Unit 5 Mastery

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Which tool do we use to measure

Objectives: Students will be able to use different types of tools such as rulers, yardsticks and
measuring tapes. Students will be able to measure an object or distance using a standard unit of
one length and be able to verbally explain it in writing.
State Standards:
2.MDA.1 Select and use appropriate tools (e.g., rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, measuring
tapes) to measure the length of an object. o 2.MDA.2 Measure the same object or distance using
a standard unit of one length and then a standard unit of a different length and explain verbally
and in writing how and why the measurements differ.

Context: In second grade students need to be able to measure and understand the difference
between the standard units. Prior to this lesson students will learn the standard units of measure
and also different shapes. The students will use their previous knowledge of numbers and learn
how to read different measuring tools. After this unit students will use their knowledge to
estimate and measure length and distance in customary units. I will be teaching students how to
read the units on the measuring tools and also how to measure different objects.
Data: Students will work individually with help from the teacher throughout the lesson.
Students will work at their own pace set by my teaching instructions. I will use observation to
help me in the future determine if working in groups would be better than working individually.
Materials: Students will have a worksheet with different objects to find and measure, they will
each get a ruler, tape measure and a yard stick, and will also need pencil.

Introduction (20 minutes): I will start the lesson by asking students what units are and if
they know how to read them. If they reply yes, I will ask them what they use to measure units.
We will do a review of what we learned in the previous lesson about units of measure and
different shapes. We will go over a quick PowerPoint with instructions and picture examples on
what we will be measuring and how to use the tape measure, ruler and yardstick. After this the
students will gather their supplies from around the classroom and return to desk to begin
recording data on their sheets. I will walk around the classroom observing and helping when

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): In this portion of the lesson we will start by talking
about what we already know about units of measure. I will ask students questions about what
they see when they look about their yard stick, tape measure and ruler. Have them explain to me
how to read the measuring tools and why they numbers on each a different. We will also review
the different objects on their recording sheet. We will watch a you tube video regarding types of
units. https://youtu.be/VWiNbUNrsk4. In the video we will see a comparison between the
different tools and several objects. We will discuss what they learned from the video.

Collaborative (15 minutes): In this section students will create their own unit of measure
picture with examples. They will be able to explain how to read a tape measure, ruler and yard
stick be able to tell them about. Students will do this individually and also as a group at their

Independent Digital (15 minutes): Students will have free play on splash and learn where
they can play several different games for measurements. They can also find videos on approved
list to watch during this time.

Closure (20minutes): At the end of the lesson all of the students will play a Kahoot
game about what they have learned that day. The student with the highest score will
receive a reward. They will use their iPads to play this game. Kahoot will be an end of
the day review game that I can use to see which of the students understood the
concept and which ones are still struggling. After this game I will call on students
with questions relating to the lesson to help see how everyone ended and see who else
might still need a little more assistance.

Smart Board Measurement interaction

This lesson tool is interactive and also provides the students with a simple
understanding of the lesson that they will further explore throughout the day. It
provides a brief explanation about how to take measurements and visually be able to
see objects and guessing measurements. There are games where students come up
and move and match the measuring tool with the shape or object it represents. The
tool is able to be reused due to its simplicity and provides the teacher with feedback
on whether or not the students understand the material being presented to them. This
multimedia differentiates instruction for students who learn best through doing. The
large board also provides a more easily viewable medium for students with poor
eyesight to see the lesson material.

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