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Contact Center Services NC II

Batch 1

Activities for Week 2:

“Job Interview Questions”

1. Tell something about yourself.

Hi everybody I am Precious Mae M. Malabo. I graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education and

have been teaching for 3 years. I am grateful to teach students with varied nationalities and learned
things from them too especially their culture. I am an introvert person. Interacting with lots of people is
quite overwhelming for me but there’s an exception when it comes in a professional work. I do
communicate with my colleagues every now and then and make sure to attend in our gatherings. My
hobbies are reading books, listening to music and visit places I’ve never been with few friends that I
have. I also like to get things done earlier than its actual deadline.

2. What is your motto in life?

My motto in life is “Rise up and be the best I can be because my world is waiting for me.” I
chose this guiding idea because it speaks for myself reminding me that despite of difficulties I have
been experiencing, I still need to move forward and take a single step. I know for a fact that we people
have an odd moment wherein we feel hopeless or helpless but please be reminded that it’s just a bad
day not a bad life. There’s always a tomorrow to a new beginning, a tomorrow to continue where we
stop and lastly a tomorrow for another chance.

3. Why should we hire you?

You should hire me because I am a persistent worker. I may find the task difficult but I will keep
on doing it until I get better on that certain thing. I can also adapt and adjust to any situation that your
company might implement. I know that there lots of things I need to improve so I am more than willing
to learn and train. If you will hire me, I will make sure that this chance won’t be wasted because I will
be passionate to be one of your assets.
4. How do you motivate yourself to reach your goal?

I motivate myself to reach my goal through thinking of good stuff that I can get if I will be
persistent in my craft. Accepting things that I cannot change and let everything flow accordingly.
Furthermore, I live in the present moment wherein I do things on time. I also seek inspirational ideas
from the book I am reading so that there’s no reason for me to stop in reaching my goal. I also do
things that will improve my skills to achieve my goals even possible.

5. Give ten (10) vocabulary words that you can relate to yourself. Give its meaning and synonyms.

*10 Vocabulary Words:

1. spontaneous- result of a sudden inner impulse (syn.)  impromptu, unplanned

2. persistent- continuing firmly in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

(syn.) determined, persevered

3. moody- unpredictable changes of mood (syn.) emotional, unpredictable

4. taciturn- reserved or uncommunicative in speech (syn. quiet, untalkative)

5. neophyte- a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief. (syn. beginner, new comer)

6. confine- to put limits on (syn. restrict)

7. complacent- uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements

(syn. contented, satisfied)

8. focus- pay particular attention to. (syn. concentration)

9. ikigai- a reason for being (syn. purpose)

10 . possibility- a thing that may happen or be the case (syn. chance, probability)

I chose this vocabulary words because most this are words that describe me while the others of it
are words, I wish I could practice to make me more efficient.

6. Give two (2) tongue twisters.

 Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter’s bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.
So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,
put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.
So ‘t was better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

 Amidst the mists and coldest frosts,

With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts,
He thrusts his fists against the posts,
And still insists he sees the ghosts.

7. Give the Phonetic Alphabet

 Phonetic alphabets are used to indicate, through symbols or codes, what a speech sound or
letter sounds like.
A- Alpha N- November
B- Bravo O- Oscar
C- Charlie P- Papa
D- Delta Q- Queen
E- Echo R- Romeo
F- Foxtrot S- Sierra
G- Golf T- Tango
H- Hotel U- Uniform
I- India V- Victor
J- Julia W- Whiskey
K- Kilo X- X-Ray
L- Lima Y- Yankee
M- Mike Z- Zulu

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