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Lesson Plan

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Objective(s): Students will freely move to the music while expressing tempo and
dynamics with their movements




-T: Hand scarves out to each student

-T: “Today we are going to stand up and listen to a song. We are

going to show how the song sounds with our scarves.”

-Students stand up and space out with their scarves, Teacher plays
the song

-Teacher models movements while students are moving at first and

then stops and observes
• Accommo Student with physical impairment:
- Having the scarf tied to their wrist or have the scarf tied to
Modifications something easier for the student to hold
- Teacher model movements that the student can easily do
with the scarf

Student with autism (Texture sensitivity):

- Providing the student with, or having them wear gloves so

they do not have to feel the scarf
- Having scarfs that are a texture that is not an issue for the
- Emphasizing to the class to be careful to not touch other
students with their scarves

Lesson Plan
Grade Level: 3rd grade

Objective(s): Students will be able to move express style through motions with a song


-T: “today you get to do fun movements to a song!

Activity Everyone stand up and copy after me” Students stand
-T: “This is a repeat after me chant” Do original and Train style
with the motions. Original motions are arm moving back and forth,
bent to the sides, then windshield wiper arms. Train is arms moving

like train wheels and then pulling horn.

-T ask students to get in small groups and come up with their own
theme and motions. S talk in small groups and come up with their
own theme, then present them to the class. If a group is very
confident, they can teach their theme to the class. If not, T can do
echo with motions for the class.
-T goes through the new parts all together with S echoing the chant
and motions
-T: “Let’s Try them all together!” T put on backing track. T and S
go through all styles, starting with the original and train styles
• Accommo Student with an intellectual disability:
- Teacher will be near the student to provide support if needed
Modifications - Student will be given additional time when coming up with a
style and showing it to the class with their group
- Have the student be in a group with classmates that will be able to
assist them in an effective way.

Student with hearing impairment:

- Lyrics will be put on the board

- Motion to students when it is their time to repeat after
- Teacher will be positioned near the student so they may be
able to slightly hear the teacher or use of FM loop or any
tech applicable used for student to hear the chant.
- If FM loop is used, giving the mic to the group so they can
hear classmates when working together and when each is
presenting their own theme

Lesson Plan
Grade Level: 6th grade

Objective(s): Students will be able to fluently do the dance without teacher assistance


-T “today we will learn an Italian folk dance!”

-S find a partner and space out

-T goes through dance step by step, showing students what they

should do and breaks dance into sections.

-S do the dance in sections and eventually put it together and dance

to the music

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