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11/20/2020 Your Results for "Chapter 1 - Variables and research design"

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Site Title: Companion Website for Dancey & Reidy: Statistics Without Maths, 6e
Book's Title: Statistics Without Maths for Psychology
Book's Author: Dancey
Location on Site: Multiple choice questions > Chapter 1 - Variables and research design
Date/Time Submitted: November 20, 2020 at 6:12 PM (UTC/GMT)

Overall Score: 25% of 24 questions

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1. ______ allow a researcher to examine the degree and direction of the relationship between
two characteristics or variables.

Your Answer: Quasi-experimental designs

Correct Answer: Correlational designs

2. A dependent variable refers to:

Your Answer: the experimental condition.

Correct Answer: the variable which shows us the effect of the manipulation.

3. A solution typically used for dealing with the effects that can occur in a within-participants
design as a result of participants doing the conditions in a particular order is called:

Your Answer: counterbalancing.

Counterbalancing is important as participants taking part in all, or some, of the conditions 1/5
11/20/2020 Your Results for "Chapter 1 - Variables and research design"
may be affected by fatigue, boredom, or there may be a practice effect.

4. A study is carried out to compare offenders with non-offenders on their levels of coping.
Which following statement is true of this study?

Your Answer: The independent variable is type of person and the dependant variable is
their level of coping.

5. A study is carried out to examine whether senior consultants have more positive coping skills
than junior consultants. Which following statement is true of this study?

Your Answer: The independent variable is seniority and the dependant variable is coping

6. Complete the following sentence:

Sometimes the difference a researcher has observed in a dependent variable as a result of

manipulating the independent variable may not be due to the manipulation but due to:

Your Answer: categorical variables.

Correct Answer: confounding variables.

7. Complete the following statement.

Between-participants designs should be considered when:

Your Answer: the independent variable doesn't lend itself well to repeated measure,
e.g. gender.
Correct Answer: all of the above.

8. If in SPSSFW there is a grouping variable in the data screen this tells you that it is a:

Your Answer: between-participants design.

9. Match the statistical test with the type of research design.

Option Your Answer:

9.1 t-tests (blank)

9.2 Spearman's Rho A. Correlational designs.

9.3 Wilcoxon (blank) 2/5
11/20/2020 Your Results for "Chapter 1 - Variables and research design"

10. Match the type of research design and their description.

Option Your Answer: Correct Answer:

10.1 Correlational B. Involves random allocation of C. Examines relationships

designs participants to conditions of the between variables and cannot
independent variable. infer causation.

10.2 Experimental (blank) --


10.3 Quasi- (blank) --


11. Quasi-experimental designs have which of the following characteristics?

Your Answer: Participants are randomly allocated to the various conditions that make
up the independent variable.
Correct Answer: Because participants are not randomly allocated to the various conditions,
we cannot be certain that our pseudo-manipulation of the independent
variable is responsible for any differences between conditions.

Remember quasi-experimental designs are used when you have intact groups.

12. Variables are:

Your Answer: the main focus of research in science.

Correct Answer: all of the above.

13. What sort of variable is manipulated by the researcher?

Your Answer: Co-dependent.

Correct Answer: Independent.

14. Which of the following constitute discrete variables?

Your Answer: Type of offender, e.g. rapist, burglar, thief.

Correct Answer: Number of reported crimes in one week.

This is a categorical variable.

15. Which of the following is correct? 3/5
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Your Answer: The between-participants design has more control over confounding
variables between conditions.
Correct Answer: It is important to distinguish between the major sorts of research design
because they use different methods of analysis.

16. Which of the following is true?

Your Answer: Dichotomising continuous variables tends to lead to research that is high
in experimental power.
Correct Answer: Streiner (2002) argues that in analyses you are only two thirds as likely
to detect relationships among variables if you dichotomise continuous

Dichotomizing continuous variables can lead to low experimental power. The correct answer is
that in analyses you are only two thirds as likely to detect relationships among variables if
you dichotomise continuous variables (Streiner 2002). Thus there is a loss of sensitivity in the

17. Which of the following statements is false?

Using a within-participants design means that:

Your Answer: different people are tested in each condition of the IV.

18. Which of these statements relating to the experimental design or true experiment is false?

Your Answer: Random allocation of participants to conditions is a major feature of

Correct Answer: Experiments cannot reveal causal relationships as well as other research

This is actually a correct statement. Random allocation is useful for controlling inter-personal
factors in participants.

19. Which one of these problems associated with the within-participants design is true?

Your Answer: You are not able to use counterbalancing.

Correct Answer: There can be effects of a participant serving in more than one condition of
the study.

One problem is that in a within-participants design effects may occur as a result of doing the
conditions in a particular order. Counterbalancing is important here as data may be affected
by tired or bored participants; participants becoming better at a task or there may be
asymmetrical transfer where the effect of an earlier condition affects a subsequent condition.
But it is still important to randomly assign participants to the different orders in which the
conditions will be run. 4/5
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20. You have found that men who went into care at a young age commit more crimes. Which of
the following could you conclude?

Your Answer: Men who go into care develop criminal attitudes.

Correct Answer: There is not necessarily a causal relationship between going into care and
the amount of crimes committed.

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