Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

I. Describe the Class

10th grade world history. There are 38 students in the class, 4 are gifted, one has

dyslexia, and 2 are ELL

II. Subject/Skill

World History / Feudal Japan

III. Objective(s)

(1) While viewing a powerpoint presentation students will be able to match

vocabulary words with their definitions on a worksheet with no error.

(2) After viewing a powerpoint presentation on feudal Japan and using material they

learned in the previous lesson students will be able to write down in their

notebooks at least three comparisons and contrasts between feudalism in Europe

and in Japan.

IV. Procedures

1. I will tell students that the objective for today is to be able to describe feudalism in

Japan and compare and contrast it with feudalism in Europe.I will hand out

worksheets and put up the powerpoint presentation while I introduce the lesson

and put it in perspective of what we went over in our previous lesson.

2. We will have a short class discussion to make sure they remember what feudalism

is and an overview of what it was like in Europe which we learned in the previous
lesson. I will prompt the students and ask questions and then call on students to

answer these questions.

3. After going through the presentation I will explain the task they will be doing,

comparing and contrasting feudalism in Europe and Japan in their notebook, and I

will give them one example of each.

4. I will have the students volunteer to give me a couple examples while I prompt

them and answer their questions

5. Students will work on their task and I will walk around to monitor and help where

needed I will also be asking questions and making comments on their thoughts.

V. Materials

● Powerpoint on Feudal Japan

● Vocabulary worksheet (x38)

● Pen or Pencil

● Class notebook

● Textbook

● Student notes

VI. Grouping Structures

Students will be put in small groups of 4 or 5 to spend the last 5 or so minutes of

class sharing ideas they came up with during their independent practice time and

discussing their comparisons and contrasts. There will be about 8 groups total.

VII. Modifications

The student with dyslexia will be handed printed copies of the powerpoint slides
A special font that makes it easier for them to read. The presentation will also be

spoken out loud so that they have the chance to hear it as well as see it.

The two ELL students will be given a printed copy of the powerpoint slides and

will have more time to complete their vocabulary worksheet and notebook


VIII. Assessment

For homework students will go over their notes and ideas they came up with for

their in class assignment and prepare to have a whole class discussion about the

unit the next day. The discussion will be a review activity in preparation for their

upcoming unit test.

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