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Test 7

Host of= heaps of

A host of people/ difficulties

Reckon without one’s host= quên ko tính đến khó khăn

A whole host of hereditary diseases

Eradicate= wipe out= exterminate = destroy

Interfere with st= hinder/hamper

with sb= bother; rape

in st; between sb and sb= stick your nose in=snope into


=prevent st (esp. system/process/event) from continuing as expected

Terminate = end/ stop; remove sb from their job

an terminated employee is who no longer has a job


=1. Take a machine apart into separate pieces and make it unable to work

=2. Get rid of a system/organization, usually over a period of time


=1. very large in amount/degree= extensive

Extreme pain/stupidity/wealth/poverty/disapproval/heat/old age/patience,

kindness, gentleness/penalty

=2. Severely bad

Extreme cases/weather/beliefs (unreasonable/unacceptable)/views

=3. At the furthest point (esp. from the centre)

-take it to extremeS

-in the extreme= extremely [used for emphasis]

-(situation/feeling/etc) go from one extreme to another= change differently

-extreme of st= thái cực của

Supreme= at the highest rank/importance; the best

-make the supreme sacrifice= hy sinh cao cả

-the supreme hour= lúc hấp hối/lâm chung

Utmost/ uttermost

=1. used to emphasize how important/serious st is

Utmost danger/care/importance/limits of endurance

=2. the greatest/most/farthest that is possible

-to the utmost= as best one can

Interrogate sb about st= ask sb a lot of questions for a long time in order to get info

(sometimes using threats/violence)

Unravel a mystery= untangle/ disentangle, clear up= làm sáng tỏ

Insulate from= segregate/ sequester= cô lập, cách ly


=1. prevent st bad from happening

Avert a crisis/ conflict/ strike/ famine/ disaster/ economic collapse/fighting

=2. Turn away (gaze/eyes/thoughts)= ngoảnh mắt đi, nghĩ sang việc khác
Ardent hope/dream/heat/love/spirits for= {strong feelilngs}

Ardent supporter/pacifists/feminist/defender/proponent/believer/imperialists/propagators

Evocative (a)= redolent= reminiscent= gợi lên, làm liên tưởng đến

Outlying= out-of-the-way= remote

Make headway= advance

Evoke surprise

In the not too distant future

Bubonic plague= dịch hạch

A plague of = large number of insects/animals which cause damage in an area

+flies/ locusts/rats/moths


=1. Cause sb/st suffering, esp. repeatedly or continually

=2. Disease that kills many people

Plague sb with questions= quấy rầy ai bằng những câu hỏi

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