6.summary and Conclusion: Pharmaceutical Management and Regulatory Affairs Chapter-6

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 Homeopathy improves Quality of Life(QoL) of patients.
 The World Health Organisation recognized homeopathy as the world’s
second largest medical system, meant for just about everyone.
However, myths around homeopathy keep it away from its audience.
 Homeopathy is a safe and effective tool that can be integrated into a
practicing clinician’s armamentarium as either a first-line therapy or
an adjunctive treatment. It is relatively free of adverse side effects,
enhances the body’s ability to restore balance, is curative in some
diseases that would otherwise only be managed or palliated, speeds
healing in adjunctive approaches.
 Homeopathic remedies are gentle, safe, inexpensive and readily
available. Homeopathy is 100% compatible with other medications
and will not interface with the effectiveness of other medicines.
 In Homeopathy, the treatment of patient may done by considering
whole mind and body, lifestyle, nutrition and other inter related
factors in a holistic way of thinking.
 There is a large body of evidence from scientific research data, control
clinical studies and clinical outcome trials conducted by various
molecular biologists, physicists and nanotechnologists all around the
world who have proven that homeopathic is scientific.
 There are two common factors that determine speedy recovery:
i. Time
ii. Severity of disease
Homeopaths act in infective diarrhea, fevers, urticarial rashes, in
acute exacerbations of asthma, to name a few instances.
Unfortunately, people go to a homeopath as a last resort and by then
the disease would have progressed quite a bit. Severity of disease
increases with time. Sooner you approach a homeopath, faster your
results will be.
 Homeopathy is just like any other medical system wherein various
conditions from acute to chronic can be treated. People can avoid
surgery by taking homeopathic medicines. In short people can
approach homeopath from cold to cancer.
 In India, it takes five and half years to graduate as a homeopathic
doctor. Homeopathy is recognized by an Act of the Parliament.
 Homeopathy goes hand in hand with other systems of medicines like
Siddha, Ayurvedic, Unani, Naturopathy, Allopathy.
 In homeopathy, there is no place for steroids. Since all the source
materials undergo process of potentisation and trituration, there won’t



be even a trace of crude elements in it. Homeopathic pharmacies have

strict standardization and quality control systems.
 Homeopathic pills show positive for steroid test because few plant
drugs contain active principles where natural steroid content is
present, thus this makes the sulphur powder to sink and shows
positive reaction for steroids.
 Diabetic patients can also consume homeopathic medicines because
these homeopathic medicines cannot contain glucose which are
harmful for diabetic patients infact these medicines contain lactose
which is made of complex sugar and the actual amount of sugar in
homeopathic medicines consumed over a period of one week is not
more than one teaspoon. And still if the patient disagrees to this,
homeopathic medicine can be taken in liquid form which is not sweet.
 The white pills are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicine
that is sprinkled on them. The potent medicine coats the white pills.
There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies of each
medicine so a minimum of 30,000 various permutation and
combinations can be utilized.
 There is a worldwide increase in the use of homeopathy and rapid
expansion of the global market leading to further development of safe
and quality homeopathic drugs. Today, homeopathy is practiced in 80
countries and is trusted by over 50 crore people across the world.
 Homeopathic drugs are now pre medicated, pre packed, sealed and
labelled which is proving to be a boon for patients. New packaging
tubes are made of food grade plastic and dispensing has become
hygienic and easier using modern technology.
 Industry standards encompassing various parameters such ass safety
need to be defined rigorously. All homeopathic medicines should
comply with pharmacopoeia specifications and quality requirements.
 Manufacturers need to ensure the Good Manufacturing Practice
guidelines prevail during the manufacturing process similar to
conventional pharmaceuticals.


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