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Selene Valdez Landa

COMM 2110-420
Proposal Assignment

Be more assertive while also being respectful to people when they ask me to do or help with
When someone asks me to do something with them or help them do something, I always say
yes because I don’t want to hurt their feelings. But this affects me because I start to pile things
up on my self and bring stress and anxiety upon myself. Being more assertive will help be
relieve some of that stress and help me get my things done first.
During the semester, I will employ the following strategies to help me be more assertive to
people I talk to:
1. I will Describe (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2017, pg. 173) how I view the situation or
my situation if I were to say yes to the question.
2. I will Disclose (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2017, pg. 175) my feelings to the person to
let them know how I feel about the question.
3. I will Paraphrase (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2017, pg. 176) my situation and feelings
if I were to say yes to the question and why I say no to the question.
4. I will Seek Empathic Connection (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2017, pg. 176) between
me and the person I am talking to.
I will begin implementing my strategies next week, because that’s the next time I plan to speak
with friends or co-workers. I’ll continue my progress mostly at work where I get asked to do
things al the time and sometimes don’t have the time to do them and or at home with my
parents or my brothers. I will achieve my goal by remembering the steps above and
implementing them into my response. If I am having trouble at being assertive, I will apply the
strategy of Identifying the Effects (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2017, pg. 175) of my situation.

Beebe, Steven A., Beebe, Susan J., & Redmond, Mark V. (2017). Interpersonal Communication:
Relating to Others. (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.

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