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November 24, 2020

Verbal Communication Skills to Have

Most of us begin to talk right from the time we were very young but it is another issue altogether to
have the ability to communicate as desired. This is so mostly for those individuals trying to effect
communication in the office setting or those individuals you might not understand that well. To be
effective, you must develop verbal communication skills so that your points can be passed across to
those you intend to communicate to and also enable the same individuals to also do the same to you
towards accomplishing the intended purpose.

In most cases, subtle changes in phrasing our words can amazingly improve the efficacy of verbal
communication in our respective settings. There are a number of examples that make these distinct
aspects of listening and speaking.

One of this is presupposition, where people often doubt the capabilities they have, something that
ends up making them look reticent as well as unwilling to continue since one might fear that
something is wrong. In case you are a person involved in communication in a responsibility capacity
towards other staff members, your job or other people, to help them to carry out some things to make

the most of their abilities, presupposition is a tool that can be harnessed in perfecting verbal
communication skills.

A lot of individuals are ready to comply and it can end up very useful if one turns his or her words
around and makes a statement out of them as compared to just being a request. A good example is
saying once there is an improvement in communication skills, confidence is the outright result. Avoid
insinuating any doubt but make sure you also believe their skills could improve, a very powerful way
that sends some positive messages while boosting one’s confidence.

In addition, most of us have been involved in communicating with individuals who depict a negative
attitude where every positive communication made is counteracted with a negative one to equal it. It
is something that leaves listeners paralyzed and sometimes do not know how they should act since
there is a feeling of failure in the things they try to carry out. These beliefs must be challenged and
then replaced with very positive outcomes, those that the listener might not even be thinking about.

In perfecting verbal communication skills and attaining the best in terms of passing your message and
being understood as you would love, it is important to link to the yes set. This is something quite
useful, a great technique in the world of passing out messages in the act of communicating with an
audience that highly doubts. Essentially, something that should be done is some tagging on some
suggestion on something that is overtly real and true. An example in this case is that a person might
indicate or pass the message that after reading a specific book, one will definitely improve their verbal
communication skills, meaning it is something that the individual has already tried and it is a fact.

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