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Rachel Whited

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

In order for me to move on to Nevada State College to continue my bachelor’s degree in

Early Childhood Education, I need to pass the Praxis Exams. The exam has three

different tests. Those tests are in Math, Writing, and Reading. To pass these exams, I

need to be able to get a score of 150 in Mathematics, 156 in Reading, and 162 on the

Writing exam.

Exam Preparation

Before I took the practice exams for the Praxis, I refreshed my memory on my

mathematics. Before I took the reading or writing portion, I took the practice exams on

ETS. I took those practice exams almost a year ago so when I took the practice exams

this time, I was basically retraining my brain on what the exam was about. In the future, I

am going to spend more time preparing for the exams before I take them. I am also going

to try to not stress or sike myself on when I think I clicked the wrong answer.

Exam Results

In Math, I got a score of 63%. This means that I need some minor improvement

before I take the real exam. In Reading, I scored a 43%. This means that I need some

significant improvement before I move on to the actual exam. In Writing, I scored a 55%.

This also means that I need some significant improvement on this subject before taking

the real exam.

Future Exam Preparation

I have not passed the Praxis Exams yet. In preparation for me to do so, I am going

to sign up for some extra tutoring at CSN. I am also thinking of buying a study book so

that I can look over it and refresh my brain on things I may have forgotten. I feel like if I

study more frequently, I am less likely to fail the exams because I will constantly be

refreshing my brain on the subjects.

Exam Results:

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