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Dear Mom and Dad,

            This week has been so stressful for me. The team got back to the airport at 3:30

Sunday morning after our game Saturday night. I didn’t make it back to my dorm room until

around 5! It was a great trip because we won, but I am so behind on my homework. We had

mandatory film sessions at 3 pm on Sunday, and my body was so tired and broken down from

the hard-fought game the night before. I had to make dinner for myself today as well because

we couldn’t use the facilities, and I’m almost out of food. Could you guys please send me

some money so I can go to the grocery store this week if I have time. Having no source of

income is so frustrating during the season, it would be so much easier to go out and buy

something to eat already made as I barely have time for anything. This week is going to be a

long, full one ahead. We have workouts Monday morning at 5, then class until 11. After

classes we come back to the facilities and have practice from 2 until 6. This week is

particularly stressful because we have our big game against our rival. There is so much

pressure around campus for us, and me in particular to play our best game. That means I will

have to put in a few more hours of film study on my opponent, taking away time from our

studies. Sometimes I really wonder whether I came to a college or a professional organization

to play football, with the way the coaches treat us. They expect so much of our time and effort

to be put into practice and film every week. You would think that the teachers would

understand with us being players and all, but we have the same expectations as every other

student here. I haven’t even been able to go to any of the tutoring sessions my classes offer

after class because coaches need me in the football facility 30 minutes before practice starts or
I can get in trouble. This semester has been such a blur, I don’t even have time to socialize or

go out with any of the friends I have met in my classes. My life is nonstop football, and it is

taking a toll on me mentally. Sometimes I wish we could either be a normal college student or

skip college altogether and just enter the league. I can’t wait until I am eligible for the draft so

that I can finally see some type of reward for all the hard work that I put in every day. I really

miss you guys and the whole family, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to spend much time or talk

lately but I’ll have more time in the offseason. I’m sorry you keep having to send extra

money, it’s just that the food card the university gives me always runs out. I have no idea how

they expect a 20-year-old football player to live off two meals per day. Anyways I love you

guys wish me luck, I know you’ll be watching me on TV Saturday!

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