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**The following settings and recommendations are in accordance with zoom application.

Call the Contest to Order by banging the gavel.

Hello and welcome Toastmasters and guests to _____[area]_____[name of


I am Chief Sergeant-at-arms Toastmaster ____________and I welcome you all to this

Online Contest.

I would like to begin by stating the mission of a Toastmasters Club.

“We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are
empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-
confidence and personal growth”.

Some rules to be respected during the contest:

1. All attendees must mute their audio at all times unless instructed otherwise by the
Contest Chair.

2. DO NOT share your screen unless asked by the host. If you do so you will be
removed from the meeting.

4. Kindly refrain from movements that distract the speaker. In case you need to move,
please turn off your video before doing so.

5. There will be a break given in between for you to drink water or stretch yourself, etc.

6. Once the Contest Chair starts the contest, this virtual meeting room will be locked.
You will be able to leave but will NOT be able to return to the meeting room.

7. I wish you all a fantastic contest!

Please help me welcome TM ________, the Presiding Officer for today’s contest.

(Address by Presiding Officer)

Please help me welcome TM ________, the contest chair for ____[name of


The Contest Chair will hand over to Chief SAA to announce a short break.

We will now take a short break for 5 minutes. It is ____ now (time). We will reconvene at
_____(time). Please Do Not Click on the LEAVE MEETING option.

[ After the break is over, the Chief SAA will invite the Contest Chair of the 2nd Contest]


[ After the entire contest is over, the Contest Chair will hand it over to Chief SAA]

The Chief SAA will invite the Judge to take over for the announcement of the results

The Chief Judge will hand over to the Presiding Officer to close the Contest.

[ Bang the gavel]


In case contestants have to be moved to a breakout room, you will send them all one by one
and also send the second SAA into the breakout room.
Once all contestants and SAA have joined the breakout room, confirm the same to the Contest

As you are also Co-Host of the Zoom meeting, you will be responsible for admitting all
attendees and guests waiting outside into the Main meeting room. Please do so only in-between

Rename all the Contest Officials with their Role + Name

# Please check the rights (options) of Co-Host, whether he/she can move the contestants
to the Breakout Room or not.

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