Tada Policy

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TA Policy

1) Objective:

To lay down guide line for local and domestic travel and entitle for daily allowance for selected
categories of employees in Patanjali Nepal business.

2) Scope:

The policy is applicable to all sales force of Patanjali Nepal who have to travel for business purpose with
in India. These guidelines shall be applicable to Levels iii, iv, v, vi.

3) Definitions:

Head Quarter (HQ), shall mean the place of posting of the employees as mentioned in the LOI or any
other letter as mentioned by the HR department in case of many change.

EX-Headquarter(EX-HQ), shall mean the town exceeding 30km to 60 km from the HQ or place of hosting
as mentioned above but not involving overnight stay.

Outstation (O’S) shall mean a town which is beyond 60km from the place of posting of the employee
where night stay is required due to work exigencies.

4) Classification of cities:

Category A Kathmandu, Pokhara, Dharan, Narayanghat

Category B Rest of the Nepal

5) General Guide Line:

a) All outstation travel need to be finalized at least 3 days in advance, post approval by the HOD/
functional hand.
b) Only in emergency out station travel can be undertaken without any advance notice, but with
the written permission of the concerned authority.
c) In both the above cases, a copy of the written permission will be send to the HR department for
attendance purposes.
d) Travel on company account should be done using good judgement with respect to expenses.
Hence employees are expected to choose an alternative which does not hamper performance
and is consistent with company’s interest/policy.
e) Employees are expected to report all expenses and advanced promptly and accurately with
required documentation.
f) In case of false presentation of expenses strict disciplinary actions shall be taken against the
6) Mode of travel:
a) The entitlements for the mode of travel are as follows:

Level Local Travel Outstation Travel

Iii Own Car/ Conveyance car/Taxi Air/1st AC, 2ND A/c train, taxi
Iv Car/ Taxi Air/1st AC, 2ND A/c train, taxi
V Own Conveyance/Car/scooter, 2nd AC train, Bus, own conveyance, car, scooter,
motorcycle,bus, Rikshaw motorcycle
Vi Own Conveyance/Car/scooter, 3rd Ac Train Non AC train Scooter Motor cycle
motorcycle, bus, Rikshaw

b) While selecting the flight the employee shall have to avail of the lowest possible fair. The
employee shall desist from using a preferred airline, to avail a frequent flyer benefit
c) In case local travel distance is less then 50km use of own conveyance or public transport system
shall be the prefer option. No Taxi should be booked.
d) Employees are advised to use metered taxi/auto. Where metered Taxi are not available taxi hire
charged are have to be supported with duty slip and bills maintaining the distance and rates as
per the entitlements.
e) Where several members of the staffs are going between venues, it will be more economical to
use a common taxi rather than a public taxi. All option for transport other than taxi must be
exhausted prior to the location.
f) In case of travelling by own vehicle the reimbursement shall be as per the following table.

Level Type of Vehicle Rate/km

Iii Car At acutal
Iv Car At actual
V Car At actual
Vi Scooter/motorcycle Rs. 4.00

g) Employees using their own vehicle for official travel except transit between residence to office
shall be entitled to reimbursement of travelling expense as per the table above subject to the
maintenance of a log book in prescribed format.
7) Entitlement of Daily allowance(HQ/Ex-HQ):

The Daily allowances shall be as follows for HQ.

TA DA Allowances
2. Staff / Trainee 1 ltr. 275
3. TSI/Executive 1 ltr. 350
5. Sr. ASM/DGM/Sr. Manager
6. GM/S.H. AT ACTUAL 750

*claim bill must be supported by taxi bill or ownership of the car with log book.
Employees on routine for duties of more than 4hrs will be entitled to HQ allowance

While claiming DA breakfast and lunch bills will not be considered.

8) Outstation travel Allowance

a) Daily allowance in case of Outstation travel shall be as per the following table

Out-station Allowance(Excluding VAT)

Level A Class City
2. Staff / Trainee Rs. 1200.00
3. TSI/Executive Rs. 1500.00
4. ASI/ASM Rs. 2100.00
5. Sr. ASM/DGM/Sr. Manager Rs. 2100.00
6. GM/NSM Rs. 1750.00 + hotel
as actual

* The outstation stay must be supported by a valid VAT paid hotel bill.

b) Consolidate allowance consist of expenses incurred on meals and lodging.

c) Calculation shall commence from the time of departure and conclude at the time of return to
the place of posting or residence. The entitle are as follows:

Hours (With night stay/ without night stay) Entitlement

12 hours or more with overnight stay Full day rate
12 hours or more without overnight stay or for Half day rate of “without bill amount”
travel duration more then 12 hours

d) In case employee of different entitlement stay together in the same hotel then boarding and
lodging expenses shall be permitted only to the extent of the some of the total of individual
e) No reimbursement shall be permissible for alcoholic drinks, Non-Vegetarian Food, cigarettes and
health club etc.
f) For tour to any city, employee can claim either with bill or without bill allowance for number of
days in a particular town. The mix of both with bill and without bill for single cities are not
g) As far as possible hotel rules should be vacated before or at the applicable check out time on the
day of the departure so as to avoid extra cost.
h) Intervening holidays and weekly off will be included in the total tour duration of the tour of the
employee for the purpose of claims.
i) When an employee makes there stay arrangement on his own with family or friend for stay,
beyond 12 hours of journey, they will be entitled to 25% of daily allowance on the prescribed
limit as per the applicable city.
9) Business Expenses:

The company deems permissible those expenses related to business travel that are reasonable and
necessary to conduct regular work. Business expenses shall include postage, fax, internet cafe and
photocopy. These expenses shall be reimbursed on actual subject to submission of original bills with
managers approval.

Internet expense and cyber cafe shall be reimbursed in case an urgent works need to be completed with
managers approval.

10) Mobile expenses Reimbursement:

The monthly ceiling of the mobile phone uses shall be as follows. In order to claim the reimbursement, it
shall be mandatory to have a postpaid connection.

Levels Limit in NPR/Pm

2. Staff / Trainee Rs. 500.00
3. TSI/Executive Rs. 500+ 250(for data card)
4. ASI/ASM Rs. 1250 +250(for data card)
5. Sr. ASM/DGM/Sr. Manager
6. GM/ NSM Rs. 2500 +750(for data card)

*This is the maximum limit of the recharge other than the CUG uses which must be supported by a valid
telecom bill.

11) Leave During Tours:

An employee on leave during tour shall not entitle to outstation allowance for the period for which
he/she is on leave.

12) Tour Advance and payment clearance:

a) If needed, employee may avail advance for an amount not exceeding his/her entitlement from
finance and account department with due approval of HOD.
b) It is advised that once tickets are booked the travel plan should not be changed unless there is
an emergency as it may lead to cancellation charges.
c) In case of cancellation of the tour, tour advance need to be return to the finance and accounts
departments on the same day.
d) Within 7days of returning from the tour the employee must submit his/her tour report to the
functional head.
e) Advance should be accounted with in 7days from the returning from the tour and the balance if,
any, should be refunded at once.
f) Tour advance standing unadjusted for more than 10 days is liable to be deducted from the next
salary due to the employee with intimation.
g) Subsequent travel advance shall be given once previous advanced is settled.
13) Power to amend:

a) Any change of the guideline shall be approved by the President.

b) The management deserve the right to withdraw and / or amend the policy at its own
desecration as it deals fit from time to time.
c) The decision of the management will be final and binding.

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