Lesson Objectives:: 5. Reverence For The Earth, Increase Awareness of Our Global Dynamics

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Maisy Mathews

EDU 280

December 6, 2020

1. Lesson Objectives: 

 Subject observable objective: To demonstrate realism in a larger perspective to

explain diversity as well as similarity.
 Multicultural goal: (Chapter 1 Study guide): 5. Reverence for the
earth, increase awareness of our global dynamics

2. All Lesson Materials:

- Computer
- Projector
- Continent cut out pieces with tape on back
- YouTube video: Where Are You From? | Learn Countries of the World - YouTube
3. Instruction- learning Process-
Create a detailed outline explaining the multicultural activity following the teaching design

 Do First: (5 minutes.)

Introduce myself to the students by saying “Good morning!” Let the students know
that today we are going to be talking about differences with one another and relate it
to the Earth by stating that even though there are many differences between all of us,
we all are one living on the same planet.

 Mini-lesson: (15 minutes)

Present students with the Where Are You From? | Learn Countries of the World - YouTube
video by explaining first what the video is about in a brief summary and then let them watch

 Guided Practice: (10 minutes)

Introduce to the students a print out of our Earth on the white board and pass out the
continent cut outs, giving each table one continent (7 tables or groups in total).
Explain to them that we will be matching the continents to the Earth and working
together to put the Earth together. Have each table talk about their continents and the
differences they learned of that continent from the video they previously watched.

 Independent Practice: (20 min.)

After the group discussions, have one student from each group come up and stick
their continent on the Earth where it is supposed to be. Make sure to help each
student who comes up with the placement and have students help out as well.

 Exit Slip: (5 minutes)

After the Earth is put together, sum up what the students have learned by saying,
“Today, we explored the difference within each continent and how everyone has a
different culture and background, but even though we are all different, we still have
one thing in common; we all live on this big beautiful planet.”

4. All Resources: List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format.
5. Reflection:

 Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.

I think my lesson activity provided a great lesson on multicultural background and

explained diversity in a healthy, educational, and fun way.

 What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.?

The concepts that were taught were difference within culture, food, appearance, and
where we live. The students will also realize and learn that even though there are
many differences, we are all living on the same planet and are all one. The skills that
were taught is independent work, group work, critical thinking, participation, open-
mindedness, and acceptance.

 What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?

The specific multicultural knowledge skills that were achieved were being open-
minded, acceptance, non-judgment, and overall experiencing differences while
realizing there are also similarities.

 List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan


- Group work
- Independent thinking
- Open-mindedness
- Acceptance
- Geographical lesson
- Awareness


- May not understand concept

- Misunderstand multicultural part and only see it as a geographical lesson
- Students may feel left out who do not come up to stick the continent on the Earth
- Students may start judging one another based on appearances presented in the

Maple Leaf Learning, June 19, 2014, Where Are You From? | Learn Countries of the World
Where Are You From? | Learn Countries of the World - YouTube

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