Name - Charlyn A.-WPS Office

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Name: Charlyn A.

Cañedo Course/year: BSCRIM - 3 Score:________

Subject: Forensic 3 Date submitted: December 4,2020

1. Give at least 3 most effective tools used in forensic science.

 Facial constructions

a method used in the forensic field when a crime involves unidentified

remains.and it is also used by many forensic labs to determine the appearance of
victims who are too damaged or whose bodies are decomposing to make a visual

 DNA sequencing

DNA is used to identify both criminals and victims by using trace evidence such
as skin or hair.DNA sequencing determines the order of the four chemical
blocks(called bases)that make up the DNA molecule.

 High-powered microscope

Microscopy is a essential to the forensic science with virtually all trace evidence
requiring analysis using polarised light microscopy,scanning electron
microscopy,X-ray spectroscopy. with the help of high powered microscopes tiny
pieces of evidence can be viewed more clearly and be more easily identified.

2. This are the evidence that need a careful scientific investigation to look for the

 Video evidence-while investigators are able to piece together events that happens at
crime scenes from any physical and DNA evidence,video evidence allows
investigator to review what actually took place.Surveillance cameras are set up in
great deal of public places but with improvement in cellphones and handheld
devices more people have the opportunity to take clear quality,photography and
videos to document different situation.

3. What are the factors or agents in reporting a forensic scientific report.

 to recognize and preserve physical evidence that will yield reliable information to
avoid in the investigation.
4. What are the attitude of a forensics scientist to his efficiency and effective to establish
the findings in the court.

 if aims to identify when where and hiw forensics science can add value to criminal
investigation,court trials and justice while ensuring the efficient use of available
resources and they need also to demonstrate logical acumen in applying the scientific
method and they need to explain their application of science to the problem at hand

5. If you tasked to investigate the vehicular accident what evidences are you looking for

 For me the skid marks because it is another way that investigators can determine how
fast the vehicles were traveling when the skid distance the drag factor due to road
surface friction and the braking efficiency are determined the minimum speed of a
car as it started skidding can be found.The appearance of the skid mark also tells
investigators wether a car was braking,accelerating,or sliding therefore skid marks
can indicate who might be at fault for driving recklessly.

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