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ROLL NO: 224

What is the strategy process model for e-business?

 The strategy process model for any business is the logical sequences of steps that
should be followed to ensure the development of e-business. It involves four steps-

1. Strategic analysis – Analyzing the internal and external environment of

the business. It can occur during the development of the strategy as well
as along the process to stay competitive.

2. Strategic objective- The vision, objective or final goal should be stated

out clearly, then only it can be communicated successfully
within(employees) and outside(customers/stakeholders) the
organization. It will also help in examining if the applied strategy is
working or not.

3. Strategic definition- What are the options available for the e-business
model and after the careful evaluation of them, finally selecting the best
suitable one’s.

4. Strategic Implementation- After building the theoretical framework of

strategy, the last step is to execute it at the ground level.

There can be two ways for the development of the strategy- Prescriptive and
emergent one. In the former one, the four steps are linked sequentially and
strategy is predefined. In the later one, the four steps will be interrelated without
clear distinction among them.

What are alternative strategic approaches to achieve e-business?

 There can be different strategic models that can be used by companies. For example,
Mc Donald’s used sequential marketing strategy model. They reviewed the situation
with the help of SWOT analysis and then set the goal. They formulated the strategy
by setting marketing objectives, estimated the expected results and identified
different plans and mixes. Resource allocation is done by deciding the budget for all
the activities.
In another example of Johnson & Scholes, they used corporate strategy model.
Strategic analysis was done by studying the environmental resources, gauging the
expectations and working on the objectives. This followed by strategic choice
generation after evaluation of options. And lastly strategic implementations,
keeping in mind the resource planning, people and system’s organization structure.

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