Blended Learning Lesson Plan

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Kira Hunkele

November 22, 2020

EDUC 204

Dr. Fegely

Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Beginning Your Story Introduction


Students will be able to:

o Decipher the differences between a noun, verb, and adjective. As well as be able to

underline and pick out a story’s main plot, climax, setting, main theme, and character


o Answer quiz questions (using Kahoot) based on the information taught in that day’s

lesson, as well as be able to understand the difference between then genre’s fiction, non-

fiction, fables, and fairytales

o Answer questions and create a response to the question about a reading using the

Toontastic App

o Start designing and writing their own story based around the Toontastic App
State Standards:

SC 2-1.5: Analyze a narrative text to identify characters, setting, and plot

SC2-1.7: Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods (for example, writing,

creative dramatics, and visual and performing arts)


I am teaching this particular lesson because English is one of my favorite subjects. I love reading

new books and figuring out the plot before I finish the story. I want to teach this lesson because

I love a good story, and I love reading. By introducing the basics of deciphering between a verb,

adjective, and noun, I will be able to help the students figure out how to write their own stories.

This lesson would include the students using the Toontastic app to start a draft of their stories,

then throughout the semester, they will continuously expand on their outline. Prior to the story

writing, I will be having basic lessons on grammar, punctuation, and the differences between the

genres like non-fiction, fiction, fantasy, and fables. Prior to entering the class and starting the

lessons, the students will have basic knowledge of reading and know basic words and practice

the basics of writing a sentence. After this, the larger lesson will include finalizing and writing

their own stories using animation, electronics, and all the information they previously learned in

those lessons.


In this lesson, I will have the students grouped by levels of reading or based on their scores on

the previous quizzes. I plan on grouping students into three topics; Beginner, intermediate,
advanced, with at least one advanced reader/writer to each group, to help the students who aren’t

doing as well. This data will be collected through the various quiz/poll forms like Kahoot and

Google Forms. By recording the information and data given within these apps, I will be able to

know what I need to do to improve my lessons, along with learning about who needs help and

who doesn’t.


Part of Material Used Link

Introduction Smart board,
tablets, pieces of displays/
paper for the
students to write
Teacher Smart Tablet or
Directed Laptop
pencil and paper
Collaborative Quizlet/Toontastic
App with
Independent Computer/Tablet
Digital (Website) with learning-strategies.html
printed notes and
a pencil
Closure Tablet/Laptop Kahoot
w/Kahoot and

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes):

My students will enter the classroom and put their bags on the hooks/pegs that are designated for

their things and then go to their seats in their groups. Once they have completed that, they will be

instructed to take out their books and notebooks and open to a new page, in which they will start

taking notes on a character they really liked and will begin writing notes and small little details

to help them remember what about the character they liked and why they chose that character.

Once completed and I explain what the directions will be for the day, they will then separate into

their small groups and go to their designated sections before rotating.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

During this section, I will have this particular group grab pencil and paper, as well as the book

we are working on and start drawing out images that tie into the book they have just read. I will

ask them a series of questions based on the passage or book and have them write out/draw their

answers to see if they understood the jist of what they needed to. One of the questions may sound

like this “What genre do you think this story falls under?” or another might be “What do you

think the plot was to this story?” Once done, I will have a small group discussion with them, in

which I will gather information on how they are doing.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

In this section, students, no matter what group they are in, will work together to write their own

They will have to use the information gathered the previous day, as well as be able to write out a

simple plot and storyline in which they can follow. They will be allowed to write the story on

any subject they want, provided it is appropriate. I want to have three bins or cubbies in which

the students will be able to place their stories. These bins will be labeled Fiction, Non-Fiction,

Fantasy, and Other. Once the students have their stories done, they will place them in and then

work together, critiquing each other’s story and picking out certain details that would help the

students do a better job.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

This is where the app Toontastic would come in.

I plan to have the students individually working on designing an animated story using 3D

characters, where they can choose their own setting, plot, as well as design their own characters.

During this time, they will incorporate what they learned that day into writing their animated

story. I plan on having one or two students share their story or the progress on their story to the

rest of the class, then have a discussion about what they watched or heard.

Closure (10 minutes):

In the last final part of class, I will have them use the devices and sign into Google Forms or

Kahoot and have them take a short quiz on what they learned that day in class, and on the

information they have retained if they need to

English Smart Board Lesson:

I will be using this lesson tool because it is interactive and allows students to learn

a little about the lesson before diving into the lesson later that day. This tool should

provide the students with a short explanation on grammar and writing, and why they are

important in an English class and for doing classwork. A short video on the differences

between a noun, verb, and adjective will helps the students with the basic writing and

forming of sentences. This tool will allow the students to be actively engaged because I

will be calling them up to participate in the lesson, and not just have them look at a board

all day in class. Unlike a college classroom, or regular classroom, these tools would help

keep the students engaged in their work during the day, and help them retain the

information they learned earlier that day, prior to ending the lesson.

“Learning Nouns, Verbs, & Adjectives with Mr. Harlo- Learning Lessons for Kids”:

This is a fun little video for the students to watch in order to help them learn about

the different parts of a sentence and how they can create their own sentences. In this

video, Mr. Harlo, who is the teacher will be teaching the students about a noun and how

that differs from a verb and adjective, and when to use a noun. This video will also show

the kids where to place a noun, adjective, or verb in a sentence when they start writing. It

supports student learning because the students will be briefed on what the smaller lesson

of the bigger unit will be on. It will keep the students actively engaged because of all the

animation that will be used in the video, along with the students. We all know children
love to be entertained and have fun while learning, and watching this video will provide

them with that.

Toontastic 3D:

This app would be useful for collaboration and independent digital learning because it

allows them to make their own characters, create their own plot and storyline, as well as share

their stories with the class. They will use this app to build a story that they want to write, and will

work a little every day on their story. This app will teach students how to translate designing

their own plot, climax and characters, into real life where they will have to pick out what the

plot, theme, and characters are of a story. It directly corresponds with what they will be doing

with hands-on learning.

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