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Good Friends

Created by: Annisa Zahra S. & Jihana Salma Zahra

Class: X IPS 2

In Seoul, there are 3 people friends named Park Hana, Kim Haera, and Lee
Jaemin. They’ve been friends since first grade Junior High School, and now they
have first grade Senior High School means they have been friends for 3 years.
In the morning when they went to school, they discuss something thay they
thought was interesting.
“Hi! Do you already know the news in our class today?” ask Haera.
“Not to know. What’s the news?” ask Hana nod followed Jaemin.
“I heard in our class there will be a new student?” said Haera happy.
“Really? I hope he’s a male that I could play with him.” Jaemin happy too.
“Jaemin, will you forget us?” ask Hana with a face that fear.
“Of course not. I will invite him to join us.” Said Jaemin sure.
“Well, come on. Bell was sounded.” Invite Haera.

They entered their class as the bell ring. They wait a teacher come to class with
a happy face. 15 minutes later the teacher came up with someone in tow.
“Attetion please, today our class have a new student. Please introduce your self.”
Said Mr. Kim.
“Hello good morning, my name is Park Jisung. I relocted from Hanyeong Senior High
School in Busan. I moved here because my father worked in Seoul. I hope we can
be good friends.” Said Jisung thent bent 90 degress.
“Jisung you can sit beside Jaemin. Jaemin trying to stand up.” Said Mr. Kim again.
Jaemin stand up.
“Hi Jisung! My name is Lee Jaemin.” Said Jaemin introduce him self with happy face.
“Hi Jaemin! nice to meet you.” Said Jisung with happy face too.

At canteen....

“Jisung this is my friends. This Park Hana, and Kim Haera.” Said Jaemin.
“Hi! Hana and Haera.” Said Jisung.
“Hi! Jisung!” said Hana and Haera.
“Jisung, where your house?” ask Haera.
“Hei! Why do you ask? We just know him!” Hana upset.
“Why? I just ask to him” ask Haera confused.
“Hahaha. You are so funny, it’s okay. My house in near the river Han number 16C.”
Jisung laugh.
“Wait.. 16C? It was close to our house, Haera in 15D, Jaemin 16A, and me in 16B.
We are adjacent.” Said Hana funny.
“It’s good. We will learn together.” Jaemin happy.
“You are very good. Recently we met, you’ve been good to me. It was nice to meet
you all.” Said Jisung.
“I’m so thrilled haha.” Said Haera.
“We will be friends right?” ask Jaemin.
“Yes!!!!” said Hana, Haera, and Jisung.

1 week later.......
Hana and Haera were talking about something in the park near their home, it
turned out they were talking about Jaemin birthday on 25 October. A few minutes
later Jisung come....
“Hi! What are you doing?” asked Jisung.
“We’re having a discussion about Jaemin birthday later.” Responsible Hana.
“Really? Can I come?” asked Jisung again.
“Of course.” Said Hana and Haera.
“What plans have you talking about?” ask Jisung.
“We don’t know. We are still confused. I want to make something special for him.”
Said Haera.
“Hmm... What if we keep away for him during the days before him birthday. Then we
celebrate in a cafe. Indidentally my sister has a cafe around here.” Jisung advise.
“Great idea. But how do we bring Jaemin to the cafe, if we keep away him?” ask
“It’s easy. We’ll thing again how, now we start our plan.” Said Jisung.

The next day they started their plan. When Jaemin came their face flat.

“Hi guys! Why are you silent?” ask Jaemin.

“I’m okay, just lazy.” Said Haera.
“And you why Hana?” ask Jaemin again.
“I just tired.”
“And you-“
“Don’t have to ask me. I don’t feel like talking.” Said Jisung. Intertupting Jaemin.

With confused face. Jaemin sit in him chair.

At the break....

“Let’s go to the canteen.” Invite Jaemin.

“Just you.” Said Haera, Hana, and Jisung.

Jaemin upset and went to canteen alone. When Jaemin went to canteen Hana,
Haera, and Jisung discussed in class.

“I did not have the heart to Jaemin.” said Haera sad.

“Me too.” Said Hana.
“He seemed annoyed.” Thought Jisung.
“Yeah, I also say his face. He definitely annoyed with the attitude we were away
from.” Said Haera.

Jaemin birthday....

“How is everything ready?” ask Haera.

“Already.” Said Jisung.
“Now we head to the cafe.” Invite Hana.
“Jaemin follow us.” Said Jisung.
“Ignore it. When we arrived, we hide.” Haera said.

Jaemin follow Hana, Haera, and Jisung. He was confused they wanted where.
When Jaemin arrived the cafe, Jaemin search Hana, Haera, and Jisung.

“Where are they? Why this cafe very dark?” ask Jaemin.

Suddenly the lights on. Hana, Haera, and Jisung come with a cake.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEMIN!!!!” said Hana, Haera, and Jisung with happy face.
“Woww! Thank you very much guys. I think you forget me, it turns out you prepare a
plan for my birthday. Thank you very much guys.” Said Jaemin.
“You are the best friend Jaemin, we will not forget you.” Said Haera.
“We will be best friends forever.” Said Hana, Haera, Jaemin, and Jisung.
“Come on guys we partied!” invite Jisung.
“Come on!!!”

They will be best friends forever, althought there will be problems must be faced
together. It was called a best friends....

===THE END===

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