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Olivia George

I was the student who was constantly asking “Why am I learning this? How is this going to help
me?” and I was never given any real answers for that and I can’t help but think, how is it fair that
we are pushing our students into the adult world unarmed with the skills they need or ability and
reasoning to apply them?
I chose this topic because I am very passionate about making school a place where students
want to learn and are excited about learning and where the result is real, applicable skills for
their futures.

Lesson Plan

Objective:​ Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of what authentic learning is,
what examples of authentic learning activities are, and how they can apply this method in a
classroom through participation in a class discussion at the end of the presentation.

Materials: ​Google slides presentation, Handout, Youtube video, projector, computer, cue cards

Teacher will pass out authentic learning overview handout.
Teacher will go over google slides presentation in depth.
Teacher will show a short youtube video explaining authentic assessment.
Teacher will ask students closure question.
Teacher will lead group discussion of closure question.

Closure:​ Students will be led by teacher in a class discussion of the following question;

How would you as a future educator incorporate authentic learning and authentic assessments
into your classroom?

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