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A. Proposal (Drafting of Service Learning Program) 

Create a project proposal plan following the SLU Service Learning Program. Be 
guided with the rubrics below. Use a separate paper and attached it to your module upon 
submission. ​(50 points) 

See rubric below: 

SLP Rubrics  

Criteria  Excellent  Good  Fair  Needs Improvement 
Content  Content is  - Content is  - Content is not  - Content is not 
and  thorough,  comprehensive,  comprehensive  comprehensive and 
develop accurate,  accurate, and  and /or  /or persuasive. 
ment  persuasive and  persuasive.  persuasive.  - Major points are 
(15 pts.)  relates to a  - Major points are  - Major points are  addressed, but not 
  specific purpose  stated clearly  addressed, but  well supported. 
- Major points are  and are well  not well  - Research is 
specific, stated  supported.  supported.  inadequate or does 
clearly, and are  - Research is  - Research is  not address course 
well-supported.  adequate, timely  inadequate or  concepts. 
- research is  and addresses  does not address  - Content is 
primary  course concepts.  course concepts.  inconsistent with 
-course concepts  - Content and  - Content is  regard to purpose 
are focused with  purpose of the  inconsistent with  and clarity of 
clear a succinct  writing are clear.  regard to  thought. 
writing    purpose and   
    clarity of thought.   
(13-15 pts.)  (10-12 pts.)  (7-9 pts.)  (4-6 pts.) 
Organiz Concepts of  - Concepts of the  - Structure of the  - Organization and 
ation &  paragraphs are  paragraphs are  paragraph is not  structure detract 
Structure  filled with details  clear and easy to  easy to follow.  from the concepts 
(15 pts.)  of support for  follow.  of the paper. 

thesis and topic    - Paragraph  - Concepts are 
sentences.    transitions need  disjointed and lack 
- Paragraphs flow    improvement.  transition of 
into each other    - Concepts are  thoughts. 
with connective    disconnected   
concepts.  (10-12 pts.)     
(13-15 pts.)    (4-6 pts.) 
(7-9 pts.) 
Format  -Paper follows  - Paper follows  - Paper follows  - Paper lacks many 
(10 pts.)  designated  designated  most guidelines.  elements of correct 
guidelines  guidelines.  - Paper is over/  formatting.  
-Paper is  - Paper is the  under word  - Paragraphs are 
appropriate in  appropriate  length.  inadequate/ 
length  length as  - Some padding  excessive in length. 
-Succinct and  described for the  of paragraphs   
scholarly  assignment.     
(9-10 pts.)  (7-8 pts.)  (5-6 pts.)  (3-4 pts.) 
Gramma - Correct  - Rules of  - Paper contains  - Paper contains 
r,  grammatical  grammar, usage,  few grammatical,  numerous 
Punctuat construction  and punctuation  punctuation and  grammatical, 
ion &  -free of typos  are followed;  spelling errors.  punctuation, and 
Spelling  - compound/  spelling is correct.  - Language lacks  spelling errors. 
(10 pts.)  complex  - Language is  clarity or includes  - Language uses 
sentences  clear; sentences  the use of some  jargon or 
-clear, correct  display  jargon or  conversational tone 
technical  consistently  conversational  -Language is not 
vocabulary  varied structure.  tone; lacks  professional 
- Strong use of    professionalism   
correct language       
(9-10 pts.)  (7-8 pts.)  (5-6 pts.)  (3-4 pts.) 



I. The first part of the questionnaire focuses on the values and competencies of NSTP 
that a student should have acquired after taking the course. Place a check (✓) 
mark in the cell that applies to your current level. 

4 - Highly knowledgeable (able to train others) 

3 - Knowledgeable (comfortable doing) 
2 - Somewhat knowledgeable (needs help) 
1- Not knowledgeable 

After taking the course, I am now able to:   4  3  2  1 

1.  demonstrate  the  significant  roles  of  the  youth  in  promoting  civic         
consciousness,  nation-building,  good  citizenship,  nationalism,  and 
2. demonstrate the Louisian core values and CICM advocacies that         
promotes justice, peace, integrity of creation, and indigenous people’s 
3.  illustrate  how  one’s  capabilities  can  be  a  primary  tool  in  community         
welfare involvement while exhibiting Christian values ; and 
4.  design  a  sustainable  community  project  development  that  would         
contribute to the pursuit of the common good of the community. 

II. The second part is for you to answer the following questions: 

1. Are your expectations in this course met? Kindly reflect.  


____________________________________________________________________As a student in 
this course, were you able to do your plans in order to achieve the required values and 


2. What are the positive and negative attitudes that your classmates, friends, family 
members, and other people in the community observe in you for the past three 
weeks? Please share. 


(Thank you!) 
Ipey-as nan gawis! 
(Let goodness overflow) 



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