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Destiny Butler

Professor Monterrey

ENGL 5-42

8 November 2020

Annotated Bibliography

Balteara, Pastor Xavier, Personal Interview, 1 November 2020.

During this interview the speaker informed me about Christianity as a discourse

community. The intended audience typically are believers of God and to the ones who are

interested in learning about him and wanting to be “saved”. The speaker may be biased

towards certain subjects due to things being done in the “Christian way”. This source

gives both the similarities and differences of the topic because the speaker is one of the

leaders in the discourse community. This source is useful because the speaker goes into

depth about Christianity from the background to where we stand now. In this instance,

this source has weaknesses in the senses of the outer perspective of the discourse


Melzer, Dan. ​Understanding Discourse Communities.

Dan Melzer article defines what an actual discourse community is and briefs how it is

tied together. The intended audience is for those who are wanting to educate themselves

on what a discourse community is and what is considered one. The scholarly article

credibility is present with mentions from experts in the field to support the article. This

article helps in formatting and developing the discourse community. The purpose of this

article is intended to be used for the introduction since it is more of use in the beginning

of the writing.
Swales, John. “The Concept of Discourse Community.” Writing About Writing: A College Reader. By

Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014. 217-28. Print.

John Swales article defiance what a discourse community involves and what it takes for a

group to be considered one. The article consists of experts in the field that provide

credible information for the topic. This article helped with coming up with the discourse

community verifying that it is one. The purpose of this article is intended to be used for

the introduction to help guide and format the paper.

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