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Lesson Title: The Baroque Period Grade/Level: 3th Date/Learning Experience #:

Curriculum Standards Essential Question(s)/I Can Statement(s)

State Curriculum Standards – Underline your What question(s) or I Can statement(s) drive your instruction?
language/vocabulary words I can define how music in the Baroque Period is different from music
3.GM.R1.B Using movement, manipulatives, and/or pictorial in other time periods.
representation, demonstrate and describe how specific music
concepts are used to support a specific purpose in music (such
as different sections, selected orchestral, band, folk, or ethnic
3.GM.Cn2.A Demonstrate understanding of relationships
between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied
contexts, and/or daily life (such as understanding the science of

Lesson Objective(s) – Student Learning Outcome(s) for this learning experience Subject Specific Emphasis (Residency)
Objectives use active verbs, are measurable (if applicable), and link to standards. Consider For each objective, please indicate which
using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. Please number objectives. Subject Specific Emphasis is being
1. Students will be able to identify and define musical concepts that are specific addressed. Click here for more information.
to the Baroque Period. 1.
2. Students will be able to identify basic ornamentation symbols written notation

How will students demonstrate understanding of lesson objective(s)? These will be highlighted in blue in the
Instructional Steps Section.

Formal Assessments: What formative evidence will you collect to document student learning/mastery of lesson
objective(s)? Please describe the upcoming Summative Assessment for these objectives.
 Formative – Students will be able to describe the differences between a harpsichord and a piano,
name different examples of ornamentation, and name a composer from the Baroque Period.
 Summative (What upcoming Summative Assessment are you planning for?) – A review at the end will
ask students to list at least 2 composers, explain what ornamentation does to music, and identify at
least 2 types of ornamentation.

Evaluative Criteria: For each formal assessment, list and/or describe the performance indicators or
dimensions that are used to assess the evidence of learning. Evaluation criteria must be aligned with objectives
and may examine correctness/accuracy, sophistication or elaboration of response, or quality of explanation.
Often these are included in rubrics, performance checklists, or rules for awarding full versus partial credit.
At the end, students will be asked review questions to gauge their understanding of the lesson. They will
be graded on giving the correct answer to these questions.

Academic Language Demands

Key Language Task - Describe a key language task (activity) from your
lesson (discussion, group work, turn & talk, debate, presentation, using cues,
writing a paragraph, interpreting a graph, etc.). Describe how students will be
required to use language in the activity and the desired outcomes. Highlight your
Key Language Task in the Instructional Steps Section.
Academic Vocabulary What specialized terms and phrases do students need to
understand what they are expected to do?

Content Vocabulary What are the key vocabulary words, symbols, or sounds in Baroque Period, trill, turn, appoggiatura, composer.
this lesson?

Higher Ordered Thinking Questions, Activities, Engagement

Questions and/or activities for higher order thinking: These are open-ended What does it mean for something to be fancy, and how
and cannot be answered by yes or no. There should be a high frequency of do you make something fancy?
questions, asked at various points throughout the lesson to guide rather than Why do you think people in the Baroque music wanted
direct student thinking.
their music to sound fancy?
(from TEAM: Questioning, Problem Solving, Thinking Skills)
Please highlight these in yellow in the Instructional Part of your plan below.
Instruction – When designing your instruction, consider when you will implement formal and informal assessments/evaluations,
when you will provide feedback, and when you will teach academic language. Therefore, this section should include aspects
written above.
Highlight in yellow all Higher Ordered Questions and Thinking Activities.
Highlight in blue all informal and formal assessments.
Highlight in green your Key Language Activity
Underline any activities/tasks that require high levels of student engagement.

Description of Activities and Instruction
Individual &
(Students Do)
Group Needs
What do you plan for students to do during Plans instruction to
the major steps of this lesson? Please make meet the needs of
Description of Activities and Instruction your numbers correspond to the numbered individual students.
Lesson Part (Teacher Does) steps in the other columns. Adaptations are tied to
learning objectives.
Underline any tasks that require high levels Consider ELL and other
of student engagement. specific individual or
group learning;
includes requirements
in IEP or 504 plans.
Opening 1. Students will log on to zoom. 1. Students will make their way to
Describe the 2. Once everyone is in the call, I will their seats and sit.
beginning of
your lesson greet everyone and make sure 2. Students will greet the teacher and
which should everyone has their whiteboards, confirm that they have the
include bellwork markers, and erasures for class today, classroom materials.
(if needed), a
if they don’t, I’ll ask them to get a 3. Students will listen.
presentation of pencil to write on.
objectives, state 3. Introduce the topic of the Baroque
the learning, or Period.
introduction of
relevance &
must be made to
prior learning,
cultural or
Instructional 4. Show a slide of the musical time 4. Students will identify where the Baroque
Procedures/ periods and ask them where the Period is located on the timeline.
Tasks: Continue baroque period is on the timeline. 5. Students will think and answer what
numbering your 5. What does it mean to make they think makes something fancy.
steps as they something fancy? 6. Students will think and answer how you
continue from
6. Ask how you make something can make something fancy.
the Opening.
Provide specific fancy. 7. Students will watch and listen.
step-by-step 7. Show them a Quaver video 8. Students will listen.
details of lesson talking about the Baroque Period. 9. Students will answer what the
content aligned
with objectives, 8. Say the Baroque period was harpsichord reminds them of and how it
utilizing a known for having fancy music looks/sounds different from a modern
variety of with harpsichords. piano.
9. Ask what the harpsichord reminds 10. Students will listen.
Highlight in them of them, and then how does 11. Students will listen.
yellow all it sound or look different from a 12. Students will answer what ornaments
Higher Ordered modern piano. make them think of.
Questions and
Thinking 10. Explain how the harpsichord is 13. Students will listen
Highlight in the grandfather to the piano. 14. Students will listen.
blue all informal 11. Introduce ornamentation as 15. Students will watch and listen.
and formal
assessments. another way Baroque music was 16. Students will answer trill, turn, and
Highlight in fancy. appoggiatura.
green your Key 12. Ask students what ornaments 17. Students will learn to pronounce
makes them think of. appoggiatura
Underline 13. Relate topic to ornaments on the 18. Students will place ornamentation onto
Active tree. Mary Had a Little Lamb (
Engagement 14. Draw comparison between 19. Students will sing normal Mary Had a
ornaments decorating a Christmas Little Lamb
tree and ornaments decorating 20. Students will attempt to sing it with
music and explain the idea of ornamentation
ornamentation making a line of 21. Students will sing We Wish You a
music fancy. Merry Christmas
15. Resume Quaver video discussing 22. Students will learn We Wish You a
ornamentation. Fancy Christmas.
16. Ask what the ornaments were 23. Students will sing We Wish You a
mentioned in the video Fancy Christmas, with and without me.
17. Review ornaments, pronounce 24. Students will try to identify the
appoggiatura composers.
18. Have students add ornamentation 25. Students will listen.
to Marry Had a Little Lamb on 26. Students will locate the countries on a
Quaver. map.
19. Have students sing through Mary 27. Students will listen and may identify the
Had a Little Lamb normally song.
20. Then attempt to sing 28. Students will learn to sing the Hallejuah
ornamentation melody on “la”
21. Review We Wish You A Merry 29. Students will create their own syllables
Christmas to sing the Hallejuah chorus
22. Teach We Wish You A Fancy 30. Students will perform their syllables for
Christmas the class.
23. Everyone sing together, then
students alone
24. Ask the students if they can
identify Bach, Handel, and
Vivaldi from their pictures, if not
I introduce them as the most
famous Baroque composers who
all lived in Europe..
25. Explain what a composer is.
26. Ask students to locate Europe on
the map, and then locate England,
Germany, and Italy
27. Play Handel’s Messiah’s
Hallejuah chours and ask if they
recognize it
28. Teach the students the melody of
the Hallejuah chorus
29. Have students come up with
fancy syllables to sing Hallejuah
30. Each student performs their
syllables for the class

Closure: 31. Ask them review questions: how was 31. Students will answer review
numbering to baroque music different from previous questions.
describe the end music, what did they use to make it 32. Students will think about the
of your lesson.
Make clear fancy question and give their answers.
connections to 32. Ask students why they think people in 33. Students will leave the call once
real-world the Baroque period decided to make they answer the question.
situations and
everything fancy sounding.
require students
to reflect on and 33. Once they answer the questions, they
apply their can leave the call.
through verbal
or written
Material/Resources: What do you need for this lesson? Identify, Whiteboards, markers, whiteboard erasures, Quaver presentation
within a bulleted list, the specific materials and resources that you
will use. Describe how these materials and resources add value,
depth, and extend students’ learning.

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