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Gonzalez 1

Samantha Gonzalez

EDSP 4311: Teaching Exceptional Children

Dr. Washington

October 20, 2020

Gonzalez 2

Processing speed is the seventh cognitive process that I will be talking about and it is the

last one. Processing speed is the ability to perform cognitive tasks fluently and even when one is

under pressure to be able to remain focused. This cognitive process also helps when it comes to

being able to perform tests that are relatively easy, and the ability to manipulate and deal with

numbers rather fast and accurately. Processing speed is linked to the subjects of reading, math,

and written expression. There are some students that will have a weakness when it comes to the

cognitive process, processing speed. Although they may have a weakness, there are some

accommodations that teachers can do to help their students overcome this weakness.

A weakness that a student may have, is that they may have trouble working when it

comes to having a time frame. For example, when I was in high school, I took AP English and

when it came to having a timed writing about a book we read in class, I would not be able to

finish writing or have a good idea about what to write about. Now that I am learning about these

cognitive processes, I can see that I have a weakness in this area. Another weakness that a

student may have is that they will have a hard time when it comes to mental math computations

and may also have a low reading rate.

To help students some accommodations that can be made are that the teacher can practice

using speed drills. The teacher can also allow extra time to complete certain tasks, assignments,

and tests. One last accommodation that a teacher can make, is that the teacher can give a timed

assignment to the students, but not mention that the assignment is a timed assignment, that way

they do not feel pressured.

Processing speed is a cognitive process that deals with being able to perform tasks under

pressure. This is something that I had trouble with, and that a lot of students may struggle with.

Therefore, I will do my best to help my students in any way I can.

Gonzalez 3

Work cited

Areas of Processing Deficit and Their Link to Areas of Academic Achievement. (n.d.). Retrieved

October 13, 2020, from



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