restaurant and lounge. At
lunch your supervisor’s girlfriend stops by to pick him up for lunch and you overhear her telling
the receptionist what a great time she had at dinner and dancing with your supervisor the night
before. What do you do?

STEP1: Identify the issue

The problem in this given case is that my supervisor uses the company money for his personal
used giving a reason that it was used in entertaining a client which to find out that he dated with
his girlfriend.

STEP 2: What are the relevant Facts?

a. Economic
My supervisor asks me for a check worth 1500 for the expenses he incurred entertaining a client.
b. Social
I overheard a conversation telling that her girlfriend had a great time with my supervisor on their
dinner last night.

c. Political
The used of company’s money for personal used which may affect the company’s reputation.

STEP 3: Who are the Stakeholders?

Identify the Moral Obligation (You may include another point)
a. the company- for which the money used was the company’s money
b. my supervisor- since he is the one who asked me for a reimbursement for the expenses he
spend on entertaining a client.
c. myself-I was the one who gave the money to him and also overheard their conversation
between her girlfriend and the receptionist.

STEP 4. What are the available options?

Cite the ethical theory that applies to each of the option state
a. I will note that the finances affect everyone in the company. Hence allocations of that
money are ethical and critical also, I would note that transparency and the urge to not to
hide anything is almost always more ethical than hidden and other secretive methods and

b. I will just ignore it.

c. I would talk to the receptionist and ask her what exactly the supervisor’s girlfriend told


Determine the most appropriate option. Explain why you choose this option.
In this case, it is important to do the correct thing since the company resources are at risk.
It is important as per the chain of command, to report the case to the boss`s supervisor. First, I
will note that the finances affect everyone in the company. Hence allocations of that money are
ethical and critical but before that I would talk to the receptionist and ask her what exactly the
supervisor’s girlfriend told her. If what I heard was correct and he took his girlfriend for a night
out instead of entertaining a client last night. I would then ask to have a meeting with him and
talk about what really happen last night and give him a chance to explain himself. If he still lying
then I would report him to the proper person and ask the receptionist to back me up and say what
she heard from the supervisor’s girlfriend Secondly, I would note that transparency and the urge
to not to hide anything is almost always more ethical than hidden and other secretive methods
and techniques. In the case, therefore, I will just try to make the situation more transparent which
to be I believe is more ethical.

STEP 6. Double Checking
Identify the possible consequence for the option you choose.
For this option that I chose the possible consequence first, their will be a gap on the relationship
between me and my supervisor on the action that I take but still I will not risk the company
resources for his personal interest. I will be transparent to my work and also to my supervisor no
matter what.

“Philosophy is for those who are willing to be disturbed with creative disturbance”

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