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Lucas Gruber

EDU 214 1004

11 March 2019
Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: Parts of the Cell Presentations

Concept / Topic to Teach: Organelles of the cell

General Goal(s): Give the students a detailed understanding of the cell organelles.

Specific Objectives: Students work together in a group, use technology to give a presentation,

display their skills with technology, research further knowledge on what they have learned,

present their understanding of what they have learned, and be introduced into citing their

research with APA.

Required Materials: Computer, projector, Microsoft PowerPoint/Google Slides, whiteboard,

markers, and internet access.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Greet the students, explain what the project is and how to

accomplish it, and then form the groups and assign topics.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

 Explain the project and give an example of what the presentation should be like.

 Assign the organelles to the groups (13 in total; one organelle per group).

 Allow the students to work on the project and help them when necessary (1


 Let them present during the next week

 Then assess their knowledge of their topics

Plan for Independent Practice: The student groups will be expected to research and work on

their presentation outside of school. They will only be given 10 minutes during class each day to

work on it.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Explain how they will be graded on the presentation and

that they will also be given a quiz on the topics presented.

Assessment Based on Objectives: A small quiz will be given after all the presentations are over

in order to assess the students’ understanding of the material they presented on.

Possible Connections to Other Subjects: Many of the functions carried out by the organelles

interweave with other subjects such as chemistry with molecule makeups and processes. It will

also be paramount to understand this information if they intend to go into medical fields or other

life sciences.

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