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. Work/Study . . Where you live now ... . Different kinds of change..... . Picnics ...... a . Furniture in your home. . Text/SMS messages... . Sport... . Concentration on your work or studies .. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Having to do things in a hurry.... 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Making lists .. 11. The clothes you like to wear. 12. Trying new activities... 13. Weekends . 14. Recycling things... 15. Writing by hand... 1. Describe an active person you know who has a lot of energy ........... ©L©ANNNNN DMA AGT 2. Describe a good decision you made recently... 3. Describe a place in another country where you would like to work for a short time..... Bao) 4. Describe a time when you saw a young child behaving badly in a public 10 5. Describe someone you know who likes helping other people .. ee 6. Describe an occasion when you forgot to do something important... 10 7. Describe an ambition you have had for a very long time... se 8. Describe an area of science that interests you (e.g. physics, medicine, psychology) .... fet 9. Describe a time when you had to listen to someone talking but you weren’t very interested ai 12 . Describe a time when you receive a prize for something you did well12 10. Describe an interesting tradition in your country .. 1 12. Describe an old friend you made contact with again after a long time12 13. Describe a time when you received some very good news. 14. Describe a film/movie you saw that made you laugh 15. Describe an activity you enjoy doing occasionally that is a bit expensive ales 16. Describe a time when you changed your opinion about something important... 17. Describe a book you have read that you found useful . 18. Describe the first time you had to communicate in a foreign language (not your first language) 14 19. Describe an event you went to that had some music that you didn’t enjoy 20. Describe a time when you worked with other people in a group.... 15 21. Describe a photograph of yourself that you like..... 22. Describe a person you know who you think is very intelligent 23. Describe a family that you know and like... 24. Describe a time when you had to learn the words of something and then say or sing it from memory... 25. Describe a person you know who shows their feelings very openly 17 . Fish and fishing ... . Keeping things tidy .. . Jokes and comedy ... . Home... 1 2. 3. 4, Public transport 5. 6. Borrowing thins 7, . Discussing things with friends .. 8. Work/Study 9. Staying up late........ 10. Famous people 11. Gifts/presents .. 12. Meeting new people . 13. Buying things..... 14. Different stages in life . 15. Reading newspapers and magazines 1. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes .... 2. Describe a long car journey that you remember well... 3. Describe a program or app that you like using on your computer or phone 5. Describe a person who you are happy to know... 6. Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time. 7. Describe a time when you learned something from a mistake that you made ... 8. Describe a public building you enjoy spending time in .. 9. Describe a dinner with friends that you enjoyed. 10. Describe a person who taught you a new skill when you were a child24 11. Describe a place — not in your home — where you go to relax....... 24 12. Describe an old person that you know and respect.. 13. Describe something you did with a group of people that you really enjoyed... en25) 14. Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it had a positive result .... 15. Describe a place you have visited that is affected by pollution . 16. Describe an occasion when somebody or something was making a lot of 26 26 noise. 17. Describe a film you saw that made you think a lot... 18. Describe an occasion when somebody in your family asked you for help + 26 19. Describe something you did that you felt was a waste of your time27 27 20. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend 2 22. Describe a city you have visited which you would like to go back to again . Describe an occasion when you got lost in a place you didn’t know 27 28 23. Describe an indoor game you enjoyed playing as a child... ey 24. Describe a large company that you think is interesting.... +. 28 25. Describe a friend who you think is a good leader. aan Work - what sort of job do you do? - do you find the work easy? Why/Why not? - do you think your job will change much in the future? Why/Why not? Study - what subject do you study? - do you find this/these subject/s easy? Why/Why not? - what job do you hope to do after finish your studies? Why? - do you like the place where you live now? Why/Why not? - do you know many people who live near you? Why/Why not? - is your area a good place for families with children? Why/Why not? - do you think you have changed a lot since you were younger? Why/Why not? - have there been a lot of changes in your town/city? Why/Why not? - what positive change might happen in your life in the next few years? | = < = - when you were a child, did you ever go on picnics? Why/Why not? - how often do you go on picnics now? Why/Why not? - where would people go for a picnic in your country? Why/Why not? w - what do you often have to do very quickly? Why/Why not? - do you think you do things well when you hurry? Why/Why not? - do you find it difficult to do things quickly? Why/Why not? - do you have a lot of furniture in your home? Why/Why not? - what's your favourite piece of furniture in your home? Why/Why not? - has anyone ever given you a piece of furniture? Why/Why not? - do you like sending a receiving text/SMS message? Why/Why not? - have you ever received a text text/SMS message that was difficult to understand? Why? - when is it better to phone someone instead of sending a text/SMS message? Why/Why not? - did you do any sport when you were younger? Why/Why not? - have you ever supported a sports team? Why/Why not? - do you enjoy watching sport? Why/Why not? - when you were a child, did find it easy to concentrate on your studies? Why/Why not? - is there anything you do to help you concentrate on your work/studies now? Why/Why not? - what things make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work/studies? Why? a - do you normally make a list when you go shopping? Why/Why not? - do you find lists useful when you're working or studying? Why/Why not? - do you prefer to use a piece of paper or your phone when making a list? Why/Why not? - what kinds of clothes do you usually like to wear? Why? - do you wear different clothes on weekends than on weekdays? Why/Why not? - are there any colours you do not like to wear? Why/Why not? - do you like trying activities you haven’t done before? Why/Why not? - did you enjoy trying new activities when you were younger? Why/Why not? - do you prefer to try a new activity alone or with friends? Why? - do you like to go to the cinema/movies at weekends? Why/Why not? - what do you enjoy doing most at weekends? Why/Why not? - do you think there are enough interesting thinks to do in your town/city at weekends? Why/Why not? - what kinds of things do you try to recycle? Why/Why not? - did you recycle anything when you were a child? Why/Why not? - would you like to recycle more than you do now? Why/Why not? x - do you generally prefer to write by hand or use a computer? Why? - are there any situations when you think it is important to write by hand? Why/Why not? - how important is good handwriting to you? Why/Why not? oe You should say: - who this person is - what you know about this person - how this person uses their energy And explain how you feel about this energetic person You should say: - what the decision was - when and where you made this decision - what happened as a result of this decision And explain why you think this was a good decision to make You should say: - where this place is - how you know about this place - what work you would like to do there And explain why you would like to work in this place for a short time © You should say: - where you were - what the young child was doing - what you or other people did And explain how you felt when you saw the young child behaving badly You should say: - who this person is and how you know him/her - what kind of help he/she gives other people - why this person likes helping other people And explain how you feel about this person helping other people You should say: - what you forgot to do - why you forgot to do it - when you realized you'd forgotten to do it And explain what problems you had because you forgot to do this thing You should say: - what this ambition is - why you have this ambition - when you think you will achieve this ambition And explain why you have had this ambition for such a long time You should say: - what are of science it is - how you first became interested in it - how you have developed this interest And explain why you find this area of science interesting You should say: - who was talking - what the person was talking about - why you had to listen to this person And explain why you weren't very interested in what the person was talking about You should say: - what the tradition is - who takes part in it - how you know about it And explain why you think this tradition is interesting You should say: - what prize you received - when and where you received this prize - what you did to receive this prize And explain how you felt when you received this prize You should say: - how you first met this friend - why you lost contact with this friend - how you made contact again And explain how you felt about making contact with this friend again You should say: - what the news was - when and how you received the news - what you did when you received the news And explain why you thought the news was so good You should say: - when and where you saw the film/movie - what it was about - who you saw it with And explain why this film/movie made you laugh - what the activity is - where you do this activity - who you do this activity with And explain why you enjoy doing this expensive activity occasionally You should say: - when you changed your opinion - what your opinion was before you changed it - why you changed this opinion And explain what the result was of changing your opinion - what the book was about - when and where you read the book - how long it took you to read the book And explain why you found the book useful - when you first used this foreign language to communicate - who you communicated with - what you talked or wrote about And explain how you felt about using this foreign language for the first time You should say: - what the event was - who you went with - why you decided to go to it And explain why you didn’t enjoy the music at this event You should say: - when and where you worked with the group - what the group was doing - how successful the group was And explain how you felt about working with the group You should say: - when and where the photograph was taken - what was happening at the time - who took the photograph And explain why you like this photograph of yourself You should say: - who this person is - how you know this person. - why you think this person is very intelligent And explain how you feel about this person You should say: - how you know this family - where the family lives - who is in the family And explain why you like this family You should say: - where you were - who was listening to you - what you had to say or sing And explain how you felt about saying or singing something you had learnt You should say: - who this person is - how well you know this person - how you feel about his person And explain why you think this person shows their feelings so openly 17 - How popular is fishing in your country? Why/Why not? - Do you know any places where you can see many fish? Where/Why? - How do you feel about eating fish? Why/Why not? - Do you like to keep your things tidy? Why/Why not? - Do people in your family think you are a tidy person? Why/Why not? - Are you more tidy at work/college, or at home? Why/Why not? - Do you like it when friends tell you jokes? Why/Why not? - Are you any good at telling jokes? Why/Why not? - How popular are comedy programmes on TV in your country? Why/Why not? - Do people in your town or city use public transport a lot? Why/Why not? - When did you last use public transport? Why? - Do you think you will use public transport more in the future? Why/Why not? - What did you like most about the house or apartment where you grew up? Why/Why not? - How do you feel about the house or apartment where you live now? Why/Why not? ~ What kind of home would you like to have in the future? Why? S - Have you ever borrowed a book from a friend? Why/Why not? - Do you think it’s all right to borrow money from friends? Why/Why not? - Would you let someone borrow your mobile phone? Why/Why not? - What kinds of things do you enjoy discussing with friends? Why/Why not? - Ina discussion, do you prefer to talk more or listen more? Why/Why not? - Do you often change your opinion during a discussion? Why/Why not? Work - What work do you do? - Do you enjoy the work? Why/Why not? - Would you like to continue with this type of work in the future? Why/Why not? Study - What subject are you studying? - Why did you decide to study ..../this subject? ~ What will you do when you complete your course? Why - Do you often stay up late at night? Why/Why not? - Did you stay up late more often when you were younger? Why/Why not? - What do you generally do when you stay up late? Why/Why not? - Have you ever seen a famous person in real life? Who/Why not? - What kinds of famous people are you interested in? Why/Why not? - Would you like to be famous in the future? Why/Why not? y s - What is one of the best gifts you've ever received? Why? - Are you good at choosing gifts for other people? Why/Why not? - What sort of gifts do you like to buy for friends? Why? - How often do you meet new people? Why/Why not? - Do you find it easy to talk to new people? Why/Why not? - Do you worry about what people you meet think of you? Why/Why not? - What sort of things do you buy most often? Why? - Do you think high prices always mean good quality? Why/Why not? - In your country, can people ask shop assistants to reduce the price? Why/Why not? - Are you happy to be the age you are now? Why/Why not? - What's the most important thing you've done in your life so far? Why? - What do you hope you'll be doing in five years’ time? Why? - Do you prefer reading newspapers or magazines? Why? - Did you enjoy reading children’s comics when you were younger? Why/Why not? - What kinds of information in newspapers or magazines do you find most useful? Why? You should say: - what this occasion was - what clothes you wore - why you. chose to wear these clothes And explain how you felt about wearing your best clothes You should say: - why you went on this car journey = who you went with - what happened on this car journey And explain why you remember this long car journey well You should say: - what this program or app does - when you use the program or app - how you found out about the program or app And explain why you like using this program or app You should say: - what you already know about this foreign country - how you would like to learn more about it - how different it is from your country And explain why you would like to learn more about this foreign country You should say: - who this person is - how long you have known this person - what you do when you are with this person And explain why you are happy to know this person You should say: - What sport you would like to try - how you could learn to do this sport - how easy or difficult this sport would be for you And explain why you would like to try this sport You should say: - what the mistake was - where and when you made this mistake - why you made this mistake And explain what you learned from this mistake You should say: - where the public building is - what the building looks like - when and why you first went to this building And explain why you enjoy spending time in this public building 23 You should say: - who organized the dinner and why - what kinds of food you ate - what you talked about at the dinner And explain why this dinner with friends was enjoyable You should say: - who taught you this skill and when - what the skill was - how easy or difficult it was to learn this skill And explain how you felt about learning a new skill from this person You should say: - where the place is - what the place looks like - how you spend your time in this place And explain why this place helps you to relax You should say: - who this person is - what you know about his/her younger life - what you usually do together And explain why you respect this old person You should say: = what you did - who the people were - where and when you did this And explain why doing this thing with a group was so enjoyable You should say: - what risk you took - what bad thing you thought might happen - why you decided to take this risk And explain why the result of taking this risk was positive You should say: - which place you visited - why you visited it - what kind of pollution there was And explain how you felt about the pollution in this place 25 You should say: - where you were - what you were doing - who/what was making the noise And explain how the noise affected you You should say: - when and where you saw the film - what the subject of the film was - what happened in the film And explain why this film made you think a lot You should say: - who asked you for help - why he/she needed your help - what you did to help him/her And explain how you felt about helping this person in your family 26 You should say: = what you did = where you were when you did this - why you did this And explain why you felt what you did was a waste of your time You should say - who the friend was - where you met this friend - what you did after you met this friend And explain why you were surprised to meet this friend You should say: - where you were going - when you knew you were lost - how you found the right way And explain how you felt about getting lost 27 You should say: - which city you visited - when you visited this city - what you did there And explain why you would like to go back to this city again You should say: - what the indoor game was - when you played this game - who you played it with And explain why you enjoyed playing this indoor game You should say: - what the company does - how you know about the company - whether you think the company would be a good place to work And explain why you think the company is interesting You should say: - who this friend is - how you met him/her - how other people behave towards him/her And explain why you think this friend is a good leader

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