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My Educational Philosophy

An educational philosophy describes what a teacher believes about education and how

they believe students should learn. For me, as a primary existentialist, I believe that students

should guide their own learning and each student has their own potential.

In education, I believe that learning primarily develops when one connects new ideas to

previous ideas. When I create my curriculum, I will do my best to consider all different types of

learning styles to make sure all of my students will want to actively learn in my class. When it

comes down to retaining information, I as a teacher, will take in consideration that students can

often work better together as one will have questions that another can answer. This will lead to

developing important teamwork skills that are valued in and outside of the school environment.

Of course, I will take into consideration that a portion of my students may dislike working in

groups so I will make sure that they are comfortable working on their own and show them that if

they have any questions that they can ask me for help. When instructing, I want my students to

be able to know that everyone makes mistakes including teachers and I will assure them that

everyone is capable of growing.

When it comes to students, I do not believe any one student is the same and I want to

encourage them that they do have the ability to learn even when something is challenging to

them. This will lead me to look at the subject from their perspective and consider how to

potentially re-teach it in order for it to make more sense. I want to make sure I acknowledge each

of my students as individuals and will adjust my teaching styles to match what works best for

each particular class.

I believe that knowledge is something that adds information to what you already know.

This will lead me to trying to connect ideas in my lessons to things students may already have

learned from previous classes. I see knowledge as something that is constantly expanding and
how I will teach it will reflect that belief. I want my students to be problem solvers and ones who

use reason to help them understand what they have learned. I believe that everyone deserves to

have the chance to be successful and as a teacher I will just be a stepping stone to something that

will lead to their greater purpose.

Overall, I believe that every student has the capability to learn and that each student

should be able to guide their own learning. When it comes down to teaching, I hope to show my

students that learning does not need to be difficult and have them stand up for how they learn. I

also would like to elicit that every student has the ability to elicit a growth mindset.

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