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Hello, I am a mentor teacher at the LSU Early Childhood Education Laboratory

Preschool. I have about twelve children in the classroom, that attend every day. None of it is

virtual, they all must attend in person with a mask on. My mentor’s class is not inclusion, and all

the children are on the same level.


I chose a video song for my transition because these are the types of transitions my

mentor teacher does. Her transitions include playing a song on her iPad for either clean up,

morning meeting, or afternoon meeting. I chose to do a song for clean up after centers, because it

is what she normally does, and the children would easily know what is going on.

The goal of the transition was to move from centers to line up for outside time, which

worked well. A few of them were confused about the different song, but overall worked well.

The only prop used was the iPad for the song. I also used my voice to tell them a few times to

clean up. My role was to get the children to finish playing, clean up their toys and centers, and

get them to line up to the door.


One thing I would like to reflect on is how smooth this really went. Children really seem

to do well with songs that they can listen to, and have fun following instructions with. However,

the children were more used to the certain songs my mentor teacher plays, and even in my video

I can see one of the little boys tell me this isn’t the song we normally listen to. Next time I feel

like I should play my song louder, as the iPad was a little low to listen to. I should also instruct

them more, but I just assumed they knew what to do because they heard the song.

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