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Document No: TR-532

First Edition
Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport
PO Box 20
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

© Copyright 2014, by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport. All

Rights Reserved. This document, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form without written permission of the publisher

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

‫دﻟﯾل اﻹﻧﺎرة‬
‫ أﻧﻔﺎق اﻟﺳﯾﺎرات‬،‫ ﻣواﻗف اﻟﺳﯾﺎرات‬/ ‫ ﻣﺷﺎرﯾﻊ اﻟطرق‬:‫اﻟﺟزء اﻻول‬

‫ ﻣﺷﺎرﯾﻊ اﻹﺿﺎءة و اﻟﺣداﺋق واﻟﺳﺎﺣﺎت اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ‬: ‫اﻟﺟزء اﻟﺛﺎﻧﻲ‬

Lighting Manual

Roadway, Parking, Tunnel & Underpass Projects

Parks & Public Realm Lighting Projects

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

This Version-1.0 of the Lighting Manual Includes only minor technical amendments to the
previous DMAT Issue-1 version (dated 14th February 2016):

Specifically; the Manual’s Introduction has been expanded to highlight some key design
consideratons along with a new note provided to support future consideration alongside
QCC for IESNA LM-84/TM-28 luminaire thermal testing. Plus note added within Part-1,
Section-B to cross-reference UAE Civil Defence Emergency Lighting requirements for
Tunnels and ensure the federal codes are obtained and suitable provision made when
applicable; with the correlating references added to the Applicable Standards &
Guidance References Sections.

In addition, signage fixture and lighting requirements updated, minor adjustments made
to the Solar Sections in relation to new marketplace battery technologies and PLMS
reporting requirements. Warranty terms clarified, new aligned design format and version
designation applied to whole document in line with all other Abu Dhabi unified Manuals.
Logos updated, small typos corrected and other minor grammatical corrections made.

Finally, both Applicable Standards & Guidance References Sections have been updated to
reflect the new unification of all Abu Dhabi Infrastructure Manuals/Documents under the
QCC Guide to Infrastructure Standards and relevant Chapters.

This Lighting Manual supersedes previous DMA/DMAT Lighting Specifications/Manual:-

• DMA Lighting Specification Roadway/Parking, Tunnels/Underpasses, Lighting
Poles & Public Lighting Management System, Revision 01 – 1st November 2011
• DMA Lighting Specification Parks, Public Realm & Architectural Lighting, Version
0 – 1st November 2011
• DMAT Lighting Manual, Issue-1 –14th November 2016

In addition it encompasses and thus also supersedes DMAT Interim Advice Notes:-
• Solar Street Lighting Specification – 18th July 2013
• Reduced Road Luminance Levels – 7th January 2016

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

All use of “The Department” within the Lighting Manual refers to the relevant Municipality; (Abu
Dhabi City, Al Ain City or Western Region), the Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport
(DMAT) and other Agencies; dependent on the project locality/responsibility/end-owner.

Purpose, Scope & Application of this Document

The primary purpose of this Manual is to establish standards and guidelines for the planning,
design and installation of public realm and street lighting within the Abu Dhabi Emirate, in order
to provide the correct appropriate public realm lighting and adequate uniform lighting of roads
and other travel-ways within the public right-of-way.

This Manual establishes processes which guide the efficient and effective selection and
placement of for all public lighting requirements and streamlining the design process. The
Manual provides appropriate lighting standards for all the different types of roadway lighting;
including roadway facilities, street-type characteristics, conflict areas/intersections, bridges,
underpass/tunnel lighting, footpaths, cycle-ways, signage/gantry lighting, solar lighting and the
various lighting tasks/applications for public realm and parks.

The intended target users for this Manual are planners, consultants, designers, landscape
architects, contractors, manufacturers/suppliers and The Departments’ staff responsible for
planning, design, approval, operations and maintenance of public lighting facilities.

Content and Format

This Manual is divided into two main Parts with sub-Sections as follows:

Part-1: Roadway, Parking, Tunnel & Underpass Projects

Part-1 Contents Pages Section E – Solar Street Lighting
Section A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking Section F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
Section B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses Section G – Light Pollution Mitigation
Section C – Street Lighting Poles Section H – Project Submission Requirements
Section D – Street Lighting Management Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Part-2: Parks & Public Realm Lighting Projects

Part-2 Contents Pages Section E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
Section A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm Section F – Light Pollution Mitigation
Section B – Sports Area Use Lighting Section G – Project Submission Requirements
Section C – Lighting Poles & Accessories Applicable Standards & Guidance References
Section D – Public Realm Lighting Management

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

How to Use the Lighting Manual
● Refer to relevant Part(s) and Section(s) applicable to the specific project as well as the
associated overall Sections entitled Project Submission Requirements
● Within the project-specific Sections read the Section Explanation for content summary
● Observe the Departments’ Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities
● Select and propose all lighting fixtures fully in compliance with LED Luminaires Clauses
● Note the blue Submission Requirement Clause summaries and the Public Realm
& Street Lighting Handbook links
● Prepare lighting designs fully in accordance with Project Lighting Design Requirements
● Undertake any required site measurements as per Project Site Verification Requirements
● Cross-refer to the associated overall Part’s Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Policy on Alternative Luminaires to LED

Another equally sustainable lighting technology to LED can be proposed for any Department
project, but these must both be only whole-luminaire solutions and also cannot include any
filament, fluorescent or discharge lighting technologies, nor any technologies containing
mercury, other hazardous substances or any lighting/lamp technologies/materials prohibited
under UAE ESMA Lighting/Lamp Standards.

Any alternative technology luminaire proposed to The Department on projects must be able to
prove equal or better illumination performance, energy efficiency and long-term (minimum 15-
year) full life cycle cost analysis comparison to current LED luminaire marketplace performance
and always based on full luminaire data. Cost analysis must be undertaken to ISO 15686-5:2008
or comparable International standard and which fully meets the requirements of this Manual for
the relevant project Part/Section and specific fixture performance/material criteria therein.

The relevant Department may have official procedures for approving alternative luminaires to
LED; in the case of Abu Dhabi City Municipality, this is formal submission through the DMAT
Infrastructure Support Divison. The relevant Department should be contacted to establish
procedures. It is The Department’s decision on what constitutes an equally sustainable
luminaire technology to LED through their process and their decision is final.

Solar Provision for Public Realm

Please note it is a statutory requirement that for every Public Realm/Park lighting project the
Consultant must explore the current viability and options for solar lighting solutions in the
marketplace and propose where best it can be offered for incorporation into the project. Refer
to the introduction of Part-2 Section-E for specific details.

Minimum Average Design Levels

All Lighting Design Tables define lighting level requirements for a particular task as ‘Minimum

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

Average Design Level’. Whether this is for Luminance(L)-CD/m2 or Illumination(Em)-LUX, this is
an international industry standard term which should be considered as the close-target for the
lighting calculations to achieve; as both the calculated level not to drop below the defined
figure, but also not to be exceeded significantly.

There have been numerious cases noted on project submissions to The Department where
Consultants, Contractors and/or Manufacturers undertaking lighting calculations have
attempted to justify extremely overdesigned street or public realm lighting proposals on the
basis that the minimum lighting level has been achieved, but there was no maximum level
defined. Please note that this is not what this standard term represents and is unacceptable
practice. The Department requires all Consultants to ensure that lighting calculations target the
defined lighting levels set out within this Manual as per international practice and optimise all
designs to ensure submissions correctly propose solutions that target the required levels
correctly and as closely as possible to the design figures defined.

Roadway Project Lighting Management Systems (PLMS)

Please note the now statutory requirement for PLMS provision for roadway lighting projects as
specifically defined within this Manual’s Part-1 Sections-A and D. The Department requires all
project submissions which meet the defined PLMS inclusion parameters to be identified as such
and confirm this, plus all design details, within all project stage submissions.

Upon a Detail Design (DD) Stage approval, it is the Consultant’s responsibility to ensure the
PLMS is taken forward through the Tender/Construction phases on all Department projects (or
Developer projects to be handed to The Department) as part of the infrastructure delivery.

Project Light Pollution Mitigation Report

Please note the now statutory requirement for a full project light pollution mitigation report to
be undertaken for all public lighting projects as set out within this Manual’s Part-1 Section-G and
Part-2 Section-F and as per Estidama Public Realm requirements.

The Department requires all project submissions at Detail Design (DD) Stage to include the Light
Pollution Mitigation Report and prove all aspects of the project comply with the various
applicable set limits for the project zone and evening/nighttime periods.

Notice to Manufacturers Regarding LM-84/TM-28

The Department, in conjunction with the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC)
standing technical committee for Water, Energy, Built Environment and Waste, is resolved for a
future Version revision of this Lighting Manual to include reference to the IESNA LM-84/TM-28,
‘Recommended Testing Method’/’Technical Memorandum’ respectively, for LED luminaire
thermal performance and/or luminaire useful life prediction.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

IESNA LM-84/TM-28 will become either compulsory, or an option alongside the Manual’s
current defined methods for demonstrating luminaire thermal management and useful life; LM-
82/LM-80/LM-79/TM-21 defined methods, should it be included within the Abu Dhabi
Specification (ADS-6: Exterior Light Emitting Diode (LED) Luminaires). The inclusion of LM-
84/TM-28 will be determined by consensus within all Technical Working Groups tasked on
development of the Lighting Manual and ADS-6 during 2017. With the potential date for earliest
inclusion set as the 2nd January 2018.

During the period between 1st Jan 2017 and 1st Jan 2018, all luminaire manufacturers currently
in communication with The Department are asked to provide accredited - laboratory-performed
LM-84 testing reports undertaken for either their luminaire thermal performance or useful life
prediction to The Department for benchmarking of marketplace performance to aid in the
consideration for inclusion of LM-84 as a reference test method. All data will be kept
confidential and only shared within technical working groups once manufacturer and luminaire-
specific model information has been removed.

Note 1: LM-84 test data provided for luminaire thermal performance purposes must be
undertaken for the defined Ta (Night-time Ambient Temperature) that the relevant Manual
Section states for the luminaire type and which allow for the appropriate ‘bedding-in’ time as
defined within LM-84/TM-28, before results are recorded.

Note 2: LM-84 test data provided for luminaire useful life prediction must be valid for TM-28
ruled 50,000-hour operation extrapolation at the defined Tq (Average Night-time Ambient
Temperature) that that the relevant Manual Section states for the luminaire type. It in addition
must allow for the appropriate luminaire ‘bedding-in’ time for first photometric test as defined
within LM-84/TM-28, and must also adhere fully to TM-28’s minimum testing parameters (for
either the “Direct Method” or “Combined Method”) for both the minimum luminaire sample-
size quantities, interim photometric measurements and the minimum test hours of all the
samples in relation to the applicable sample-size multiplication factor.

If the above notes regarding test data are not adhered to, test reports cannot be used for the
evaluation of the credibility of LM-84/TM-28 for inclusion in ADS-6 and the Manual. Only with
the full support of the public realm lighting industry can sufficient test data be obtained in order
to evaluate the future inclusion of LM-84/TM-28 as part of the minimum Government
requirements for luminaire approval.

Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations & Acronyms

For explanation of all lighting terms, abbreviations and acronyms used within this Manual refer
to the DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook. Principally Chapters O & P

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Contents
Section A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SA-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-A
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-A
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements..................................................................................................... 3
3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)........................... 4
3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017
3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned).…............. 6
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering
3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry
3.3.4 Thermal Management
3.3.5 Street Lighting Fixture Mounting
3.3.6 Ingress Protection
3.3.7 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials
3.3.8 LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.3.9 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements
3.3.10 Luminaire Photobiological Safety
3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects.............. 12
3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT
3.4.2 LED Binning
3.4.3 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement
3.4.4 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials
3.4.5 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.4.6 Project Lighting Management Dimming System Requirements
3.4.7 Surge Protection & Earthing
3.4.8 Quality Assurance
3.4.9 Warranty
4. Project Lighting Design Requirements
4.1 Appraisal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
4.2 General Design Considerations…………………………………………………………………………………. 18
4.3 Schedule of Lighting Levels……………………………………………………………………...................... 22
4.4 Maintenance Factors…..……………………………………………………………………............................ 24
4.5 DESIGN & DAY-1 Calculation Outputs………………………………………………........................ 26
4.6 Project Lighting Design Calculations…………………………………………………........................ 26
5. Project Site Verification Requirements
5.1 Site Lighting Measurement………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
5.2 Interim (Non Day-1) Measurement…………………………………………………………………………. 34
5.3 Project Harmonic Measurement………………………………………………………………………………. 35

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Part-1 Contents

Section B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SB-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-B
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-B
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements..................................................................................................... 3
3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)........................... 3
3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017
3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned).…............. 6
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering
3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry
3.3.4 Thermal Management
3.3.5 Ingress Protection
3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials
3.3.7 LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements
3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety
3.3.10 LED Luminaire Vibration Testing
3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects.............. 11
3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT
3.4.2 Project Requirement for Ingress Protection
3.4.3 LED Binning
3.4.4 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement
3.4.5 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials
3.4.6 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.4.7 Project Lighting Management Dimming System Requirements
3.4.8 Surge Protection & Earthing
3.4.9 Quality Assurance
3.4.10 Warranty
4. Project Lighting Design Requirements
4.1 General……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
4.2 Schedule of Lighting Levels……………………………………………………………………...................... 19
4.3 Maintenance Factors……………………………………………………………………................................. 19
4.4 DESIGN & DAY-1 Calculation Outputs………………………………………………........................ 22
4.5 Project Lighting Design Calculations…………………………………………………........................ 22
5. Project Site Verification Requirements
5.1 Site Lighting Measurement………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
5.2 Interim (Non Day-1) Measurement…………………………………………………………………………. 31
5.3 Project Harmonic Measurement………………………………………………………………………………. 31

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Part-1 Contents

Section C – Street Lighting Poles

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SC-
1. Warranty………............................................................................................. 1

Section D – Street Lighting Management

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SD-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-D
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-D
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities................... 1
3. Project Lighting Management System (PLMS) Provision...................... 2
3.1 Projects Requiring PLMS Provision
3.2 Projects Not Requiring PLMS Provision
4. PLMS Technical Criteria................................................................................................ 4
4.1 System Technical Requirements
4.1.1 Wired Systems
4.1.2 Wireless Systems
4.1.3 General Mandatory Project Technical Requirements
4.1.4 Optional Project Requirements
4.1.5 Prohibited Components or Capabilities
4.1.6 Central Management System (CMS) Technical Requirements
5. Dimming Profiles............................................................................................................... 10
Residential Neighbourhoods
Residential Mixed-Use Areas
Light Industrial & Business Districts
High-Activity Commercial & City Centre Districts
National/State Parks and Rural Districts
Highways in Rural Areas
Highways in Metropolitan Areas
6. Quality Assurance............................................................................................................. 11
7. Warranty................................................................................................................................. 11
8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period............................................................. 12
9. Measurement and Payment..................................................................................... 13
10. Operation and Maintenance Manual................................................................ 13

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Part-1 Contents

Section E – Solar Street Lighting

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SE-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-E
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-E
2. Solar Street Lighting System Options.................................................................. 3
2.1 Project Selection
2.2 Standalone System
2.3 Grid-Connected System
2.4 Full Backup System
3. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 5
4. Project Cost Analysis........................................................................................................ 6
5. System Components......................................................................................................... 8
5.1 LED Luminaires
5.2 PV-Pole System
5.3 Inverter/Controller
5.4 Batteries
5.5 Controls
5.6 Cleaning System
5.7 Pole Assembly
5.8 Pole Design Submission and Production
6. Quality Assurance.............................................................................................................. 20
7. Warranty.................................................................................................................................. 20
8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period.............................................................. 21
9. Measurement and Payment...................................................................................... 22
10. Operation and Maintenance Manual................................................................. 22

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Part-1 Contents

Section F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SF-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-F
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-F
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements..................................................................................................... 3
3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification).......................... 3
3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017
3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned).…............ 6
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering
3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry
3.3.4 Thermal Management
3.3.5 Ingress Protection
3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials
3.3.7 LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements
3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety
3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects.............. 11
3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT
3.4.2 LED Binning
3.4.3 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement
3.4.4 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials
3.4.5 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.4.6 Earthing
3.4.7 Quality Assurance
3.4.8 Warranty
4. Project Lighting Design Requirements
4.1 General……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
4.2 Schedule of Lighting Levels……………………………………………………………………...................... 16
4.3 Maintenance Factors…..……………………………………………………………………............................ 17
4.4 Project Lighting Design Calculations…………………………………………………........................ 19
4.5 Overhead Gantry Signage Lighting Design Values................................................ 20
5. Project Site Verification Requirements
5.1 Project Harmonic Measurement………………………………………………………………………………. 21

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Part-1 Contents

Section G – Light Pollution Mitigation

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SG-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-G
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-G
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
2.1 General
2.2 Exterior Lighting
2.3 Lighting Levels at the Site Boundary and Beyond
2.4 Additional Requirements/Clarifications
3. Light Pollution Criteria Definitions……………………………………………………………………. 4
4. Design Calculation Requirements and Methodology……………………………. 5

Section H – Project Submission Requirements

Clause No. Clause Title Page P1-SH-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
2. Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage………………….. 2
2.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
3. Concept Design Stage…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
3.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
3.1.1 Cover Letter
3.1.2 Lighting Report Key Aspects
3.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material
4. Preliminary Design Stage…………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
4.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
4.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Concept Report Approval
4.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects
4.1.3 Lighting Layouts Key Aspects
4.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects
4.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material
5. Detail Design Stage………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
5.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
5.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Preliminary Design Approval
5.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects
5.1.3 Lighting Layout/Details Key Aspects
5.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects
5.1.5 Light Pollution Mitigation Report
5.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material
6. Tender/Construction Responsibilities……………………………………………………………. 11

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Part-1 Contents

Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Standards & Guidance Categories Page P1-Ref-
A. Abu Dhabi Standards & Guidance…………………………………………………………………… 1
B. International Standards & Guidance…………………………………………………………….. 2
C. Lighting Maintenance & Measurement………………………………………………………. 2
D. Mechanical/Material.................................................................................................... 3
E. Electrical................................................................................................................................. 3
F. Light Emitting Diode (LED)......................................................................................... 4
G. LED Luminaire Performance.................................................................................... 5
H. Lighting Design.................................................................................................................. 6
I. Solar Street Lighting...................................................................................................... 8
J. Economic/Cost - Life-Cycle Analysis...................................................................8
K. Lighting Controls/PLMS.............................................................................................. 8

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking

Part-1 Section A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-A, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-A of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-A

a) It is statutory that all luminaires used for projects must be LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
b) From July 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED exterior luminaires to be QCC (Abu
Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council) Approved with supplied Certificate of
Conformity: under the Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting
(*1A grace period for obtaining Conformity Certification is allowed under this Manual up
to the 30th June 2017. Until this date, if a Certificate is not yet obtained, then luminaires
must be submitted with both a copy of the QCC Scheme application receipt as well as all
technical data supplied as part of the submission as described under Clause 3.2)
c) Manual Part-1 Section-A, in addition to the LED luminaire criteria aligned with QCC,
has been revised with separate clauses covering the additional specific Department
Project criteria regarding fixture and component performance, quality, lighting
design and warranty requirements.
d) LED Luminaire Useful-Life Performance basis revised from 500C ambient to 350C.
e) Light Loss Factor (LLF) term revised to Maintenance Factor (MF).
f) Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) component of the Maintenance Factor
revised from previous manufacturer defined value, to new Lighting Manual set Table
of values.
g) Warranty for all luminaires now minimum 10-Years for all aspects.
h) Table of Lighting Design categories expanded and requirements increased to show
additional areas/items and minimum requirements for Ul (Longitudinal Uniformity),
TI (threshold Increment) and SR/EIR (Surround Ratio/Edge Illuminance Ratio as
i) Luminance levels reduced across each road category as per GSEC instruction.
j) Pole Heights, Pole Spacings and Pole Arrangement requirements revised to new set

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SA-1

Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
criteria for each road category and area.
k) Project Lighting Design and Calculation requirements standardised and set out
within the Manual.
l) Project Lighting Management Dimming System required for all projects falling into
the categories set out within Manual Part-1 Section-D and in accordance with the
technical criteria defined within Section-D.
m) Project Site Measurement Verification requirements standardised and set out within
the Manual.
n) If Solar Street Lighting is required/proposed for a project, then all project, technical,
component and material requirements for the solar system aspects are set out
within Manual Part-1 Section-E. All Lighting design, lighting fixture, lighting
calculation and lighting verification requirements remain as this Part-1 Section-A.
o) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-A

a) Any luminaires used for projects that are not LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).
b) After the 30th June 2017; any LED fixtures that are not AD Quality Marked and do
not hold a Certificate of Conformity under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme
for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures*1
c) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
d) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.
e) Any deviation from the project Lighting Design, Calculation and Site Verification
requirements as set out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The primary purpose of roadway lighting is to produce quick, accurate, safe and comfortable
visibility at night and/or when visibility is low. These qualities of visibility may safeguard,
facilitate, and encourage vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Every designer should provide for
those inherent qualities required by the user. A very important consideration is that of
making streets and roadways useful during hours of darkness as well as during the daytime.
Where good visibility is provided through lighting, efficient night use can be made of the
large investments in roadways and motor vehicles. Thus, the proper use of roadway lighting
as an operative tool provides economic and social benefits to the public including:

• Reduction in night time Personal Injury Accidents (PIAs)

• Augmentation of police protection and enhanced sense of personal security

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SA-2

Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
• Facilitation of traffic flow
• Promotion of business and the use of public facilities during the night hours

This Manual Section includes information on the purpose and impacts of roadway lighting
levels, acceptable arrangements of lighting poles and fixtures, priority and associated
aspects of roadway lighting such as designing with reducing light pollution in mind.

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-1.

It is a statutory requirement that all luminaires used on The Department’s Street Lighting
and Parking lighting projects must be LED (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire
technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their luminaires under all the required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the fixtures’ useful-life cycle, project location,
controls usage/programming etc.

3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements

The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously for the required useful-
lifetime performance and at the specified ambient temperature, humidity and quality

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
criteria as defined by this Manual. With special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day, corrosion resistance and endurance against the occasional sand
storms and dusty weather in designing the luminaire body and components.

For more reference information regarding lighting technology, lamps, luminaires, electrical,
materials and lighting maintenance, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
Chapters C, D, E, M and O.

3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)

3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017

After the 30th June 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED luminaires proposed for use on
The Department’s projects to be QCC (Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council)
Approved: under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting

Any LED luminaires proposed on submissions (from Preliminary Design Stage onwards)
received after the 30th June 2017 without proof of QCC Certification will not be
allowed for use on The Department’s Projects.

A QCC Certificate of Conformity must be provided covering every luminaire proposed for
the project during submissions and Clause 3.3 of this Section can then be disregarded
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

Only applicable in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied QCC Certificates shall be the
additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and project-required design criteria
listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which all data must be provided on the project
submission for Department projects.

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required ensuring compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4.

3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017

Up to and including the 30th June 2017 if any proposed LED luminaires do not yet hold a
QCC Certificate of Conformity, then all luminaires must be submitted with proof of their
QCC Scheme submitted and received application and in addition must be submitted with
all the required fixture technical data listed under Clause 3.3 of this Section. All
luminaire technical information is then to be supplied as part of the project submission
along with all other Lighting Manual clause requirements.

If any luminaires have received a QCC Certification, a copy of the QCC Certificate of
Conformity must be provided for the luminaires proposed for the project and then
Clause 3.3 of this Section can be disregarded in relation to those particular luminaires;
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

In these cases, the only applicable requirements in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied
QCC Certificates will be the additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and
project-required criteria listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which data must be
provided on the project submission.

An approval as part of a project submission of an LED fixture based on the technical
criteria contained within Clause 3.3, is not prerequisite or guarantee of a future QCC
fixture certification approval. Nor conversely does an LED fixture rejection on technical
grounds for a Department project submission in any way impare a possible future

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granting of QCC certification through that process. In all cases however The
Department’s decision is final for any fixtures not yet supplied with QCC Luminaire

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required ensuring compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide either a Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4. Otherwise follow Clause 3.3 onwards.

3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned)

Note: Disregard this Clause for LED luminaires already approved under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided QCC Certification as
described within Clause 3.2 above. For Luminaires with QCC Certification, proceed directly
to clause 3.4.

3.3.1 General

a) The LED luminaires must have applied for certification under the QCC Abu Dhabi

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Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided proof of their submitted
and received application with the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide acknowledgment of QCC received


b) Manufacturer’s company profile including a profile of the manufacturing facilities. Valid

ISO 9001:2008 certificates of the manufacturing facilities.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer profile and ISO 9001


c) The following shall be submitted in addition to the documents required within Clauses
3.3.2 to 3.3.10 (all data in SI units):
• Photometric test data
• Full light source lamp specification
• LED Chip Reliability reports

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Photometric test data in standard format

(IES or EULUMDAT), full light source/lamp specification data and LED chip reliability
reports to JEDEC JESD22/JESD51 or comparable International standard (tests at +85ºC).

3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering Index

a) The LEDs shall be from a manufacturer of LEDs with ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011

or similar approved International Standard certification. (Please note: The nominal
Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard LED colours accepted for use for
street/parking lighting on The Department’s projects are 4000K, 4500K, 5000K and
5700K only, although the QCC Scheme allows a wider band for all luminaire types).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide proof from LED supplier product data.

b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy and associated Minimum Colour Rendering (CRI – Colour
Rendering Index) rating shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Minimum Luminaire Efficacy* Minimum CRI-Rating

Street Lighting Fixture 80lm/W 65

*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy and CRI, plus
actual** luminaire CCT is within acceptable limits as below in relation to Nominal CCT.

Nominal CCT (ANSI C78.377A)

Nominal CCT CCT Range (Fixture Actual Allowed**)
4000K 3985K ± 275
4500K 4503K ± 243
5000K 5028K ± 283
5700K 5665K ± 355

3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry

a) The luminaire shall be fitted with optical refractors, diffusers and/or reflectors designed
to exactly suit the specific application the fixture is intended for.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide product information describing the optical

control and components to cover the range and fixture application.

3.3.4 Thermal Management

a) The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously at the specified ambient
temperature and humidity with special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day and the occasional sand storms and dust in designing the
luminaire body. The design of the luminaire shall be such that there is a direct thermal
path from the LED junctions to the atmosphere thus providing a thermal transfer effect
throughout the life of the luminaire. The thermal solution shall be proprietary and
designed by the lighting manufacturer to enable the luminaires to work efficiently in
Abu Dhabi climatic conditions. The luminaire shall be provided with a demonstrated
ventilation arrangement allowing heat to be dissipated to the atmosphere.

The luminaire shall be designed to prevent collection of debris by proven and stated
means. The design shall be such that the luminaire shall be self-cleaning in normal
operation. Provide detailed physical description of the fixture including images and

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written justification and luminaire product


b) The luminaire operating range (taking into account LED components, driver, etc.) shall
be from -20°C up to a minimum of +50°C ambient air temperature(Ta) with an

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acceptable lumen-output performance at Ta+50°C needing to be demonstrated. The
operating range maximum refers to the Ta as per IEC/ISO 60598-1 or UL 1598.

Project Submission Requirement:- The effect of reduced lumen output at operation in

increased ambient temperatures (i.e. any ambient temperature higher than 25°C as per
LM-79) must be checked by a submitted LM-82 test report for 50°C ambient (testing the
luminaire’s/luminaire range’s largest LED engine/module, or (largest) whole luminaire,
per LM-82 procedures in all cases). This test shall be taken using the highest proposed
fixture/range drive current, by measuring total luminous flux or luminous intensity at
the elevated temperature and extrapolating to the 25°C Ta figure. This will be
considered acceptable provided the lumen output decrease is proved to be less-than-or-
equal-to 6%)

In addition this measured percentage drop of luminous flux shall then be applied to the
LM-79 luminaire flux value and when multiplied by the measured load at 50°C, will be
considered acceptable provided the resultant efficacy value still remains within the
minimum allowed fixture efficacy as set out within the table in Clause 3.3.2.

c) The luminaire storage range (i.e. non-operating/daytime) temperature shall be from -

20°C up to a minimum of 50°C ambient air temperature(Ta). With all internal
components suitable for storage within this range and rated between -20°C up to a
minimum of 80°C..

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of the conformity of the

Luminaire to the required storage extremes.

3.3.5 Street Lighting Fixture Mounting

a) Luminaires shall be provided with a heavy-duty rugged pressure die-cast aluminum alloy
(or proven equivalent material) adjustable clamp to suit any proposed pole/pole-arm
connection-angle between a below-entry to side-entry arm connection.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written descriptions of lighting fixture

mounting design.

3.3.6 Ingress Protection

a) The luminaire control gear and LED optical-unit components shall be externally fully
rated to the minimum IP (Ingress Protection) rating and IK (Mechanical Strength) rating
as set out in the table below and have proven means of negating internal condensation
build-up for their application and be able to operate in high relative humidity.

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Fixture Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

IP65 (IP66 for the

Street Lighting Fixture IK07*
*Any glass diffusers or components must have a minimum IK08 rating.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test reports for IP and IK ratings: IP rating
determined by IEC 60529 or comparable International standard, IK rating determined by
IEC 62262 or comparable International standard.

3.3.7 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials

a) All Exterior pressure die-cast aluminum alloy components shall have a copper content
percentage of less than 3.5% by mass.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of pressure die-cast aluminum

alloy standard used and associated component copper content (by mass) to ISO 3522,
EN/BS 1706 Standards or other comparable International standard.

b) Testing of exterior metal coated/painted and non-coated components for proven and
demonstrated corrosion resistance.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report to ASTM D1654-08 or other

comparable International standard for evaluation of a sample of the exterior painted or
coated metals subjected to corrosive environments. Or provide test report to EN/ISO
9227, ASTM B117-11 or other comparable International standard for Salt Spray test of
finished luminaire body and all metal coated/painted and non-coated fixture
components for minimum 1000hours, or approved accelerated test method under these

c) Where different metallic materials are used together, then proof of avoidance of bi-
metallic or galvanic corrosion with any touching dissimilar metals must be assured.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written report of all dissimilar metals used
within the lighting fixture and confirmation of the method/design in avoiding bi-metallic
or galvanic corrosion.

d) All synthetic optical materials shall be resistant to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation

and scratch resistant.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration with supporting evidence that

the resistance to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation will be sufficient to not

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significantly affect the luminaire performance during the Department’s expected useful
lifetime of the luminaire. Manufacturer to submit a datasheet of the proposed optic
material to show both the Ultraviolet Radiation degredation resistance and scratch
resistance of the external optical synthetic material.

3.3.8 Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following requirements:
• Case Temperature (Tc) rating -40°C to +80°C at a minimum 95% Relative
Humidity (RH). Luminaires with open drivers need to prove Luminaire ambient
of 50°C maximum in equivalence with this requirement
• Nominal rated Input voltage: 220-240V±10% 50Hz (198-264V min. Input range)
• Drivers shall have a Power Factor (PF) of L ≥ 0.90
• Driver shall be UL and/or IEC Certified
• Drivers shall be Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant
• Drivers shall have a Total individual luminaire Harmonic Distortion (THD) of:
≤20% in accordance with ANSI C82.77-2002 or comparable International

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above

3.3.9 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements

a) Demonstrate 50,000 hour useful life of the luminaire based on the simplified B20-L70
threshold at ambient temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual average
recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide lumen maintenance report for 50,000 hour,
B20-L70 @ (Tq) of 35°C for the luminaire, referring to the chip manufacturer’s IES LM-80
data for demonstrated curve/drive current/ fVoltage. Using IES TM-21 or comparable
IEC/international standard.

3.3.10 Luminaire Photobiological Safety

a) Luminaire must comply with Photobiological Safety of lamps and lamp systems in
accordance with the requirements of IEC 62471 or ANSI/IES RP-27.3-2007.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test results for IEC 62471, ANSI/IES RP-27.3-
2007 or comparable International standards. The fixture must pass all fascets of the
tests for “No Risk”/”Exempt” results.

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3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects

The LED luminaires in addition to the QCC Certification/minimum requirements as

defined within Clause 3.3, must adhere to the following specific supplimentary
requirements for use on The Department’s projects. Supporting data to be provided on
project submissions as stated within the following clauses:

3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT

a) The nominal Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard LED colours accepted
for use for street lighting on The Department’s projects are 4000K, 4500K, 5000K and
5700K only. Actual nominal CCT to be confirmed by the Consultant for the specific
project and all associated luminaire data and lighting calculations must be undertaken
for luminaires with the specific CCT LEDs chosen. These CCTs are the cooler end of the
available range and required for both their optimal efficacy and the benefits for driver
perception and awareness at lower luminance levels as part of the Abu Dhabi
Sustainable Public Lighting Strategy.

Note: Where the project is either an extension of existing LED phases, or are roads
connecting to other adjacent roads installed with LED street lighting, the Consultant
shall investigate the nominal CCT of these adjoining fixtures and propose a solution with
matching CCT for visual consistancy.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide confirmation of project selected nominal


b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy for use on The Department’s projects shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Project Luminaire Efficacy*

Street Lighting Fixture ≥95lm/W

*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V. Refer to The Department’s
Sustainable Road Rating System on any applicable projects if Credits available and
required for higher luminaire efficacies.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy.

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3.4.2 LED Binning

a) Luminaire shall be maximum proved MacAdam Ellipse Step-5. Luminaires and/or LEDs at
Step-6 or Step-7 Binning are not acceptable.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide copies of highlighted LED chip data or full
luminaire LM-79-08 test data to show compliance acheived within limits of Step-5 or

3.4.3 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement

a) The fixture shall be ‘servicable’: Drivers and LED modules/boards/engine shall be site
removable/replaceable without any possible risk to maintaining luminaire photometry
and without the need to demount the fixtures for sake of future upgrading/
maintenance requirements if required.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written descriptions of LED source

maintenance and replacement.

3.4.4 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials

a) Any steel body materials, components, bolts, nuts and hardened washers shall be
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any steel

components to show all are galvanised to ASTM-A153 comparable standard or other
comparable International standard.

b) Any external stainless steel body materials, components bolts, nuts and hardened
washers shall be minimum 316 Grade or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any stainless

steel components to show all are minimum 316 Grade to ASTM-SAE comparable
standard or other comparable International standard.

3.4.5 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following additional project requirements:
• Driver shall be minimum 1-10v dimmable/addressable and 1-10v+DALI allowed
(DALI-only drivers can be proposed, but only if a PLMS is a project requirement
and a specific DALI-compliant PLMS is included as part of the project)
• Driver can have some means of built-in overheat thermal protection in the form

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of either automatic dimming or stepping/holding down of the driver. But this
function can be present only if devices activate after the case-temperature
exceeds that experienced within the luminaire’s normal required maximum
operational limits: i.e. with Ta50°C (outside ambient-air temperature to the

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above
requirements. If thermal protection is present within the driver, then proof required to
confirm it’s operation is not activated within the normal stated limits of luminaire
thermal operational requirements.

3.4.6 Project Lighting Management Dimming System Requirements

a) Depending on the project size and scope, provision of a lighting management dimming
system is a statutory requirement as part of street and/or parking area lighting projects
or projects containing street and/or parking area lighting. Refer to Manual Part-1
Section-D for the specific technical requirements for the lighting management dimming

Part-1 Section-D also describes in detail which project types fall under this requirement
and which do not need this provision to be included. However the Consultant must
propose and agree the inclusion of the lighting management dimming system with The
Department as part of the project Concept Design Stage submission approval process. If
the project is approved by the Department as required to be provided with a lighting
management dimming system, a compliant system must then be described and
designed for all further project design stages, through and including to Tender.

Project Submission Requirement:- Check the project against the requirements detailed
within Manual Part-1 Section-D, state and justify the inclusion or omission of a system
as per Section-D and undertake the Concept Design to meet these requirements. If
approved as being required, follow the technical criteria set out within Manual Part-1
Section D for the Preliminary and Detail Design proposals as well as within the project

3.4.7 Surge Protection & Earthing

a) Luminaire shall be surge immune to IEC/EN 61547 up to 10 kV or in accordance to the

requirements of IEEE/ASNI C62.41.2-2002 Scenario I Location Category C up to 10kV-
10kA via a Surge Protection Device. Or comparable International standard for surge

Surge Protection Device shall be capable of protecting the luminaire against common

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mode and differential mode surges and shall be connected to Phase (L), Neutral (N) and
Protective Earth (PE). A Protective Earth connection shall be available inside the
luminaire. The Surge protection Device shall include fusing and protection to prevent
fire in case of protection component failures at end of life.

Earthing of the LED luminaire shall be as per a class I “electrical unit” to EN/IEC 60598-1:
protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but which
includes an additional safety precaution in such a way that means are provided for the
connection of accessible conductive parts to the protective (earthing) conductor in the
fixed wiring of the installation in such a way that accessible conductive parts cannot
become live in the event of a failure of the basic insulation.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer’s details of the surge

protection device fitted to the luminaire including class-I earthing connection (and fuse
provision as applicable) to achieve the Manual’s requirements for 10kV protection to
IEC/EN 61547, IEEE/ANSI C62.41.2-2002/ earhting to EN/IEC 60598-1 or comparable
International standards.

3.4.8 Quality Assurance

a) The Department may request standard production model luminaire samples, identical
(including LED Package) to the proposed products, to be installed for inspection. The
Department shall be sole judge regarding acceptability of optical system performance.

b) To verify luminaire performance and compliance with the specifications, The

Department may also request additional testing of sample luminaires. All such testing
shall be from accredited laboratories.

c) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

3.4.9 Warranty

Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of

project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the

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requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement material, fixture,
finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the housing, all external
components; such as lenses, gaskets & fastenings, and the fixture finishes shall include
warranty against failure or substantial deteriorations such as corrosion, blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents) with no cost to
The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective or non-starting LED source assemblies with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty on all
supplied drivers, power supply units (PSUs), electrical components and in-built control
components with no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for on-
maintained luminance levels on all light sources (LED package, LED array, or LED
module) including, but not limited to the LED die, encapsulate, and phosphor. Stating
B20 compliance for a minimum of 10 years. If the expected useful life performance
parameters of the luminaire system are not being maintained, then the manufacturer
shall replace the light source(s) or luminaire as needed with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the luminaire or
luminaire component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of luminaires, obtaining Authority NOCs,
traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any
associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions). These requirements
are purely in regards to the terms of Luminaire/Luminaire Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Luminaire Supplier(s),
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
4. Project Lighting Design Requirements

For all project lighting design and calculations, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting
Handbook for guidance on applying the requirements of the Lighting Manual. Particular
attention should be given to Handbook Chapters F, G, H, I, M and O.

4.1 Appraisal

The Consultant shall undertake an Initial study for the project including the roadways,
highways, the freeway interchanges, etc. and identifying the following features:

• Name of different segments of the project including street, ramps, bridges,

overpasses, tunnels, etc.
• Identify diverging lanes, converging lanes, abrupt curves, accelerating, and
decelerating traffic lanes. These locations will need careful attention
• Identify segments of the project where the road is categorized as a highway,
boulevard, avenue and local streets etc. including pedestrian activity and crossing
• Identify Intersections and conflict areas with special attention given to proposed
luminaire/pole arrangements to ensure minimal infrastructure and even
arrangements both within the intersection/conflict area and leading off from them
• Identify structures, walls, fences, ditches, water ponds, lakes, or rivers
• Identify pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, and cycle lanes/paths
• Identify any hospitals, residential areas, airports, observatories, industrial,
commercial zones, or any other critical locations close by
• Identify public right of way
• Identify the elevations of the different roads, ramps, overpass, etc. on the project.
• Determine the width of the different pavements, shoulders, medians, barriers, etc.
• Visit the project site to get a feeling for the area. Is the project an extension of an
existing area with existing patterns and/or existing types of fixtures that need to be
• Identify the clear zones where the poles will be located. Try to locate the poles
behind guardrails, girders, and ditches. Consider fixtures that allows for large
• Ensure Department pole location/set-back requirements in relation to above-
ground clear-zone requirements and the underground service corridor requirements
are both coordinated and complied with
• Identify any trees nearby, their types and their sizes for potential growth. Consider
moving some of the poles to avoid obscuring the lights, or cutting the trees
• Establish the lighting criterion for each segment of the projects. Different road
classifications have different criterion

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking

4.2 General Design Considerations

a) Mesopic Multipliers
Use of Mesopic multipliers shall be disallowed herein, by assuming an S/P ratio of 1.00
for all luminaires in all calculations.

b) Highways/Freeways and Major Arterials

Because these road types are wide and have higher traffic speeds, general street lighting
requirements are inadequate for Highways/Freeways and Major Arterial lighting. High
lumen lamps in conjunction with 20m poles shall be used to illuminate large roadway
areas and reduce glare.

c) Boulevards and Avenues

These roads serve moderately high volumes of traffic at lower speeds than
Highways/Freeways and Major Arterials. Although their primary function is to move and
maintain uninterrupted traffic flow, they frequently have busy at-grade intersections
requiring traffic control devices. These at-grade intersections require greater visibility
for traffic signals, signs and the resulting crossing and turning conflicts. Also, increased
commercial development along Boulevards and Avenues means increased pedestrian
movements and possibly the need to accommodate public transportation. Adequate
lighting for pedestrian movements and public transportation’s frequent stopping,
loading, and unloading of passengers is vital to safety along these roads. Boulevard and
Avenue lighting must also blend with commercial development lighting to avoid
combinations which detract from the overall lighting or result in poor visibility.

d) Sector Internal Roads (Streets)

A Sector Internal Road’s (Streets as per USDM designation) primary function is to
provide direct access to adjacent properties. Traffic speed is far lower than Boulevards
and Avenue, although traffic volume can be heavy and frequently interrupted especially
in residential and commercially developed areas. Lighting considerations are more
conservative accordingly

e) Two-way roads with Narrow Medians

All straight two-way roads from an Avenue class upwards that have a posted speed limit
of 60kph or higher and have a median less than 8m in width must consider the potential
night-time disabling glare issue of oncoming vehicle headlights. Any roads of such type
cannot be proposed with medians devoid of all fencing or vertical objects
(barriers/planting etc.) which if present can physically block the headlights of traffic
travelling in opposite directions to one another.

Completely untreated flat medians whilst having potential benefits for other reasons
required by The Department could conversely result in reduced visibility for drivers at

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
night by 50-60% regardless of the street lighting provision. This issue can effectively
result in a driver not being able to discern people, holes or debris in his or her path until
they are respectively 50-60% closer than the same road having a vertical treatment to
the median. The result could reduce the effective safe stopping distance to a level
which the driver cannot avoid collision, as well as causing accumulative eyestrain.

It should be noted that the direction of viewed glare for drivers for this hazard is when
the vehicles are diagonally opposed and travelling and thus it is not necessary for any
vertical blocking treatment solution to be either solid or continuous, as the median
presented in the eye line is foreshortened. Thus suitably spaced planting/objects with
gaps in-between can be considered to offer a visually solid barrier only when viewed
from drivers in the outside lanes of the opposing carriageways which is sufficient to
mitigate the issue. In addition these objects only need to be considered to be as high as
needed to block opposing headlights from drivers’ eye lines.

Note: This is a serious potential safety issue and Consultants must consider all such
cases to always ensure suitable treatments are recommended to be provided on
medians where applicable in agreement with The Department. Every project must be
considered individually for the specific constraints and geometry of their roadways.

f) Intersections, Conflict Areas and Pedestrian Crossings

Lighting intersections, Conflict Areas and Pedestrian Crossings are of particular concern
and must be adequate for traffic and pedestrian security, as well as meeting
environmental objectives. If necessary for traffic safety, pedestrian security, or
aesthetics, the lighting colour for pedestrian crossings could be varied to define the
various elements more clearly.

g) Roundabouts
The arrangement and character of the lighting may be distinctive, and thus assist the
warning signs in providing reliable warning of the roundabout. The lighting should reveal
the form, direction and edges of the travel lane all the way around the roundabout
without adding unnecessary poles/infrastructure to the area when able to be
coordinated and combined with the adjacent street lighting by careful spacing and
design. Special emphasis should be given on the central and other traffic islands. Mini-
roundabouts, particularly those of the ghost island type, or those that have been
located relatively remote from approach road give way lines, can be difficult to see.
Luminaires should, where possible, be sited to reveal the island.

h) Parking
The Consultant shall note that all calculations for Off-Street parking lots/bays adjacent
to roads are undertaken in Lux and must take into account any road lighting
contribution into the parking lighting design where applicable. On-Street parking, either
parallel or angled, has to be considered as part of the road lighting design and lighting

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
calculations in luminance undertaken to achieve the same overall road category
luminance. All projects shall be undertaken, checked and approved as the responsibility
of the Consultant to meet the required parking levels set out in the Table under Clause
4.3 on this basis.

i) Lighting Poles
The Consultant shall ensure they obtain The Department’s latest lighting pole minimum
set-back Standards for correct placement of the lighting poles within the lighting
calculations with relation to the road/travel-lane curb edges and the specific road
categories/speed limits. These also need to be mitigated with UPC USDM/UCDM
requirements. The maximum boom length shall 1.5m and maximum luminaire tilt angle
5-degrees from the horizontal unless agreed otherwise for the project with The
Department. NOTE: Street Lighting Poles must never be installed within the paved
pedestrian footpath corridor to obstruct the clear-width requirements

j) Coordination with Planting

Where median lighting poles are planned adjacent to median-planted trees and/or
Cycle/Pedestrian Paths are located remote to the roadway with a line of trees between
them and lighting poles, the Consultant shall identify the tree planting/tree types and
consider the impact on potential obscuring of the lighting to the all the surface
categories on a project. This includes allowing for the maximum growth size for the
trees. If needed an External Scene shall be added to the lighting calculation within
DiaLux, in addition the Street Lighting Scenes, to represent the trees, lighting and
project areas and assess the impact, making necessary changes to the lighting
arrangements/types if required. The Minimum Average Design Levels shown in the
Table under Clause 4.3 must be provided on site and site measurements shall be
required to match/prove these, therefore it is The Consultants responsibility to ensure
trees are always considered and mitigated in the project designs.

k) Bridges & Elevated Roads - Bridges are generally considered to be part of the roadway
and, as such, do not require any special lighting. Therefore, roadway lighting on bridges
shall be warranted as part of the regular roadway lighting and the same lighting criteria
and pole arrangement shall be maintained.

An exception is a very long bridge, which may be lit in a different manner and/or in
different arrangement to the roads leading to and from the bridge. The lighting designer
should consider placing roadway lighting in advance of the bridge to allow the driver’s
eyes to transition into the brighter roadway on the bridge.

Elevated roads differ from bridges in that they are usually longer, they are often
sinuous, and they often have parallel roads alongside them at lower levels. They also
often have slip roads that join the two levels; they usually carry very heavy traffic and
have little room for maintenance. Elevated roads differ so much from each other that

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
each requires individual consideration. Maintenance can be very difficult since the
closing of lanes for maintenance vehicle might not be acceptable, and this can be a
ruling factor in the lighting design.

l) Lighting adjacent to Airfields/Airports, Railways, Harbours & Navigable Inland

For these small numbers of cases, consultation should be carried out with the
appropriate authorities regarding any special provisions that might be necessary.

m) Fixture Family
The Consultant shall design all street lighting projects with an aim to propose no more
than three different optimised LED luminaire types, ideally two whenever possible. Only
larger projects with multiple road types may justify more luminaire types, but must be
justified to The Department for approval at Preliminary Design Stage or earlier.

In cases where a single fixture can be proposed instead of a twin-fixture arrangement,

or a twin-fixture arrangement can be proposed instead of a triple-fixture arrangement,
the Consultant shall always select the option of least fixtures as, regardless of the
overall load being similar or the same, this is both more economic with regards project
infrastructure cost as well as ongoing operational expenditure. The Department will not
accept additional fixture quantities when it is possible to achieve the project
requirements with less

n) Curved Roads
For curved roads the Consultant shall initially undertake street lighting calcs for straight
road sections to the same cross-sectional dimensions and once the correct
luminance/design levels are achieved note the associated illuminance levels and apply
an arrangement to the curved layouts to achieve similar illuminance distribution using
DiaLux’s Exterior calculation option with imported CAD dxf/dwg overlays of the project.

o) Cost Analysis
The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project and in accordance with the instructions
given by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure all the above criteria and recommedations for
the specific project are applied as applicable.

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
4.3 Schedule of Lighting Levels

To BS-EN/CEN5489 & BS-EN/CEN13201 Standards/Road Classes & aligned USDM Designations*3

Pole Heights, Spacings
Minimum Average Uniformity Longitudinal
Area/Roadway Type/ SR & Priority
Design Level: Ratio Uniformity TI*1
Lighting Class Luminance(L)=CD/m 2
(Minimum to (Minimum to
(EIR* ) Arrangements*2
Illumination(Em)=LUX Average) Maximum)
Highways/Freeways 20m Pole Height
1.0 CD/m2 ≥0.5
(100Kph or higher) Uo≥0.4 Ul ≥ 0.7 ≤10% 9 80-95m Spacing
(Conflict Areas 30Lux) (≥0.35* )
CEN Lighting Class ME2*3 Median Arrangement*8
1.0 CD/m2 20m Pole Height
Major Arterials (80Kph) ≥0.5
80-95m Spacing
(Conflict Areas & Uo≥0.4 Ul ≥ 0.7 ≤10% 9
CEN Lighting Class ME2* 3
(≥0.35* )
Crosswalks 30Lux) Median Arrangement*8
Arterials (60Kph) 1.2 CD/m2 14m Pole Height
(USDM: Boulevards) (Conflict Areas & Uo≥0.4 Ul ≥ 0.7 ≤10% 9 55-69m Spacing
(≥0.35* )
CEN Lighting Class ME2*3 Crosswalks 30Lux) Median Arrangement*8
Secondary Arterial 0.8 CD/m2 14m Pole Height
(USDM: Avenues) (Conflict Areas & Uo≥0.4 Ul ≥ 0.7 ≤15% 9 55-69m Spacing
(≥0.3* )
CEN Lighting Class ME3a*3 Crosswalks 20 Lux) Median Arrangement*8
Sector Internal Roads 0.4 CD/m2 10m Pole Height
(USDM: Streets) (Conflict Areas & Uo≥0.4 Ul ≥ 0.6 ≤15% 9 40-49m Spacing
(≥0.3* )
CEN Lighting Class ME4a*3 Crosswalks 15Lux) Single-Sided
0.3 CD/m2 10m Pole Height
Access Lanes (USDM) ≥0.5
(Conflict Areas & Uo≥0.4 Ul ≥ 0.4 ≤15% 9 40-49m Spacing
CEN Lighting Class ME5*3 (≥0.3* )
Crosswalks 15Lux) Single-Sided
Traffic Conflict Areas To Match Road(s) ideally,
Per Road Type as stated If appli-
(Ramps, Intersections, Uo≥0.4 N/A ≤15% otherwise lower (10, 14 &
above cable
Roundabouts etc.) 20m only) heights used
Match To Match Road/Soffit-
Under Bridges*4 Match Road Luminance Uo≥0.4 Match road N/A
road mounted*4
Provided by Road Lighting
Cross Walks Per Road Type as stated
(or by dedicated
(Pedestrian/Zebra Crossings Plus vertical matching Uo≥0.4 N/A N/A N/A
supplementary lighting if
etc.) Lux level*6
Car Parking
5/10/15 Lux: Low/
(Parking Lots/Off-Street Uo≥0.4 N/A N/A N/A 10m Pole Height
Med/High Risk*5
Car Parking Match Road Surface’s From Road Lighting/To
Uo≥0.4 N/A N/A N/A
(On-Street Parallel/Angular) equivalent Lux level Match Adjacent Road
3-5 Lux + 1.5-2 Lux
Cycle Lanes/Paths Uo≥0.25 N/A N/A N/A As Design Proposal
Sidewalks/Pedestrian 3-5 Lux + 1.5-2 Lux
Uo≥0.2 N/A N/A N/A As Design Proposal
Pathways Vertical*6
(N/A = Not Applicable)

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
Notes to Table 4.3

*1 A 5% increase in minimum Threshold Increment may be permitted with project justifications.

*2 All projects shall be designed with the priority arrangements, however alternative arrangements can be
proposed as long as there is a justification provided for a deviation based on a specific project constraint/reason:
e.g. excessive median width and/or number of lanes, planned/future LRT or Metro for median or with extensive
public realm elements distant to road edges. Maximum boom length shall be 1.5m and maximum tilt angle 5-
degrees from the horizontal unless agreed otherwise by The Department.

*3 Closest BS-EN/CEN class to use as a basis within DiaLux lighting calculations. However all base levels (CDm2/Lux,
Uo, Ul, TI, SR) must be manually adjusted to exactly match those within the Lighting Manual table for all
calculations to show correct pass/fail reports for project submissions to The Department.

*4 Only for situations where the street lighting requirements are required for nighttime only and the distance
allowances of the bridge underside are not exceeded to designate them underpasses/tunnels. Refer to Part-1
Section-B for all tunnels and underpasses. In addition; if any fixtures are soffit-mounted types, the the fixture
technical criteria within Section-B shall be refered to in full.

*5 For Parking Lot/Bay risk-category assessment for a project, Consultant shall refer to Chapter-G, Clause 9.0 within
the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook.

*6 Vertical Lux calculations where required shall be checked and submitted using the DiaLux Ev (Vertical
Illuminance) output report options for all directions (Ev-West, Ev-North, Ev-East & Ev-South) to prove the average
table values are achieved for all view directions.

*7 Provision of the appropriate cross walk LUX level should be designed to be naturally achieved from the road
lighting system/luminaires where ever possible, so no separate dedicated lighting is required. This could also be
achieved by the optimum siting of crossings within the street’s pole arrangement if needed as per the lighting
calculation LUX-distribution values. However if dedicated supplementary lighting is needed to achieve the required
LUX level, then these must be integrated as part of the crossing system using their infrastructure where possible
and in these cases all supplementary fixtures must be LED be chosen with a contrasting CCT to the street lighting
fixtures and meet the same technical criteria as street lighting luminaires as set out within this Manual Section.

*8 All straight two-way roads from an Avenue class upwards that have a posted speed limit of 60kph or higher and
have a median less than 8m in width must consider the potential night-time disabling glare issue of oncoming
vehicle headlights. Any roads of such type cannot be proposed with medians devoid of all fencing or vertical
objects (barriers/planting etc.) which if present can physically block the headlights of traffic travelling in opposite
directions to one another refer to Clause 4.2 item e).

*9 The SR (Surround Ratio) system may be replaced in the future within DiaLux with the improved EIR (Edge
Illuminance Ratio) system from EN-13201-2. Therefore depending on the version of DiaLux being used, both SR and
EIR values are shown in this table and must be used and met as applicable for the road category and system.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure complete compliance with the table and associated
notes for all lighting designs and lighting calculations undertaken for projects. Citing any
justifications for design decisions where described above within any project street lighting
reports and within the DiaLux lighting calculation output reports described with Clause 4.6.

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
4.4 Maintenance Factors

Note: Maintenance Factor (MF) and Light Loss Factor (LLF) are the same. Previous use of the
term LLF is now replaced by MF in the Lighting Manual in line with modern International

MF = LLD x LDD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation x Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

Project Maintenance Factors for DESIGN lighting calculations shall never be assumed, nor
default values used in any lighting calculations submitted to The Department. All Maintenance
Factors shall be calculated and justified in accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

LLD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation)

The following method shall be used to determine the Lamp Lumen Depreciation component of
the Maintenance Factor used in the DiaLux lighting design software calculation:

The Consultant shall demonstrate the 50,000 hour lumen depreciation of the luminaire at 100%
output at an average night time temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual
average recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). The
methodology to be used is as follows:

a) The manufacturer shall submit a Thermal Report to a suitable reference & standard
agreed by The Department, showing the highest Ts (solder point temperature of an LED)
recorded within the luminaire, usually at the centre of the fitting and the centre of the
PCB or what would appear logically to be the hottest region of the optical
compartment. This thermal test will be conducted at 25°C ambient.

b) 10°C shall then be added to the hottest recorded Ts to simulate the required average
night time temperature of 35°C.

c) The LM-80 report from the chip manufacturer shall be provided showing the associated
Alpha and Beta (α and β) figures for each of the three Ts measurements namely, 55°C,
85°C and 105°C at the proposed driving current. The most appropriate higher Alpha and
Beta will be chosen for the Ts + 10°C. (Note: figures from “Energy Star” type calculations
can only be submitted as per TM-21 formula requirements as verification of the required
LM-80 report derived figures, never as an alternative to LM-80 or the TM-21 method).

Example; if a thermal test shows a Ts of 68°C measured at 25°C ambient at 500mA drive
current, then 10°C is added to give 78°C. In this case the most appropriate Alpha and
Beta figures would be the LM-80 data for a Ts of 85°C at 500mA. Any Ts measurements
that exceed 105°C (including the added 10°C for Tq 35°C) will not be permitted.

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
d) These Alphas and Betas will then be applied to the TM-21 formula which calculates the
expected lumen output at 50,000 hours.
The TM-21 equation to be used is: Lxx = β e^ (-αt) (with t = 50,000 hours)

e) This lumen output (percentage) figure (Lxx) shall then be used as the LLD component
(Lamp Lumen Depreciation) which forms part of the MF to be used in all DESIGN
calculations. The LLD must be ≥0.70 or the fixture will not be allowed for use on
Department projects.

Project Submission Requirement:- As per the stated process, provide the following:
Thermal Test Report at 25°C detailing the highest Ts within the luminaire. LM-80 Report
from chip manufacturer with α & β for the proposed driving current. TM-21 Calculation
as per the given formula.

LDD (Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

The following table shall be used to justify the appropriate Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in
accordance with the external optical material of the specific fixture and the appropriate
pollution category for the specific project. The appropriate value shall be selected from the table
and inputted as the LDD component of the Maintenance Factor with selection explained within
the MF written justification.

*Unless specifically informed otherwise by The Department, or with another justifiable reason,
assume Cleaning Interval as 24-months.

Fixture With Glass External Optic Fixture Without Glass External Optic
Project Pollution Category Project Pollution Category
Cleaning Interval High Medium Low High Medium Low
6 months 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.92 0.93 0.94
12 months 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.91 0.92 0.93
18 months 0.91 0.92 0.96 0.9 0.91 0.92
24 months* 0.90 0.91 0.95 0.88 0.89 0.91
36 months 0.89 0.91 0.95 0.83 0.87 0.90
Project Pollution Category:
High – Remote/desert areas, major city centres, heavy industrial areas
Medium– High density residential, light commercial/industrial, coastal areas
Low- low-density city residential, Park/island areas

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written report of the calculated Maintenance

Factor (for every different luminaire proposed) as per the above instructions for the LLD and
LDD components and ensure these Maintenance Factors are used in all DESIGN lighting
calculations in which the particular LED luminaire is proposed.

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking

4.5 DESIGN & DAY-1 Calculation Outputs

DESIGN – Defined as the Lighting Design Calculation; assuming 50,000 hours of luminaire
operation at 35C average ambient temperature (Takes into account the annual average
recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). DiaLux
calculations shall use the derived MF value(s) as calculated under the requirements set out in
4.4 above and with these MFs used designs shall achieve the Minimum Average Design Levels,
Uniformities and other applicable parameters set out within Table 4.2.

DAY 1 – Defined as the initial luminance/illuminance values. DiaLux calculations shall use an MF
of 1.0 in all calculations. These calculations are useful to ascertain the expected measurable light
levels on site during the project commissioning period. It should be noted that this is not
considered a design calculation for the project, but required for information for The Department
as described under Clause 5.

4.6 Project Lighting Design Calculations

The Consultant shall undertake all necessary lighting calculations for the project based on the
specific requirements set out within all of Section-A Clause 4.

All lighting calculations shall be undertaken using DiaLux lighting design software, using the
Street Scene and Exterior Scene calculation sections, or both, as appropriate. DiaLux is certified
Freeware and can be obtained from or direct from luminaire manufacturers.

Note: DiaLux Evo can also be used if required as is especially useful in representing whole areas
made up of adjacent streets, intersections, parking areas etc. However it can only be submitted
as an additional report to DiaLux if useful in justifying particular aspects for a submission.

DiaLux lighting calculations (at 100% luminaire output) for a project shall be issued within a
single DiaLux-generated report format and the Consultant shall comply with the following

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be entered in full
• Designer’s details and contact information shall be entered in full
• Project Notes section to be filled in for all justifications/notes required
• Each separate street/parking/conflict area calculation to be titled logically for the
project and cross-referenced to project drawings/reports specifically
• For street calculations the CIE/EN Standards option shall always be selected
• Table 4.3 and associated notes shall form the basis of all calculations with base variables
(CDm2/Lux, Uo, Ul, TI & SR/EIR) manually adapted from defaults using the “Insert

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
Optimised Luminaire Arrangement” function from the DiaLux menu as necessary to
exactly match Table 4.3
• Clause 4.5 calculated Maintenance Factors only shall form the basis of all entered
MF(LLF) values used and replace any DiaLux default values
• All street element cross-sectional dimensions shall be inputted exactly as per the project
• Pole offsets shall exactly match those for the project
• Maximum tilt angle allowed for street fixtures shall be 5-degrees
• Maximum boom length allowed for street fixtures shall be 1.5m unless specific project
justifications given for longer overhang requirements
• Tarmac Street-Coating type to always remain as the DiaLux default: R3 (q0 0.07) and not
to be changed to any other value
• Uniformity Coating on Wet Roadways is irrelevant to lighting calculation results and
therefore can be ignored and left as software default values
• Both DAY-1 and DESIGN calculations shall be undertaken for every calculation and
suitably labelled in the report. Refer to Clause 4.5 for details of requirements and
• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following selected
minimum options as and where applicable (These are DiaLux standard Output Report
Options to be selected before generating the report):

Project Cover
Table of Contents
Luminaire Parts List (overall project)
Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
Per Street Calculation for roadways/sidewalks/bicycle lanes (DESIGN)
Planning Data
Luminaire Parts List
Photometric Results
3D Rendering
False Colour Rendering
Valuation Fields: Isolines (L)*1
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (L) *1
Valuation Fields: Isolines (E)
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (E)
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev West) *2
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev North) *2
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev East) *2
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev South) *2
Per Street Calculation for roadways/sidewalks/bicycle lanes (DAY-1)
Valuation Fields/Observer1/Observer2 etc.: Isolines (L) *1
Valuation Fields/Observer1/Observer2 etc.: Value Chart (L) *1

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
Valuation Fields: Isolines (E)
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (E)
Per Parking Lot/Conflict Area Calculation (DESIGN)
Planning Data
Luminaire Parts List
Photometric Results
3D Rendering
False Colour Rendering
Valuation Fields: Isolines (E)
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (E)
Per Parking Lot/Conflict Area Calculation (DAY-1)
Valuation Fields: Isolines (E)
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (E)
*1 Required only for roadways
*2 Required only for sidewalks and cycle lanes and areas covering a designated crosswalk

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide the Dialux Lighting Calculation Output Report fully in
adhereance to the above requirements in PDF format. In addition, provide the source .DLX file
(DiaLux file) alongside the PDF Report in all submissions to The Department.

5. Project Site Verification Requirements

5.1 Site Lighting Measurement

The Contractor shall conduct a Field Performance test of the lighting installation(s) immediately
after ADDC/AADC grid-energisation of the system, in the presence of a qualified project
Consultant representaive. A representative from The Department is required only for
Department projects (not for Third-Party Projects unless specifically requested or agreed by
The Department), with invitations/arrangements agreed with The Department at least two-
weeks prior to the proposed test date.

The test results shall meet the lighting design requirements identified in Clause 4 of this Section
and match the Approved DAY-1 lighting calculation output report values submitted. If dimming
forms part of the project, then the initial pre-programmed dimming levels (Set as per Manual
Part-1 Section-D for the project) shall also each be activated and the respective %
illuminance(Lux) value compared to the 100% illuminance(Lux) level of each pre-programed %
dimming level recorded. This is to compare the relationship between programmed dimming
levels and actual site recorded corresponding lighting levels (LED luminaires do not always dim
in a linear manner). This is to provide the data to aid any future adjustment of the pre-

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
programmed levels required by The Department.

Refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook for guidance on Lighting Maintenance
and Lighting Performance Verification. Handbook Chapters L, and M.

Site measurements shall be undertaken to CIE 30-2 rather than using CIE 140 or EN 12489 as the
latter standards require three times the site point-measurements with negligable benefit to
average results for the significant additional time required to complete tests . However CIE 140
or EN 12489 can be used as the basis if preferred, with the additional measurements tabulated
in suitably expanded Report tables and the measurement standard stated.

The Department will take appropriate actions if the specified project lighting levels are not
achieved/exceeded and the Contractor will have to undertake remedial action to address the
problems at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Warning: Under no circumstances shall any LED luminaires be directly connected to a

temporary generator for field testing, nor should they be energised via a temporary generator
without seeking fixture manufacturer approval, as the output from many generators on start-
up can permanently damage the luminaire components and thus render the fixture warranties

Temporary generator energisation can only be undertaken with prior and written
confirmation obtained from the fixture manufacturer stating they approve that their fixtures
can be energised by this means with details of the specific generator used and method
statement for connection and energisation.

The Contractor is fully responsible for all electrical connections to the LED fixtures and if
damage is caused to fixtures due to ignoring this warning will have to undertake remedial
action to replace any affected luminaires at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Testing shall be undertaken in accordance with the following:

• For roadways, both luminance and illuminance measurements shall be taken as
illuminance is a purer comparison against the design and can be used as mitigation if the
luminance results vary considerably due the roadway surface variation (against the
mathematical R3 standard reflectance-factor as used in calcs) or other mitigating site
• For parking lots/bays, conflict areas, cycle lanes/paths and pedestrian paths, only
illuminance measurements need be taken
• The DAY-1 project lighting calculation’s measurement grids shall be used as the basis for
the site measurement grids

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
• The geometry of the site’s lighting installation: mounting height of luminaires,
positioning of the poles and tilting angle of the luminaires
• For roadways the positioning longitudinally along the road and transversally to the road
edge, tilting angle of the luminaires, width of carriageway and sidewalks shall be
checked carefully
• In case of significant difference of one or several installation parameters with the
lighting design, the results of measurement must be compared to a new calculation
taking in account the actual geometry of the lighting installation. For instance if the
project lighting calculations cover the ‘worse-case’ (widest) spacings for a project, site
measurements should primarily aim to be undertaken on a road with these worse-case
spacings. If this is not possible and road with closer pole spacings is proposed, then
adjusted DAY-1 Lighting calculations must be prepared for the actual test-site spacing.
• The test installation for roads shall comprise a minimum of 6 poles equipped with
energised luminaires for a single side or twin central lighting installation. In case of
opposite or staggered installation, 3 poles at each side of the road are generally needed
• The optical unit of the luminaires must be clean externally. The luminaire adjustment
shall be checked and must correspond to the luminaire adjustment used for the lighting
• Because field photometry involves significantly higher variability than laboratory
measurements, it is necessary to record and report the following factors which may
influence the site measured results:
o Supply voltage
o Lamp wattage
o Ambient Air Temperature
o Mounting height
o Overhang
o Tilt
o Pavement conditions
o Weather conditions
• Since lamp luminous flux is affected by electrical circuit operating conditions, voltage,
current and wattage should be measured at individual lamp sockets if possible. Thereby,
whether the fixtures operate in line with rated circuit conditions can be determined
• It is recommended that luminaire supply voltage be monitored with the use of recording
voltmeters so that if extreme fluctuations in voltage occur, photometric readings are
synchronized with normal supply voltage
• The atmosphere should be clear and extraneous light should be at a minimum when
tests are performed. Otherwise, the results of lighting measurement can be affected.
• Wet road surfaces can also lead to reflections that can cause considerable errors with
luminance measurements, so tests should not be conducted if the roadways surface is
• The road/ground surface must be clean and without irregularities in the area of the
lighting measurements

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Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking

• The personnel in charge of conducting the test should avoid casting shadows on the
measuring instrument detector. It is recommended that the personnel avoid wearing
light coloured clothing in order to not supplement the readings on the detector by
reflected light. If Hi-Vis vests are being worn on site, anyone tasked with operating
meter equipment should be allowed to remove them for the duration of measurements

Photometric Test Equipment:

• Luminance and Lux Meters(Photometers) must be calibrated with available certification
provided to cover the date of the test. iOs/Android/Windows mobile device ‘Light
Meter Apps’ should never be used and are not permissible for any readings sent to
The Department!
• It is recommended that measuring instruments with self- luminous readouts be used
since it may be difficult to read analogue instruments and LCDs under low Illuminance
and torches must never be used to do so
• Photometers capable of performing horizontal Illuminance measurements should be
used for Illuminance measurements of road surfaces and other horizontal measurement
• Photometers capable of performing vertical Illuminance measurements should be used
for any vertical Illuminance measurement requirements
• Commercially available Photometers that can be positioned without being shadowed by
the user and that can be shaded from extraneous light are preferred. Such Photometers
can measure illumination within ±5% error typically
• Colour-correction of the Photometer should be made in accordance with the CIE
Spectral Luminous Efficacy Curve
• If a temperature-sensitive Photometer is used, temperature- correction should be made
• For local luminance measurements, the luminance meter should not have a field of view
greater than two minutes of arc; otherwise, differences may not be detected to
accurately determine uniformity

Material check list

• Luminance meter with valid calibration certificate
• Tripod for luminance meter, with precision aiming capabilities
• Screw to fix the luminance meter on the tripod (should be part of the luminance meter
• Lux meter with valid calibration certificate
• Horizontal balancing device for the Lux meter sensor
• Holding device for vertical illuminance measurement (a long rod)
• White chalk or white spray paint cans
• Flexible meter (10m - 20m)

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SA-31

Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
• Wheel meter (optional)
• Luminous target (for aiming the luminance meter in low lighting conditions)
• Compact pocket lamp
• Laser telemeter (if not available on site)
• Suitable voltmeter (if not available on site)
• Calculator
• Detailed measuring procedure
• Documents prepared for writing the results (tables) and pens
• Digital camera
• USB key
• CIE 140 publication - Road lighting (optional)
• Any other relevant Standard
• Curves of luminous flux variation in function of supply voltage, and curves of flux
depreciation in function of burning hours (if possible, printed on paper)
• Drawings showing the way to proceed: positioning of the measurement points in a
representative zone and observers positions
• Project DAY-1 lighting calculation reports
• Installation layout drawing(s)

Information to collect before measurement exercise

• How long have the LEDs already been working?
• When did the last maintenance happen? (How long has the installation been in service?)

Information to collect before each measurement

• Supply voltage (to be measured as close as possible to the row of luminaires, before and
after the lighting measurement)
• Check the luminaires spacing and their transversal position
• Check the position of the lines marking the carriageway
• Check the mounting height
• Visually check the luminaires positions and orientations

• The area considered for the Illuminance and the luminance measurements for roadways
has to cover a portion of road which is reproducible in term of lighting results, it means
one complete spacing of poles. This area is situated between the 3rd and 4th poles in
the case of any non-staggered, 3rd and 5th poles in case of staggered. The field of
calculation should be typical of the area of the road which is of interest to the driver:
o In the longitudinal direction on a straight road, the field of calculation should lie
between two luminaires in the same row (see Figure 5.1a), the first luminaire
being located 60m ahead of the observer
o In the transverse direction, it should cover the whole carriageway width on
roads without a central reservation, and the width of one carriageway on roads

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SA-32

Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
with a central reservation.
o This grid of measurement points should correspond to the grid of calculation
from the DAY-1 Lighting Report and consequently to the specifications given by
CIE 30-2

Figure 5.1a Luminance Measurement Parameters

• The illuminance shall be measured at Ground Level in each points of the grid defined as
here above. The average illuminance level and the uniformity ratios are found by
• The luminance shall then be measured at the same points as the illuminance. To
proceed to these luminance measurements, the luminance meter shall be localized (as
per the observer position CIE 30-2) not only 60m away from the first pole with the grid,
but also 1/4 of the total road width excluding hard shoulders/parking etc, (e.g. 3 lanes of
3.65m = 10.95m / 4 = 2.7m from the right hand side of the road) and at a height of
1.5m. From the results of these point by point measurements, the calculation of the
average level of luminance and the overall uniformity of luminance (Uo ratio Lmin/Lav)
shall be undertaken)
• The longitudinal uniformities of luminance (Ul) in the axis of each lane shall be checked
after measurements of all points along the axis of each lane. The luminance meter shall
be localized successively along the axis of each lane, 60m before the first point of
measurement and at a height of 1.5m.The longitudinal uniformity of luminance will be
the ratio between the minimum and the maximum punctual measurement on each axis
• If dimming forms part of the project, then the initial pre-programmed dimming levels
shall also each be activated and the respective % illuminance(Lux) value compared to
the 100% illuminance(Lux) level of each pre-programmed % dimming level recorded.
This is to compare the relationship between programmed dimming levels and actual site
recorded corresponding lighting levels (LED luminaires do not always dim in a linear
manner). This is to provide the data to aid any future adjustment of the pre-
programmed levels required by The Department.
• A site measurement record sheet and report shall be drawn up for the project to set out
all the data measurements decribed above as per CIE 30-2 and to record the following

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SA-33

Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
o Project name
o Location of the roadway/area
o Date and time of the measurement
o Detailed information about the lighting equipment and installation
o Detailed information about the test equipment, calibrate certification and
meter tolerances
o Mounting height, luminaire spacing and arrangement and special conditions
such as extraneous light sources
o Electrical operating conditions
o Condition of luminaires and other equipment
o Air Temperature
o Tabulated test data shown on custom drawn table/grid set up for the project to
show illuminance and/or luminance readings as set out above
o Special measurements if recorded
o Ratio of maximum and minimum-to-average Illuminance and luminance
o Ratio of maximum-to-minimum Illuminance and luminance along longitudinal
roadway lines for each roadway lane
o Position of instrument detector and light source
o Names of test personnel
o Witnessed by: Names, Companies, Signatures
o Copy of the DAY-1 lighting calculations
o Copy of the DAY-1 Dimming system set-level calculations if applicable
o Site Photographs of the testing exercise
o Assessement of site measurements against project lighting calculations and
confirmation of Pass or Fail of the installation
o Additional remarks (if any )

Project Submission Requirement:- Undertake site verification tests fully in accordance with the
requirements of Clause 5.1 and provide report of all data to The Department as required. The
primary goal is to prove beyond doubt that the site installation meets/exceeds the minimum
required design requirements for the project.

5.2 Interim (Non Day-1) Measurement

If the test purpose is to check the performance of the roadway lighting installation after
depreciation in service, the existing conditions of the luminaires should be recorded.

The period of hours-of-operation shall be calculated and stated and the MF (for clean
luminaires) after the stated period in the environmental conditions of the installation should be
calculated and stated together with the luminous flux in lumens of the light source or sources in

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SA-34

Part-1 Section-A – Lighting for Roadways & Parking
the luminaire after the stated period/MF applied.

With clean fixtures Clause 5.1 shall be followed as before in full with the recorded values
assessed against adjusted lighting calculations with the adjusted MF applied in place of the 1.0
value used in DAY-1 calculations

Project Submission Requirement:- Undertake site verification tests fully in accordance with the
requirements of Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 and provide report of all data to The Department as

5.3 Project Harmonic Measurement

The Contractor shall measure the harmonic at the supply point (LV side of the distribution
substation) after the installation of all the LED fixtures and adopt harmonic compensation
methods, if required, to limit the total harmonics distortion in the supply voltage.

The maximum allowed total harmonics distortion is to be taken as 5% (or as per latest Electricity
Authority latest requirements if different) and in accordance with IEEE 519 Regulations.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report of the project installation and proof of
harmonic distortion limit compliance.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

Part-1 Section B –
Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-B, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-B of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-B

a) It is statutory that all luminaires used for projects must be LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
b) From July 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED exterior luminaires to be QCC (Abu
Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council) Approved with supplied Certificate of
Conformity: under the Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting
(*1A grace period for obtaining Conformity Certification is allowed under this Manual up
to the 30th June 2017. Until this date, if a Certificate is not yet obtained, then luminaires
must be submitted with both a copy of the QCC Scheme application receipt as well as all
technical data supplied as part of the submission as described under Clause 3.2)
c) Manual Part-1 Section-A, in addition to the LED luminaire criteria aligned with QCC,
has been revised with separate clauses covering the additional specific Department
Project criteria regarding fixture and component performance, quality, lighting
design and warranty requirements.
d) LED Luminaire Useful-Life Performance basis remains as 600C ambient.
e) Light Loss Factor (LLF) term revised to Maintenance Factor (MF).
f) Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) component of the MF revised from
previous Manufacturer defined value, to new Lighting Manual Table of set values.
g) Warranty for all luminaires now minimum 10-Years for all aspects.
h) Table of Lighting Design categories revised, expanded and requirements increased
to show minimum requirements for Ul (Longitudinal Uniformity) and TI (threshold

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-1

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
i) Project Lighting Design and Calculation requirements standardised and set out
within the Manual.
j) Project Lighting Management Dimming System required for all projects falling into
the categories set out within Manual Part-1 Section-D and in accordance with the
technical criteria defined within Section-D.
k) Project Site Measurement Verification requirements standardised and set out within
the Manual.
l) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-B

a) Any luminaires used for projects that are not LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).
b) After the 30th June 2017; any LED fixtures that are not AD Quality Marked and do
not hold a Certificate of Conformity under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme
for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures*1
c) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
d) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.
e) Any deviation from the project Lighting Design, Calculation and Site Verification
requirements as set out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and
performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-1.

It is a statutory requirement that all luminaires used on The Department’s Tunnel and
Underpass lighting projects must be LED (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire
technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their luminaires under all the required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-2

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the fixtures useful-life cycle, project location,
controls usage/programming etc.

3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements

The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously for the required useful-
lifetime performance and at the specified ambient temperature, humidity and quality
criteria as defined by this Manual.

The LED luminaires shall be suitable for mounting on tunnel and/or underpass ceilings
(either surface-mounted or recessed versions as applicable for the project). They shall be
suitably vibration-proof, corrosion resistant, have appropriate optical distribution and shall
provide efficient even low-glare illumination.

For more reference information regarding lighting technology, lamps, luminaires, electrical,
materials and lighting maintenance, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
Chapters C, D, E, M and O.

3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)

3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017

After the 30th June 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED luminaires proposed for use on
The Department’s projects to be QCC (Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council)
Approved: under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting

Any LED luminaires proposed on submissions (from Preliminary Design Stage onwards)

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-3

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
received after the 30th June 2017 without proof of QCC Certification will not be
allowed for use on The Department’s Projects.

A QCC Certificate of Conformity must be provided covering every luminaire proposed for
the project during submissions and Clause 3.3 of this Section can then be disregarded
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

Only applicable in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied QCC Certificates shall be the
additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and project-required design criteria
listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which all data must be provided on the project

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-4

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017

Up to and including the 30th June 2017 if any proposed LED luminaires do not yet hold a
QCC Certificate of Conformity, then all luminaires must be submitted with proof of their
QCC Scheme submitted and received application and in addition must be submitted with
all the required fixture technical data listed under Clause 3.3 of this Section. All
luminaire technical information is then to be supplied as part of the project submission
along with all other Lighting Manual clause requirements.

If any luminaires have received a QCC Certification, a copy of the QCC Certificate of
Conformity must be provided for the luminaires proposed for the project and then
Clause 3.3 of this Section can be disregarded in relation to those particular luminaires;
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

In these cases, the only applicable requirements in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied
QCC Certificates will be the additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and
project-required criteria listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which data must be
provided on the project submission.

An approval as part of a project submission of an LED fixture based on the technical
criteria contained within Clause 3.3, is not prerequisite or guarantee of a future QCC
fixture certification approval. Nor conversely does an LED fixture rejection on technical
grounds for a Department project submission in any way impare a possible future
granting of QCC certification through that process. In all cases however The
Department’s decision is final for any fixtures not yet supplied with QCC Luminaire

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-5

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide either a Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4. Otherwise follow Clause 3.3 onwards.

3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned)

Note: Disregard this Clause for LED luminaires already approved under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided QQC Certification as
described within Clause 3.2 above. For Luminaires with QCC Certification, proceed directly
to clause 3.4.

3.3.1 General

a) The LED luminaires must have applied for certification under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided proof of their submitted
and received application with the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide acknowledgment of QCC received


b) Manufacturer’s company profile including a profile of the manufacturing facilities. Valid

ISO 9001:2008 certificates of the manufacturing facilities.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer profile and ISO 9001


c) The following shall be submitted in addition to the documents required within Clauses
3.3.2 to 3.3.10 (all data in SI units):
• Photometric test data
• Full light source lamp Specification
• LED Chip Reliability reports

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-6

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Photometric test data in standard format
(IES or EULUMDAT) , full light source/lamp Specification data and LED chip reliability
reports to JEDEC JESD22/JESD51 or comparable International standard (tests at +85ºC).

d) All test certification must be from laboratories accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005

signatories of the ILAC MRA.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure all test certificates submitted to The

Department have the correct accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 signatories of the

3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering Index

a) The LEDs shall be from a manufacturer of LEDs with ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011

or similar approved International Standard certification. (Please note: The nominal
Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard LED colours accepted for use for
tunnel/underpass lighting on The Department’s projects are 4000K, 4500K, 5000K and
5700K only, although the QCC Scheme allows a wider band for all luminaire types).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide proof from LED supplier product data.

b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy and associated Minimum Colour Rendering (CRI – Colour
Rendering Index) rating shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Minimum Luminaire Efficacy* Minimum CRI-Rating

Roadway Tunnel Lighting

80lm/W 65
*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy and CRI, plus
actual** luminaire CCT is within acceptable limits as below in relation to Nominal CCT.

Nominal CCT (ANSI C78.377A)

Nominal CCT CCT Range (Fixture Actual Allowed**)
4000K 3985K ± 275
4500K 4503K ± 243
5000K 5028K ± 283
5700K 5665K ± 355

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SB-7

Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry

a) The luminaire shall be fitted with optical refractors, diffusers and/or reflectors designed
to exactly suit the specific application the fixture is intended for.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide product information describing the optical

control and components to cover the range and fixture application.

3.3.4 Thermal Management

a) The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously at the specified ambient
temperature and humidity with special attention given to the effects of heat, dust, dirt
and vibration in designing the luminaire body. The design of the luminaire shall be such
that there is a direct thermal path from the LED junctions to the atmosphere thus
providing a thermal transfer effect throughout the life of the luminaire. The thermal
solution shall be proprietary and designed by the lighting manufacturer to enable the
luminaires to work efficiently in Abu Dhabi climatic conditions. The luminaire shall be
provided with a demonstrated ventilation arrangement allowing heat to be dissipated to
the atmosphere.

The luminaire shall be designed to prevent collection of debris by proven and stated
means. The design shall be such that the luminaire shall be self-cleaning in normal
operation. Provide detailed physical description of the fixture including images and

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written justification and luminaire product


b) The luminaire operating range (taking into account LED components, driver, etc.) shall
be from -20°C up to a minimum of +60°C ambient air temperature(Ta) with an
acceptable lumen-output performance at Ta+60°C needing to be demonstrated. The
operating range maximum refers to the Ta as per IEC/ISO 60598-1 or UL 1598.

Project Submission Requirement:- The effect of reduced lumen output at operation in

increased ambient temperatures (i.e. any ambient temperature higher than 25°C as per
LM-79) must be checked by a submitted LM-82 test report for 60°C ambient (testing the
luminaire’s/luminaire range’s largest LED engine/module, or (largest) whole luminaire,
per LM-82 procedures in all cases). This test shall be taken using the highest proposed
fixture/range drive current, by measuring total luminous flux or luminous intensity at
the elevated temperature and extrapolating to the 25°C Ta figure. This will be
considered acceptable provided the lumen output decrease is proved to be less-than-or-
equal-to 6%)

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

In addition this measured percentage drop of luminous flux shall then be applied to the
LM-79 luminaire flux value and when multiplied by the measured load at 60°C, will be
considered acceptable provided the resultant efficacy value still remains within the
minimum allowed fixture efficacy as set out within the table in Clause 3.3.2.

c) The luminaire storage range (i.e. non-operating/daytime) temperature shall be from -

20°C up to a minimum of 60°C ambient air temperature(Ta). With all internal
components suitable for storage within this range and rated between -20°C up to a
minimum of 80°C.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of the conformity of the

Luminaire to the required storage extremes.

3.3.5 Ingress Protection

a) The luminaire control gear and LED optical-unit components shall be externally fully
rated to the minimum IP (Ingress Protection) rating and IK (Mechanical Strength) rating
as set out in the table below and have proven means of negating internal condensation
build-up for their application and be able to operate in high relative humidity. (Please
note: Minimum IP66 for both optical and driver compartments is the requirement for use
for tunnel/underpass lighting on The Department’s projects).

Fixture Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

Roadway Tunnel Lighting IP65 (IP66 for the

Fixture driver/components)
*Any glass diffusers or components must have a minimum IK08 rating.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test reports for IP and IK ratings: IP rating
determined by IEC 60529 or comparable International standard, IK rating determined by
IEC 62262 or comparable International standard.

3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials

a) All Exterior pressure die-cast aluminum alloy components shall have a copper content
percentage of less than 3.5% by mass.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of pressure die-cast aluminum

alloy standard used and associated component copper content (by mass) to ISO 3522,
EN/BS 1706 Standards or other comparable International standard.

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
b) Testing of exterior metal coated/painted and non-coated components for proven and
demonstrated corrosion resistance.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report to ASTM D1654-08 or other

comparable International standard for evaluation of a sample of the exterior painted or
coated metals subjected to corrosive environments. Or provide test report to EN/ISO
9227, ASTM B117-11 or other comparable International standard for Salt Spray test of
finished luminaire body and all metal coated/painted and non-coated fixture
components for minimum 1000hours, or approved accelerated test method under these

c) Where different metallic materials are used together, then proof of avoidance of bi-
metallic or galvanic corrosion with any touching dissimilar metals must be assured.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written report of all dissimilar metals used
within the lighting fixture and confirmation of the method/design in avoiding bi-metallic
or galvanic corrosion.

d) All synthetic optical materials shall be resistant to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation

and scratch resistant.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration with supporting evidence that

the resistance to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation will be sufficient to not
significantly affect the luminaire performance during the Department’s expected useful
lifetime of the luminaire. Manufacturer to submit a datasheet of the proposed optic
material to show both the Ultraviolet Radiation degredation resistance and scratch
resistance of the external optical synthetic material.

3.3.7 Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following requirements:
• Case Temperature (Tc) rating -40°C to +80°C at a minimum 95% Relative
Humidity (RH). Luminaires with open drivers need to prove Luminaire ambient
of 60°C maximum in equivalence with this requirement
• Nominal rated Input voltage: 220-240V±10% 50Hz (198-264V min. Input range)
• Drivers shall have a Power Factor (PF) of L ≥ 0.90
• Driver shall be UL and/or IEC Certified
• Drivers shall be Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant
• Drivers shall have a Total individual luminaire Harmonic Distortion (THD) of:
≤20% in accordance with ANSI C82.77-2002 or comparable International

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above

3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements

a) Demonstrate 50,000 hour useful life of the luminaire based on the simplified B20-L70
threshold at ambient temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual average
recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide lumen maintenance report for 50,000 hour,
B20-L70 @ (Tq) of 35°C for the luminaire, referring to the chip manufacturer’s IES LM-80
data for demonstrated curve/drive current/ fVoltage. Using IES TM-21 or comparable
IEC/international standard.

3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety

a) Luminaire must comply with Photobiological Safety of lamps and lamp systems in
accordance with the requirements of IEC 62471 or ANSI/IES RP-27.3-2007.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test results for IEC 62471, ANSI/IES RP-27.3-
2007 or comparable International standards. The fixture must pass all fascets of the
tests for “No Risk”/”Exempt” results.

3.3.10 LED Luminaire Vibration Testing

a) Test whole fixture/luminaire as per IEC 60068-2-6 or comparable international standard.

Test method specifics to be determined by the supplier dependent on the potential
vibration exposure.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test results for IEC 60068-2-6 or comparable
International standard

3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects

The LED luminaires in addition to the QCC Certification/minimum requirements as

defined within Clause 3.3, must adhere to the following specific supplimentary
requirements for use on The Department’s projects. Supporting data to be provided on
project submissions as stated within the following clauses:

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT

a) The nominal Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard LED colours accepted
for use for tunnel/underpass lighting on The Department’s projects are 4000K, 4500K,
5000K and 5700K only. Actual nominal CCT to be confirmed by the Consultant for the
specific project and all associated luminaire data and lighting calculations must be
undertaken for luminaires with the specific CCT LEDs chosen. These CCTs are the cooler
end of the available range and required for both their optimal efficacy and the benefits
for driver perception and awareness at lower luminance levels as part of the Abu Dhabi
Sustainable Public Lighting Strategy.

Note: Where the project is either an extension of existing LED phases, or are
tunnels/underpasses connecting to other adjacent roads installed with LED street
lighting, the Consultant shall investigate the nominal CCT of these adjoining fixtures and
propose a solution with matching CCT for visual consistancy.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide confirmation of project selected nominal


b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy for use on The Department’s projects shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Project Luminaire Efficacy*

Roadway Tunnel Lighting

*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V. Refer to The Department’s
Sustainable Road Rating System on any applicable projects if Credits available and
required for higher luminaire efficacies.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy.

3.4.2 Project Requirement for Ingress Protection

Fixture Type Minimum IP-Rating

Roadway Tunnel Lighting


Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report for IP rating determined by IEC

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
60529 or comparable International standard

3.4.3 LED Binning

a) Luminaire shall be maximum proved MacAdam Ellipse Step-5. Luminaires and/or LEDs at
Step-6 or Step-7 Binning are not acceptable.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide copies of highlighted LED chip data or full
luminaire LM-79-08 test data to show compliance acheived within limits of Step-5 or

3.4.4 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement

a) The fixture shall be ‘servicable’: Drivers and LED modules/boards/engine shall be site
removable/replaceable without any possible risk to maintaining luminaire photometry
and without the need to demount the fixtures for sake of future upgrading/
maintenance requirements if required.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written descriptions of LED source

maintenance and replacement.

3.4.5 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials

a) Any steel body materials, components, bolts, nuts and hardened washers shall be
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any steel

components to show all are galvanised to ASTM-A153 comparable standard or other
comparable International standard.

b) Any external stainless steel body materials, components bolts, nuts and hardened
washers shall be minimum 316 Grade or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any stainless

steel components to show all are minimum 316 Grade to ASTM-SAE comparable
standard or other comparable International standard.

3.4.6 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following additional project requirements:
• Driver shall be minimum 1-10v dimmable/addressable and 1-10v+DALI allowed
(DALI-only drivers can be proposed, but only if a PLMS is a project requirement

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
and a specific DALI-compliant PLMS is included as part of the project)
• Driver can have some means of built-in overheat thermal protection in the form
of either automatic dimming or stepping/holding down of the driver. But this
function can be present only if devices activate after the case-temperature
exceeds that experienced within the luminaire’s normal required maximum
operational limits: i.e. with Ta60°C (designated outside ambient-air temperature
to the luminaire including safety factor).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above
requirements. If thermal protection is present within the driver, then proof required to
confirm it’s operation is not activated within the normal stated limits of luminaire
thermal operational requirements.

3.4.7 Project Lighting Management Dimming System Requirements

a) Depending on the project size and scope, provision of a lighting management dimming
system is a statutory requirement as part of tunnel/underpass lighting projects or
projects containing tunnel underpass lighting. Refer to Manual Part-1 Section-D for the
specific technical requirements for the lighting management dimming system.

Part-1 Section-D also describes in detail which project types fall under this requirement
and which do not need this provision to be included. However the Consultant must
propose and agree the inclusion of the lighting management dimming system with The
Department as part of the project Concept Design Stage submission approval process. If
the project is approved by the Department as required to be provided with a lighting
management dimming system, a compliant system must then be described and
designed for all further project design stages, through and including to Tender.

Project Submission Requirement:- Check the project against the requirements detailed
within Manual Part-1 Section-D, state and justify the inclusion or omission of a system
as per Section-D and undertake the Concept Design to meet these requirements. If
approved as being required, follow the technical criteria set out within Manual Part-1
Section D for the Preliminary and Detail Design proposals as well as within the project

3.4.8 Surge Protection & Earthing

a) Luminaire shall be surge immune to IEC/EN 61547 up to 10 kV or in accordance to the

requirements of IEEE/ASNI C62.41.2-2002 Scenario I Location Category C up to 10kV-
10kA via a Surge Protection Device. Or comparable International standard for surge

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
Surge Protection Device shall be capable of protecting the luminaire against common
mode and differential mode surges and shall be connected to Phase (L), Neutral (N) and
Protective Earth (PE). A Protective Earth connection shall be available inside the
luminaire. The Surge protection Device shall include fuse and protection to prevent fire
in case of protection component failures at end of life.

Earthing of the LED luminaire shall be as per a class I “electrical unit” to EN/IEC 60598-1:
protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but which
includes an additional safety precaution in such a way that means are provided for the
connection of accessible conductive parts to the protective (earthing) conductor in the
fixed wiring of the installation in such a way that accessible conductive parts cannot
become live in the event of a failure of the basic insulation.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer’s details of the surge

protection device fitted to the luminaire including class-I earthing connection (and fuse
provision as applicable) to achieve the Manual’s requirements for 10kV protection to
IEC/EN 61547, IEEE/ANSI C62.41.2-2002/ earhting to EN/IEC 60598-1 or comparable
International standards.

3.4.9 Quality Assurance

a) The Department may request standard production model luminaire samples, identical
(including LED Package) to the proposed products, to be installed for inspection. The
Department shall be sole judge regarding acceptability of optical system performance.

b) To verify luminaire performance and compliance with the Specifications, The

Department may also request additional testing of sample luminaires. All such testing
shall be from accredited laboratories.

c) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams.

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

3.4.10 Warranty

Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement material, fixture,
finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the housing, all external
components; such as lenses, gaskets & fastenings, and the fixture finishes shall include
warranty against failure or substantial deteriorations such as corrosion, blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents) with no cost to
The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective or non-starting LED source assemblies with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty on all
supplied drivers, power supply units (PSUs), electrical components and in-built control
components with no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for on-
maintained luminance levels on all light sources (LED package, LED array, or LED
module) including, but not limited to the LED die, encapsulate, and phosphor. Stating
B20 compliance for a minimum of 10 years. If the expected useful life performance
parameters of the luminaire system are not being maintained, then the manufacturer
shall replace the light source(s) or luminaire as needed with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the luminaire or
luminaire component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of luminaires, obtaining Authority NOCs,
traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any
associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These requirements
are purely in regards to the terms of Luminaire/Luminaire Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Luminaire Supplier(s),
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

4. Project Lighting Design Requirements

4.1 General

For all project lighting design and calculations, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting
Handbook for guidance on applying the requirements of the Lighting Manual. Particular
attention should be given to Handbook Chapters F, G, H, I, M and O. Chapter G 7.0 gives
specific guidance on tunnel/underpass lighting.

The Consultant shall undertake the lighting design fully in accordance with CIE 88 / BS-EN
5489-2. The Consultant shall assess the tunnel/underpass for specific project and location.
The tunnel, depending on length, can have up to seven daytime lighting zones: Access Zone,
Threshold Zone (split into two parts), Transition Zone, Interior Zone (only for long tunnels),
Exit Zone and Parting Zone. Access and Parting Zones are the areas immediately outside the
Tunnel extremities, whilst the other five are within the tunnel itself. Figure 4.1a shows how
these zones are arranged.

Figure 4.1a Tunnel Zone Arrangement

The Consultant shall undertake the lighting design fully in accordance with the criteria set
out within Clauses 4.2 and 4.3; taking into account The Department’s intended project
speed limits for the tunnel, the Safe Stopping Distance (SSD), tunnel length, height, and
Access/Parting Zone conditions, as these are the primary determining factors on the lighting

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
requirements and lighting zone-length assessment. In accordance with BS-EN 5489-2 the
Consultant shall define the Classification of the tunnel from the table below.

Tunnel Classification BS-EN/5489-2:

The Passage of HGV and flammable vehicle carrying goods is restricted. In the view of
Class I
fire spread, there is a small risk. Typical urban tunnels for cars and buses only.
Uni-directional tunnels that are within 8-minutes time distance from fire department
stations or where fixed fire suppression systems like sprinklers are installed. All types
Class II
of fire may be controlled either by the fire department or by fixed fire suppression
systems. Typical urban tunnels with high fire load.
Uni-directional tunnels. The fire department may be able to extinguish slow-burning
Class III
fires. Typical urban street tunnels with no restriction for any goods transported.
Tunnels which are congested or bi-directional. The possibilities of the occurrence of a
Class IV single fire or collision fires and fire spreads are to be expected and are rated
significantly high. Bi-directional tunnels, long street tunnels on higher road network.

The Consultant shall design all tunnel/underpass lighting projects with an aim to propose no
more than three different optimised LED luminaire types, ideally two whenever possible.
Three types of light distribution are allowed for tunnel lighting: Pro-Beam, Symmetric and
Counter-Beam. Both Symmetric and Counter-Beam are the primary solutions to propose for
Department projects. Note: For uni-direction tunnels fixture light distribution must be

Night-time lighting levels shall always be designed to match the street lighting on the roads
leading into and out of the tunnel/underpass, so the luminance level and uniformities are as
close as possible for consistent visual transition at night (note: if dimming is proposed for
adjacent street lighting as part of a project including the tunnel/underpass, then dimming
must be provided for the tunnel/underpass for the nighttime setting to allow programming
to set the tunnel/underpass and adjacent streets to the same level). As these levels will
always be significantly lower than any daytime level requirements, for projects requiring
both night-time and daytime lighting levels the Consultant shall ensure propose a carefully
considered solution to minimise the need for separate luminaires for night-time and
daytime. This shall be undertaken through either the dimming of the more powerful
daytime fixtures if such a system is proposed, or careful selection and circuiting of some
evenly-spaced luminaires as a ‘night-time circuit’ achieving the required luminance,
uniformity and TI levels. The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full
cost analysis including payback assessments as required for the project and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department.

The Consultant shall ensure all requirements of Civil Defence approval are adhered to with
regard emergency lighting provision: firstly the requirement of emergency lighting and if so
secondly the design/application of emergency lighting requirements. All in accordance with

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
the UAE Fire & Life Safety Code of Practice - Chapter 18.1.4. Road Tunnels including the use
only of Civil Defence certified emergency lighting fixtures/systems.

Use of Mesopic multipliers shall be disallowed herein, by assuming an S/P ratio of 1.00 for
all luminaires in all calculations.

4.2 Schedule of Lighting Levels

To CIE 88 / BS-EN 5489-2 Standards/Tunnel Zone Classifications
Minimum Average Uniformity
Tunnels/ Lighting Class Design Level: Ratio Longitudinal Uniformity TI
Luminance(L)=CD/m 2
(Minimum to (Minimum to Maximum)
Illumination(Em)=LUX Average)
Entire tunnel length to Ceiling or
uniformly match roads Uo≥0.4
Night Time Luminance either side of tunnel & ≥Uo0.4 on walls Match Road ≤15%
(Tunnels walls to be 60-100% of to height 2m
Road surface luminance)
Day Time Luminance
Calculated Lth1 CD/m * 2 1 Uo≥0.4
Ul≥0.6 Tunnel Class I, II & III
Threshold Zone 1 (Tunnels walls to be 60-100% of & ≥Uo0.4 on walls ≤15%
Ul≥0.7 Tunnel Class IV
Road surface luminance) to height 2m
Calculated Lth2 CD/m2 *1 Uo≥0.4
Ul≥0.6 Tunnel Class I, II & III
Threshold Zone 2 (Tunnels walls to be 60-100% of & ≥Uo0.4 on walls ≤15%
Ul≥0.7 Tunnel Class IV
Road surface luminance) to height 2m
Ceiling or
Calculated Ltr CD/m2 *1 Uo≥0.4
Ul≥0.6 Tunnel Class I, II & III Ceiling/Wall-
Transition Zone (Tunnels walls to be 60-100% & ≥Uo0.4 on walls ≤15%
Ul≥0.7 Tunnel Class IV Apex
of Road surface luminance) to height 2m
Interior Zone Calculated Lin CD/m2 *1 Uo≥0.4 +
Ul≥0.6 Tunnel Class I, II & III
(Only required for long (Tunnels walls to be 60-100% ≥0.4 on walls to ≤15%
Ul≥0.7 Tunnel Class IV
tunnels) of Road surface luminance) 2m height
Calculated Lex CD/m2 *1 Uo≥0.4 +
Ul≥0.6 Tunnel Class I, II & III
Exit Zone (Tunnels walls to be 60-100% ≥0.4 on walls to ≤15%
Ul≥0.7 Tunnel Class IV
of Road surface luminance) 2m height
Notes to Table 4.2
*1 All daytime luminance levels are calculated for the project-specific tunnel/underpass as set out within Clause 4.5

*2 Where tunnels/underpasses require daytime lighting provision, the LED luminaires used for the night-time
lighting level shall not be separate fixtures and either dimming (if forming part of the project) of the daytime
fixtures or carefully split circuits shall form the basis of the night-time provision

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure complete compliance with the table and associated
notes for all lighting designs and lighting calculations undertaken for projects. Citing any
justifications for design decisions where described above within any project tunnel/underpass

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
lighting reports and within the lighting calculation output reports described with Clause 4.5.

4.3 Maintenance Factors

Note: Maintenance Factor (MF) and Light Loss Factor (LLF) are the same. Previous use of the
term LLF is now replaced by MF in the Lighting Manual in line with modern International

MF = LLD x LDD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation x Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

Project Maintenance Factors for DESIGN lighting calculations shall never be assumed, nor
default values used in any lighting calculations submitted to The Department. All Maintenance
Factors shall be calculated and justified in accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

LLD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation)

The following method shall be used to determine the Lamp Lumen Depreciation component of
the Maintenance Factor used in the lighting design software calculation:

The Consultant shall demonstrate the 50,000 hour lumen depreciation of the luminaire at 100%
output at an average night time temperature (Tq) of of 60°C (Designated annual average
day/night time temperature within tunnel environments in Abu Dhabi including safety factor).
The methodology to be used is as follows:

a) The manufacturer shall submit a Thermal Report to a suitable reference & standard
agreed by The Department, showing the highest Ts (solder point temperature of an LED)
recorded within the luminaire, usually at the centre of the fitting and the centre of the
PCB or what would appear logically to be the hottest region of the optical
compartment. This thermal test will be conducted at 25°C ambient.

b) 35°C shall then be added to the hottest recorded Ts to simulate the designated required
average tunnel temperature of 60°C.

c) The LM-80 report from the chip manufacturer shall be provided showing the associated
Alpha and Beta (α and β) figures for each of the three Ts measurements namely, 55°C,
85°C and 105°C at the proposed driving current. The most appropriate higher Alpha and
Beta will be chosen for the Ts + 35°C. (Note: figures from “Energy Star” type calculations
can only be submitted as per TM-21 formula requirements as verification of the required
LM-80 report derived figures, never as an alternative to LM-80 or the TM-21 method).

Example; if a thermal test shows a Ts of 68°C measured at 25°C ambient at 500mA drive
current, then 35°C is added to give 103°C. In this case the most appropriate Alpha and
Beta figures would be the LM-80 data for a Ts of 105°C at 500mA. Any Ts measurements

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
that exceed 105°C (including the added 35°C for Tq 60°C) will not be permitted.

d) These Alphas and Betas will then be applied to the TM-21 formula which calculates the
expected lumen output at 50,000 hours.
The TM-21 equation to be used is: Lxx = β e^ (-αt) (with t = 50,000 hours)

e) This lumen output (percentage) figure (Lxx) shall then be used as the LLD component
(Lamp Lumen Depreciation) which forms part of the MF to be used in all DESIGN
calculations. The LLD must be ≥0.70 or the fixture will not be allowed for use on
Department projects.

Project Submission Requirement:- As per the stated process, provide the following:
Thermal Test Report at 25°C detailing the highest Ts within the luminaire. LM-80 Report from
chip manufacturer with α & β for the proposed driving current. TM-21 Calculation as per the
given formula.

LDD (Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

The following table shall be used to justify the appropriate Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in
accordance with the external optical material of the specific fixture and the appropriate
pollution category for the specific project. The appropriate value shall be selected from the table
and inputted as the LDD component of the Maintenance Factor with selection explained within
the MF written justification.

*Unless specifically informed otherwise by The Department, or with another justifiable reason,
assume Cleaning Interval as 24-months.

Fixture With Glass External Optic Fixture Without Glass External Optic
Project Pollution Category Project Pollution Category
Cleaning Interval High Medium Low High Medium Low
6 months 0.93 0.94 0.96 0.90 0.91 0.92
12 months 0.91 0.92 0.95 0.87 0.89 0.90
18 months 0.89 0.90 0.94 0.84 0.87 0.88
24 months* 0.87 0.88 0.93 0.81 0.84 0.86
36 months 0.84 0.85 0.91 0.77 0.80 0.82
Project Pollution Category:
High – Remote/desert areas, major city centres, heavy industrial areas
Medium– High density residential, light commercial/industrial, coastal areas
Low- low-density city residential, Park/island areas

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written report of the calculated Maintenance

Factor (for every different luminaire proposed) as per the above instructions for the LLD and
LDD components and ensure these Maintenance Factors are used in all DESIGN lighting

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
calculations in which the particular LED luminaire is proposed.

4.4 DESIGN & DAY-1 Calculation Outputs

DESIGN – Defined as the Lighting Design Calculation; assuming 50,000 hours of luminaire
operation at 60C average ambient temperature (Designated annual average day/night time
temperature within tunnel environments in Abu Dhabi including safety factor). Lighting
calculations shall use the derived MF value(s) as calculated under the requirements set out in
4.3 above and with these MFs used designs shall achieve the Minimum Average Design Levels,
Uniformities and other applicable parameters set out within Table 4.2.

DAY 1 – Defined as the initial luminance/illuminance values. Lighting calculations shall use an
MF of 1.0 in all calculations. These calculations are useful to ascertain the expected measurable
light levels on site during the project commissioning period. It should be noted that this is not
considered a design calculation for the project, but required for information for The Department
as described under Clause 5.

4.5 Project Lighting Design Calculations

The Consultant shall undertake all necessary lighting calculations for the project based on the
specific requirements set out within all of Section-B Clause 4.

All lighting calculations shall be undertaken in Two Stages: A tunnel/underpass lighting

assessment written report and the lighting design undertaken with lighting design software.

Phase-1: Assessment Report

Assessment for a tunnel/underpass project shall be undertaken and written report prepared
covering the project parameters and derived luminance and zone details. The Consultant shall
comply with the following requirements:

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be stated in full
• Designer’s details and contact information shall be stated in full
• State adherence to the requirements to CIE 88 / BS-EN 5489-2
• State Project Tunnel/Underpass dimensions and site input variables
• State and justify proposed light beam distribution type for the project
• State and propose the control philosophy
• Determine Safe Stopping Distance (SDD)

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
• Assess Threshold Zone Luminance (Lseq)
• Determine Threshold Zone Lighting % Requirement and Length
• Calculate Threshold Zone 1 & 2 Luminance Requirements (Lth1 & Lth2)
• Calculate Transition Zone Luminance Requirement (Ltr) and Length
• If applicable, calculate Interior Zone Luminance Requirement (Lin) and Length
• Calculate Exit Zone Luminance Requirement (Lex) and Length
• Represent all Luminance/Zone details on a CIE Curve – showing the Luminance Evolution
along Tunnel/underpass for the various zones and distances

Phase-2: Lighting Calculation

Lighting calculations (at 100% luminaire output) for the tunnel/underpass shall be issued within
a single lighting software report format and the Consultant shall comply with the following

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be stated in full
• Designer’s details and contact information shall be stated in full
• All justifications/notes to be written into the calculation report
• Table 4.2 and above Phase-1 Assessment Report shall form the basis of all calculations
for the zones with base variables (CDm2, vertical CDm2, Uo, Ul & TI) set as design targets
to exactly match Table 4.2
• Clause 4.3 calculated Maintenance Factors only shall form the basis of all entered
MF(LLF) values used and replace any lighting software default values
• All tunnel/underpass dimensions and zone lengths shall be inputted exactly as per the
project and Assessment Report outputs
• Soffit height and wall/ceiling reflectance values shall match exactly match those
proposed for the project
• Tarmac coating type to always be set as lighting software equivalent category R3 (q0
0.07) and not to be changed to any other value unless specific variation in roadways
surface is known for the project
• Both DAY-1 and DESIGN calculations shall be undertaken for every calculation and
suitably labelled in the report. Refer to Clause 4.4 for details of requirements and
• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following selected
minimum options as and where applicable:

• Project Cover
• Table of Contents
• Luminaire Parts List
• Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
• Planning Data

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
Per Tunnel/Underpass Calculation (DESIGN)
• Luminance Photometric Results (Overall, Each Lane & Side Walls)
• Illuminance Photometric Results (Overall, Each Lane & Side Walls)
• 3D Rendering (where possible)
• False Colour 2D or 3D Contour Rendering
Per Tunnel/Underpass Calculation (DAY-1)
• Luminance Photometric Results (Overall, Each Lane & Side Walls)
• Illuminance Photometric Results (Overall, Each Lane & Side Walls)

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide both the Phase-1 Assessment Report and Phase-2
Lighting Calculation fully in adhereance to the above requirements in PDF format. In addition,
provide the source files used for both the tunnel assessment report and lighting software
alongside the PDF Report in all submissions to The Department.

5. Project Site Verification Requirements

5.1 Site Lighting Measurement

The Contractor shall conduct a Field Performance test of the lighting installations immediately
after ADDC/AADC grid-energisation of the system, in the presence of a qualified project
Consultant representaive. A representative from The Department is required only for
Department projects (not for Third-Party Projects unless specifically requested or agreed by
The Department), with invitations/arrangements agreed with The Department at least two-
weeks prior to the proposed test date.

The test results shall meet the lighting design requirements identified in Clause 4 of this Section
and match the Approved DAY-1 lighting calculation output report values submitted. If dimming
forms part of the project for the nighttime levels and/or daytime levels, then the initial pre-
programmed dimming levels (Set for the daytime levels as per Clause 5.2 above and for
nighttime as per Manual Part-1 Section-D for the project) shall also each be activated and the
respective % illuminance(Lux) value compared to the 100% illuminance(Lux) level of each pre-
programed % dimming level recorded. This is to compare the relationship between programmed
dimming levels and actual site recorded corresponding lighting levels (LED luminaires do not
always dim in a linear manner). This is to provide the data to aid any future adjustment of the
pre-programmed levels required by The Department.

Refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook for guidance on Lighting Maintenance
and Lighting Performance Verification. Handbook Chapters L, and M.

Site measurements shall be undertaken to CIE 30/2 rather than using CIE 140 or EN 12489 as the

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
latter standards require three times the site point-measurements with negligable benefit to
average results for the significant additional time required to complete tests . However CIE 140
or EN 12489 can be used as the basis if preferred, with the additional measurements tabulated
in suitably expanded Report tables and the measurement standard stated.

The Department will take appropriate actions if the specified project lighting levels are not
achieved/exceeded and the Contractor will have to undertake remedial action to address the
problems at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Warning: Under no circumstances shall any LED luminaires be directly connected to a

temporary generator for field testing, nor should they be energised via a temporary generator
without seeking fixture manufacturer approval, as the output from many generators on start-
up can permanently damage the luminaire components and thus render the fixture warranties

Temporary generator energisation can only be undertaken with prior and written
confirmation obtained from the fixture manufacturer stating they approve that their fixtures
can be energised by this means with details of the specific generator used and method
statement for connection and energisation.

The Contractor is fully responsible for all electrical connections to the LED fixtures and if
damage is caused to fixtures due to ignoring this warning will have to undertake remedial
action to replace any affected luminaires at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Testing shall be undertaken in accordance with the following:

• For tunnels/underpasses, both luminance and illuminance measurements shall be
taken as illuminance is a purer comparison against the design and can be used as
mitigation if the luminance results vary considerably due the roadway surface variation
(against the mathematical R3 standard reflectance-factor as used in calcs) or other
mitigating site factors
• The area considered for the illuminance and the luminance measurements has to cover
a portion of road which is reproducible in term of lighting results
• On the walls, longitudinally, the same number of measurement points will be used as
on the road. Vertically, measurement will be taken at 3 different heights between the
road surface level and a height of 2m. The vertical illuminance will be measured in each
point of the grid defined. The average illuminance level and the overall uniformity ratio
are found by calculation
• To check the night level and the day level of the interior zone (if any), the length of this
portion of road is generally taken equal to the length of a module of the basic lighting
(distance between two successive luminaires in operation during the night stage)

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
• To check the lighting level in the entrance zones, the length of the measurement zone is
generally shorter and is taken equal at least to the spacing of 2 reinforcement lighting
luminaires for the lowest lighting stage. Such a reproducible measurement area should
be defined in each lighting zone of the tunnel. Generally, the measurements are done
for the highest lighting stage of the different zones, as it is the most important, and
considering that all other lower lighting stages are only a proportion of the previous
one (obtained by switching off a certain number of luminaires)
• When the luminance decrease is realised continuously following the CIE curve (and not
anymore by steps of constant lighting levels), the complete luminance measurement
along Threshold 2 zone and Transition zone is no more possible in practice.
• The DAY-1 project lighting calculation’s measurement grids shall be used as the basis
for the site measurement grids
• The geometry of the site’s lighting installation: mounting height of luminaires,
positioning of the fixtures and tilting angle of the luminaires
• The positioning longitudinally along the road and transversally to the road edge, tilting
angle of the luminaires, width of carriageway and (if applicable) sidewalks shall be
checked carefully
• In case of significant difference of one or several installation parameters with the
lighting design, the results of measurement must be compared to a new calculation
taking in account the actual geometry of the lighting installation. For instance if the
project lighting calculations cover the ‘worse-case’ (widest) spacings for a project, site
measurements should primarily aim to be undertaken on a road with these worse-case
spacings. If this is not possible and road with closer pole spacings is proposed, then
adjusted DAY-1 Lighting calculations must be prepared for the actual test-site spacing.
• The optical unit of the luminaires must be clean externally. The luminaire adjustment
shall be checked and must correspond to the luminaire adjustment used for the lighting
• Because field photometry involves significantly higher variability than laboratory
measurements, it is necessary to record and report the following factors which may
influence the site measured results:
o Supply voltage
o Lamp wattage
o Ambient Air Temperature
o Mounting height
o Luminaire arrangements
o Tilt
o Pavement conditions
o Weather conditions
• Since lamp luminous flux is affected by electrical circuit operating conditions, voltage,
current and wattage should be measured at individual lamp sockets if possible. Thereby,
whether the fixtures operate in line with rated circuit conditions can be determined
• It is recommended that luminaire supply voltage be monitored with the use of recording

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
voltmeters so that if extreme fluctuations in voltage occur, photometric readings are
synchronized with normal supply voltage
• The atmosphere should be clear and extraneous light should be at a minimum when
tests are performed. Otherwise, the results of lighting measurement can be affected.
• Wet road surfaces can also lead to reflections that can cause considerable errors with
luminance measurements, so tests should not be conducted if the roadways surface is
• The road/ground surface must be clean and without irregularities in the area of the
lighting measurements
• The personnel in charge of conducting the test should avoid casting shadows on the
measuring instrument detector. It is recommended that the personnel avoid wearing
light coloured clothing in order to not supplement the readings on the detector by
reflected light. If Hi-Vis vests are being worn on site, anyone tasked with operating
meter equipment should be allowed to remove them for the duration of measurements

Photometric Test Equipment:

• Luminance and Lux Meters(Photometers) must be calibrated with available certification
provided to cover the date of the test. iOs/Android/Windows mobile device ‘Light
Meter Apps’ should never be used and are not permissible for any readings sent to
The Department!
• It is recommended that measuring instruments with self- luminous readouts be used
since it may be difficult to read analogue instruments and LCDs under low Illuminance
and torches must never be used to do so
• Photometers capable of performing horizontal Illuminance measurements should be
used for Illuminance measurements of road surfaces and other horizontal measurement
• Photometers capable of performing vertical Illuminance measurements should be used
for any vertical Illuminance measurement requirements
• Commercially available Photometers that can be positioned without being shadowed by
the user and that can be shaded from extraneous light are preferred. Such Photometers
can measure illumination within ±5% error typically
• Colour-correction of the Photometer should be made in accordance with the CIE
Spectral Luminous Efficacy Curve
• If a temperature-sensitive Photometer is used, temperature- correction should be made
• For local luminance measurements, the luminance meter should not have a field of view
greater than two minutes of arc; otherwise, differences may not be detected to
accurately determine uniformity

Material check list

• Luminance meter with valid calibration certificate
• Tripod for luminance meter, with precision aiming capabilities

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
• Screw to fix the luminance meter on the tripod (should be part of the luminance meter
• Lux meter with valid calibration certificate
• Horizontal balancing device for the Lux meter sensor
• Holding device for vertical illuminance measurement (a long rod)
• White chalk or white spray paint cans
• Flexible meter (10m - 20m)
• Wheel meter (optional)
• Luminous target (for aiming the luminance meter in low lighting conditions)
• Compact pocket lamp
• Laser telemeter (if not available on site)
• Suitable voltmeter (if not available on site)
• Calculator
• Detailed measuring procedure
• Documents prepared for writing the results (tables) and pens
• Digital camera
• USB key
• CIE 140 publication - Road lighting (optional)
• Any other relevant Standard
• Curves of luminous flux variation in function of supply voltage, and curves of flux
depreciation in function of burning hours (if possible, printed on paper)
• Drawings showing the way to proceed: positioning of the measurement points in a
representative zone and observers positions
• Project DAY-1 lighting calculation reports
• Installation layout drawing(s)

Information to collect before measurement exercise

• How long have the LEDs already been working?
• When did the last tunnel maintenance happen? (How long has the installation been in

Information to collect before each measurement

• Supply voltage (to be measured as close as possible to the row of luminaires, before and
after the lighting measurement)
• Check the luminaires spacing and their transversal position inside the tunnel
• Check the position of the lines marking the carriageway and, if needed, the distance wall
to wall
• Check the installation height
• Visually check the luminaires orientations

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
• On the road, 3 longitudinal axes of measurement points per lane will be measured.
Longitudinally, the distance between measurement points on each axis should remain
close to 2m and not exceed 3m.
• The field of calculation should be typical of the area of the road which is of interest to
the driver
• In the transverse direction, it should cover the whole carriageway width on roads
without a central reservation, and the width of one carriageway on roads with a central
• This grid of measurement points should correspond to the grid of calculation from the
DAY-1 Lighting Report and consequently to the Specifications given by CIE 30/2

Figure 5.1a Luminance Measurement Parameters

• The illuminance shall be measured at Ground Level in each points of the grid defined as
here above. The average illuminance level and the uniformity ratios are found by
• The luminance shall then be measured at the same points as the illuminance. To
proceed to these luminance measurements, the luminance meter shall be localized 60m
before the beginning of the measurement area, transversally in front of the axis of the
lane for which the calculation has shown the lowest average luminance level, and at a
height of 1.5m. From the results of these point by point measurements, the calculation
of the average level of luminance and the overall uniformity of luminance (Uo ratio
Lmin/Lav) shall be undertaken
• The longitudinal uniformities of luminance (Ul) in the axis of each lane shall be checked
after measurements of all points of the axis of each lane. The luminance meter shall be
localized successively along the axis of each lane, 60m before the first point of
measurement and at a height of 1.5m.The longitudinal uniformity of luminance will be
the ratio between the minimum and the maximum punctual measurement on each axis
• On the walls longitudinally, the same number of measurement points will be used as on
the road. Vertically, measurement will be taken at 3 different heights between the road
surface level and a height of 2m. The vertical illuminance will be measured in each point

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses
of the grid defined. The average illuminance level and the overall uniformity ratio are
found by calculation
• If dimming forms part of the project, then the initial pre-programmed nighttime
dimming levels to match the adjacent roads shall also each be activated and the
respective % illuminance(Lux) value compared to the 100% illuminance(Lux) level of
each pre-programmed % dimming level recorded. This is to compare the relationship
between programmed dimming levels and actual site recorded corresponding lighting
levels (LED luminaires do not always dim in a linear manner). This is to provide the data
to aid any future adjustment of the pre-programmed levels required by The
• A site measurement record sheet and report shall be drawn up for the project to set out
all the data measurements decribed above as per CIE 30/2 and to record the following
o Project name
o Location of the tunnel/area
o Date and time of the measurement
o Detailed information about the lighting equipment and installation
o Detailed information about the test equipment, calibrate certification and
meter tolerances
o Mounting height, luminaire spacing and arrangement and special conditions
such as extraneous light sources
o Electrical operating conditions
o Condition of luminaires and other equipment
o Air Temperature
o Tabulated test data shown on custom drawn table/grid set up for the project to
show illuminance and/or luminance readings as set out above for roadways and
o Special measurements if recorded
o Ratio of maximum and minimum-to-average road Illuminance and luminance
o Ratio of maximum-to-minimum Illuminance and luminance along longitudinal
roadway lines for each roadway lane
o Ratio of minimum to average wall illuminance
o Ratio of road overall illuminance uniformity to wall overall illuminance
uniformities to show walls are within 60-100% or roadway
o Position of instrument detector and light source
o Names of test personnel
o Witnessed by: Names, Companies, Signatures
o Copy of the DAY-1 lighting calculations
o Copy of the DAY-1 nighttime Dimming system set-level calculations if applicable
o Site Photographs of the testing exercise
o Assessement of site measurements against project lighting calculations and
confirmation of Pass or Fail of the installation
o Additional remarks (if any )

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Part-1 Section-B – Lighting for Tunnels & Underpasses

Project Submission Requirement:- Undertake site verification tests fully in accordance with the
requirements of Clause 5.1 and provide report of all data to The Department as required. The
primary goal is to prove beyond doubt that the site installation meets/exceeds the minimum
required design requirements for the project.

5.2 Interim (Non Day-1) Measurement

If the test purpose is to check the performance of the roadway lighting installation after
depreciation in service, the existing conditions of the luminaires should be recorded.

The period of hours-of-operation shall be calculated and stated and the MF (for clean
luminaires) after the stated period in the environmental conditions of the installation should be
calculated and stated together with the luminous flux in lumens of the light source or sources in
the luminaire after the stated period/MF applied.

With clean fixtures Clause 5.1 shall be followed as before in full with the recorded values
assessed against adjusted lighting calculations with the adjusted MF applied in place of the 1.0
value used in DAY-1 calculations

Project Submission Requirement:- Undertake site verification tests fully in accordance with the
requirements of Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 and provide report of all data to The Department as

5.3 Project Harmonic Measurement

The Contractor shall measure the harmonic at the supply point (LV side of the distribution
substation) after the installation of all the LED fixtures and adopt harmonic compensation
methods, if required, to limit the total harmonics distortion in the supply voltage.

The maximum allowed total harmonics distortion is to be taken as 5% (or as per latest Electricity
Authority latest requirements if different) and in accordance with IEEE 519 Regulations.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report of the project installation and proof of
harmonic distortion limit compliance.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-C – Street Lighting Poles

Part-1 Section C – Street Lighting Poles

Note: For all structural, technical and material street light pole Specification details
refer to The Department’s Standard Specifications, Drawings and Manuals listed
within the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section. The criteria
within the latest versions of these documents shall be adhered to. This Section covers
only the street lighting pole warranty requirement information.

1. Warranty
Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum fifteen (15) year on-site replacement: material,
fixture finish, and workmanship. On-site replacement included transpiration, removal
and installation of new product. Finish warranty shall include warranty against
corrosion, failure or substantial deteriorations such as blistering, cracking or peeling
(excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances, fertilizers, water
containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents). The warranty shall include for
maintained aesthetic integrity of the pole and assembly, without any partial or complete
separation, dislocation, disjointing, flaring, etc. of any elements of the pole and
assembly with no cost to The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum fifteen (15) year replacement material warranty for
defective poles with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the pole cost in
regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any costs associated with labour for
removal/fitting of pole or components, obtaining Authority NOCs, traffic management
costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any associated costs
arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These requirements are purely in
regards to the terms of Pole/Pole Equipment Warranties that must be provided to The
Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to the cover during the
defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed between the
manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Supplier, accompanied
with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and established
UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated within this clause
and for the minimum periods defined.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management

Part-1 Section D – Street Lighting Management

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-D, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-D of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-D

a) Project Lighting management System (PLMS) to be provided for all projects, both
retrofit projects/ new-build; urban street, highway, tunnel & underpass projects, as
defined below in Clause 3.1.
b) Warranty for all lighting management systems set as minimum 10-Years for all
c) Tables of Initial PLMS programming dimming profile levels provided within the
d) Central Management System (CMS) general requirements as defined within Clause
e) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-D

a) A project lighting management s (PLMS) system does not need to be provided for
projects as defined below in Clause 3.2.
b) Any GPRS based PLMS/CMS systems/technologies
c) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
d) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-1.

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their lighting management system, components and software under all the
required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the lighting fixtures’ useful-life cycle, project
location, PLMS controls usage/programming etc.

3. Project Lighting Management System (PLMS) Provision

The following project parameters define which roadway, parking, tunnels/underpass
projects fall under the statutory requirement for provision of a PLMS and which do not:

3.1 Projects Requiring PLMS Provision

a) Street lighting (retrofit or new-build/urban street and highway) projects comprising of at

least a single street/highway greater in length than 1000m (1km) and which begins and
ends at a defined intersection.

b) Street lighting (retrofit or new-build/urban street and highway) projects comprising of

multiple streets/highway sections greater in combined length than 1000m (1km) and
which all streets/highway sections begin and end at defined intersections.

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
c) Nighttime lighting-only tunnels/underpasses (retrofit or new-build) which have street
lighting either side, already provided with an existing lighting management (with
nighttime dimming programming) system, or tunnels/underpasses which form part of
an overall project in which the combined length of streets including the
tunnel/underpass roadways is greater in combined length than 1000m (1km) as above.

d) Tunnels of sufficient length (as defined within Manual Part-1 Section-B, Clause-4)
requiring both nighttime and daytime-lighting and with LED fixtures, must be provided
with a daytime/nighttime appropriate PLMS with full dimming and programming in
order to facilitate completely smooth and slow transitions between all daytime scenes/
thresholds and daytime to nightime level transistions as appropriate.

e) Off-street parking lighting when part of a combined scheme as part of a street lighting
project and which falls under the above criteria.

f) Solar street lighting projects (refer also to the additional specific PLMS requirements
within Section-E).

3.2 Projects Not Requiring PLMS Provision

a) Street lighting (retrofit or new-build/urban street and highway) projects comprising of at

least a single street/highway shorter in length than 1000m (1km) and/or which does
begin and end at a defined intersection.

b) Street lighting (retrofit or new-build/urban street and highway) projects comprising of

multiple streets/highway sections shorter in combined length than 1000m (1km) and/or
which all streets/highway sections do not begin and end at defined intersections.

c) Tunnel and underpasses (retrofit or new-build) requiring nighttime-only lighting, which

do not have street lighting either side already provided with an existing lighting
management (nighttime dimming programming) system or form part of an overall
project in which the combined length of streets including the tunnel/underpass
roadways is shorter in combined length than 1000m (1km) as above.

d) Tunnels that do not require daytime lighting provision, nor form part of an overall
project in which the combined length of streets including the tunnel/underpass
roadways is shorter in combined length than 1000m (1km) as above.

e) Off-street parking projects unless part of a combined scheme as part of a street lighting

f) Gantry signage (except for any Asset Managment requirements under a full CMS

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide assessment of the project based on the above and
justification within project submissions of the required inclusion or exclusion of PLMS

4. PLMS Technical Criteria

The project lighting control/operation shall be a fully interlinked system within the project
area based on either a wired or wireless PLMS which fully meets the requirements of this
Section and proposed as best meets the needs and location of the specific project:

4.1 System Technical Requirements

4.1.1. Wired Systems

• System shall use power line communication and be suitable for three-phase
and/or single-phase distribution as per the project’s infrastructure
• The system shall be equipped with a suitable filtering system, preventing any
disrupting interference signals being fed back through the supply and proposed
to address the actual site supply conditions
• Compliant with EN500065-1 and EN60950 and CE or comparable International
• Main system units shall be located within lighting control cabinets (LCCs) and
must interconnect/communicate to all other main units and the luminaires’
interface modules via the existing power lines using the power line
communication method
• Each luminaire shall be equipped with an adjacent hard-wired transmitter/
receiver control interface through a hard-wired connection to the fixture
terminal block. The control interface and luminaire shall be interconnected via
5 core cable; phase, neutral, earth, control+ and control –
• Devices cannot be located within the luminaire bodies, but to be positioned in
locations to be agreed for the project by The Department, either high level on
the pole or near the cut-out in an IP65 enclosure
• System must be able to handle and maintain communication when one or more
of the main system components are down by demonstrating capability for signal
distance performance on the specific constraints of the project
• Project PLMS must be provided with a single point of data terminal/interface/
connection for any reprogramming needs of the PLMS project area to be
achievable from one point of interface
• The system shall be able to operate in a pre-programmed condition
autonomously for the project and also data shall be able to be interfaced via a
MODBus, RS232 interface for communication to a central CMS location via the

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
GSM/GPRS/TCP-IP network, with a TCP/IP over a fibre- optic converter or other
approved means and protocol to a Department central location in the future.

4.1.2. Wireless Systems

• Wireless system; Wi-Fi, Cloud or RF system, with MESH Capability and fully
tested and compatible with the lighting system proposed
• GSM 900/1800, GPRS, SMS, ZigBee etc. or other approved system agreed with
the Department
• All wireless communication complying with IEEE 802.15.4a
• 868MHz to 928 MHz or other approved frequency agreed with the Department
• System shall be compliant with all Abu Dhabi TRA Standards/requirements and
be proposed with all statutory approvals
• System to comprise of main system component units/nodes and addressable
transmitters/receiver units, with ‘hop’ capability, adjacent to or locally
connected to the luminaires to suit the proposed system’s requirements and
final connection to the luminaire through a hard-wired connection to the fixture
terminal block
• Devices cannot be located within the luminaire bodies, nor require special
luminaires, but are to be positioned in locations to be agreed for the project by
The Department, either high level in/on the pole or throw-arm
• System must be able to handle and maintain communication when one or more
of the main system components are down by demonstrating capability for signal
distance performance on the specific constraints of the project
• Project PLMS must be provided with a single point of data
terminal/interface/connection for any reprogramming needs of the PLMS
project area to be achievable from one point of interface
• The system shall be able to operate in a pre-programmed condition
autonomously for the project and also data shall be able to interface for
communication to a central CMS location via a GSM/TCP-IP network, with a
TCP/IP over a fibre- optic converter or other approved means and protocol to a
Department central location in the future

4.1.3. General Mandatory Project Technical Requirements

• The PLMS supplier shall have at least six (6) years of experience in public lighting
management systems and it shall be able to demonstrate at least two (2) similar
relevant installations in the UAE, GCC or MENA region
• The proposed system shall be fully compatible with all luminaire(s) and drivers
proposed for the project through a hard-wired final connection to the fixture
terminal block and all system components must comply with open
communication protocols

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
• Suitable for luminaire sizes (wattages) as per the specific project’s requirements
• Any brand of luminaires (as per the technical criteria within Part-1 Sections-A
and/or B) shall be able to be controlled from the system to ensure luminaire
choice can be made openly for the best current marketplace products available
for the project and for any future revisions and additions to the project area
• The PLMS and system main components must have a minimum of 20% spare
capacity for future potential street revisions and additions.
• The system must prevent all daytime operation of the LED streetlights unless
only the specific manual override of the automated programming is desired by
The Department
• Programmed dimming operation shall be only for luminaire groups set for each
length of roadway from defined intersection to defined intersection and never
allow individual dimming of any adjacent fixtures in the same road.
• Each system unit and module shall act as a repeater (relays)
• All system components shall be able to operate within a range of Nominal rated
Input voltage: 220-240V ±10% (198-264V min. Input range) 50Hz or as agreed
otherwise with The Department
• The solution shall offers a complete backup operation; in the case of
communication or power failure to the system the area controlled shall be able
to operate automatically as per the set programming profiles
• System interface/software to be password encrypted, able to program the
project system and cater for revised programming settings for future if required
• System interface/protocol to be able to be interconnected to any outside
central system/control room in the future as and when required (refer to Clause
• Minimum 0-10V analogue dimming capability (optional PWM dimming 0-100%
and DALI interface capability as required)
• Standard & customizable 24-hour light profiles for peak/off-peak times as per
Clause 5 for the specific project type/location. Light levels configurable at 10%
step increments. The individual dimming profiles able to be changed to weekly
plans if required, rather than just identical 24-hour plans as per the initial
• Must enable slow transitions (30-seconds) between the pre-set dimming levels
• Photocell or astro-clock input adjustment to timed programming for dusk/dawn
• Error Reporting - Comprehensive & instant overview about infrastructure
problems like circuit power failure, individual lamp/driver/fixture failures
• Alarm thresholds shall be programmable from the central software
• Energy Reports - Detailed daily overview about energy consumed, voltage,
current, pf, accumulative hours of operation (at dimming level) etc.
• Data Export/Import capability for future in depth analysis or integration into any
existing asset/inventory management/control systems operated by The

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SD-6

Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
Department (refer to 4.1.6)
• Provision for data backup
• Any UPS/batteries within the system components shall be rated for minimum 6-
years operation without need for replacement
• Components operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Components storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

4.1.4. Optional Project Requirements

NOTE: These capabilities/devices/requirements are not suitable for general

project PLMS and should not be proposed for general projects. However only
if specifically requested by The Department they can be proposed for
particular projects which may have unique or special opportunities to warrant
their inclusion within that project proposal:
• Movement/infra-red sensors
• Traffic/pedestrian monitoring sensors
• Luminance and illuminance measurement sensors
• Programming for individual dimming operation of adjacent luminaires on the
same road (i.e. Dimming performed on each fixture independently rather than
in groups)
• iOs/Android/Windows mobile application interface for maintenance work at site

4.1.5. Prohibited Components or Capabilities

• Individual fixture photocell light sensors
• Any fixture ‘flashing ‘or strobing programming operation
• Any alternate switching of street luminaire arrangements
• Capability to monitor the separate internal components within the luminaires
• Public user-interface of lighting controls
• NEMA or similar proprietary socket-type luminaire connection of devices/
interfaces that prohibit the use of any particular brand of proposed luminaires
for a project
• Any luminaire interface or internal PLMS components which could affect the
thermal performance of LED luminaires and/or void the luminaire’s warranty
and/or require new luminaire testing

4.1.6. Central Management System (CMS) Technical Requirements

NOTE: This Clause’s requirements are only to be considered a General

Specification aid to any Department project-specific Tender covering the
required provision of a main Central Management System (CMS). This would

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SD-7

Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
be for a centralised equipment centre/control room to interconnect all current
local PLMS installations, all future PLMS connections, as well as act as the
main interface in the future for interconnection to Department Asset
Management, ‘Smart City’, SCADA and/or other Department central systems
as defined for the project. A full and detailed project-specific Particular
Specification would be required for any Tender for CMS. If the CMS is to cover
both street lighting and public realm lighting PLMS, then refer also to Manual
Part-2, Section-D for details of these systems. The project Tender Particular
Specification shall need to cover the detailed specification requirements that
are summarised below:
• The Main CMS supplier shall have at least ten (10) years of experience in public
lighting management systems and it shall have at least five (5) similar
installations internationally and shall be able to demonstrate at least two (2)
similar relevant installations in the UAE, GCC or MENA region
• The proposed main system shall be fully compatible with, and able to maintain
luminaire addressability for, all existing wired or wireless local PLMS
installations in the project area coverage. It shall demonstrate capability and
flexibility for future Department expansion needs, compatibility with installed
PLMS systems and with all luminaire(s) and drivers connected to the PLMS
systems as per this Manual’s luminaire/driver specification criteria
• The CMS must have the capability to operate/monitor up to 3million
addressable luminaires through phased interconnection of existing and new
• Provision of RGB/RGBW DMX System Interface/Capability through direct DMX
control capability or interface capability to separate DMX control systems from
third party suppliers, this includes, but is not limited to, the Sheikh Zayed Bridge
Martin Professional DMX system, any installed DMX systems on Maqta, Mini-
Maqta and Mussafah Bridges and any Corniche area or public realm DMX
systems within the project area
• As per UAE Restrictions for all Department systems, the main PLMS CMS
interface/software cannot be operated via Cloud-based server software; the
main system software and server must be able to be held and maintained within
a Department owned property and the server equipment as agreed with The
Department as part of the project
• Main System Control Room location should be agreed with The Department at
the time of the project Tender proposal
• System proposal must include for all client training requirements and software
maintenance needs as agreed with The Department
• Main system must be PC-based and all software Windows compatible and shall
allow remote control and monitoring of the street lighting network through a
customisable user interface as agreed with The Department
• System must be designed with a graphical map showing the position of the

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
fixtures/poles, all network elements and display all field information and
• From the central level, the operator shall be able to perform manual command
override of individual luminaires, luminaire groups, pre-defined areas and other
user defined groups and shall be customizable for special requirements
• System shall allow dual language interface for each user: English and Arabic and
enable different user privileges, according to assigned rights
• Reports shall be available for luminaires status, system status,
daily/week/month energy consumption as required by The Department
• The CMS shall be able to pre-warn for end-of-rated-useful-life of LED luminaires
to defined and agreed parameters
• System shall be able to fully interface with The Department’s Asset
Management System and the operational requirements of the Asset
Management Department. Details should be requested from The Department at
the time of Tender
• The system shall include API Technology and be capable of performing Web-
• System shall be able to fully interface with The Department’s SCADA System (if
required) and as per the operational requirements of the SCADA Department.
Technical details/standards for interfacing should be requested from The
Department at the time of Tender. In the case of Abu Dhabi City Municipality,
the SCADA system is covered within the Storm water and Subsoil Drainage
Specifications: Standard Technical Specifications Volume 3 as well as within the
Irrigation Manuals.
• All system wireless components/protocols shall be compliant with all Abu Dhabi
TRA Standards/requirements and be proposed with all statutory approvals
• System shall be able to fully interface with any Department ‘Smart City’
infrastructure requirements or Smart City Strategy/Policy and be fully capable to
correlate with the future needs of The Department. Details should be requested
from The Department at the time of Tender
• Error Reporting - Comprehensive & instant overview about infrastructure
problems like circuit power failure, individual lamp/driver/fixture failures
• Alarm thresholds shall be programmable from the central software
• Energy Reports - Detailed daily overview about energy consumed, voltage,
current, pf, accumulative hours of operation at dimming level etc.
• Provision for data backup
• Any UPS/batteries within the system components shall be rated for minimum 6-
years operation without need for replacement

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide full project PLMS details for the project based on the
above requirements inlcuding all the proposed system manufcaturer’s specific technical and
performance data.

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management

5. Dimming Profiles
The following table shall be the default dimming programming profile settings for all listed
project types and used within in any required project cost analysis. During commisioning
these levels can be adjusted to suit the specific performance profiles of the luminaires if
needed and if only as agreed with The Department:

PLMS %Dimming (Light Level*1) & Timing Programming Steps

Project Area Type
1 2 3 4 5
from systems
Residential 3 from 9pm till from 12 from 5am 3
100% ON* 70% 30% 100% OFF*
Neighbourhoods*2 till 9pm
12 (Midnight) (Midnight) till 5am till 6am

from systems
Residential Mixed-Use 3 from 10pm till from 5am 3
100% ON* 60% 20% from 1am till 5am 100% OFF*
Areas*2 till 10pm
1am till 6am

from systems
Light Industrial & 3 from 10pm till from 5am 3
100% ON* 50% 30% from 1am till 5am 80% OFF*
Business Districts*2 till 10pm
1am till 6am

from systems
High-Activity Commercial 3 from 10pm till from 5am 3
100% ON* 70% 30% from 2am till 5am 100% OFF*
& City Centre Districts*2 till 10pm
2am till 6am

from systems
National/State Parks and 3 from 9pm till from 12 from 5am 3
100% ON* 50% 20% 60% OFF*
Rural Districts*2 till 9pm
12 (Midnight) (Midnight) till 5am till 6am

from systems
3 from 9pm till from 12 from 5am 3
Highways in Rural Areas 100% ON* 60% 12 (Midnight)
30% (Midnight) till 5am
100% till 6am OFF*
till 9pm
from systems
Highways in Metropolitan 3 from 9pm till from 12 from 5am 3
100% ON* 80% 60% 100% OFF*
Areas till 9pm
12 (Midnight) (Midnight) till 5am till 6am

*1 These are the Lighting Level percentages that need to be achieved by the programming. Depending on the
PLMS and fixture/driver performance parameters, the actual required programming levels and resultant
power/PF outputs as a result of this may be a different percentage and all data and actual programming
settings need to be confirmed by the PLMS provider

*2 All Urban Street types within the project area to set to the same percentage levels/timings
*3 Dusk & Dawn operation determined by photocell input or astro-clock adjustment to timed programming

Project Submission Requirement:- Select and state the appropriate dimming profile from the
above Table for the project and include within the project submission.

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management

6. Quality Assurance
a) The Department may request standard production model samples, identical to the
proposed products to be installed. The Department may request independent testing of
the sample equipment to verify the performance and compliance with the
specifications. The Department shall be the sole judge regarding the acceptability of the
performance of the PLMS/CMS.

b) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams.

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

7. Warranty
Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement: material,
material, fixtures, finish, and workmanship. On-site replacement includes
transportation, removal and installation of new products. Finish warranty shall include
warranty against corrosion, failure or substantial deteriorations such as blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents). The warranty
shall include for maintained integrity of the PLMS/CMS System equipment; all
accessories, components and assemblies, without any partial or complete separation,
corrosion, leaking, dislocation, disjointing, flaring, etc. of any elements of the system
components with no cost to The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective PLMS/CMS equipment and components, with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty on any

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
UPS batteries or other batteries for on-site replacement: material and workmanship.
On-site replacement includes transportation, removal and installation of new products.
Warranty shall include substantial deteriorations such as leaking, buckling, corrosion,
inability to be charged or withhold a charge, impacted system autonomy and reduced
output with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the PLMS/CMS
equipment/component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of components, obtaining Authority
NOCs, traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for
any associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These
requirements are purely in regards to the terms of PLMS/CMS Equipment Warranties
that must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in
connection to the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific
terms agreed between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the PLMS/CMS Supplier,
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period

If requested within the Project documents, the Consultant/Contractor shall provide for
the PLMS/CMS manufacturer to include for a full maintenance and defects contract for
a defined period for the project. This would be above and beyond the normal defects

This contract shall include for all preventative and reactionary maintenance of the
PLMS/CMS and components, including all parts and materials throughout the duration
of the contract. Full details of this maintenance contract including method statement for
the maintenance to be included for approval of The Department. The maintenance
contract should include for a renewal and/or extension of the contract if required in the
future by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects
including a PLMS/CMS

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Part-1 Section-D – Street Lighting Management
9. Measurement and Payment
a) General. The measurement and payment for the PLMS/CMS shall include, but not by
way of limitations, all modules, units, components and all related materials and works
for the complete installation and energizing the system.

b) PLMS/CMS Components. Measurement and payment for the PLMS/CMS and all
components will be at the unit rates as included in the Bills of Quantities, which rates
shall be considered as full compensation for all labour materials, finishes, tools,
equipment and appurtenances as required, as specified, and as directed by The

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects
including a PLMS/CMS.

10. Operation and Maintenance Manual

An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual), in both English and
Arabic, should be provided for The Department for the project PLMS/CMS. The
following minimum details must be provided in the Manual:

• Basic principles of the PLMS/CMS system

• A small write-up (with a block diagram) on the PLMS/CMS system and all its
• Equipment manufacturer’s documentation (data sheets, handbooks, etc.)
• Clear instructions on regular maintenance, cleaning and troubleshooting of the
• Compete software and programming information
• Do's and Don’ts
• Environmental Policy regarding the origin and manufacturer of all components,
operation performance and safe transportation, disposal and/or recycling of
components after removal/changing-over
• All names and contact details of the relevant contact persons for repair,
cleaning and maintenance, in case of non-functionality of the PLMS/CMS

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects including a

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting

Part-1 Section E – Solar Street Lighting

Note: Solar street lighting is an option for projects unless confirmed otherwise
by The Department, or is proposed by The Department or Developer for a
specific project. In all such cases the requirements of this Part-1 Section-E must
be complied with.

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-E, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

For more reference information relating to solar lighting, refer to the Public Realm & Street
Lighting Handbook Chapters C, D, E, N and O.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-E of
the Lighting Manual.

The technical brief criteria within this Section have been established after access to over five
years of on-site test data from various different solar installations within Abu Dhabi and the
UAE. From these results, has come the evidence of which types of technologies are viable as
long-term sustainable solutions for use on Abu Dhabi street lighting projects and which are
not viable. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses following:

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-E

a) Vertically-mounted pole-integrated solar PV systems only

b) Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline silicon wafer PV construction
c) VRLA or Gel Lead Acid and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery technologies
d) Other battery technologies proposed with proven adherence to the technical
requirements of this Manual Section
e) Solar standalone solutions or grid-connected system options
f) Wind-generation components only as an addition to solar PV and with full material,
maintenance and efficiency data provided
g) Batteries mounted above ground within the base of the pole system
h) Batteries mounted below ground within the concrete foundation of the pole system
i) Standalone systems with batteries to have minimum 24-hour autonomy
j) LED lighting fixtures (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SE-1

Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
as defined within this Manual’s Introduction) complying fully with the requirements
of Part-1 Section-A
k) Standalone or grid-connected project solar lighting control/operation fully
interlinked via wireless PLMS (Project Lighting Management System)
l) Minimum 5-year full on-site combined maintenance and defects cover in addition to
the standard warranty requirements
m) Full project cost analysis including payback
n) Provision of Operation and Maintenance Manual
o) Cleaning Proposal including the equipment as part of the project system provision
p) Environmental Policy Proposal for battery and component recycling/disposal

1.2 Not Permitted under this Manual Part-1 Section-E

a) Pole-top or side mounted flat PV-panel solar systems

b) Open ‘wet-type’ Lead Acid batteries
c) Other battery technologies proposed without proven adherence to the technical
requirements of this Manual Section
d) Batteries mounted above ground at high-level on the pole system
e) Batteries mounted below ground within separate battery enclosure/pits
f) Batteries mounted below ground underneath the PV-Pole requiring demounting of
the pole to access
g) LED lighting fixtures (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology
as defined within this Manual’s Introduction) not complying fully with the
requirements of Part-1 Section-A
h) Any claim for “self cleaning” PV panels and/or unjustified maintenance factors
provided to include for dust accumulation
i) Any in-built mechanical/electrical automated cleaning mechanism or apparatus
j) Any wind-generation devices without full test data to prove long-term viability and
k) Standalone project solar lighting individual pole (non-interconnected PLMS)
l) System approval unless full cost analysis provided and checked/approved by The
m) Any non-site specific sun-availability criteria used in calculations/analysis
n) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
o) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual Section

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SE-2

Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting

2. Solar Street Lighting System Options

2.1 Project Selection

There are three viable solar street lighting system options available for consideration for
a project as described in Clauses 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. The decision about which system
option is best considered is described within the three below clauses and can be
determined primarily by what level of existing street lighting electrical infrastructure is
present for the project.

The site-specific infrastructure as far as a local sub-station being either present or not
present is another primary consideration; also if planned for a defined or undefined
future date or present but lacking sufficient capacity. Even if local substation and
capacity is available, but there is no existing street lighting electrical infrastructure
currently in place (sub-mains distribution, lighting control cabinets, final circuit cabling
etc.) this can have a further implication.

A project area might indeed have both full infrastructure and capacity in place, but
other factors such as a client’s paramount need to ensure illumination is maintained at
all times or any area is subject to, or has a history of, power outages, may be an issue.

The main factors for consideration have been suggested in this section; however there
may be other factors to determine the best system for a specific project. All these
factors all need to be weighed up when deciding on the most appropriate system option
to consider and propose through the project cost analysis.

2.2 Standalone System

No grid-connection, standalone vertical PV-poles with integral batteries, controller/

inverter and wireless PLMS.

Recommended for solar street light projects:

• Without existing substation/cabling/infrastructure
• Or with existing cabling/infrastructure, but unsuitable for utilisation
• Or where new cabling may not be commercially feasible

The batteries are installed within the solar PV-clad pole base or in a separate,
concrete foundation-located formed battery enclosure.

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
The standalone PV-pole’s controller/inverter controls the charge and discharge of
the batteries, battery status and the status of the solar pole PVs.

A wireless type PLMS provides and controls the power for the light fitting, including
coordinated activation, dimming and status of the lights.

2.3 Grid-Connected System

Electric grid-connection, vertical PV-poles without batteries, with controller/inverter

and wireless PLMS.

Recommended for solar street light projects:

• With existing substation/cabling/infrastructure
• Or where new cabling may be commercially feasible

The grid-connected pole’s controller/inverter during the daytime converts the solar
energy via the PVs from dc to ac and feeds it to the power grid. During the night,
the pole and LED fixture(s) work like any other conventional street lights, with the
required energy for lighting taken from the power grid.

A wireless type PLMS provides and controls the power for the light fitting, including
coordinated activation, dimming and status of the lights.

Ideally, the design of the system would ensure more energy from the solar PVs is
produced during the day than required for lighting the LED fixture(s) during the

Excess energy can be used for its own purposes or could be sold/credited in the

2.4 Full Backup System

Electric grid-connection, vertical PV-poles with integral batteries, controller/inverter

and wireless PLMS

Recommended for solar street light projects:

• With existing substation/cabling/infrastructure
• Or where new cabling may be commercially feasible
• Or for areas with infrastructure, but susceptible to power outages
• Or for a project where maximised efficiency of power generation is

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SE-4

Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
• Or for a project where 100% assurance of illumination is always essential

Solar energy generated from the PVs during the day is stored in batteries. Once the
batteries are charged, excess solar generated energy is converted from dc to ac and
fed into the power grid. The batteries are installed within the solar PV-clad pole
base or in a separate, foundation- located formed battery enclosure.

During the night, the pole and LED fixture can be designed to work in one of two

• Either like any other conventional street light; with the required energy for
lighting taken from the power grid. Then in the case of power outage, the
system switches immediately to battery backup.

• Or, the required energy for lighting taken solely from the batteries, with the
grid used as a back-up in the event of the batteries failing or discharging
fully before daytime.

A wireless type PLMS provides and controls the power for the light fitting, including
coordinated activation, dimming and status of the lights.

With a system such as this the autonomy and thus size of the batteries could be
relaxed from the normal Manual’s requirements as part of the overall system

Excess energy can be used for its own purposes or could be sold/credited in the

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide assessment of a solar street lighting project

based on the above and justification within project submissions of the proposed system(s).

3. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

3.1 The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and
performance of Solar and lighting systems shall be in accordance with the applicable
requirements of all The Department’s civil, electrical, mechanical and lighting
infrastructure standards for electrical distribution works, except as specified herein.
Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.

3.2 The Project’s lighting design and luminance level requirements and the LED street

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SE-5

Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
lighting luminaires (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology as
defined within this Manual’s Introduction) shall be fully in accordance with the
requirements of Part-1 Section-A.

Submissions for the project made to the Department must include all the usual proof of
compliance; lighting calculations, layouts, compliance checklist, luminaire/lamp-
source/gear data and all accredited test sheets to show the requirements of this
Lighting Manual have been met fully.

3.3 The Consultant and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of the Solar Pole, system and luminaire(s) under all the required design

3.4 The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and product
specifications are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual prior to
forwarding to The Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the
notice of The Department. The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following:
integration, coordination, functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be
the Consultant’s responsibility to bring the system to the design & operating and
maintenance conditions.

4. Project Cost Analysis

4.1 The Consultant shall, as requested by The Department, provide full cost analysis
including payback assessments as required for the project solar proposal(s) and in
accordance with the instructions given by The Department.

The full project life cycle cost analysis asset comparison shall be undertaken to the BS
ISO 15686-5 Supplement (Publicly Available Manual - published by the British Standards
Institution) or similar and cover parameters which fully meets the requirements of this

All information provided and the cost analysis/payback calculations should be calculated
with the exact proposed lighting fixture types/sizes, solar equipment, battery, inverter,
autonomy and site position (sun availability).

The Economic Cost Analysis should include the following parameters and allowances:

a) Compare the solar proposal(s) against the base standard of LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
Introduction) as per Part-1 Section-A, with standard non-solar poles as per the

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
project’s brief requirements and electrical infrastructure matching the site’s existing

b) Compare project specific Initial Capital Expenditure (CapEx) costs.

c) Compare project specific Annual Operational Expenditure (OpEx) to include

electricity usage and maintenance cost allowances.

d) Compare long-term total costs over minimum of 15-years based on present value
cost assessment including initial CapEx, annual OpEx and future CapEx for required
component replacement.

e) Compare Salvage Value of the system at the end of the study period.

f) Include all justifications of given and calculated values and timescales with
annotation and supporting data where applicable.

g) Provide the calculated Payback Period (if applicable) for the solar proposal(s) against
the base LED conventional approach.

h) Provide report and output graphs/tables as required to present project data clearly.

i) Include also average ‘per-pole’ cost comparisons of all options within report

j) Allow for 0.29.3fils/kWhr. As per the 2015 Meter Cost of Electricity; or

current/alternative tariff as agreed with The Department.

k) Allow for 11-hours per night, 365-days a year luminaire operation.

l) Allow for load of actual luminaires, with actual driver/current including all losses as
per the fixtures’ LM-79 reports or comparable standard.

m) Allow for stated average useful life of all components in the long-term analysis, and
salvage analysis, including, but not limited to, the luminaire, driver, inverter,
battery, control components, cables, PV-panels/modules, pole, base and associated
synthetic and metal materials.

n) For any solar grid-connected systems for which the poles have no batteries, but
connect to a conventional grid, generate electricity in the daytime and run
conventionally at night time, provide justified figures based on the local
environment and actual site situation on assessed generation value used in the

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
o) Use an annual discount rate of 7% for the long-term Present Value analysis unless
confirmed otherwise by The Department

p) Allow for dimming savings in the analysis only if included within the project
proposal(s) and then only pro-rata as per the exact dimming settings proposed and

q) If local infrastructure is present or not present this should also be factored into the
analysis for cost comparison purposes including, as applicable, local sub-station
provision, sub-mains distribution, lighting control cabinets, final circuit cabling,
protection, civil works and connections.

r) Solar cleaning cycle requirements and the associated costs, as described within
clause 5.6, should also be included within the project cost analysis

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide cost analysis based on the above for the solar
street lighting system or systems proposed.

5. System Components

5.1 LED Luminaires

a) The Project’s LED street lighting luminaires (or other equally sustainable alternative
luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction) shall be fully in
accordance with the requirements of Part-1 Section-A.

b) The Consultant shall note that all lighting calculations for parking lots/areas adjacent to
roads must take into account the road lighting contribution into the parking lighting
design and vice-versa. All projects shall be undertaken, checked and approved as the
responsibility of the Consultant to meet the required roadway and parking levels as set
out in Part-1 Section-A.

c) The Consultant and Manufacturers shall ensure all luminaires are fully compatible with
the Solar PV Pole system, the fixture driver, the solar pole inverter/controller, PLMS and
components to meet all the overall design requirements.

d) All luminaire drivers must be specified correctly to have suitable inputs for the solar
system’s 12Vdc-48Vdc.output from the Battery/inverter/ controller.

e) Some systems may negate the need for a driver with the fixture entirely as the driver
current function forms part of the inverter/controller equipment. Refer also to clause

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
5.3 to see details about the inverter/controller

f) All luminaire test data and supporting information must be provided with the specific
driver specification used.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure the requirements of Part-1 Section-A are met in
regards to all LED luminaires as well as the particular criteria contained above.

5.2 PV-Pole System

a) General

The pole for the solar street lighting system shall only be of the vertically integrated PV-
clad variety. Herein referred to as PV-Poles or PV-Poles Systems.

Separate flat design PV panels mounted on the top of, or offset from, a standard pole
are not permitted for use on The Department’s street lighting projects. Flat PV panels
are not acceptable due their high maintenance requirements, inherent dust
accumulation issues, high wind-loads, aesthetic concerns and cleaning issues regarding
both dirty water falling onto parked vehicles and a potential for breach of privacy laws

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
in residential areas.

All PV-poles shall be of a type that can accommodate a variety of applications. The PV-
pole shall be either circular or square in cross-section, made up of an extruded
aluminium or steel mast that enables proprietary accessories, as required by the
project, to be mounted at set distances along its length at heights and positions
coordinated within the PV sections. The finish colour and design of the PV-pole and
accessories shall be as agreed with The Department for the project.

Note: For all standard technical and material pole, foundation and component
specification details refer to The Department’s Standard Specifications, Drawings and
Manuals listed within the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.
All standard criteria within the latest versions of these documents shall be adhered to in
addition to the specific solar pole/component specification information contained

Minimum Ingress Protection ratings for the PV-pole system components:

Component Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

Mast IP40 IK07

PVs & Electrical components IP-66 N/A

Glass covers/components N/A IK08

Synthetic clear covers N/A IK08
Batteries IP44 N/A

Battery housing above ground

IP66*1 IK07*1
within pole-base
Battery housing below ground
IP68 IK07
Below Ground Battery housing
IP67 IK10
cover plate
(N/A = Not Applicable)
*1 IP & IK Ratings must be designed to ensure they are not compromised during any pole maintenance

b) Materials

i) Foundations. Structural analysis shall be submitted to show that the foundation

design meets the load of the given PV-pole type in its “Fully Loaded” state. Unless
otherwise stated it is assumed the pole will sit above ground on a 100mm bed on non

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
shrink grout.

For all standard foundations and/or foundations designed to house a chamber for below
ground mounting of a solar battery, full design details shall be submitted for The
Department’s review and approval. Special design details shall also be submitted by the
Contractor to install the poles above any tunnel structures.

Where batteries are to be located below-ground, only a Battery Foundation: a battery

pit constructed as part of the concrete foundation immediately adjacent to the pole
base is permitted. This is to ensure the maximum physical protection of the pit and pit
cover from damage. No remote battery pit enclosures or battery enclosures mounted
under the pole base are permitted on The Department’s projects,

The Two-Types of Permitted Solar PV-Pole Foundations

Example of Typical Standard Example of Typical Concrete

Concrete Foundation for PV-Pole Below Ground Integrated
with Batteries Mounted Above Battery Foundation
Ground within the Pole Itself

ii) Service Hatch(es). Each pole shall have its necessary service hatch(es) positioned no
lower than 400mm from finished ground level where all required electrical and solar
components and connections are accessible.

For a system where the connection of grid cables is required, a minimum of two hatches
are required, a lower service hatch must meet The Department’s standards so electrical

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
connections can be made between the outside network and the pole accessories as per
normal pole design and work practices. The lower service hatch shall be used for street
lighting and the remaining one(s) for the solar equipment.

The service hatch(es) shall be accessible without removing the cover plates or cladding
from the pole bases. Cover plates shall be fixed by two screws. The service hatches or
hand hole covers shall be fixed with hinges made of corrosion resistant materials such as
stainless steel grade 316(A4), brass, hot-dip galvanized steel, etc. as applicable based on
the PV-pole and cover plate material and shall be lockable with padlocks complying with
The Department’s standard Specifications.

As required by the project the hatch(es) shall house general purpose outlets (GPO) that
can be accessed through an external lockable hatch. Hatch door keys shall be supplied
as per The Department’s requirements.

iii) Foundation conduits. Electric conduits shall be installed through foundation and
shall enter the PV-poles from the base plate.

Regardless of which solar system type the project has, even if it is a standalone (battery)
system, these conduits are required to be installed always for cabling entry purposes for
both present and future needs to avoid any potential future remedial works to the
foundations to be incurred.

iv) Steel work. PV-poles’ steel work shall be manufactured out of BS grade S355 steel
for 10-14m poles or as appropriate to a pole of different approved height. Hot dipped
galvanizing (100 Microns minimum coating thickness) surface treatment shall be applied
to both internal and external surfaces. The base plate shall be in accordance with The
Department’s standard Specifications. All additional fixtures (Fixture Type-1, Fixture
Type-2, and Fixture Type-3) shall be on steel attachments of BS Grade S275 with hot
dipped galvanizing (100 microns minimum).

Base plate shall be manufactured as specified on the Drawings. Where steelwork is in

contact with aluminium work, the manufacturer shall ensure that bi-metallic corrosion is
prevented by means approved by The Department.

v) Aluminium work. PV-poles’ aluminium shall be made up of extruded aluminium

alloy (EN AW6005/6063/6082-T6) which shall have an anodized protective coating finish
to 25 microns. The colour of the anodized finish shall be as approved by The
Department. Any transition rim shall be of pressure die-cast aluminium alloy of grade
LM6 (or comparable international standard) having coating of minimum 100 microns of
polyester powder coating, type PE-SDF matching the approved colour of the anodized
extruded aluminium.

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting

vi) Photovoltaics (PVs). All photovoltaic components shall be either Monocrystalline or

Polycrystalline silicon wafer types manufactured, manufactured and tested as per the
standards within the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section and
installed as an integral part of the pole system.

The lowest level of the PVs on the PV-pole shall not be less than 3m from finished
ground level to ensure they are out of reach of the general public.

vii) Wind Generators. Wind-generation components are only permitted as a potential

additional option to solar PV and must be proposed with full material and testing data,
including maintenance requirements and justified lifetime efficiency data for The
Department to consider their viability. For Warranty purposes they must be considered
to meet the same requirements as the PV modules.

viii) Synthetic Materials. All synthetic materials including translucent (non-glass) PV

covers shall be 100% UV Stable non-yellowing, environmentally resistant and scratch
resistant. Laboratory test data shall be provided to The Department to prove the
materials are resistant to deterioration.

ix) Bracketry and Base Plate Cover. Pole brackets and base plate cover shall be
manufactured out of BS grade S275 Steel. This shall have high strength and finished to
match the PV-pole. All steel components shall be hot-dip galvanized to a minimum
thickness of 100microns and painted as per the applicable clauses of The Department’s
standard Specifications. The base plate cover shall be supplied along with the pole.

x) Fasteners. All fasteners supplied shall be made of corrosion resistant materials such
as stainless steel; - Grade 316, brass, hot-dip galvanized steel etc, based on the materials
with which it will be in contact. Bi-metallic contact shall be properly designed to avoid
any galvanic or bi-metallic corrosion.

xi) Electric Equipment. Minimum M8 x30 mm long threaded stud carrying two nuts and
two washers shall be provided as an earth point. It shall be located within the lowest
service hatch. The electrical termination cut-outs shall be supplied in accordance with
the Supply Authority’s (Street Lighting) requirements and as shown on the Drawings.
Each pole as required shall be polyethylene rope (dia. 4mm) “draw wired” to assist in
feeding electrical and service cables.

xii) Product Identification Tag. There should be a Name Plate affixed to the column in
an appropriate location and manner to suit the column design and access which will

a. Name of the Manufacturer or Distinctive Logo.

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
b. Model Number
c. Serial Numbers of all equipment
d. Year of manufacture
e. Separate battery details (where applicable for the system)

xiii) Copper Content. All external pressure die-cast aluminium alloy components shall
have a maximum copper content of 1% by mass.

5.3 Inverter/Controller

The inverter/controller controls the charge and discharge of the batteries, battery status
and the status of the solar PV modules. The inverter/controller provides and controls
the power for the street lighting fixture(s), including dimming and status.

Technical Requirements
• Selected (with batteries) for minimum 24-hour autonomy operation (capability
of 1-night full operation following one full bad weather day)
• Photovoltaic charge control for 12Vdc-48Vdc. batteries as per the project
system requirements
• 12Vdc-48Vdc. output for powering LED fixture drivers
• Intelligent charging of batteries, battery charging 12Vdc-48Vdc. Monitoring of
all individual cell voltages when non Lead-acid batteries are used (i.e Lithium)
• 0-10V/DALI/dc/PWM/RS485 dimming 0-100%
• Solar PV module input 10Vdc-48Vdc.
• Nominal rated AC Input voltage: 220-240V ±10% (198-264V min. Input range)
• Can be combined with dc/ac inverter for grid system connection as required
• Specified for the project assessed solar energy yield in combination with
wattage of luminaire(s) used, battery sizes and usage of dimming
• 130W maximum typical pole load (Input Power), options up to max 200W loads
if needed as per the requirements of the project
• Automatic Light Switching controlled by sunset/sunrise and Integration with
communication module (PLMS), remote software/firmware capabilities, logging
of all system parameters
• Automatic Light Level Calculation / Automatic Dimming functionality for bad
weather situations based on calculated night length & energy available in
batteries. If not enough energy available for whole night, can be programmed to
be dimmed accordingly

Operating Conditions
• Operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
5.4 Batteries

The type, size and quality of batteries specified shall be selected for their optimum
performance and integration for the project specific requirements.

Technical Requirements
• VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid), Gel Lead Acid, Lithium (Li-ion) or Nickel Metal
Hydride (NiMH) battery technologies
• With the exception of open ‘wet-type’ Lead Acid batteries, other battery
technologies proposed can be considered provided with proven adherence to all
technical requirements of this Manual Section
• Selected for minimum 24-hour autonomy operation (capability of 1-night full
operation following one full bad weather day)
• 12Vdc-48Vdc., Min 70Ah rated for powering LED fixture drivers
• Expected Lifetime for the project design - 5-6 Years
• Guaranteed Lifetime for the project design - 5 Years
• 75 % of the rated capacity of the battery should be between fully charged and
load cut off conditions (as per specific battery performance requirements)
• Manufactured, tested and installed as per the respective International
standards listed under Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References
• Mounted either in the PV-Pole base or below ground within concrete
combined battery/foundation type

Operating Conditions
• Operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

5.5 Controls

Whether the Standalone, Grid-Connected or Full Backup type systems, the project solar
lighting control/operation shall be fully interlinked via a wireless PLMS system.

PLMS Technical Requirements

• Wireless system; Wi-Fi, Cloud or RF system, with MESH Capability and fully
tested and compatible with the lighting system proposed
• GSM 900/1800, GPRS, SMS, ZigBee etc. or other approved agreed system
• All wireless communication complying with IEEE 802.15.4a
• 868MHz to 928 MHz or other approved frequency agreed with the Department
• System shall be compliant with all Abu Dhabi TRA Standards/requirements and
be proposed with all statutory approvals
• The proposed system shall be fully compatible with the specified luminaire and

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driver (ac or dc) proposed for the project and the inverter/controller
• Any brand of luminaires (as per the technical criteria within Part-1 Section-A)
shall be able to be controlled from the system to ensure luminaire choice can be
made openly for the best current marketplace products available for the project
• The PLMS must have a minimum of 20% spare capacity for future potential
street revisions and additions
• System interface/software to be password encrypted, able to program the
project system and cater for revised programming settings for future if required
• System interface/protocol to be able to be interconnected to any outside
central system (CMS)/control room in the future as and when required (refer to
Part-1 Section-D Clause 4.1.6)
• The system shall be able to operate in a pre-programmed condition
autonomously for the project and also data shall be able to interface for
communication to a central CMS location via a GSM/TCP-IP network, with a
TCP/IP over a fibre- optic converter or other approved means and protocol to a
Department central location in the future
• The system must prevent all daytime operation of the LED streetlights unless
only the specific manual override of the automated programming is desired by
The Department
• 0-10V/DALI/dc/PWM/RS485 dimming 0-100%
• Standard & customizable 24-hour light profiles for peak/off-peak times as per
Part-1 Section-D Clause 5 for the specific project type/location. Light levels
configurable at 10% step increments. The individual dimming profiles able to be
changed to weekly plans if required, rather than just identical 24-hour plans as
per the initial programming
• Must enable slow transitions (30-seconds) between the pre-set dimming levels
• Photocell/astro-clock input adjustment to timed programming for dusk/dawn
• Programmed dimming operation shall be only for luminaire groups set for each
length of roadway from defined intersection to defined intersection and never
allow individual switching/dimming of any adjacent fixtures in the same road.
• Automatic luminous flux reduction in case of consecutive bad weather periods
to avoid light switch off
• System must be provided with a single point of data terminal/interface/
connection for any reprogramming needs of the PLMS project area to be
achievable from one point of interface
• Error Reporting - Comprehensive & instant overview about infrastructure
problems like engine/driver errors, battery errors, inverter errors per pole
• Reporting - Detailed overview about solar energy generation, energy consumed,
accumalated power usage(Wh), temperatures, individual cell voltages when non
Lead-acid batteries are used (i.e Lithium) and accumulative hours of luminiaire
operation at dimming levels, etc.

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
• Optional iOs/Android mobile application interface for maintenance work at site
– Basic status info and instant site-setting configuration via mobile phone
• Data Export for further in depth analysis or integration into existing inventory
management systems operated by The Department

Operating Conditions
• Operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

5.6 Cleaning System

To ensure optimum performance at all times, the PV-pole must be cleaned on a regular
basis. To avoid dirty water falling onto parked vehicles and a potential for breach of
privacy laws in residential areas, The Department requires a proprietary ground-level
cleaning system solution and equipment to form part of the project proposal.

It shall be purchased as part of the project. At the end of the maintenance period, and
as and when determined by The Department, the cleaning equipment shall be handed
to the Department to be retained and re-distributed as per The Department’s

High pressure hose cleaning is not acceptable, nor are any automated/motorised
systems on the PV-poles themselves and any solution should be based on the following

Technical Requirements
• Cleaning must be undertaken using pure filtered water and no chemical
• A telescopic low-pressure hose and brush system enabling the operator to reach
all PV surfaces from ground level
• Water supply transportable via a truck/trailer with low-pressure electric pump
• Minimum 100m hose
• Minimum 10-14m telescopic pole (as per project PV-pole requirements)
• Soft brush designed specifically for PV applications to avoid damage and
scratches to the PV module clear covers

Cleaning Cycles
• Average time to fully clean a single PV-pole should be 4-5minutes
• It should be able to operated by a single person
• PV-Poles should cleaned initially once a month
• However, the specific long-term cleaning cycle is to be defined after the first 6-

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
months of operation, where energy yields can be analysed and compared by the
PLMS against the degree of dust accumulation on the PV-panels for the site
specific project location
• If assessed as satisfactory the cleaning cycle beyond the initial 6-months can be
reduced to 2 or 3 months as appropriate
• Cleaning cycles and costs should be included within the project cost analysis

5.7 Pole Assembly

a) Assembly of PV-pole. The pole shall be complete with all accessories and all
necessary component assembly undertaken at the factory. The final assembly of
pole and components shall be ready for installation at site without any works
required other than using suitable fixing tools.

b) Mast arm for the Luminaires. The mast arm for the luminaire shall manufactured by
the PV-pole manufacturer for the required length and fitted to the pole at the
factory for the correct orientation of the pole and PV panel sections for the project
locations. The attachment of the mast arms shall be made of standard fasteners
(DIN M60 or similar) through the structural casting without any detriment to the PV-
pole’s IP rating.

As per The Department’s lighting design requirements as set out within Part-1
Section-A, mast arm heights of approximately 10m should be provided for projects
normally requiring conventional 10m poles and 14m should be provided for projects
normally requiring conventional 14m poles. Solar system options for projects
designed with lower luminaire mounting heights, thus resulting in closer pole
spacings and an increase in pole numbers on projects is not acceptable under
normal circumstances unless justification can be provided to The Department.

The mast arm shall be self-supporting against all forces including uplift, without the
use of any guy wires unless approved by The Department. The luminaire shall be
fixed to the mast arm and electrically wired. Finally the cable end shall be
connected to the solar system inverter/controller as required by the system type at
the service hatch(es) located in the pole base.

c) Additional Assembly. If required by the project brief, provisions shall be made on

the PV-pole for enabling the fixing of other accessories such as fixed arms for fabric
banners, or CCTV cameras. These provisions shall allow for the planned accessories
to be added without having to remove the existing installed accessories, luminaire
brackets or the like. The provisions shall be such as to ensure the clean, aesthetic
look is maintained, the solar-collecting capability of the PVs to not be compromised.
If required these provisions shall be designed to allow for complete dismantling,

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
when not in use, without leaving behind any clamps, lugs, etc...

5.8 Pole Design Submission and Production

a) Design for Strength. The PV-poles shall be capable of withstanding a basic wind
speed of 45 m/s or 160 km/hr (3 second gust) when equipped with the equivalent of
the actual type and number of mounted luminaires for the project and the
associated fittings or accessories as confirmed by The Department. All PV-poles shall
be designed in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of AASTHO or
equivalent European or International standard. Design calculations shall be
submitted, for The Department’s approval, showing the following:-
i. Wind load derivation (hand calculation) on luminaires and mounted
ii. Wind loading derivation (hand calculation) on the pole
iii. Sectional area of the pole at regular intervals of height along the pole,
especially at areas of cross-section change and hand hole opening
iv. Stress at the intervals specified in (iii) above
v. Strength of the pole at the intervals specified in (iii) above
vi. Combined Stress Ratios at the intervals specified in (iii) above
b) Design for Deflection. Actual deflection against the deflection limit of the PV-poles
shall be clearly stated in the design calculations and shall conform to AASTHO or
equivalent European or International standard. The actual deflection calculated shall
be based on the basic wind speed of 45m/s and shall be measured at the lantern
position(s). The calculated deflection shall be the sum of deflection on the vertical
PV-pole section as well as the outreach bracket arm section(s). Deflection of both
the vertical pole and the arm(s) shall be shown in the design submission.

Design calculations shall show the pole deflection and shall be checked against the
allowable deflection and special deflection limits required for CCTV cameras, where
applicable for the project.

c) Notarized Statement. A notarized statement, attested by the UAE Embassy,

certifying the PV-poles were built conforming to the manufacturer’s approved
drawings and design calculations, shall be submitted after completion of
manufacture, and prior to delivery of poles to site. PV-pole delivery to project site
shall not be accepted without this.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure all the material and component requirements are
met by the system proposed and provided as part of the project submission.

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6. Quality Assurance
a) The Department may request standard production model samples, identical to the
proposed products to be installed. The Department may request independent testing of
the sample PV-pole masts and equipment to verify the performance and compliance
with the Specifications. The Department shall be the sole judge regarding the
acceptability of the performance of the light poles.

b) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects. During a factory
inspection, the manufacturer shall perform a full PV-pole deflection test, as agreed
jointly with an accredited independent test house and department, on a randomly
selected pole from the manufactured lot, for each type of ordered pole, to establish the
design compliance and structural integrity of the manufactured pole under simulated
conditions of full loading, strictly in accordance with the approved design calculations
and drawings.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams.

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

7. Warranty
Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement: material,
material, fixtures, finish, and workmanship. On-site replacement includes
transportation, removal and installation of new products. Finish warranty shall include
warranty against corrosion, failure or substantial deteriorations such as blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents). The warranty
shall include for maintained aesthetic integrity of the PV-pole, photovoltaic panels,
accessories, components and assemblies (not including the photovoltaic panels and
batteries), without any partial or complete separation, corrosion, leaking, dislocation,
disjointing, flaring, etc. of any elements of the PV-pole, system components and

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assembly with no cost to The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective PV-poles, photovoltaics, accessories, components and assemblies (not
including the photovoltaic panels and batteries), with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty on the
batteries for on-site replacement: material and workmanship. On-site replacement
includes transportation, removal and installation of new products. Warranty shall
include substantial deteriorations such as leaking, buckling, corrosion, inability to be
charged or withhold a charge, impacted system autonomy and reduced dc output with
no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum twenty-five (25) year replacement material warranty
for the photovoltaic (PV) modules for their output peak watt capacity to not fall below
80% at the end of twenty five (25) years. With a Minimum-ten (minimum-10) year
replacement warranty for their output peak watt capacity to not fall below 90% at the
end of ten (10) years. With no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the solar
equipment/component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of components, obtaining Authority
NOCs, traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for
any associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These
requirements are purely in regards to the terms of Solar Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Solar Supplier,
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period

If requested within the Project documents, the Consultant/Contractor shall provide for
the solar street lighting system manufacturer to include for a full maintenance and
defects contract for a defined period for the project. This would be above and beyond
the normal defects arrangements

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This contract shall include for all preventative and reactionary maintenance of the solar
system and components, including all parts and materials throughout the duration of
the contract. Refer also to Clause 5.6 regarding cleaning. Full details of this maintenance
contract including method statement for the maintenance to be included for approval of
The Department. The maintenance contract should include for a renewal and/or
extension of the contract if required in the future by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects for
solar street lighting.

9. Measurement and Payment

a) General. The measurement and payment for the PV-pole solar street lighting system
shall include, but not by way of limitations, the complete PV-poles and components,
batteries, invertors, controllers, PLMS, luminaires with all accessories, foundations,
earthing and all related materials and works for the complete installation and energizing
the system.

Installation of cables in PV-poles shall be in accordance with The Department’s standard


b) PV-Poles. Measurement and payment for the PV-poles, solar system and components,
will be at the unit rates as included in the Bills of Quantities, which rates shall be
considered as full compensation for all labour materials, finishes, tools, equipment and
appurtenances as required, as specified, and as directed by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects for
solar street lighting.

10. Operation and Maintenance Manual

An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual), in both English and
Arabic, should be provided for The Department for the project solar street lighting
system. The following minimum details must be provided in the Manual:

• Basic principles of the photovoltaic system.

• A small write-up (with a block diagram) on the project solar street lighting
system - its components, PV-poles and PV-modules, batteries,
inverter/controller electronics and LED luminaires, driver, including expected
• Type, Model number, Voltage & capacity of the batteries used in the system.

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Part-1 Section-E – Solar Street Lighting
• Charging, discharging regime and significance of any indicators.
• Clear instructions about erection of the PV-poles and mounting of PV-modules,
arms, fixtures and accessory housing assemblies on the PV-pole.
• Equipment manufacturer’s documentation (data sheets, handbooks, etc.
• A list of actions to be taken in the event of an earth fault alarm
• The shutdown and isolation procedure for emergency and maintenance
• A copy of the Shutdown procedure and any electrical safety warnings
• Clear instructions on regular maintenance, cleaning and troubleshooting of the
solar street lighting system.
• The system performance estimate, including expected seasonal or operational
• Do's and Don’ts.
• Environmental Policy regarding the origin and manufacturer of all components,
operation performance and safe transportation, disposal and/or recycling of
components after removal/changing-over.
• All names and contact details of the relevant contact persons for repair,
cleaning and maintenance, in case of non-functionality of the solar street
lighting system.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects for
solar street lighting.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

Part-1 Section F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-F, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-F of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-F

a) It is statutory that all luminaires used for projects must be LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
b) From July 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED exterior luminaires to be QCC (Abu
Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council) Approved with supplied Certificate of
Conformity: under the Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting
(*1A grace period for obtaining Conformity Certification is allowed under this Manual up
to the 30th June 2017. Until this date, if a Certificate is not yet obtained, then luminaires
must be submitted with both a copy of the QCC Scheme application receipt as well as all
technical data supplied as part of the submission as described under Clause 3.2)
c) Manual Part-1 Section-A, in addition to the LED luminaire criteria aligned with QCC,
has been revised with separate clauses covering the additional specific Department
Project criteria regarding fixture and component performance, quality, lighting
design and warranty requirements.
d) This Manual Part-1 Section-F covers front-illuminated fixed signage, self-illuminated
signage (often referred to as transilluminated) and lettering-type signage and
encompasses fixed or temporary traffic/roadway/pedestrian signage applications,
advertising/commercial material within the public realm and signage used within in
parks and public realm locations.
e) LED Luminaire Useful-Life Performance basis set at 350C ambient.
f) Light Loss Factor (LLF) term revised to Maintenance Factor (MF).
g) Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) component of the MF revised from
previous Manufacturer defined value, to new Lighting Manual Table of set values.
h) Warranty for all luminaires minimum 10-Years for all aspects.
i) Table of Gantry & Signage lighting design criteria set.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
j) Project Lighting Design and Calculation requirements standardised and set out
within the Manual.
k) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-F

a) Any luminaires used for projects that are not LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).
b) After the 30th June 2017; any LED fixtures that are not AD Quality Marked and do
not hold a Certificate of Conformity under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme
for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures*1
c) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
d) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.
e) Any deviation from the project Lighting Design and Calculation requirements as set
out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and
performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-1.

It is a statutory requirement that all luminaires used on The Department’s projects for
overhead gantry signage and other signage must be LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

This Manual Part-1 Section-F covers both front-illuminated fixed signage and self-
illuminated signage (often referred to as transilluminated) and encompasses fixed or
temporary traffic/roadway/pedestrian signage applications, advertising/commercial
material within the public realm and signage used within in parks and public realm locations.

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their luminaires under all the required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the fixtures useful-life cycle, project location,
controls usage/programming etc.

3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements

The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously for the required useful-
lifetime performance and at the specified ambient temperature, humidity and quality
criteria as defined by this Manual. With special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day, corrosion resistance and endurance against the occasional sand
storms and dusty weather in designing the luminaire body and components.

For more reference information regarding lighting technology, lamps, luminaires, electrical,
materials and lighting maintenance, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
Chapters C, D, E, M and O.

3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)

3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017

After the 30th June 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED luminaires proposed for use on
The Department’s projects to be QCC (Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council)
Approved: under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting

Any LED luminaires proposed on submissions (from Preliminary Design Stage onwards)
received after the 30th June 2017 without proof of QCC Certification will not be

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
allowed for use on The Department’s Projects.

A QCC Certificate of Conformity must be provided covering every luminaire proposed for
the project during submissions and Clause 3.3 of this Section can then be disregarded
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

Only applicable in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied QCC Certificates shall be the
additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and project-required design criteria
listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which all data must be provided on the project
submission for Department projects.

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017

Up to and including the 30th June 2017 if any proposed LED luminaires do not yet hold a
QCC Certificate of Conformity, then all luminaires must be submitted with proof of their
QCC Scheme submitted and received application and in addition must be submitted with
all the required fixture technical data listed under Clause 3.3 of this Section. All
luminaire technical information is then to be supplied as part of the project submission
along with all other Lighting Manual clause requirements.

If any luminaires have received a QCC Certification, a copy of the QCC Certificate of
Conformity must be provided for the luminaires proposed for the project and then
Clause 3.3 of this Section can be disregarded in relation to those particular luminaires;
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

In these cases, the only applicable requirements in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied
QCC Certificates will be the additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and
project-required criteria listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which data must be
provided on the project submission.

An approval as part of a project submission of an LED fixture based on the technical
criteria contained within Clause 3.3, is not prerequisite or guarantee of a future QCC
fixture certification approval. Nor conversely does an LED fixture rejection on technical
grounds for a Department project submission in any way impare a possible future
granting of QCC certification through that process. In all cases however The
Department’s decision is final for any fixtures not yet supplied with QCC Luminaire

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide either a Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4. Otherwise follow Clause 3.3 onwards.

3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned)

Note: Disregard this Clause for LED luminaires already approved under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided QCC Certification as
described within Clause 3.2 above. For Luminaires with QCC Certification, proceed directly
to clause 3.4.

3.3.1 General

a) The LED luminaires must have applied for certification under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided proof of their submitted
and received application with the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide acknowledgment of QCC received


b) Manufacturer’s company profile including a profile of the manufacturing facilities. Valid

ISO 9001:2008 certificates of the manufacturing facilities.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer profile and ISO 9001


c) The following shall be submitted in addition to the documents required within Clauses
3.3.2 to 3.3.9 (all data in SI units):
• Photometric test data
• Full light source lamp specification
• LED Chip Reliability reports

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Photometric test data in standard format

(IES or EULUMDAT), full light source/lamp specification data and LED chip reliability
reports to JEDEC JESD22/JESD51 or comparable International standard (tests at +85ºC).

3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering Index

a) The LEDs shall be from a manufacturer of LEDs with ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011

or similar approved International Standard certification. (Please note: The nominal
Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard LED colours accepted for use for
gantry/signage lighting on The Department’s projects are 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 4500K
and 5000K only, although the QCC Scheme allows a wider band for all luminaire types).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide proof from LED supplier product data.

b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy and associated Minimum Colour Rendering (CRI – Colour
Rendering Index) rating shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Minimum Luminaire Efficacy*1 Minimum CRI-Rating

Floodlight 50lm/W 80
Special*2 50lm/W 80
* Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.
*2In the case of Gantry/Signage use fixtures; the Special category covers fixtures used
for internally illuminated signage luminaire technologies or other special LED luminaire
types not of the normal floodlighting application for all front-mounted illumination of

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy and CRI, plus
actual** luminaire CCT is within acceptable limits as below in relation to Nominal CCT.

Nominal CCT (ANSI C78.377A)

Nominal CCT CCT Range (Fixture Actual Allowed**)
3000K 3045K ± 175
3500K 3465K ± 245
4000K 3985K ± 275
4500K 4503K ± 243
5000K 5028K ± 283

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry

a) The luminaire shall be fitted with optical refractors, diffusers and/or reflectors designed
to exactly suit the specific application the fixture is intended for.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide product information describing the optical

control and components to cover the range and fixture application.

3.3.4 Thermal Management

a) The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously at the specified ambient
temperature and humidity with special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day and the occasional sand storms and dust in designing the
luminaire body. The design of the luminaire shall be such that there is a direct thermal
path from the LED junctions to the atmosphere thus providing a thermal transfer effect
throughout the life of the luminaire. The thermal solution shall be proprietary and
designed by the lighting manufacturer to enable the luminaires to work efficiently in
Abu Dhabi climatic conditions. The luminaire shall be provided with a demonstrated
ventilation arrangement allowing heat to be dissipated to the atmosphere.

The luminaire shall be designed to prevent collection of debris by proven and stated
means. The design shall be such that the luminaire shall be self-cleaning in normal
operation. Provide detailed physical description of the fixture including images and

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written justification and luminaire product


b) The luminaire operating range (taking into account LED components, driver, etc.) shall
be from -20°C up to a minimum of +50°C ambient air temperature(Ta) with an
acceptable lumen-output performance at Ta+50°C needing to be demonstrated. The
operating range maximum refers to the Ta as per IEC/ISO 60598-1 or UL 1598.

Project Submission Requirement:- The effect of reduced lumen output at operation in

increased ambient temperatures (i.e. any ambient temperature higher than 25°C as per
LM-79) must be checked by a submitted LM-82 test report for 50°C ambient (testing the
luminaire’s/luminaire range’s largest LED engine/module, or (largest) whole luminaire,
per LM-82 procedures in all cases). This test shall be taken using the highest proposed
fixture/range drive current, by measuring total luminous flux or luminous intensity at
the elevated temperature and extrapolating to the 25°C Ta figure. This will be
considered acceptable provided the lumen output decrease is proved to be less-than-or-
equal-to 6%)

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
In addition this measured percentage drop of luminous flux shall then be applied to the
LM-79 luminaire flux value and when multiplied by the measured load at 50°C, will be
considered acceptable provided the resultant efficacy value still remains within the
minimum allowed fixture efficacy as set out within the table in Clause 3.3.2.

c) The luminaire storage range (i.e. non-operating/daytime) temperature shall be from -

20°C up to a minimum of 50°C ambient air temperature(Ta). With all internal
components suitable for storage within this range and rated between -20°C up to a
minimum of 80°C..

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of the conformity of the

Luminaire to the required storage extremes.

3.3.5 Ingress Protection

a) The luminaire control gear and LED optical-unit components shall be externally fully
rated to the minimum IP (Ingress Protection) rating and IK (Mechanical Strength) rating
as set out in the table below and have proven means of negating internal condensation
build-up for their application and be able to operate in high relative humidity.

Fixture Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

Floodlight IP66 IK07*

IP-65-68 (to suit
Special IK07*
*Any glass diffusers or components must have a minimum IK08 rating.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test reports for IP and IK ratings: IP rating
determined by IEC 60529 or comparable International standard, IK rating determined by
IEC 62262 or comparable International standard.

3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials

a) All Exterior pressure die-cast aluminum alloy components shall have a copper content
percentage of less than 3.5% by mass.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of pressure die-cast aluminum

alloy standard used and associated component copper content (by mass) to ISO 3522,
EN/BS 1706 Standards or other comparable International standard.

b) Testing of exterior metal coated/painted and non-coated components for proven and

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
demonstrated corrosion resistance.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report to ASTM D1654-08 or other

comparable International standard for evaluation of a sample of the exterior painted or
coated metals subjected to corrosive environments. Or provide test report to EN/ISO
9227, ASTM B117-11 or other comparable International standard for Salt Spray test of
finished luminaire body and all metal coated/painted and non-coated fixture
components for minimum 1000hours, or approved accelerated test method under these

c) Where different metallic materials are used together, then proof of avoidance of bi-
metallic or galvanic corrosion with any touching dissimilar metals must be assured.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written report of all dissimilar metals used
within the lighting fixture and confirmation of the method/design in avoiding bi-metallic
or galvanic corrosion.

d) All synthetic optical materials shall be resistant to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation

and scratch resistant.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration with supporting evidence that

the resistance to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation will be sufficient to not
significantly affect the luminaire performance during the Department’s expected useful
lifetime of the luminaire. Manufacturer to submit a datasheet of the proposed optic
material to show both the Ultraviolet Radiation degredation resistance and scratch
resistance of the external optical synthetic material.

3.3.7 Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following requirements:
• Case Temperature (Tc) rating -40°C to +80°C at a minimum 95% Relative
Humidity (RH). Luminaires with open drivers need to prove Luminaire ambient
of 50°C maximum in equivalence with this requirement
• Nominal rated Input voltage: 220-240V±10% 50Hz (198-264V min. Input range)
• Drivers shall have a Power Factor (PF) of L ≥ 0.90
• Driver shall be UL and/or IEC Certified
• Drivers shall be Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant
• Drivers shall have a Total individual luminaire Harmonic Distortion (THD) of:
≤20% in accordance with ANSI C82.77-2002 or comparable International

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above

3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements

a) Demonstrate 50,000 hour useful life of the luminaire based on the simplified B20-L70
threshold at ambient temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual average
recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide lumen maintenance report for 50,000 hour,
B20-L70 @ (Tq) of 35°C for the luminaire, referring to the chip manufacturer’s IES LM-80
data for demonstrated curve/drive current/ fVoltage. Using IES TM-21 or comparable
IEC/international standard.

3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety

a) Luminaire must comply with Photobiological Safety of lamps and lamp systems in
accordance with the requirements of IEC 62471 or ANSI/IES RP-27.3-2007.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test results for IEC 62471, ANSI/IES RP-27.3-
2007 or comparable International standards. The fixture must pass all fascets of the
tests for “No Risk”/”Exempt” results.

3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects

The LED luminaires in addition to the QCC Certification/minimum requirements as

defined within Clause 3.3, must adhere to the following specific supplimentary
requirements for use on The Department’s projects. Supporting data to be provided on
project submissions as stated within the following clauses:

3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT

a) The nominal Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard LED colours accepted
for use for gantry & signage lighting on The Department’s projects are 3000K, 3500K,
4000K, 4500K and 5000K only. Actual nominal CCT to be confirmed by the Consultant
for the specific project and all associated luminaire data and lighting calculations must
be undertaken for luminaires with the specific CCT LEDs chosen. These CCTs allow a
wide choice to suit the signage type/applications, but ensure optimum lighting quality,
colour maintenance, energy efficiancy and balance with the surrounding public realm as
part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Public Lighting Strategy.
Note: Where the project is either an extension of existing illuminated signage, or
adjacent to other illuminated signage, the Consultant shall investigate the nominal CCT

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
of these adjoining installations and propose a solution with matching CCT for visual

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide confirmation of project selected nominal


b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy for use on The Department’s projects shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Project Luminaire Efficacy*

Floodlight ≥75lm/W
Special ≥75lm/W
*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V. Refer to The Department’s
Sustainable Road Rating System on any applicable projects if Credits available and
required for higher luminaire efficacies.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy.

3.4.2 LED Binning

a) Luminaire shall be maximum proved MacAdam Ellipse Step-5. Luminaires and/or LEDs at
Step-6 or Step-7 Binning are not acceptable.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide copies of highlighted LED chip data or full
luminaire LM-79-08 test data to show compliance acheived within limits of Step-5 or

3.4.3 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement

a) The fixture shall be ‘servicable’: Drivers and LED modules/boards/engine shall be site
removable/replaceable without any possible risk to maintaining luminaire photometry
and without the need to demount the fixtures for sake of future upgrading/
maintenance requirements if required.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written descriptions of LED source

maintenance and replacement.

3.4.3 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
a) Any steel body materials, components, bolts, nuts and hardened washers shall be
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any steel

components to show all are galvanised to ASTM-A153 comparable standard or other
comparable International standard.

b) Any external stainless steel body materials, components bolts, nuts and hardened
washers shall be minimum 316 Grade or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any stainless

steel components to show all are minimum 316 Grade to ASTM-SAE comparable
standard or other comparable International standard.

3.4.4 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following additional project requirements:
• Driver shall be minimum 1-10v dimmable/addressable and 1-10v+DALI allowed
• Driver can have some means of built-in overheat thermal protection in the form
of either automatic dimming or stepping/holding down of the driver. But this
function can be present only if devices activate after the case-temperature
exceeds that experienced within the luminaire’s normal required maximum
operational limits: i.e. with Ta50°C (outside ambient-air temperature to the
luminaire or, in the case of internally illuminated signs, the sign itself).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above
requirements. If thermal protection is present within the driver, then proof required to
confirm it’s operation is not activated within the normal stated limits of luminaire
thermal operational requirements.

3.4.5 Earthing

a) Earthing of the LED luminaire shall be as per a class I “electrical unit” to EN/IEC 60598-1:
protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but which
includes an additional safety precaution in such a way that means are provided for the
connection of accessible conductive parts to the protective (earthing) conductor in the
fixed wiring of the installation in such a way that accessible conductive parts cannot
become live in the event of a failure of the basic insulation.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer’s details of the class-I earthing

connection to achieve the Manual’s requirements to EN/IEC 60598-1 or comparable
International standard.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
3.4.6 Quality Assurance

a) The Department may request standard production model luminaire samples, identical
(including LED Package) to the proposed products, to be installed for inspection. The
Department shall be sole judge regarding acceptability of optical system performance.

b) To verify luminaire performance and compliance with the specifications, The

Department may also request additional testing of sample luminaires. All such testing
shall be from accredited laboratories.

c) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams.

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

3.4.7 Warranty

Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of

project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement material, fixture,
finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the housing, all external
components; such as lenses, gaskets & fastenings, and the fixture finishes shall include
warranty against failure or substantial deteriorations such as corrosion, blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents) with no cost to
The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective or non-starting LED source assemblies with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty on all
supplied drivers, power supply units (PSUs), electrical components and in-built control
components with no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for on-

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
maintained luminance levels on all light sources (LED package, LED array, or LED
module) including, but not limited to the LED die, encapsulate, and phosphor. Stating
B20 compliance for a minimum of 5 years. If the expected useful life performance
parameters of the luminaire system are not being maintained, then the manufacturer
shall replace the light source(s) or luminaire as needed with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the luminaire or
luminaire component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of luminaires, obtaining Authority NOCs,
traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any
associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These requirements
are purely in regards to the terms of Luminaire/Luminaire Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Luminaire Supplier(s),
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

4. Project Lighting Design Requirements

4.1 General
For all project lighting design and calculations, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting
Handbook for guidance on applying the requirements of the Lighting Manual. Particular
attention should be given to Handbook Chapters F, M and O.

The Consultant shall always check first that the required signage illumination/luminance
level can be achieved from the adjacent natural surrounding ambient lighting for the
duration required for the sign to be viewable. This also includes considering the optimum
project-placement of signage to suit the surrounding lighting as part of the project
development. Both required levels and required night-time duration are set out within table
4.2. For overhead gantry signage the Consultant shall undertake a project-specific
assessment and determine the required design values as the requirements of table 4.2 and
Clause 4.5. The Consultant shall note that all calculations for front illuminated signage shall
be undertaken with illuminance (Lux) calculations across the fronts of the signs and
internally illuminated signage shall be designed to ensure the correct signage luminance
(CDm2) levels are delivered dependant on sign and sign material. Dedicated lighting fixtures
shall always be selected and proposed in an integrated and aesthetic manner to be the most
appropriate for the task and sign type, size, position and viewing angles.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
Note: If the surface sheeting material of the traffic sign is Diamond Grade™, OmniCube™
or equivalent (i.e. ASTM D4956–09 Type-XI: Retroreflective sheeting typically
manufactured as an unmetalized cube corner microprismatic retroreflective element
material), (refer to Department Standards), there is no need to provide any lighting
equipment to illuminate the sign.

4.2 Schedule of Lighting Levels

Minimum Average Uniformity Hours of

Design Level: Ratio Required
Specific Signage Type Lighting Approach & Notes
Luminance(L)=CD/m2 (Minimum to Operation/
Illumination(Em)=LUX Average) Visibility
External floodlights mounted in
Traffic Signage*1 on As per As per From Dusk until
front of lower edge of the sign
Overhead Gantries Clause 4.5*3 Clause 4.5*3 Dawn
gantry along the access walkway
Traffic Signage*1 (signs to be positioned From Dusk until No dedicated lighting fixture
adjacent to Roads for natural visibility Dawn provision
from car headlights)
No dedicated lighting fixture
Pedestrian/Cyclist (signs to be positioned
From Dusk until provision unless specifically
Signage*2 within for illumination by Uo≥0.5
Dawn requested for the project and as
Streetscapes street/streetscape
agreed with The Department
20Lux No dedicated lighting fixture
Pedestrian/Cyclist From Dusk until
(signs to be positioned provision unless specifically
Signage*2 within Uo≥0.5 time the park/area
for illumination by requested for the project and as
Parks/Public Realm is closed
area’s ambient lighting) agreed with The Department
Internally Illuminated 30 CD/m2 From Dusk until Only proposed when specifically
Traffic*1 or Pedestrian/ Average for specific time agreed with agreed with The Department for a
single colour
Cyclist*2 Signage sign design and colours The Department project
No flashing, strobing or fast
50 Lux From Dusk until colour-changing permitted unless
Externally Illuminated Uo≥0.3
Across the sign 12am (Midnight) specifically agreed with The
Signage Department
100-150 CD/m2 No flashing, strobing or fast
Assuming the plain From Dusk until colour-changing permitted unless
Internally Illuminated N/A
white screen diffusing 12am (Midnight) specifically agreed with The
Signage material only Department
No flashing, strobing or fast
50 CD/m2 From Dusk until colour-changing permitted unless
LED ‘Neon-sign type’- N/A
Regardless of colour(s) 12am (Midnight) specifically agreed with The
Lettering Signs Department
(N/A = Not Applicable)

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
Notes to Table 4.2
*1 All traffic signs shall be as The Department’s Standard Specifications and Details for material, reflectance and
design format requirements.

*2 Pedestrian/Cyclist Signage refers only to public or cyclist wayfinding, safety and/or warning signs.

*3 Illumination and uniformity requirements vary depending on the gantry location and signage sizes, Clause 4.5
provides the details required to define the appropriate design levels for the project-specific situation.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure complete compliance with the table and associated
notes for all lighting designs and lighting calculations undertaken for projects. Citing any
justifications for design decisions where described above within any project lighting reports and
within the lighting calculation output reports described with Clause 4.4.

4.3 Maintenance Factors

Note: Maintenance Factor (MF) and Light Loss Factor (LLF) are the same. Previous use of the
term LLF is now replaced by MF in the Lighting Manual in line with modern International

MF = LLD x LDD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation x Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

Project Maintenance Factors for lighting calculations shall never be assumed, nor default values
used in any lighting calculations submitted to The Department. All Maintenance Factors shall be
calculated and justified in accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

LLD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation)

The following method shall be used to determine the Lamp Lumen Depreciation component of
the Maintenance Factor used in the lighting design software calculation:

The Consultant shall demonstrate the 50,000 hour lumen depreciation of the luminaire at 100%
output at an average night time temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual
average recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). The
methodology to be used is as follows:

a) The manufacturer shall submit a Thermal Report to a suitable reference & standard
agreed by The Department, showing the highest Ts (solder point temperature of an LED)
recorded within the luminaire, usually at the centre of the fitting and the centre of the
PCB or what would appear logically to be the hottest region of the optical
compartment. This thermal test will be conducted at 25°C ambient.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
b) 10°C shall then be added to the hottest recorded Ts to simulate the required average
night time temperature of 35°C.

c) The LM-80 report from the chip manufacturer shall be provided showing the associated
Alpha and Beta (α and β) figures for each of the three Ts measurements namely, 55°C,
85°C and 105°C at the proposed driving current. The most appropriate higher Alpha and
Beta will be chosen for the Ts + 10°C. (Note: figures from “Energy Star” type calculations
can only be submitted as per TM-21 formula requirements as verification of the required
LM-80 report derived figures, never as an alternative to LM-80 or the TM-21 method).

Example; if a thermal test shows a Ts of 68°C measured at 25°C ambient at 500mA drive
current, then 10°C is added to give 78°C. In this case the most appropriate Alpha and
Beta figures would be the LM-80 data for a Ts of 85°C at 500mA. Any Ts measurements
that exceed 105°C (including the added 10°C for Tq 35°C) will not be permitted.

d) These Alphas and Betas will then be applied to the TM-21 formula which calculates the
expected lumen output at 50,000 hours.
The TM-21 equation to be used is: Lxx = β e^ (-αt) (with t = 50,000 hours)

e) This lumen output (percentage) figure (Lxx) shall then be used as the LLD component
(Lamp Lumen Depreciation) which forms part of the MF to be used in all DESIGN
calculations. The LLD must be ≥0.70 or the fixture will not be allowed for use on
Department projects.

Project Submission Requirement:- As per the stated process, provide the following:
Thermal Test Report at 25°C detailing the highest Ts within the luminaire. LM-80 Report from
chip manufacturer with α & β for the proposed driving current. TM-21 Calculation as per the
given formula.

LDD (Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

The following table shall be used to justify the appropriate Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in
accordance with the external optical material of the specific fixture and the appropriate
pollution category for the specific project. The appropriate value shall be selected from the table
and inputted as the LDD component of the Maintenance Factor with selection explained within
the MF written justification.

*Unless specifically informed otherwise by The Department, or with another justifiable reason,
assume Cleaning Interval as 12-months.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

External Fixture With Glass External External Fixture Without Glass External
Optic or Any Internal Fixture Optic
Project Pollution Category Project Pollution Category
Cleaning Interval High Medium Low High Medium Low
6 months 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.92 0.93 0.94
12 months* 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.91 0.92 0.93
18 months 0.91 0.92 0.96 0.9 0.91 0.92
24 months 0.90 0.91 0.95 0.88 0.89 0.91
36 months 0.89 0.91 0.95 0.83 0.87 0.90
Project Pollution Category:
High – Remote/desert areas, major city centres, heavy industrial areas
Medium– High density residential, light commercial/industrial, coastal areas
Low- low-density city residential, Park/island areas

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written report of the calculated Maintenance

Factor (for every different luminaire proposed) as per the above instructions for the LLD and
LDD components and ensure these Maintenance Factors are used in all lighting calculations in
which the particular LED luminaire is proposed.

4.4 Project Lighting Design Calculations

Lighting Design Calculations; assuming 50,000 hours of luminaire operation at 35C average
ambient temperature (Takes into account the annual average recorded night time temperature
for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). Lighting calculations shall use the derived MF
value(s) as calculated under the requirements set out in 4.3 above and with these MFs used
designs shall achieve the Minimum Average Design Levels, Uniformities and other applicable
parameters set out within Table 4.2.

The Consultant shall undertake all necessary lighting calculations for the project based on the
specific requirements set out within all of Section-F Clause 4.

All lighting calculations shall be undertaken and reported using lighting design software such as
DiaLux or other proprietary software. Note: LED ‘Neon-sign type’- Lettering Signs need not have
lighting calculations used to prove compliance with the luminance requirements and instead just
need manufacturer’s technical data to show the lettering luminance information.

Lighting calculations for a project shall be issued within a single report format, containing all the
necessary signage calculations and the Consultant shall comply with the following requirements:

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be entered in full

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
• Designer’s details and contact information shall be entered in full
• Project Notes section to be filled in for all justifications/notes required
• Each separate sign and/or gantry sign calculation to be titled logically for the project and
cross-referenced to project drawings/reports specifically if applicable
• Table 4.2 and associated notes shall form the basis of all calculations with base variables
(CDm2/Lux, Uo) manually adapted from any software defaults as necessary to exactly
match Table 4.2
• Clause 4.3 calculated Maintenance Factors only shall form the basis of all entered
MF(LLF) values used and replace any software default values
• Only exact-fixture IES/Eulumdat luminaire data used within the calculation(s), fixtures
files always used at 100% lumen output
• All signage dimensions shall be inputted exactly as per the project
• Internally illuminated signs must be represented with appropriate colour and
percentage diffused material simulated and the actual luminaires behind. A reference-
plane then used to show the resultant surface luminance of the sign
• Fixture offsets and tilt angles shall exactly match those proposed for the project
• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following selected
minimum options as and where applicable :
• Project Cover
• Table of Contents
• Luminaire Parts List
• Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
• Planning Data
Per Sign Calculation
• Luminance Photometric Results (Internally illuminated Signs) OR
• Illuminance Photometric Results (Externally illuminated Signs)
• Greyscale or False Colour 2D/3D Contour Rendering showing light distribution
across the sign

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide the Software Lighting Calculation Output Report fully
in adhereance to the above requirements in PDF format. In addition if requested by The
Department, provide the software source file alongside the PDF Report.

4.5 Overhead Gantry Signage Lighting Design Values

Correct night time lighting of overhead gantry mounted signage shall be designed and installed
to ensure that the road users can easily read the signage text without the requirement to slow
down considerably within the traffic flow and increase the possibility of road traffic collisions.
This must be undertaken considering the location of the gantry, the type of reflective sign
materials (which has been defined with Department Standard Specifications), the background
illuminance condition, as well as the size(s) of signs on the gantry that are being illuminated.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
The ambient (background) illuminance must first be considered when considering signage
lighting. This falls into three categories:

• Low - expected in rural roads and highways/freeways where only the addition of street
lighting will contribute to the light provided by the moon.

• Medium - expected in urban residential areas where street lighting, residential lighting
and lighting of local amenities are present.

• High - expected in areas where large shopping malls are present and in city centres.

The Consultant must fully consider the surrounding area to justify the ambient illuminance
category and select the applicable sign Illuminance and Uniformity values from the below table:

Gantry Location - Average Design
Ambient Background Level: Individual Sign Size*1
(Minimum to
Illuminance Category Illumination
Not exceeding 1.5m2 Uo≥0.4
Low 50-100 Lux Exceeding 1.5m2 & with a height to width ratio less than 2:5 Uo≥0.3
Exceeding 1.5m2 & with a height to width ratio greater than 2:5 Uo≥0.2
Not exceeding 1.5m2 Uo≥0.4
Medium 100-150 Lux Exceeding 1.5m2 & with a height to width ratio less than 2:5 Uo≥0.3
Exceeding 1.5m2 & with a height to width ratio greater than 2:5 Uo≥0.2
Not exceeding 1.5m2 Uo≥0.4
High 150-200 Lux Exceeding 1.5m2 & with a height to width ratio less than 2:5 Uo≥0.3
Exceeding 1.5m2 & with a height to width ratio greater than 2:5 Uo≥0.2

*1 If the surface sheeting material of the traffic sign is Diamond Grade™, OmniCube™ or equivalent (i.e. ASTM
D4956–09 Type-XI: Retroreflective sheeting typically manufactured as an unmetalized cube corner microprismatic
retroreflective element material), (refer to Department Standards), there is no need to provide any lighting
equipment to illuminate the sign. All other types of ASTM D4956–09 reflective sheeting materials (i.e. Type-I to
Type X) must be provided with lighting to the illumination requirements of this table.

5. Project Site Verification Requirements

5.1 Project Harmonic Measurement

The Contractor shall measure the harmonic at the supply point (LV side of the distribution
substation) after the installation of all the LED fixtures and adopt harmonic compensation

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage
methods, if required, to limit the total harmonics distortion in the supply voltage.

The maximum allowed total harmonics distortion is to be taken as 5% (or as per latest Electricity
Authority latest requirements if different) and in accordance with IEEE 519 Regulations.

Warning: Under no circumstances shall any LED luminaires be directly connected to a

temporary generator for field testing, nor should they be energised via a temporary generator
without seeking fixture manufacturer approval, as the output from many generators on start-
up can permanently damage the luminaire components and thus render the fixture warranties

Temporary generator energisation can only be undertaken with prior and written
confirmation obtained from the fixture manufacturer stating they approve that their fixtures
can be energised by this means with details of the specific generator used and method
statement for connection and energisation.

The Contractor is fully responsible for all electrical connections to the LED fixtures and if
damage is caused to fixtures due to ignoring this warning will have to undertake remedial
action to replace any affected luminaires at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report of the project installation and proof of
harmonic distortion limit compliance.

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Part-1 Section-F – Lighting for Gantries & Signage

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation

Part-1 Section G – Light Pollution Mitigation

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-G, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

For more reference information regarding light pollution, light trespass and sky glow, refer to
the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook Chapter F.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-G of
the Lighting Manual.

The technical brief criteria developed within this Section aims to ensure the appropriate
reduced night time light pollution is maintained for a project. This is to ensure the correct
balance is achieved to avoid excessive and obtrusive light pollution and its associated
adverse impacts on human and ecological health.

The Light Pollution Mitigation calculations must be provided at Detailed Design Stage for
the whole project area or a typical section of project area if applicable: i.e. for a linear
streetscape project with a repetitive lighting design solution.

All lighting within a project area must be considered together whether it is street lighting
only, landscape lighting only, or combined street and landscape lighting. A single project
submission is required to cover all the area’s lighting. To ensure this holistic requirement is
understood fully, this section is repeated within Part-2 of this Manual

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-G

a) A project Light Pollution Mitigation submission at Detailed Design Stage to cover

whole project lighting.

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-1 Section-G

a) Separate street lighting and landscape lighting submissions if both are present
together within a project area.
b) Submission during any other stage than for Detailed Design

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SG-1

Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

2.1 General

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-1.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

2.2 Exterior lighting:

a) All non-safety and non-security public realm lighting must be automatically switched
off or dimmed between 23.00hrs and 07.00hrs and outside these hours if daylight
levels are sufficient.

b) If safety lighting is provided and will be used between 23.00hrs and 07.00hrs, this
part of the lighting system must comply with the lower levels of lighting
recommended during these hours by IESNA RP-33-99 and IES RP-8. For example by
using automatic switching to reduce the lighting levels at 23.00hrs or earlier.

c) If security lighting is provided, it must be activated using motion sensors with

threshold and time-off adjustment so that luminaires only activate when someone is
in the immediate area and turn off a reasonable time after motion is no longer

2.3 Lighting levels at the site boundary and beyond:

a) All projects must be classified and stated under one of the zones defined in the
below table:

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SG-2

Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation

Table of Lighting Zones

Lighting Zone Description
Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land
and rural areas
Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning,
LZ2 neighbourhood business districts, light industry with limited
nighttime use, and residential mixed-use areas
LZ3 All other areas
High-activity commercial districts in major metropolitan
areas as designated by the local land use planning authority

b) The project’s exterior lighting must then be designed to meet the following

Table of Lighting Design Requirements

Maximum Maximum Light Maximum
Maximum Initial Trespass into Surface
Luminaire Source
Initial Illuminance at Maximum windows (Vertical Luminance
Lighting Intensity (kcd)
Illuminance at Specified % Direct Lux) (cd/m2)
Site Boundary Distance Up-light 07.00 to 23.00 to 07.00 to 23.00 to
(Lux) Beyond Site 23.00 07.00 23.00 07.00 Average
Boundary (Lux) hrs hrs hrs hrs
LZ1 <1 N/A 0% 2 1*1 2.5 0 2.5
LZ2 1.1 <1 AT 3m 2% 5 1 7.5 0.5 5
LZ3 2.2 <1 AT 4.5m 5% 10 2 10 1 10
LZ4 5 <1 AT 7.5m 15% 25 5 15 2.5 15
1 2
* Allowed from public road street lighting installations only. * Where the site boundary lies adjacent
to a Lighting Zone of a lower category, the requirements of the lower category must be met at and
beyond that boundary.

2.4 Additional Requirements/Clarifications:

a) High structure aircraft hazard lights are excluded from the calculations.

b) Feature lighting may be exempted from these requirements where a specialist

lighting consultant has recommended their inclusion in order to protect illuminated
visual elements/character as part of artwork.

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Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation
c) Any floodlighting for sports facilities, for a limited amount of time in the evenings
can also be excluded from the project calculations. These sports facilities must only
have lighting activated during sporting activities/use. Sports facilities intended for
operation during non-operational hours must include the sports lighting within the

d) Lighting schemes requiring/proposing upward light, for example ground recessed

luminaires, ground mounted floodlights and decorative lighting may not in
combination achieve the Table’s limits. In these instances, deliberation and care
should always be taken to minimise any upward waste light by the proper
application of suitably directional luminaires where applicable; accurate aiming onto
surfaces, minimal lumen-output/wattage selection, light controlling attachments
and the project’s circuit/control philosophy.

Project Submission Requirement:- To demonstate the above requirements are met

3. Light Pollution Criteria Definitions

Diagram showing Light pollution

3.1 Definitions

a) Percentage Direct Uplight - The percentage of direct upward light associated with the
total initial designed fixture lumens emitted at an angle of 90-degrees or higher from
nadir (straight down). This percentage must be met at the project’s plot boundary.

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Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation

b) Maximum Light Trespass (into windows) - This is calculated in vertical illuminance (Lux)
and is measured flat on the glazing at the centre of the window. These values are the
maximum levels permitted excluding existing base light levels.

c) Maximum Luminaire Source Intensity - This applies to each lighting source and/or
luminaire directly visible outside of the area being lit which could be a source of glare or
distraction. These values must be achieved however exceptions may be permitted it
mitigated for particular lighting applications, such as sports lighting.

d) Maximum Surface Luminance - This is the measurement of actual visual brightness and
must be limited to avoid over lighting of all or any of the external lighting elements. The
area luminance is only applicable to surfaces directly illuminated as part of the night
time external lighting scheme.

e) Motion sensors with threshold adjustment - Threshold adjustments can be made to

prevent nuisance activation by insects, birds and small animals. Hours of operation
should be followed, except where it can be demonstrated that the project’s known
‘hours of usage’ exceed these.

4. Design Calculation Requirements and Methodology

a) Provide a narrative describing the type and location of all external lighting provided on
the project, and lighting calculations demonstrating that the required illuminances and
percentage up-light limits within the Table of Lighting Design Requirements have been

b) Provide overall project site external lighting drawing(s) and details of lighting controls
and locations of any daylight sensors.

c) Provide specification and luminaire schedule details confirming mounting heights and all
information relating to the light output and aiming of each luminaire.

d) Provide the Control Strategy confirming which luminaires will be turned off and/or
dimmed outside the recommended hours of operation and which luminaires will
operate at the reduced levels.

e) Provide confirmation of any safety or security lighting used between 23.00 and 07:00
complies with the lower levels of lighting recommended within the Table of Lighting
Design Requirements.

f) Provide a Light Pollution Mitigation Calculation Report within a single report format

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Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation
which must include for all public realm lighting, including safety, security, pedestrian
circulation, landscape (functional/accent/feature/ architectural), street, external car
parking, and external signage/advertising. Proprietary lighting calculation software, such
as DiaLux must be used to evaluate and demonstrate compliance of the project and
achievement of the limits set out within the Table of Lighting Design Requirements.

The Consultant shall comply with the following requirements:

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be entered in full
• Designer’s details, contact information and project notes shall be entered in full
• Use of horizontal and vertical calculation planes, false-colour, contour and/or
point measurement grids can be used to address appropriately the various
• Each separate calculation/calculation plane to be titled logically for the project
and cross-referenced to project drawings/report specifically if applicable
• The Table of Lighting Design Requirements under Clause 2.2 b) and associated
notes shall form the basis of all calculations with any base variables manually
adapted from any software defaults as necessary to exactly match the Table’s
• The calculated Maintenance Factors derived as per the relevant lighting design
Section(s) only shall form the basis of all entered MF(LLF) values used and
replace any software default values
• Only exact-fixture IES/Eulumdat luminaire data used within the calculation(s),
fixtures files always used at appropriate % lumen output as per the controls
• Fixture offsets, aiming and tilt angles shall exactly match those proposed for the
• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following
selected minimum options as and where applicable :
o Project Cover
o Table of Contents
o Luminaire Parts List
o Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
o Planning Data
Per Calculation/Calculation Plane (as applicable)
o Luminance Photometric Results OR
o Illuminance Photometric Results OR
o Greyscale or False Colour 2D/3D Contour Rendering

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a Project Light Polution Mitigation Report including
the Software Lighting Calculation Report fully in adhereance to the above requirements in PDF
format. In addition if requested by The Department, provide the software source file alongside
the PDF Report.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SG-6

Part-1 Section-G – Light Pollution Mitigation

Page Intentionally Blank

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements

Part-1 Section H – Project Submission

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-1
Section-H, refer to the Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-1 Section-H of
the Lighting Manual.

This Section covers Project Design Submissions made to The Department in relation only to
the lighting discipline and the specific technical lighting submission information required in
addition to any Department standard Consultant Procedures/standard submission
standards. It is not in relation to any other disciplines, nor planning submissions, material
submittals, shop drawings, Tender submissions or any other pre or post-design submissions.
These are separate issues and covered elsewhere as per Department procedures for other
disciplines and as required for Town Planning submissions or Contract works.

The Project Design Stage Submission Requirements for Lighting are grouped as per four the
separate Stages as follows:

• Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage

• Concept Design Stage
• Preliminary Design Stage
• Detail Design Stage
Concept Design, Preliminary Design and Detail Design are statutory project submission
stages for Department projects. The Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage
does not always form part of project requirements, however if submitted, the requirements
in regard to the lighting technical provisions are also covered here.

The Consultant shall ensure that all submissions made to The Department are correctly
labelled as per these Design Stages and if different terminology is used, aligned to the
requirements of these stage requirements and stated.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-1

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements

2. Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage

NOTE: This Stage is not a statutory Department project submission requirement

If lighting forms part of the project (as per RFP ToR), generally this submission stage comprises
of a written report section covering lighting, with perhaps some generic supporting details.

2.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

a) As far as referred-to standards, this Lighting Manual must be stated as the primary
basis of the project’s lighting design. Any CIE or IESNA lighting standards etc. can be
mentioned, but only if listed after this Lighting Manual. However all relevant
international standards are already covered and referred to as and when applicable
within this Lighting Manual.

b) Reference to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook is also desired.

c) Any Supply Authority standards/requirements can only be mentioned in regards to

sub-mains electrical requirements, not in relation to lighting, luminaires or lighting

d) UPC: USDM, PRDM, UCDM, SSPM and ESTIDAMA documents and stated
requirements are recommended and acceptable references for lighting in relation to
planning and general project lighting requirements.

e) Any other QCC approved relevant Abu Dhabi standards and specifications can also
be stated.

f) If lighting levels, any design variables, pole heights, spacings/arrangements etc. are
stated then they must match the relevant requirements within this Manual unless
specific reasons are stated to justify a variation to the normal Department

g) Any reference to luminaires must confirm they are LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

h) Any reference to lighting management controls or solar lighting equipment must

conform to the requirements of this Manual’s Part-1 Sections D & E respectively.

As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-2

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

3. Concept Design Stage

This submission stage’s requirements in regard to lighting are similar in scope to the previous
stage’s and still generally comprises of a written report section covering lighting correctly. With
perhaps some more comprehensive generic supporting layouts, details, visuals/renderings,
design tables and lighting calculations included.

It must be noted that any submission must be presented to The Department clearly and
logically and the various documents sensibly labelled. As most Department submission
systems are becoming electronic, it is essential that all electronic files are titled simply and
logically as to what they are, so the Department reviewer can see instantly from a list of files
what is what. Reports should be named as a report; any lighting calculations should be named
lighting calculations and any lighting layouts named as per the layout’s titles and not the
drawing numbers.

3.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

3.1.1 Cover Letter

a) Include a cover letter describing exactly what the project is, where it is and what lighting
the project encompasses.

3.1.2 Lighting Report Key Aspects

a) As far as referred-to standards, this Lighting Manual must be stated as the primary basis
of the project’s lighting design. Any CIE or IESNA lighting standards etc. can be
mentioned, but only if listed after this Lighting Manual. However all relevant
international standards are already covered and referred to as and when applicable
within this Lighting Manual. Reference to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
is also desired.

b) State prior approval of relevant authorities such as UPC and DMAT.

c) Any Supply Authority standards/requirements can only be mentioned in regards to sub-

mains electrical requirements, not in relation to lighting, luminaires or lighting design.

d) UPC: USDM, PRDM, UCDM, SSPM and ESTIDAMA documents and stated requirements

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-3

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
are recommended and acceptable references for lighting in relation to planning and
general project lighting requirements.

e) Any other QCC approved relevant Abu Dhabi Standards and Specifications can also be

f) If lighting levels, any design variables, pole heights, spacings/arrangements etc. are
stated then they must match the relevant requirements within this Manual unless
specific reasons are stated to justify a variation to the normal Department

g) Any reference to luminaires must confirm they are LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

h) Any reference to lighting management controls or solar lighting equipment must

conform to the requirements of this Manual’s Part-1 Sections D & E respectively.

Note: Images, renderings or visualisations are not a statutory requirement for this Stage within
purely street, parking or tunnel lighting projects, however they are required as part of the
Concept Stage submission for parks/public realm projects. Refer to Part-2 Section-G for details. If
a street lighting project has any streetscape landscaping lighting elements then Part-2’s
requirements regarding images, renderings/visualisations must be covered and included as

3.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material:

a) If there are lighting calculations included then they must always match the relevant
requirements within this Manual unless specific reasons are stated to justify a variation
to the normal Department requirements. They must also correlate with any lighting
layout/plan information submitted (if supplied).

b) If there are lighting layouts/plans included then they must always match the relevant
requirements within this Manual unless specific reasons are stated to justify a variation
to the normal Department requirements. They must also correlate with any lighting
calculation information submitted (if supplied). For street lighting, issues such as any
intersections and junctions submitted must be clear and thought out to show they are
optimised sensible pole locations.

c) If there are any images, renderings or visualisations shown, then they must always
correlate with the relevant requirements within this Manual and the recommendations

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-4

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
provided within the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook.

As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

4. Preliminary Design Stage

The general rule of what technical information must be submitted for the Preliminary Design
Stage for lighting can be summarised into the following three requirements:

• Lighting Calculations
• Lighting Layouts
• Luminaire Data

All three things must always be submitted together as project lighting cannot be reviewed or be
able to gain an approval when provided in isolation.

It must be noted that any submission must be presented to The Department clearly and
logically and the various documents sensibly labelled. As most Department submission
systems are becoming electronic, it is essential that all electronic files are titled simply and
logically as to what they are, so the Department reviewer can see instantly from a list of files
what is what. Reports should be named as a report; lighting calculations should be named
lighting calculations and lighting layouts named as per the layout’s titles and not the drawing

4.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

4.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Concept Design Approval

a) Include a cover letter describing exactly what the project is, where it is and what lighting
the project encompasses. Include under this letter a copy of the project’s Department
approval (or conditional approval if applicable) for the Concept Design Stage.

4.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects

a) If the calculation is for roadway/parking lighting then DiaLux software must be used,
other lighting calculations can use other independent software packages, but

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-5

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
manufacturer’s own software is not permitted.

b) All luminaires used within lighting calculations are to be proposed only when
determined as being fully compliant with all the criteria set out with the Clause 3
requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.

c) The Maintenance Factor (MF) calculated value as per this Manual’s requirements must
be provided for the specific luminaire solution(s) and these calculated values used with
the lighting calculations. Software default values or any assumed unjustified values are
not acceptable.

d) Lighting Levels, design factors and spacing arrangements proposed must comply with
the tables of lighting design requirements and any priority arrangements described
within this Manual, unless accompanied by written justifications.

e) A single lighting calculation report must be provided to fully include all the requirements
set out with the Clause 4 requirements as per the relevant Section(s) within this Manual.

f) The calculation results (spacings, heights, locations etc.) must correlate fully with the
setting out of the fixtures on the lighting layout drawings.

g) The luminaires used within the lighting calculations must correlate fully with the
luminaire data provided within the submission.

4.1.3 Lighting Layouts Key Aspects

a) All lighting layouts must be provided with written dimensions included for spacings, set-
backs etc. regardless of whether the layouts have a stated scale; as any electronic
submission systems cannot scale layouts. If the spacing arrangement is repetitive, such
as with a long street system, and these spacings are regular, then a single dimension
calculation can be shown for every change in arrangement in order to convey clearly the
spacings to a reviewer.

b) The lighting layouts’ fixture spacings, heights, locations etc. must correlate fully with the
lighting calculation’s results for spacings, heights, locations.

c) Luminaires must never be referenced, labelled or defined by their wattage; wattage is

just a result a particular luminaire’s combination of light source, driver, optics and
fixture efficacy to meet the lighting design requirements and no longer can two fixtures
be deemed to be alike by this method. Referencing should be by symbol and unique
letter or number, for example: A, B, C1, C2, D etc…

d) The luminaires shown on the lighting layouts (as referenced/labelled) must correlate

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-6

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
fully both with those used within the lighting calculations and with the luminaire data
provided within the submission.

e) All Layouts; title blocks, labelling, electrical/civil layer information and all other general
requirements shall be as per The Department’s Drawing/CAD/CADD Standards.

4.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects

a) All luminaire data provided must prove they are fully compliant with all the criteria set
out with the Clause 3 requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.
All necessary data required, as shown in the blue Project Submission Requirement
clause summaries, must be included as applicable. The Consultant is responsible for
ensuring technically compliant fixtures are selected and proposed.

b) Each luminaire proposed within the submission must be clearly defined by the
referencing system and cross-referenced with both the lighting calculations and as they
are located on the lighting layouts.

c) Luminaires must be presented in a Lighting Schedule format, either on the layouts or as

a separate document, with the supporting data submitted separately in a clear and
ordered manner containing all the supporting information required for each luminaire.

d) Any lighting management system proposed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-D)

e) Any solar street lighting system proposed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-E)

4.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material:

a) Lighting Detail Drawings, whilst required for Detail Design Stage are optional for
Preliminary Design, but can be provided if they can show any necessary information on
fixture integration, mounting, bases etc. that might be required to suit a particular

b) It is useful to include any lighting information contained within a Preliminary Report (or
even from the original Concept Design Report) if the project has something, as often this
gives the reviewer some useful background to the project that can assist in the review.

As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-7

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements

Note: Approval at Preliminary Design Stage is always based on the specific luminaire
solution(s) proposed and proved through the combined calculation, layout and luminaire data
material submitted. Lighting approvals are not ‘generic’ and the Consultant is fully responsible
to ensure this approved solution is taken forward to Detail Design Stage and subsequently the
Tender package in whatever method is preferred to ensure the Department Approved
solution is either delivered or a fully Equal and Approved solution delivered in its place.

5. Detail Design Stage

The general rule of what technical information must be submitted for the Detail Design Stage for
lighting can be summarised into the following four requirements:

• Lighting Calculations
• Lighting Layouts/Details
• Luminaire Data
• Light Pollution Mitigation Report

All four things must always be submitted together as project lighting cannot be reviewed or be
able to gain an approval when provided in isolation.

It must be noted that any submission must be presented to The Department clearly and
logically and the various documents sensibly labelled. As most Department submission
systems are becoming electronic, it is essential that all electronic files are titled simply and
logically as to what they are, so the Department reviewer can see instantly from a list of files
what is what. Reports should be named as a report; lighting calculations should be named
lighting calculation, lighting layouts named as per the layout’s titles and not the drawing
numbers and the light pollution mitigation report files labelled accordingly.

5.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

5.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Preliminary Design Approval

a) Include a cover letter describing exactly what the project is, where it is and what lighting
the project encompasses. Include under this letter a copy of the project’s Department
approval (or conditional approval if applicable) for the Preliminary Design Stage.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-8

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
5.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects

a) If the calculation is for roadway/parking lighting then DiaLux software must be used,
other lighting calculations can use other independent software packages, but
manufacturer’s own software is not permitted.

b) All luminaires used within lighting calculations are to be proposed only when
determined as being fully compliant with all the criteria set out with the Clause 3
requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.

c) The Maintenance Factor (MF) calculated value as per this Manual’s requirements must
be provided for the specific luminaire solution(s) and these calculated values used with
the lighting calculations. Software default values or any assumed unjustified values are
not acceptable.

d) Lighting Levels, design factors and spacing arrangements proposed must comply with
the tables of lighting design requirements and any priority arrangements described
within this Manual, unless accompanied by written justifications.

e) A single lighting calculation report must be provided to fully include all the requirements
set out with the Clause 4 requirements as per the relevant Section(s) within this Manual.

f) The calculation results (spacings, heights, locations etc.) must correlate fully with the
setting out of the fixtures on the lighting layout and detail drawings.

g) The luminaires used within the lighting calculations must correlate fully with the
luminaire data provided within the submission.

5.1.3 Lighting Layout/Details Key Aspects

a) All lighting layouts must be provided with written dimensions included for spacings, set-
backs etc. regardless of whether the layouts have a stated scale; as any electronic
submission systems cannot scale layouts. If the spacing arrangement is repetitive, such
as with a long street system, and these spacings are regular, then a single dimension
calculation can be shown for every change in arrangement in order to convey clearly the
spacings to a reviewer.

b) The lighting layouts’ fixture spacings, heights, locations etc. must correlate fully with the
lighting calculation’s results for spacings, heights, locations.

c) The lighting detail drawings must show every luminaire type’s installation, fixing,
mounting details clearly and how they are integrated within the project’s hardscape
arrangements and compliance with any Department requirements.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-9

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
d) Luminaires must never be referenced, labelled or defined by their wattage; wattage is
just a result a particular luminaire’s combination of light source, driver, optics and
fixture efficacy to meet the lighting design requirements and no longer can two fixtures
be deemed to be alike by this method. Referencing should be by symbol and unique
letter or number, for example: A, B, C1, C2, D etc…

e) The luminaires shown on the lighting layouts and details (as referenced/labelled) must
correlate fully both with those used within the lighting calculations and with the
luminaire data provided within the submission.

f) All Layouts/Details; title blocks, labelling, electrical/civil layer information and all other
general requirements shall be as per The Department’s Drawing/CAD/CADD Standards.

5.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects

a) All luminaire data provided must prove they are fully compliant with all the criteria set
out with the Clause 3 requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.
All necessary data required, as shown in the blue Project Submission Requirement
clause summaries, must be included as applicable. The Consultant is responsible for
ensuring technically compliant fixtures are selected and proposed.

b) Each luminaire proposed within the submission must be clearly defined by the
referencing system and cross-referenced with both the lighting calculations and as they
are located on the lighting layouts and detail drawings.

c) Luminaires must be presented in a Lighting Schedule format, either on the layouts or as

a separate document, with the supporting data submitted separately in a clear and
ordered manner containing all the supporting information required for each luminaire.

d) Any lighting management system proposed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-D)

e) Any solar street lighting system proposed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-E)

5.1.5 Light Pollution Mitigation Report

a) Provide a Project Light Pollution Mitigation Report including the Software Lighting
Calculation Report fully in adherence to the requirements of Section G in PDF format. In
addition if requested by The Department, provide the software source file alongside the
PDF Report.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-SH-10

Part-1 Section-H – Project Submission Requirements
5.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material:

a) It is useful to include any lighting information contained within a Detail Design Report
(or even from the original Concept Design and/or Preliminary Design Report) if the
project has something, as often this gives the reviewer some useful background to the
project that can assist in the review.

As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

6. Tender/Construction Responsibilities
Note: Approval at Detail Design Stage with regards to lighting is always an approval based on
the entire optimum project design and includes the specific optimum luminaire solution(s)
contained which has been proved through the combined calculation, layout and luminaire
data material submitted to meet all this Manual’s requirements. The luminaires included
within a Project’s lighting approval can therefore never be treated as ‘generic’, nor can
lighting fixtures be deemed purely an arbitrary commodity item based on a handful of
performance variables such as wattage, number of LEDs, IP-rating or lumen output. All LED
luminaires are precise optical instruments with a particular unique combination of a multitude
of performance, distribution, quality, material and aesthetic attributes, albeit attributes which
can and should be correctly defined for the later project stages from Tender onwards.

The Consultant is fully responsible to ensure the approved Detail Design can be taken forward
to Tender package and then to Construction accurately, in whatever method prefered, to
ensure the Department’s approval is either delivered exactly as the DD or an equal or better
optimum luminaire/lighting design solution could be approved and delivered in its place.

It is recommended that Tender documentation covers each fixture requirement/specification

in enough fine detail to set out all the necessary photometry/efficiency performance,
component, quality, material and aesthetic parameters clearly, including the specific fixture
brand/references/images if preferred, including accessories. But always being clearly set out
that any specific luminaire references are on an Equal & Approved basis. So a Contractor can
make his free choice and that any luminaires proposed by the Contractor that are different to
those approved within the Detail Design submission will need to be put forward to meet or
exceed all requirements and with new lighting calculations and data/testing sheets instructed
to be included within material submissions to prove this.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Part-1 Applicable Standards & Guidance References

The following documents where applicable and/or as invoked specifically, shall be followed with
regards to the Lighting Manual Part-1 Sections A to H. Any versions listed (or equivalent
International approved documents) that are superseded by either updated versions or by
alternative documents, if and when they become available, the latest applicable
versions/editions always shall be obtained and referred to.

A. Abu Dhabi Standards & Guidance

1. DMAT Abu Dhabi Sustainable Lighting Strategy
2. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
3. The Abu Dhabi Guide to Infrastructure Standards -
 Energy Infrastructure Chapter
 Public Realm Infrastructure Chapter
 Transport Infrastructure Chapter
Along with the following specific unified manuals, standards, codes,
specifications, guides and other documents encompassed by and referenced
within these Chapters:
 Urban Street Design Manual (USDM)
 Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM)
 Utility Corridors Design Manual (for Utilities in Urban Areas)
 Right of Way Utilities Distribution Manual (for Main Roads)
 Walking & Cycling Master Plan – Network Design
 Standard Specifications for Roads – Volumes 1 to 3
 Standard Drawings for Roads Projects
 Roadway Design Manual
 Consultant Procedure Manual
 Standard Scope of Services for Roads Projects Consultants
 Road Safety Manual
 Quality Assurance & Quality Control – Requirements for Roads Projects
 Environmental, Health & Safety Manual for Road Projects
 Sustainability Guideline Standards
 Roadside Design Guide
 Road Structures Design Manual
 Road Geometric Design Manual
 Pavement Design Manual
 Roadside Advertising Manual
 Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices
 Traffic Signals and Electronic Warning & Information Systems
 Safety & Security Planning Manual
 Non-Disruptive Road Crossings

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-Ref-1

Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
 Guide Drawings on Locating Bus Stops on Urban Roads
 Technical Circular – Bus Stop Design Standard Drawings
 Road User Code
 Standard Bill of Quantities
 Project Cost Estimating Manual
 Project Risk Management Manual
 Landscape Design Guidelines, Standard Drawings, Specifications and
O&M Guidelines and Specifications
 Irrigation Manuals – Volumes I to IV
 Stormwater Design Manual, Standard Drawings, O&M & Technical
4. Department Sustainable Project Rating Schemes
For Abu Dhabi City Municipality (ADM):
 Abu Dhabi Sustainable Roads Rating System (SRRS) (latest version)
5. Department Project Value Engineering Requirements
For Abu Dhabi City Municipality (ADM):
 Value Engineering Guidelines (VEG) (latest version)
6. Estidama-Pearl Community Rating System (latest version)
7. Estidama-Pearl Public Realm Rating System (latest version)
8. Estidama-Submittal User Guides – PQP
9. UPC Interim Coastal Development Guidelines (ICDG)
10. UPC UPC Al Bateen Waterfront Design Guidelines
11. ADDC/AADC Standard Technical Specifications for Electrical Works
12. Abu Dhabi Regulation & Supervision Bureau - The Electricity Wiring Regulations
13. Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Technical Standards
14. UAE Fire & Life Safety Code of Practice

B. International Standards & Guidance

1. CIE S 017/E:2011 ILV: International Lighting Vocabulary
2. ANSI/IES RP-16-10 Nomenclature & Definitions for Illuminating Engineering
3. Illuminating Engineering Society: The Lighting Handbook Reference and
Application – 10th Edition
4. The Society of Light and Lighting 2009: The SLL Lighting Handbook
5. The Society of Light and Lighting 2012: The SLL Code for Lighting
6. ISO 9001:2008/2015 Quality Management System – Requirements
7. ISO 80000 Quantities and Units (SI units)

C. Lighting Maintenance & Measurement

1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. CIE 30-2-1982 Road Lighting Calculations
3. CIE 140-2000 Road Lighting Calculations

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-Ref-2

Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
4. CIE 154-2003 The Maintenance of Outdoor Lighting Systems
5. CIE 194-2011 On-site Measurement of the Photometric Properties of Road and
Tunnel Lighting
6. BS 667:2005: Illuminance Meters. Requirements and Test Methods
7. CIE S 023/E:2013 - ISO/CIE 19476:2014 Characterization of the Performance of
Illuminance Meters and Luminance Meters
8. EN 13201-Road lighting-Part 4 Methods of measuring lighting performance
9. IES/IESNA DG-4-03 Design Guide for Roadway Lighting Maintenance
D. Mechanical/Material
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. EN/ANSI/IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code for
Ingress Protection)
3. EN/ANSI/IEC 62262 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures for Electrical
Equipment Against External Mechanical Impacts (IK Code)
4. EN/IEC 60068-2-6:2008 Environmental testing. Tests. Test Fc. Vibration
5. EN/IEC 60068-2-68-2 L Environmental Testing – Part 2-68: Tests – Test L: Dust
and Sand
6. ASTM B117-11 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
7. ASTM D1654-08 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated
Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments
8. EN/ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres. Salt Spray Tests
9. ISO 8289:2000 Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels - Low voltage Test for Detecting
and Locating Defects
10. ISO 4892-1:1999 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources --
Part 1: General Guidance
11. ISO 3522:2007 - BS EN 1706:2010 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys - Castings -
Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties
12. ASTM A153/A153M-09 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron
and Steel Hardware
13. ASTM D4956-09 Standard Specification for Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic
14. Stainless Steel Specification /Designation to ASTM-SAE or aligned equivalent

E. Electrical
1. IEC 60050 International Electro-technical Vocabulary (IEV)
Electrical & Material Safety:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. EN/IEC 60598-1:2015 Luminaires. General Requirements and Tests

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-Ref-3

Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
3. EN/IEC 60598-2-1:1989 Luminaires. Part 2: Particular Requirements. Section
One: Fixed General Purpose Luminaires
4. EN/IEC 60598-2-3ed3.1:2011 Particular Requirements - Luminaires for Road and
Street Lighting
5. BS EN 61140:2002+A1:2006/IEC 61140:2001 Protection against electric shock.
Common aspects for installation and equipment
6. Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) Conformity
Assessment System for Lighting Products (latest version)
7. IEC 61347-1:2015 Lamp Control Gear. General & Safety Requirements
8. IEC 61347-2-13:2014 Lamp Controlgear - Part 2-13: Particular Requirements for
d.c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Controlgear for LED Modules
9. IEC 62384:2006+A1:2009 dc or ac Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED
Modules. Performance Requirements
10. IEEE STD C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of
Surges in Low-Voltage (1000v and Less) AC Power Circuits
11. RoHS-2 Directive 2011/65/EU (Recast RoHS-1) Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive…in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Electromagnetic Compatibility:
1. EN/IEC 61547ed.2.0:2009 Equipment for General Lighting Purposes - EMC
Immunity Requirements (Surge Protection)
2. IEEE/ASNI C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of
Surges in Low-Voltage (1000V and Less) AC Power Circuits
3. EN/IEC 61000-3-2ed4.0:2014 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2:
Limits - Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions
4. EN/IEC 61000-3-3ed3.0:2013 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3:
Limits - Limitation of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public
Low-Voltage Supply Systems
5. IEC CISPR-15:2013 - EN 55015:2013 Limits and Methods of Measurement of
Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipment
6. NEMA ANSI C82.77:2002 Harmonic Emission Limits – Related Power Quality
Requirements for Lighting Equipment
7. IEEE 519-1993 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control
in Electrical Power Systems

F. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

LED Manufacturing, Testing, Photometry & Measurement:
1. ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011 – American National Standard for Electric
Lamps— Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL)
2. IEC 62717ed1.0:2014 LED Modules for General Lighting - Performance
Requirements (cancels and replaces IEC PAS 62717 published in 2011)
3. IES/IESNA LM-80-08 Approved Method for Measuring Lumen Maintenance of

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-Ref-4

Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
LED Light Sources
4. CIE-127:2007 Measurement of LEDs
5. JEDEC JESD22-A108D:2010 Temperature Bias and Operating Life
6. JEDEC JESD51-5:1999 Extension of Thermal Test Board Standards for Packages
with Direct Thermal Attachment Mechanisms
7. JEDEC JESD51-50:2012 Overview of Methodologies for the Thermal
Measurement of Single and Multi-chip, Single and Multi-PN-Junction Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
8. JEDEC JESD51-51:2012 Implementation of the Electrical Test Method for the
Measurement of Real Thermal Resistance and Impedance of Light-Emitting
Diodes with Exposed Cooling Surface
9. JEDEC JESD51-52:2012 Guidelines for Combining CIE 127-2007 Total Flux
Measurements with Thermal Measurements of LEDs with Exposed Cooling
10. JEDEC JESD51-53:2012 Terms, Definitions and Units Glossary for LED Thermal
11. CIE-15:2004 Colorimetry Technical Report (3rd edition)
12. EN/IEC 62471-2 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems

G. LED Luminaire Performance

1. CIE-140 Methods of Calculation
Luminaire Testing, Photometry & Measurement:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) Abu Dhabi Certification
Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures (Luminaires) (latest version)
3. CE Product Certification: 92/59/EEC: 1992 (General Product Safety) & 73/23/EEC
Guidelines to Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
4. UL Product Certification: UL 1598, Luminaires
5. IES/IESNA LM-79-08 Approved Method: Electrical and Photometric
Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products
6. IEC 62722-2-1ed1.0:2014 Luminaire performance - Part 2-1: Particular
requirements for LED luminaires
7. EN 13032-1:2004+A1:2012 Light and Lighting. Measurement and Presentation
of Photometric Data of Lamps and Luminaires. Measurement and File Format
8. EN 13032-4 Light and Lighting - Measurement and Presentation of Photometric
Data of Lamps and Luminaires Part 4: LED Light Sources and Luminaires (once
approved; used in conjunction with EN 13032-1)
9. IES/IESNA TM-21-11 Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED Light
Sources + Addendum A: Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED
10. IES/IESNA LM-82-12 LED Light Engines and LED Lamps for Electrical and

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-Ref-5

Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
Photometric Properties as a Function of Temperature
11. IES/IESNA LM-84-14 Measuring Luminous Flux and Color Maintenance of LED
Lamps, Light Engines and Luminaires
12. IES/IESNA TM-28-14 Projecting Long-Term Luminous Flux Maintenance of LED
Lamps and Luminaires
13. IEC 60068-2-6 ed.07:2007 Environmental Testing - Part 2-6: Tests - Test Fc:
Vibration (sinusoidal)
14. EULUMDAT Photometry file – European data file format used for Specification
of photometric data. The file extension is .ldt
15. IES Photometry file – North American data file format used for Specification of
photometric data. The file extension is .ies
Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems:
1. EN/IEC 62471-2 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems
2. ANSI/IESNA RP-27.3-07 Recommended Practice for Photobiological Safety for
lamps – Risk Group Classification

H. Lighting Design
Roads & Bridges:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting
3. IESNA DG-21-15 Design Guide for Residential Street Lighting
4. CIE 115:2010-2nd-Edition Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic
5. BS-EN/CEN 5489-1:2013 Code of Practice for Design of Road Lighting
6. BS-EN/CEN 13201-Road lighting-Part 2: Performance requirements (Road
Lighting ME/MEW Classes)
7. IES TM-15-11+ Addendum A Backlight, Uplight, and Glare (BUG) Ratings
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ANSI/IES RP-22-11 Tunnel Lighting
3. CIE 88:2004-2nd-Edition Guide for the Lighting of Road Tunnels and
4. CEN/CR 14380:2003 Lighting Applications - Tunnel Lighting
5. BS-EN/CEN 5489-2:2003+A1:2008 Code of practice for the design of road
lighting. Lighting of tunnels
6. CIE 193-2010 Emergency Lighting in Road Tunnels
7. BS-EN 16276:2013 Evacuation Lighting in Road Tunnels
8. UAE Fire & Life Safety Code of Practice
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting (Conflict Areas)
3. CIE 115:2010-2nd-Edition Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic
(Zones of Conflict)

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Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
4. BS-EN/CEN 13201-Road lighting-Part 2: Performance requirements (Road
Lighting CE Classes)
5. BS-EN/CEN 5489-1:2013 Code of Practice for Design of Road Lighting
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting (Conflict Areas)
3. IES DG-19-08 Design guide for Roundabout Lighting
4. CIE 115:2010-2nd-Edition Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic
(Zones of Conflict)
5. BS-EN/CEN 13201-Road lighting-Part 2: Performance requirements (Road
Lighting CE Classes)
6. BS-EN/CEN 5489-1:2013 Code of Practice for Design of Road Lighting
Pedestrian Crossings:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting (Conflict Areas & Interaction)
3. CIE 115:2010-2nd-Edition Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic
4. BS-EN/CEN 13201-Road lighting-Part 2: Performance requirements (Road
Lighting EV Classes)
5. BS-EN/CEN 5489-1:2013 Code of Practice for Design of Road Lighting
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. IES RP-20-14 Lighting for Parking Facilities
3. PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014 Road lighting. Guidelines on Selection of Lighting
4. BS-EN/CEN 5489-1:2013 Code of Practice for Design of Road Lighting
Outdoor Work Places:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. CIE 129-1998 Guide for Lighting Exterior Work Areas
3. EN 12464-2:2014 Light and Lighting. Lighting of Work Places. Outdoor Work
Signage Lighting:
1. IESNA RP-19-01, Roadway Sign Lighting, 2001
2. BS EN 12899-1:2007- Fixed, Vertical Road Traffic Signs
3. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting
4. CIE 115:2010-2nd-Edition Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic
Light Pollution Mitigation:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting
3. IESNA RP-33-99, Lighting for Exterior Environments, 1999
4. IESNA TM-10 Addressing Obtrusive (Urban Sky Glow and Light Trespass)
5. CIE 126-1997 Guidelines for Minimizing Sky Glow
6. ILP Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light 2005
7. CIBSE/SLL 2012 Guide to Limiting Obtrusive Light

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P1-Ref-7

Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
8. Estidama-Pearl Community Rating System (latest version)
9. Estidama-Pearl Public Realm Rating System (latest version)
10. UPC, Abu Dhabi Safety and Security Planning Manual, P4 Lighting Surveillance

I. Solar Street Lighting

1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ISO 9488 Solar Energy – Vocabulary
3. ASTM E772 Standard Terminology Relating to Solar Energy Conversion

Solar PV Systems and Components:

1. IEC 61646ed2.0:2008 Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules - Design
Qualification and Type Approval
2. IEC 61730-1ed1.2 Consol. with am1&2 - Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety
Qualification – Part 1: Requirements for Construction.
3. IEC 62093ed1.0B:2005 Balance-of-System Components for Photovoltaic Systems
- Design Qualification Natural Environments
1. IEC 60050-486 (IEV) Chapter 486: Secondary Cells and Batteries
2. IEC 60086-1ed11.0:2011 Primary Batteries – Part 1: General
3. IEC 60086-2ed12.0:2011 Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical
4. IEC/EN 60896-11ed1.0:2002-12 Stationary lead-acid batteries - Part 11: Vented
types - General requirements and methods of tests
5. IEC/EN 60896-21:2004 Stationary Lead Acid Batteries, Valve-Regulated Types:
Methods of Test
6. IEC/EN 60896-22ed1.0:2004 Stationary Lead Acid Batteries, Valve-Regulated
Types: Requirements
7. IEC/EN 61951-2ed3.0b:2011 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or
other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 2:
Nickel-metal hydride

J. Economic/Cost - Life-Cycle Analysis

1. ISO 15686-5:2008 Buildings and constructed assets -- Service-life planning
-- Part 5: Life-cycle costing

K. Lighting Controls/PLMS
1. EN 60950 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
2. IEEE 802.15.4a - Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
3. IEC 62386 - DALI Standards
4. DMX512 Standards

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Part-1 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 – Contents

Section A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SA-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-A
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-A
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements..................................................................................................... 3
3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)........................... 4
3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017
3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned).…............. 7
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering
3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry
3.3.4 Thermal Management
3.3.5 Ingress Protection
3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials
3.3.7 LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements
3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety
3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects.............. 12
3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT
3.4.2 LED Binning
3.4.3 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement
3.4.4 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials
3.4.5 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.4.6 Project Lighting Management Requirements
3.4.7 Earthing
3.4.8 Quality Assurance
3.4.9 Warranty
4. Project Lighting Design Requirements
4.1 Appraisal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
4.2 General Design Considerations…………………………………………………………………………………. 17
4.3 Schedule of Lighting Levels……………………………………………………………………...................... 20
4.4 External Architectural Lighting……………………………………………………………………............... 21
4.5 Maintenance Factors………………………………………………........................................................ 22
4.6 Project Lighting Design Calculations…………………………………………………........................ 24
5. Project Site Verification Requirements
5.1 Project Harmonic Measurement………………………………………………………………………………. 26

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Part-2 – Contents

Section B – Sports Area Use Lighting

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SB-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-B
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-B
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements..................................................................................................... 3
3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)........................... 3
3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017
3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned).…............. 6
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering
3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry
3.3.4 Thermal Management
3.3.5 Ingress Protection
3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials
3.3.7 LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements
3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety
3.3.10 LED Luminaire Vibration Testing
3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects.............. 11
3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT
3.4.2 Project Requirement for Minimum IK-Rating
3.4.3 LED Binning
3.4.4 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement
3.4.5 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials
3.4.6 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements
3.4.7 Project Lighting Management Dimming System Requirements
3.4.8 Earthing
3.4.9 Quality Assurance
3.4.10 Warranty
4. Project Lighting Design Requirements
4.1 Appraisal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
4.2 General Design Considerations…………………………………………………………………………………. 16
4.3 Schedule of Lighting Levels……………………………………………………………………...................... 18
4.4 Maintenance Factors………………………………………………........................................................ 19
4.5 Project Lighting Design Calculations…………………………………………………........................ 21
5. Project Site Verification Requirements
5.1 Project Harmonic Measurement………………………………………………………………………………. 23

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Part-2 – Contents

Section C – Lighting Poles & Accessories

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SC-
1. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities……….......... 1
2. Special Materials………....................................................................................................... 2
3. Quality Assurance……….................................................................................................... 2
4. Warranty………........................................................................................................................ 2

Section D – Public Realm Lighting Management

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SD-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-D
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-D
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities................... 1
3. Project Controls/Lighting Management System(PLMS) Provision 2
3.1 Projects Requiring Basic Timed Operation
3.2 Projects Requiring Split-Circuit Operation or PLMS Provision
4. Lighting Controls & PLMS Technical Criteria................................................ 3
4.1 Basic Switching/Timing Controls Technical Requirements
4.1.1 Circuit Control Devices
4.1.2 General Mandatory Project Technical Requirements
4.2 PLMS Technical Requirements
4.2.1 Wired Systems
4.2.2 Wireless Systems
4.2.3 General Mandatory Project Technical Requirements
4.2.4 Optional Project Requirements
4.2.5 Prohibited Components or Capabilities
4.2.6 Central Management System (CMS) Technical Requirements
5. Public Realm Programming....................................................................................... 8
6. Quality Assurance............................................................................................................. 9
7. Warranty................................................................................................................................. 9
8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period............................................................. 10
9. Measurement and Payment..................................................................................... 11
10. Operation and Maintenance Manual................................................................ 11

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Part-2 – Contents

Section E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SE-
1. Section Explanation………................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-E
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-E
2. Public Realm Solar Lighting System Options............................................... 3
2.1 Project Selection
2.2 Standalone System
2.3 Grid-Connected System
2.4 Full Backup System
3. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 6
4. Project Cost Analysis........................................................................................................ 6
5. System Components......................................................................................................... 8
5.1 LED Luminaires
5.2 PV System
5.3 Inverters/Controllers
5.4 Batteries
5.5 Controls
5.6 Cleaning System
6. Quality Assurance.............................................................................................................. 14
7. Warranty.................................................................................................................................. 14
8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period.............................................................. 15
9. Measurement and Payment...................................................................................... 16
10. Operation and Maintenance Manual................................................................. 16

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Part-2 – Contents

Section F – Light Pollution Mitigation

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SF-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-F
1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-F
2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities.................... 2
2.1 General
2.2 Exterior Lighting
2.3 Lighting Levels at the Site Boundary and Beyond
2.4 Additional Requirements/Clarifications
3. Light Pollution Criteria Definitions……………………………………………………………………. 4
4. Design Calculation Requirements and Methodology……………………………. 5

Section G – Project Submission Requirements

Clause No. Clause Title Page P2-SG-
1. Section Explanation……….................................................................................................. 1
2. Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage………………….. 2
2.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
3. Concept Design Stage…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
3.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
3.1.1 Cover Letter
3.1.2 Lighting Report Key Aspects
3.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material
4. Preliminary Design Stage…………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
4.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
4.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Concept Report Approval
4.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects
4.1.3 Lighting Layouts Key Aspects
4.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects
4.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material
5. Detail Design Stage………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
5.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements
5.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Preliminary Design Approval
5.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects
5.1.3 Lighting Layout/Details Key Aspects
5.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects
5.1.5 Light Pollution Mitigation Report
5.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material
6. Tender/Construction Responsibilities……………………………………………………………. 11

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Part-2 – Contents

Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Standards & Guidance Categories Page P2-Ref-
A. Abu Dhabi Standards & Guidance…………………………………………………………………… 1
B. International Standards & Guidance…………………………………………………………….. 2
C. Lighting Maintenance & Measurement………………………………………………………. 2
D. Mechanical/Material.................................................................................................... 2
E. Electrical................................................................................................................................. 3
F. Light Emitting Diode (LED)......................................................................................... 4
G. LED Luminaire Performance.................................................................................... 4
H. Lighting Design.................................................................................................................. 5
I. Solar Public Realm Lighting...................................................................................... 6
J. Economic/Cost - Life-Cycle Analysis...................................................................7
K. Lighting Controls/PLMS............................................................................................. 7

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm

Part-2 Section A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-2
Section-A, refer to the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-2 Section-A of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-A

a) Reference to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook’s Chapter J: Public
Realm Lighting is made as the required reading as the primary learning resource
before undertaking any Park or Public Realm project lighting design.
b) It is statutory that all luminaires used for projects must be LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
c) From July 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED exterior luminaires to be QCC (Abu
Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council) Approved with supplied Certificate of
Conformity: under the Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting
(*1A grace period for obtaining Conformity Certification is allowed under this Manual up
to the 30th June 2017. Until this date, if a Certificate is not yet obtained, then luminaires
must be submitted with both a copy of the QCC Scheme application receipt as well as all
technical data supplied as part of the submission as described under Clause 3.2)
d) Manual Part-1 Section-A, in addition to the LED luminaire criteria aligned with QCC,
has been revised with separate clauses covering the additional specific Department
Project criteria regarding fixture and component performance, quality, lighting
design and warranty requirements.
e) LED Luminaire Useful-Life Performance basis revised from 500C ambient to 350C.
f) Light Loss Factor (LLF) term revised to Maintenance Factor (MF).
g) Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) component of the MF revised from
previous Manufacturer defined value, to new Lighting Manual Table of set values.
h) Warranty for all luminaires is minimum 5-Years (10-Years for material
components/fixture, finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the
housing) unless confirmed otherwise by The Department on specific project
i) Table of Lighting Design areas/objects/categories expanded and refined and

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SA-1

Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
additional fixture arrangement information provided.
j) Project Lighting Design and Calculation requirements standardised and set out
within the Manual.
k) Project Lighting Management requirements defined and cross-referenced with the
technical criteria within Manual Part-2 Section-D.
l) For the Solar Public Realm Lighting proposed for a project, then all project,
technical, component and material requirements for the solar system aspects are
set out within Manual Part-2 Section-E. All Lighting design, lighting fixture, lighting
calculation and lighting verification requirements remain as this Part-2 Section-A.
m) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-A

a) Any luminaires used for projects that are not LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).
b) After the 30th June 2017; any LED fixtures that are not AD Quality Marked and do
not hold a Certificate of Conformity under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme
for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures*1
c) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
d) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.
e) Any deviation from the project Lighting Design, Calculation and Site Verification
requirements as set out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook’s Chapter J: Public Realm Lighting is required
reading as the primary learning resource before undertaking any Park or Public Realm
project lighting design.

It is required that for every Public Realm and Park lighting project the Consultant shall
explore the current viability and options for solar lighting solutions in the marketplace and
propose where best it can be offered for incorporation into the project. Particular attention
should be paid to areas of the project which might provide specific advantages for having
some solar lighting technology and/or their cost of implementation can be mitigated by
other factors. These include, but are not limited to, interactive/awareness zones, integrated
with local structures, isolated areas without current electrical infrastructure, dedicated
sports areas, children’s play areas, sculptures/arts or specific paths. All Project Submissions
from Concept Stage onwards shall cover the proposal of Solar or solar lighting integration

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SA-2

Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
within the reports and detail this as applicable from Preliminary Design Stage onwards.
Refer to Manual Part-2 Section-E for all solar technical and design criteria.

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-2.

It is a statutory requirement that all luminaires used on The Department’s Public Realm and
Park Lighting projects must be LED (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire
technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their luminaires under all the required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the fixtures useful-life cycle, project location,
controls usage/programming etc.

3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements

The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously for the required useful-
lifetime performance and at the specified ambient temperature, humidity and quality
criteria as defined by this Manual. With special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day, corrosion resistance and endurance against the occasional sand
storms and dusty weather in designing the luminaire body and components.

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm

For more reference information regarding lighting technology, lamps, luminaires, electrical,
materials and lighting maintenance, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
Chapters C, D, E, M and O.

3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)

3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017

After the 30th June 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED luminaires proposed for use on
The Department’s projects to be QCC (Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council)
Approved: under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting

Any LED luminaires proposed on submissions (from Preliminary Design Stage onwards)
received after the 30th June 2017 without proof of QCC Certification will not be
allowed for use on The Department’s Projects.

A QCC Certificate of Conformity must be provided covering every luminaire proposed for
the project during submissions and Clause 3.3 of this Section can then be disregarded
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

Only applicable in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied QCC Certificates shall be the
additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and project-required design criteria
listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which all data must be provided on the project
submission for Department projects.

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s

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lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4.

3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017

Up to and including the 30th June 2017 if any proposed LED luminaires do not yet hold a
QCC Certificate of Conformity, then all luminaires must be submitted with proof of their
QCC Scheme submitted and received application and in addition must be submitted with
all the required fixture technical data listed under Clause 3.3 of this Section. All
luminaire technical information is then to be supplied as part of the project submission
along with all other Lighting Manual clause requirements.

If any luminaires have received a QCC Certification, a copy of the QCC Certificate of
Conformity must be provided for the luminaires proposed for the project and then
Clause 3.3 of this Section can be disregarded in relation to those particular luminaires;
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

In these cases, the only applicable requirements in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied
QCC Certificates will be the additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and
project-required criteria listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which data must be
provided on the project submission.

An approval as part of a project submission of an LED fixture based on the technical
criteria contained within Clause 3.3, is not prerequisite or guarantee of a future QCC
fixture certification approval. Nor conversely does an LED fixture rejection on technical
grounds for a Department project submission in any way impare a possible future
granting of QCC certification through that process. In all cases however The
Department’s decision is final for any fixtures not yet supplied with QCC Luminaire

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The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide either a Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4. Otherwise follow Clause 3.3 onwards.

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned)

Note: Disregard this Clause for LED luminaires already approved under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided QCC Certification as
described within Clause 3.2 above. For Luminaires with QCC Certification, proceed directly
to clause 3.4.

3.3.1 General

a) The LED luminaires must have applied for certification under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided proof of their submitted
and received application with the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide acknowledgment of QCC received


b) Manufacturer’s company profile including a profile of the manufacturing facilities. Valid

ISO 9001:2008 certificates of the manufacturing facilities.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer profile and ISO 9001


c) The following shall be submitted in addition to the documents required within Clauses
3.3.2 to 3.3.9 (all data in SI units):
• Photometric test data
• Full light source lamp specification
• LED Chip Reliability reports

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Photometric test data in standard format

(IES or EULUMDAT) , Full light source/lamp specification data and LED chip reliability
reports to JEDEC JESD22/JESD51 or comparable International standard (tests at +85ºC).

3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering Index

a) The LEDs shall be from a manufacturer of LEDs with ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011

or similar approved International Standard certification. (Please note: The nominal
Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard white LED colours accepted for use
for public realm/park lighting on The Department’s projects are 2700K, 3000K, 3500K
and 4000K only, although the QCC Scheme allows a wider band for all luminaire types).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide proof from LED supplier product data.

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b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy and associated Minimum Colour Rendering (CRI – Colour
Rendering Index) rating shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Minimum Luminaire Efficacy* Minimum CRI-Rating

General Column Fixture 50lm/W 80

Bollard 50lm/W 80
In Ground (buried) 50lm/W 80
Floodlight 50lm/W 80
Bulkhead 50lm/W 80
Underwater Fixture 50lm/W 80
Special 50lm/W 80
*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy and CRI, plus
actual** luminaire CCT is within acceptable limits as below in relation to Nominal CCT.

Nominal CCT (ANSI C78.377A)

Nominal CCT CCT Range (Fixture Actual Allowed**)
2700K 2725K ± 145
3000K 3045K ± 175
3500K 3465K ± 245
4000K 3985K ± 275

3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry

a) The luminaire shall be fitted with optical refractors, diffusers and/or reflectors designed
to exactly suit the specific application the fixture is intended for.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide product information describing the optical

control and components to cover the range and fixture application.

3.3.4 Thermal Management

a) The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously at the specified ambient
temperature and humidity with special attention given to the effects of direct sun-

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exposure during the day and the occasional sand storms and dust in designing the
luminaire body. The design of the luminaire shall be such that there is a direct thermal
path from the LED junctions to the atmosphere thus providing a thermal transfer effect
throughout the life of the luminaire. The thermal solution shall be proprietary and
designed by the lighting manufacturer to enable the luminaires to work efficiently in
Abu Dhabi climatic conditions. The luminaire shall be provided with a demonstrated
ventilation arrangement allowing heat to be dissipated to the atmosphere.

The luminaire shall be designed to prevent collection of debris by proven and stated
means. The design shall be such that the luminaire shall be self-cleaning in normal
operation. Provide detailed physical description of the fixture including images and

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written justification and luminaire product


b) The luminaire operating range (taking into account LED components, driver, etc.) shall
be from -20°C up to a minimum of +50°C ambient air temperature(Ta) with an
acceptable lumen-output performance at Ta+50°C needing to be demonstrated. The
operating range maximum refers to the Ta as per IEC/ISO 60598-1 or UL 1598.

Project Submission Requirement:- The effect of reduced lumen output at operation in

increased ambient temperatures (i.e. any ambient temperature higher than 25°C as per
LM-79) must be checked by a submitted LM-82 test report for 50°C ambient (testing the
luminaire’s/luminaire range’s largest LED engine/module, or (largest) whole luminaire,
per LM-82 procedures in all cases). This test shall be taken using the highest proposed
fixture/range drive current, by measuring total luminous flux or luminous intensity at
the elevated temperature and extrapolating to the 25°C Ta figure. This will be
considered acceptable provided the lumen output decrease is proved to be less-than-or-
equal-to 6%)

In addition this measured percentage drop of luminous flux shall then be applied to the
LM-79 luminaire flux value and when multiplied by the measured load at 50°C, will be
considered acceptable provided the resultant efficacy value still remains within the
minimum allowed fixture efficacy as set out within the table in Clause 3.3.2.

c) The luminaire storage range (i.e. non-operating/daytime) temperature shall be from -

20°C up to a minimum of 50°C ambient air temperature(Ta). With all internal
components suitable for storage within this range and rated between -20°C up to a
minimum of 80°C..

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of the conformity of the

Luminaire to the required storage extremes.

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3.3.5 Ingress Protection

a) The luminaire control gear and LED optical-unit components shall be externally fully
rated to the minimum IP (Ingress Protection) rating and IK (Mechanical Strength) rating
as set out in the table below and have proven means of negating internal condensation
build-up for their application and be able to operate in high relative humidity.

Fixture Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

General Column Fixture IP65 IK07*

Bollard IP-65 (top and bottom) IK07*
In Ground (buried) IP-67 (top and bottom) IK08
Floodlight IP66 IK07*
Bulkhead IP65 IK07*
IP-68 (including all
Underwater Fixture IK10
IP-65-68 (to suit
Special IK07*
*Any glass diffusers or components must have a minimum IK08 rating.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test reports for IP and IK ratings: IP rating
determined by IEC 60529 or comparable International standard, IK rating determined by
IEC 62262 or comparable International standard.

3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials

a) All Exterior pressure die-cast aluminum alloy components shall have a copper content
percentage of less than 3.5% by mass.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of pressure die-cast aluminum

alloy standard used and associated component copper content (by mass) to ISO 3522,
EN/BS 1706 Standards or other comparable International standard.

b) Testing of exterior metal coated/painted and non-coated components for proven and
demonstrated corrosion resistance.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report to ASTM D1654-08 or other

comparable International standard for evaluation of a sample of the exterior painted or

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coated metals subjected to corrosive environments. Or provide test report to EN/ISO
9227, ASTM B117-11 or other comparable International standard for Salt Spray test of
finished luminaire body and all metal coated/painted and non-coated fixture
components for minimum 1000hours, or approved accelerated test method under these

c) Where different metallic materials are used together, then proof of avoidance of bi-
metallic or galvanic corrosion with any touching dissimilar metals must be assured.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written report of all dissimilar metals used
within the lighting fixture and confirmation of the method/design in avoiding bi-metallic
or galvanic corrosion.

d) All synthetic optical materials shall be resistant to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation

and scratch resistant.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration with supporting evidence that

the resistance to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation will be sufficient to not
significantly affect the luminaire performance during the Department’s expected useful
lifetime of the luminaire. Manufacturer to submit a datasheet of the proposed optic
material to show both the Ultraviolet Radiation degredation resistance and scratch
resistance of the external optical synthetic material.

3.3.7 Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following requirements:
• Case Temperature (Tc) rating -40°C to +80°C at a minimum 95% Relative
Humidity (RH). Luminaires with open drivers need to prove Luminaire ambient
of 50°C maximum in equivalence with this requirement
• Nominal rated Input voltage: 220-240V±10% 50Hz (198-264V min. Input range)
• Drivers shall have a Power Factor (PF) of L ≥ 0.90
• Driver shall be UL and/or IEC Certified
• Drivers shall be Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant
• Drivers shall have a Total individual luminaire Harmonic Distortion (THD) of:
≤20% in accordance with ANSI C82.77-2002 or comparable International

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above

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3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements

a) Demonstrate 50,000 hour useful life of the luminaire based on the simplified B20-L70
threshold at ambient temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual average
recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide lumen maintenance report for 50,000 hour,
B20-L70 @ (Tq) of 35°C for the luminaire, referring to the chip manufacturer’s IES LM-80
data for demonstrated curve/drive current/ fVoltage. Using IES TM-21 or comparable
IEC/international standard.

3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety

a) Luminaire must comply with Photobiological Safety of lamps and lamp systems in
accordance with the requirements of IEC 62471 or ANSI/IES RP-27.3-2007.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test results for IEC 62471, ANSI/IES RP-27.3-
2007 or comparable International standards. The fixture must pass all fascets of the
tests for “No Risk”/”Exempt” results.

3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects

The LED luminaires in addition to the QCC Certification/minimum requirements as

defined within Clause 3.3, must adhere to the following specific supplimentary
requirements for use on The Department’s projects. Supporting data to be provided on
project submissions as stated within the following clauses:

3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT

a) The nominal Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard white LED colours
accepted for use for Public Realm and Parks on The Department’s projects are 2700K,
3000K, 3500K and 4000K only. Actual nominal CCT to be confirmed by the Consultant
for the specific project and all associated luminaire data and lighting calculations must
be undertaken for luminaires with the specific CCT LEDs chosen. These CCTs are the
warmer end of the available range and required for both their better colour rendering
properties available within this range as well as their more appropriate use for human
public realm activities as part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Public Lighting Strategy.

Note: Public Realm & Park lighting schemes are always visually more successful when
using varying CCTs within different luminaire types. Playing with the colour choices
creates depth and layers for different tasks.

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Project Submission Requirement:- Provide confirmation of project selected nominal

b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy for use on The Department’s projects shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Project Luminaire Efficacy*

General Column Fixture ≥75lm/W

Bollard ≥70lm/W
In Ground (buried) ≥70lm/W
Floodlight ≥80lm/W
Bulkhead ≥70lm/W
Underwater Fixture ≥70lm/W
Special ≥65lm/W
*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy.

3.4.2 LED Binning

a) White-light luminaires shall be maximum proved MacAdam Ellipse Step-4. White-light

luminaires and/or white LEDs at Step-5, Step-6 or Step-7 Binning are not acceptable.
This does not apply for coloured or RGB fixtures/LEDs.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide copies of highlighted LED chip data or full
luminaire LM-79-08 test data to show compliance acheived within limits of Step-4 or

3.4.3 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement

a) The fixture shall be ‘servicable’: Drivers and LED modules/boards/engine shall be site
removable/replaceable without any possible risk to maintaining luminaire photometry
and without the need to demount the fixtures for sake of future upgrading/
maintenance requirements if required.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written descriptions of LED source

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maintenance and replacement.

3.4.4 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials

a) Any steel body materials, components, bolts, nuts and hardened washers shall be
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any steel

components to show all are galvanised to ASTM-A153 comparable standard or other
comparable International standard.

b) Any external stainless steel body materials, components bolts, nuts and hardened
washers shall be minimum 316 Grade or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any stainless

steel components to show all are minimum 316 Grade to ASTM-SAE comparable
standard or other comparable International standard.

3.4.5 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following additional project requirements:
• Driver shall be minimum 1-10v dimmable/addressable and 1-10v+DALI allowed
(DALI-only drivers can be proposed, but only if PLMS is included as part of the
project and a specific DALI-compliant PLMS provided as part of the project)
• Driver can have some means of built-in overheat thermal protection in the form
of either automatic dimming or stepping/holding down of the driver. But this
function can be present only if devices activate after the case-temperature
exceeds that experienced within the luminaire’s normal required maximum
operational limits: i.e. with Ta50°C (outside ambient-air temperature to the

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above
requirements. If thermal protection is present within the driver, then proof required to
confirm it’s operation is not activated within the normal stated limits of luminaire
thermal operational requirements.

3.4.6 Project Lighting Management Requirements

a) Depending on the project type, size, scope, dynamic lighting, Estidama compliance
and/or Light Pollution Mitigation requirements, the project’s lighting management must
be established to ensure the required level of circuit switching, dimming, controls etc.
are provided. Refer to Manual Part-2 Section-D for the specific technical requirements

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
for lighting management and Manual Part-2 Section-F for the specific technical
requirements for Light Pollution Mitigation which might determine the level of lighting
management needed to be designed into the project. Special attention should be paid
to any Parks/Public Realm projects which will be used after 23:00 hours as the
allowances for the various aspects of light pollution are different before and after this
threshold time.

The Consultant must propose and agree the lighting management with The Department
as part of the project Concept Design Stage submission approval process. If approved by
the Department this approach must then be described and designed for all further
project design stages, through and including to Tender.

Project Submission Requirement:- Check the project against the requirements detailed
within Manual Part-2 Sections-D and F and undertake the Concept Design to meet these
requirements. If approved follow the technical criteria set out within Manual Part-2
Section D for the Preliminary and Detail Design proposals as well as within the project

3.4.7 Earthing

a) Earthing of the LED luminaire shall be as per a class I “electrical unit” to EN/IEC 60598-1:
protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but which
includes an additional safety precaution in such a way that means are provided for the
connection of accessible conductive parts to the protective (earthing) conductor in the
fixed wiring of the installation in such a way that accessible conductive parts cannot
become live in the event of a failure of the basic insulation.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer’s details of the class-I earthing

connection to achieve the Manual’s requirements to EN/IEC 60598-1 or comparable
International standard.

3.4.8 Quality Assurance

a) The Department may request standard production model luminaire samples, identical
(including LED Package) to the proposed products, to be installed for inspection. The
Department shall be sole judge regarding acceptability of optical system performance.

b) To verify luminaire performance and compliance with the specifications, The

Department may also request additional testing of sample luminaires. All such testing
shall be from accredited laboratories.

c) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory

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inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.
The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

3.4.9 Warranty

Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of

project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement material, fixture,
finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the housing, all external
components; such as lenses, gaskets & fastenings, and the fixture finishes shall include
warranty against failure or substantial deteriorations such as corrosion, blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents) with no cost to
The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty for
defective or non-starting LED source assemblies with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty on all
supplied drivers, power supply units (PSUs), electrical components and in-built control
components with no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty for on-
maintained luminance levels on all light sources (LED package, LED array, or LED
module) including, but not limited to the LED die, encapsulate, and phosphor. Stating
B20 compliance for a minimum of 5 years. If the expected useful life performance
parameters of the luminaire system are not being maintained, then the manufacturer
shall replace the light source(s) or luminaire as needed with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the luminaire or
luminaire component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of luminaires, obtaining Authority NOCs,
traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any
associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These requirements
are purely in regards to the terms of Luminaire/Luminaire Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Luminaire Supplier(s),
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

4. Project Lighting Design Requirements

For all project lighting design and calculations, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting
Handbook for guidance on applying the requirements of the Lighting Manual. Particular
attention should be given to Handbook Chapters F, H, I, J, M and O.

4.1 Appraisal

The Consultant shall read fully the Public Realm Section: Chapter J of the Public Realm &
Street Lighting Handbook prior to designing the lighting for all Public Realm and Parks. This
Chapter provides information and recommendations on how to approach the lighting within
public realm and will aid ideas for concepts and themes as well as details on how to ensure
the correct balance is to be achieved to provide good nighttime visual environments.

4.2 General Design Considerations

a) Mesopic Multipliers
Use of Mesopic multipliers shall be disallowed herein, by assuming an S/P ratio of 1.00
for all luminaires in all calculations.

b) Solar Provision
It is a statutory requirement that for every Public Realm and Park lighting project the
Consultant shall explore the current viability and options for solar lighting solutions in
the marketplace and propose where best it can be offered for incorporation into each
specific project. This is not necessarily to look just at solar column fixtures for pathways
etc. nor is a requirement to look at all or the majority of possible fixtures to be solar
fixtures unless this is specifically requested by The Department. But particular attention
should be paid to areas of the project which might provide key advantages for The
Department for having some solar lighting technology and/or their cost of
implementation can be mitigated by other factors. These include, but are not limited to,
interactive/awareness zones, integrated with local structures, isolated areas without
current electrical infrastructure, dedicated sports areas, children’s play areas,

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
sculptures/arts or specific paths. All Project Submissions from Concept Stage onwards
shall not ignore this consideration and the Consultant shall cover the proposal of solar
or solar lighting integration within the reports and detail this as applicable from
Preliminary Design Stage onwards. Refer to Manual Part-2 Section-E for all solar
technical and design criteria.

c) Parking
For any areas within Public Realm/Parks which include car parking, these are to be
designed as per the requirements of Part-1 Section-A and the fixtures and lighting
design shall be undertaken to this Section’s criteria and as per the “Parking Lots/Off-
Street Bays” category.

d) Lighting Columns/Bollards
The Consultant shall undertake all necessary detailing and co-ordination (especially
during the Detail Design Stage/submission) to ensure columns and bollards etc. are
never mounted within softscape. Fixtures must always be mounted in hardscape or on a
hard formed base and coordinated with the landscape design and detailing.

e) Coordination with Planting

All fixtures intended for illumination of planting and/or located within planting must
allow for the future growth and maintenance of the planting within the lighting design
as far as aiming, future adjustment and plant maintenance.

f) Fixture Family
The Consultant shall select lighting fixtures in coordination with the other furniture
items proposed for the project. This includes the aesthetics, finishes, colours, scale and
theme, with all relevant key aspects forming part of the luminaire selection and project
specification. Consider if existing lighting elements are being retained. Lighting fixtures
should be sympathetic to these existing items. Existing lighting not conforming to this
Manual’s technical standards though shall not be retained within a project.

g) External Architectural Lighting

This Section also covers the external architectural lighting of any structures/buildings
within the Public Realm or Park project and, if applicable, the Consultant shall ensure all
the special considerations set out within Clause 4.4 for architectural lighting are met
within the overall design. The lighting design criteria for the illumination of facades
could also be applied elsewhere as they are based on International recommendations.

h) Internal Lighting and Lighting Integrated with Structural Elements

Any structures/buildings such as toilet blocks, plant rooms, ‘Smart’ technology
structures/artworks etc. within public realm shall have their internal/external lighting
and any emergency lighting designed as per this Manual or (for internal/ emergency
lighting) as per stated International Standards as listed within Section-G. Access paths/

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
entrances/surround shall be balanced with the project adjacent ambient lighting levels.
i) Coloured Light with Coloured and RGB LEDs
Coloured LEDs, emit coloured light directly from the chip without additional filtering
required. As such the values obtained within lighting design software from luminaire
photometry can accurately compared against white light fixtures and the resultant
illuminance and luminance figures a good guide to effectiveness.

Conversion factors do not need to be applied as the outputs in all colours is achieved at
100% of the rated outputs. However it is always suggested to physically test and if
necessary mock-up any coloured lighting solutions within the proposal before finalizing
the design and fixture specifications

j) Wiring, Connections & Junction Boxes

Unless a lighting fixture can cater for direct internal termination of SWA (Steel Wire
Armoured) or any other form of armoured cable, all Public Realm and Park lighting
final circuits must be undertaken utilising double-insulated un-armoured flexible
cables with another form of physical mechanical cable protection proposed such as
ducts and/or tiles. This is to ensure both fixture IP ratings are maintained and circuits
can avoid unnecessary and hazardous additional joint/ junctions etc. The Consultant
shall ensure all luminaires proposed have a terminal-block capacity to directly take the
size of cable csa required within the project design. Any required junction boxes, cables,
connections or control devices however shall be integrated into the landscaping through
suitable concealed means in a logical and designed manner by the Consultant. The
proposed installation method(s), protection, maintenance methodology, accessibility,
finishes and locations shall be detailed and presented to The Department as part of the
Detail Design Stage submission.

k) Signage
For any signage within a public realm/park project, refer to Part-1 Section-F for details
of what lighting requirements need to be ensured for the signs. Generally within public
realm the aim of the Consultant is to ensure the siting/positioning of signs is
coordinated with the general lighting so that they are illuminated to required levels
naturally from the ambient lighting levels. If however specific lighting is required/
proposed, the technical criteria and lighting design requirements for all cases is to be
undertaken and followed as per Part-1 Section-F.

l) Cost Analysis
The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project and in accordance with the instructions
given by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure all the above criteria and recommedations for
the specific project are applied as applicable.

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
4.3 Schedule of Lighting Levels

Minimum Average Uniformity

Specific Area, Use, Task or Feature Design Level: Ratio Notes
(Minimum to
Main/Primary Pathways 8-10 Lux Uo≥0.25
Secondary Pathways 4-6Lux Uo≥0.2 Use different treatment to Primary

Tertiary Pathways and Jogging Tracks 2-3 Lux Uo≥0.15 Use different treatment to Primary & Secondary

Public Squares/Open public spaces 15 Lux Uo≥0.25 Level and design dependent on location and use
Localised as necessary and higher illuminances
Play Grounds 30 Lux Uo≥0.3 for specific equipment risk. Avoid excessive glare
Informal Play/Flexible Lawn Areas 30 Lux Uo≥0.15 Refer also to Part-2 Section-B

Steps, Hazards & In balance with the surrounding lit elements to

6-30 Lux Uo≥0.6
Shared Spaces (Cyclist/Pedestrian) ensure Lux ratio remains within 3:1

Park Access Points, Exits 40 Lux Uo≥0.3 Localized treatment

Bus Stops 20 Lux Uo≥0.4 Horizontal floor plane in and around bus stop

Pedestrian Footbridges 20 Lux (30 Lux on Steps) Uo≥0.25 Or as specific CCTV requirements

Pedestrian Underpasses 100 Lux+ 30 Lux Vertical*2 Uo≥0.4 Incl. Steps. Or as specific CCTV requirements

Sikkas 5-10 Lux Uo≥0.4

Cycle Paths/Dedicated Cycle Routes 3-5 Lux + 1.5-2 Lux Vert. *2 Uo≥0.4
Cycle Racks 10 Lux Uo≥0.4
Designated Trees/Bushes* 5-10 Lux N/A On surfaces

Delivery, Rubbish & Refuse Areas 30 Lux Uo≥0.3

Outside Audience Areas 20 LUX Uo≥0.4 Controls to provide 1 Lux during performance

Performance/Stage Area 300 LUX Uo≥0.6

Position lamps to produce good reflectance in
Water (still) N/A N/A
Position lamps behind/below; aim to
Water (running) N/A N/A
into water at oblique angles or within jets.
Focal Points (large) 75 LUX N/A

Focal Points (small) 150 LUX N/A

Flag: over a dark background 100 LUX N/A

Flag: over a bright background 300 LUX N/A

Clocks: Dark surround/light surface 70 LUX N/A

Clocks: Light surround/dark surface 200 LUX N/A

(N/A = Not Applicable)

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
Notes to Table 4.3
*1 This does not mean every tree/bush shall be illuminated; only the ones selected as the project’s lighting design.
Refer the Chapter-J of the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook for advice on selection and treatment

*2 Vertical Lux calculations where required shall be checked and submitted using the DiaLux Ev (Vertical
Illuminance) output report options for all directions (Ev-West, Ev-North, Ev-East & Ev-South) to prove the average
table values are achieved for all view directions.

4.4 External Architectural Lighting

The various illuminance requirements for open public realm spaces such as public squares
and parks are given above in table 4.3. The precise requirements for the architectural
lighting to any buildings/structures’ facades found within the project and intended to be
illuminated cannot be given so specifically because the values are affected by many more
factors. However, the general recommendations of the below table are a useful starting
point and are The Department’s average illuminance limits for design. (These lighting design
criteria could also be applied for any architectural lighting outside the remit of public
realm/parks projects as they are based on International recommendations).

The Consultant shall investigate and confirm the surface material(s), the state of cleanliness
and the district brightness; it is assumed that building/structure facade surfaces are
generally matt; specular or metallic finishes will require additional special consideration.

Successful building floodlighting depends on much more than achieving the recommended
maximum average illuminance and there is only an indirect relationship between
illuminance, luminance and the visual effect produced.

The project designer must endeavour to integrate the lighting within the public realm or
structure/building in the most appropriate way possible.

The simplified procedure comprises of 5 steps:

• Determination of required illuminance from the below table

• Choice of fixture type(s) (generally floodlights and/or architectural feature lights)
best suited to the project design and constraints
• Calculation of the number and wattage of the fixtures needed to give the required
• Determination of best mounting positions for fixtures
• Specification of aiming directions for the fixtures

Note: Under no circumstances can any architectural lighting equipment for private sector
projects/buildings be located on/within The Department’s land. Any such proposals will be

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
rejected. All private sector architectural lighting must be located on/within the private sector
plot or building.

Maximum Average Illumination (Em)=LUX

Approximate Surface for District Brightness*2
Typical Materials*1
Reflectance Condition
Low Medium High
White Brick, Tiles or Clean 15 25 40
0.8 Painted Fairly Clean 20 35 60
Fairly Dirty 45 75 120
Sand, Sand Stone, Clean 20 35 60
0.6 Portland Stone Fairly Clean 35 55 90
Fairly Dirty 65 110 180
Middle Stone, Mud Clean 30 50 80
0.4 Brick, Medium Concrete Fairly Clean 45 75 120
Fairly Dirty 90 150 240
Clean 40 60 100
0.3 Dark Stone and Tiles Fairly Clean 55 90 150
Fairly Dirty 110 180 300
Clean 55 90 150
Dark Granite, Tiles
0.2 Fairly Clean 80 140 230
Red Brick
Fairly Dirty 160 280 450

*1 Based on reflectance for white light. Values will need to be adapted for LED light sources with a defined colour;
illuminance shall then be defined through lighting software calculation or with site trials/mock-ups.

*2 Typical districts are: Low Brightness – Rural, Medium Brightness – Suburban, High Brightness – Town and City
Centres. Refer also to the definitions/requirements of UPC/Estidama.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure complete compliance with the tables and associated
notes for all lighting designs and lighting calculations undertaken for projects. Citing any
justifications for design decisions where described above within any project street lighting
reports and within the DiaLux lighting calculation output reports described with Clause 4.5.

4.5 Maintenance Factors

Note: Maintenance Factor (MF) and Light Loss Factor (LLF) are the same. Previous use of the
term LLF is now replaced by MF in the Lighting Manual in line with modern International

MF = LLD x LDD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation x Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
Project Maintenance Factors for lighting calculations shall never be assumed, nor default values
used in any lighting calculations submitted to The Department. All Maintenance Factors shall be
calculated and justified in accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

LLD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation)

The following method shall be used to determine the Lamp Lumen Depreciation component of
the Maintenance Factor used in the DiaLux lighting design software calculation:

The Consultant shall demonstrate the 50,000 hour lumen depreciation of the luminaire at 100%
output at an average night time temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual
average recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). The
methodology to be used is as follows:

a) The manufacturer shall submit a Thermal Report to a suitable reference & standard
agreed by The Department, showing the highest Ts (solder point temperature of an LED)
recorded within the luminaire, usually at the centre of the fitting and the centre of the
PCB or what would appear logically to be the hottest region of the optical
compartment. This thermal test will be conducted at 25°C ambient.

b) 10°C shall then be added to the hottest recorded Ts to simulate the required average
night time temperature of 35°C.

c) The LM-80 report from the chip manufacturer shall be provided showing the associated
Alpha and Beta (α and β) figures for each of the three Ts measurements namely, 55°C,
85°C and 105°C at the proposed driving current. The most appropriate higher Alpha and
Beta will be chosen for the Ts + 10°C. (Note: figures from “Energy Star” type calculations
can only be submitted as per TM-21 formula requirements as verification of the required
LM-80 report derived figures, never as an alternative to LM-80 or the TM-21 method).

Example; if a thermal test shows a Ts of 68°C measured at 25°C ambient at 500mA drive
current, then 10°C is added to give 78°C. In this case the most appropriate Alpha and
Beta figures would be the LM-80 data for a Ts of 85°C at 500mA. Any Ts measurements
that exceed 105°C (including the added 10°C for Tq 35°C) will not be permitted.

d) These Alphas and Betas will then be applied to the TM-21 formula which calculates the
expected lumen output at 50,000 hours.
The TM-21 equation to be used is: Lxx = β e^ (-αt) (with t = 50,000 hours)

e) This lumen output (percentage) figure (Lxx) shall then be used as the LLD component
(Lamp Lumen Depreciation) which forms part of the MF to be used in all DESIGN
calculations. The LLD must be ≥0.70 or the fixture will not be allowed for use on
Department projects.

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
Project Submission Requirement:- As per the stated process, provide the following:
Thermal Test Report at 25°C detailing the highest Ts within the luminaire. LM-80 Report from
chip manufacturer with α & β for the proposed driving current. TM-21 Calculation as per the
given formula.

LDD (Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

The following table shall be used to justify the appropriate Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in
accordance with the external optical material of the specific fixture and the appropriate
pollution category for the specific project. The appropriate value shall be selected from the table
and inputted as the LDD component of the Maintenance Factor with selection explained within
the MF written justification.

*Unless specifically informed otherwise by The Department, or with another justifiable reason,
assume Cleaning Interval as 12-months.

Fixture With Glass External Optic Fixture Without Glass External Optic
Project Pollution Category Project Pollution Category
Cleaning Interval High Medium Low High Medium Low
6 months 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.92 0.93 0.94
12 months* 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.91 0.92 0.93
18 months 0.91 0.92 0.96 0.9 0.91 0.92
24 months 0.90 0.91 0.95 0.88 0.89 0.91
36 months 0.89 0.91 0.95 0.83 0.87 0.90
Project Pollution Category:
High – Remote/desert areas, major city centres, heavy industrial areas
Medium– High density residential, light commercial/industrial, coastal areas
Low- low-density city residential, Park/island areas

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written report of the calculated Maintenance

Factor (for every different luminaire proposed) as per the above instructions for the LLD and
LDD components and ensure these Maintenance Factors are used in all lighting calculations in
which the particular LED luminaire is proposed.

4.6 Project Lighting Design Calculations

Lighting Design Calculations; assuming 50,000 hours of luminaire operation at 35C average
ambient temperature (Takes into account the annual average recorded night time temperature
for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). DiaLux calculations shall use the derived MF
value(s) as calculated under the requirements set out in 4.5 above and with these MFs used
designs shall achieve the Minimum Average Design Levels, Uniformities and other applicable

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
parameters set out within the Tables within 4.3 (and 4.4 for any architectural lighting

The Consultant shall undertake all necessary lighting calculations for the project based on the
specific requirements set out within all of Section-A Clause 4.

All lighting calculations shall be undertaken using DiaLux lighting design software, using the
Exterior Scene calculation section, as appropriate. DiaLux is certified Freeware and can be
obtained from or direct from luminaire manufacturers.

Note: DiaLux Evo can also be used if required as is especially useful in representing whole areas
made up of many different adjacent tasks, objects etc. which can be viewed together. However
it can only be submitted as an additional report to DiaLux if useful in justifying particular aspects
of the design for a submission.

DiaLux lighting calculations (at 100% luminaire output) for a project shall be issued within a
single DiaLux-generated report format and the Consultant shall comply with the following

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be entered in full
• Designer’s details and contact information shall be entered in full
• Project Notes section to be filled in for all justifications/notes required
• Each separate relevant task/element/object calculation to be titled logically for the
project and cross-referenced to project drawings/reports specifically
• A typical cross-section or example of any repeating public realm/park elements; such as
paths & trees, can be provided without all areas needing to be shown
• Tables within 4.3 (and 4.4 for any architectural lighting calculations) and associated
notes shall form the basis of all calculations with base variables (Lux, Uo) manually
adapted from software defaults as necessary to exactly match table requirements
• Clause 4.5 calculated Maintenance Factors only shall form the basis of all entered
MF(LLF) values used and replace any DiaLux default values
• Public realm layouts/dimensions shall be inputted exactly as per the project
• Fixture locations shall exactly match those for the project

• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following selected
minimum options as and where applicable (These are DiaLux standard Output Report
Options to be selected before generating the report):

Project Cover
Table of Contents
Luminaire Parts List (overall project)

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm
Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
Per Area or Element Calculation
Planning Data
Luminaire Parts List
Photometric Results
3D Rendering
False Colour Rendering
Valuation Fields: Isolines (E)
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (E)
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev West) *1
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev North) *1
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev East) *1
Valuation Fields: Isolines (Ev South) *1
*1 Required only for Cycle Paths/Dedicated Cycle Routes and Pedestrian Underpasses

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide the Dialux Lighting Calculation Output Report fully in
adhereance to the above requirements in PDF format. In addition, provide the source .DLX file
(DiaLux file) alongside the PDF Report in all submissions to The Department.

5. Project Site Verification Requirements

5.1 Project Harmonic Measurement

The Contractor shall measure the harmonic at the supply point (LV side of the distribution
substation) after the installation of all the LED fixtures and adopt harmonic compensation
methods, if required, to limit the total harmonics distortion in the supply voltage.

The maximum allowed total harmonics distortion is to be taken as 5% (or as per latest Electricity
Authority latest requirements if different) and in accordance with IEEE 519 Regulations.

Warning: Under no circumstances shall any LED luminaires be directly connected to a

temporary generator for field testing, nor should they be energised via a temporary generator
without seeking fixture manufacturer approval, as the output from many generators on start-
up can permanently damage the luminaire components and thus render the fixture warranties

Temporary generator energisation can only be undertaken with prior and written
confirmation obtained from the fixture manufacturers stating they approve that their fixtures
can be energised by this means with details of the specific generator used and method
statement for connection and energisation.

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Part-2 Section-A – Lighting for Parks & Public Realm

The Contractor is fully responsible for all electrical connections to the LED fixtures and if
damage is caused to fixtures due to ignoring this warning will have to undertake remedial
action to replace any affected luminaires at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report of the project installation and proof of
harmonic distortion limit compliance.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting

Part-2 Section B – Sports Area Use Lighting

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-2
Section-B, refer to the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-2 Section-B of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-B

a) Reference to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook’s Chapter K: Sports
Lighting is made as the required reading as the primary learning resource before
undertaking any Sports facility lighting design within Public Realm.
b) It is statutory that all luminaires used for projects must be LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
c) From July 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED exterior luminaires to be QCC (Abu
Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council) Approved with supplied Certificate of
Conformity: under the Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting
(*1A grace period for obtaining Conformity Certification is allowed under this Manual up
to the 30th June 2017. Until this date, if a Certificate is not yet obtained, then luminaires
must be submitted with both a copy of the QCC Scheme application receipt as well as all
technical data supplied as part of the submission as described under Clause 3.2)
d) Manual Part-1 Section-A, in addition to the LED luminaire criteria aligned with QCC,
has been revised with separate clauses covering the additional specific Department
Project criteria regarding fixture and component performance, quality, lighting
design and warranty requirements.
e) LED Luminaire Useful-Life Performance basis revised from 500C ambient to 350C.
f) Light Loss Factor (LLF) term revised to Maintenance Factor (MF).
g) Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) component of the MF revised from
previous Manufacturer defined value, to new Lighting Manual Table of set values.
h) Warranty for all luminaires is minimum 5-Years (10-Years for material
components/fixture, finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the
housing) unless confirmed otherwise by The Department on specific project
i) Table of Lighting Design expanded and refined and additional fixture arrangement

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
information provided.
j) Project Lighting Design and Calculation requirements standardised and set out
within the Manual.
k) Project Lighting Management requirements defined and cross-referenced with the
technical criteria within Manual Part-2 Section-D.
l) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-B

a) Any luminaires used for projects that are not LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).
b) After the 30th June 2017; any LED fixtures that are not AD Quality Marked and do
not hold a Certificate of Conformity under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme
for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures*1
c) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
d) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.
e) Any deviation from the project Lighting Design, Calculation and Site Verification
requirements as set out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook’s Chapter K: Sports Lighting is made as the
required reading as the primary learning resource before undertaking any Sports facility
lighting design within Public Realm.

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-2.

It is a statutory requirement that all luminaires used on The Department’s Sports Lighting
projects must be LED (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology as
defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their luminaires under all the required design conditions.

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the fixtures useful-life cycle, project location,
controls usage/programming etc.

3. LED Luminaires
3.1 General Requirements

The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously for the required useful-
lifetime performance and at the specified ambient temperature, humidity and quality
criteria as defined by this Manual. With special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day, corrosion resistance and endurance against the occasional sand
storms and dusty weather in designing the luminaire body and components.

For more reference information regarding lighting technology, lamps, luminaires, electrical,
materials and lighting maintenance, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
Chapters C, D, E, M and O.

3.2 AD Quality Mark (QCC Exterior LED Luminaire Certification)

3.2.1 After the 30th June 2017

After the 30th June 2017 it will be mandatory for all LED luminaires proposed for use on
The Department’s projects to be QCC (Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council)
Approved: under the QCC Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting

Any LED luminaires proposed on submissions (from Preliminary Design Stage onwards)

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
received after the 30th June 2017 without proof of QCC Certification will not be
allowed for use on The Department’s Projects.

A QCC Certificate of Conformity must be provided covering every luminaire proposed for
the project during submissions and Clause 3.3 of this Section can then be disregarded
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

Only applicable in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied QCC Certificates shall be the
additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and project-required design criteria
listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which all data must be provided on the project
submission for Department projects.

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4.

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
3.2.2 Up to and including the 30th June 2017

Up to and including the 30th June 2017 if any proposed LED luminaires do not yet hold a
QCC Certificate of Conformity, then all luminaires must be submitted with proof of their
QCC Scheme submitted and received application and in addition must be submitted with
all the required fixture technical data listed under Clause 3.3 of this Section. All
luminaire technical information is then to be supplied as part of the project submission
along with all other Lighting Manual clause requirements.

If any luminaires have received a QCC Certification, a copy of the QCC Certificate of
Conformity must be provided for the luminaires proposed for the project and then
Clause 3.3 of this Section can be disregarded in relation to those particular luminaires;
with none of the data pertaining to this Clause needing to be submitted.

In these cases, the only applicable requirements in addition to the LED fixtures’ supplied
QCC Certificates will be the additional specific Lighting Manual fixture-technical and
project-required criteria listed from Clause 3.4 onwards, for which data must be
provided on the project submission.

An approval as part of a project submission of an LED fixture based on the technical
criteria contained within Clause 3.3, is not prerequisite or guarantee of a future QCC
fixture certification approval. Nor conversely does an LED fixture rejection on technical
grounds for a Department project submission in any way impare a possible future
granting of QCC certification through that process. In all cases however The
Department’s decision is final for any fixtures not yet supplied with QCC Luminaire

The QCC Certification Scheme provides certification for a fixture and/or fixture
range/family; within the allowed criteria set out under the scheme. The specific optics
option of the luminaire are not a critical parameter within the scheme and as such if the
luminaire proposed for a particular project has an optic which differs from that used for
certification, this is not an issue for compliance and is allowed as long as The
Department’s project specific minimum fixture efficacy requirements stated within
clause 3.4.1 of this Section are met with the particular optic used and photometry
provided to show actual fixture efficacy value.

If the luminaire proposed for a project has different/revised LED package to that
installed within the fixture(s) gaining compliance (i.e. using a new generation of LED
sources), this too is allowed as long as the fixture’s body, materials, driver and drive
current remain the same (or less in regards to drive current) and the overall fixture’s
lumen output is similar. Justification must be made to the Department alongside the QCC
Product Conformity Certificate with all technical details and the Department shall assess

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
the justification as part of the project submission and decide if the fixture is accepted as
being covered under the existing Certificate or must require new certification. The
Department’s decision is final and it is advised for all manufacturers to ensure regular
certification of updated fixture families as required to ensure compliance is maintained.

If the Specifications within the QCC Certification Scheme becomes a UAE Standard
through adoption by ESMA (Emirates Association for Standards & Metrology), then from
the date this becomes active the QCC Certification procedure will simply refer to the
ESMA Standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide either a Copy of QCC Product Conformity

Certificate(s) and proceed to Clause 3.4. Otherwise follow Clause 3.3 onwards.

3.3 LED Luminaire Technical & Material Requirements (QCC aligned)

Note: Disregard this Clause for LED luminaires already approved under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided QCC Certification as
described within Clause 3.2 above. For Luminaires with QCC Certification, proceed directly
to clause 3.4.

3.3.1 General

a) The LED luminaires must have applied for certification under the QCC Abu Dhabi
Certification Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting, with provided proof of their submitted
and received application with the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide acknowledgment of QCC received


b) Manufacturer’s company profile including a profile of the manufacturing facilities. Valid

ISO 9001:2008 certificates of the manufacturing facilities.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer profile and ISO 9001


c) The following shall be submitted in addition to the documents required within Clauses
3.3.2 to 3.3.9 (all data in SI units):
• Photometric test data
• Full light source lamp specification
• LED Chip Reliability reports

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
Project Submission Requirement:- Provide Photometric test data in standard format
(IES or EULUMDAT) , full light source/lamp specification data and LED chip reliability
reports to JEDEC JESD22/JESD51 or comparable International standard (tests at +85ºC).

3.3.2 Minimum Whole-Luminaire Efficacy & Colour Rendering Index

a) The LEDs shall be from a manufacturer of LEDs with ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011

or similar approved International Standard certification. (Please note: The nominal
Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard white LED colours accepted for use
for Sports lighting on The Department’s projects are 4000K, 4500K, 5000K and 5700K
only, although the QCC Scheme allows a wider band for all luminaire types).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide proof from LED supplier product data.

b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy and associated Minimum Colour Rendering (CRI – Colour
Rendering Index) rating shall be as follows:

Fixture Type Minimum Luminaire Efficacy* Minimum CRI-Rating

Sports Application Floodlight 75lm/W 60

*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy and CRI, plus
actual** luminaire CCT is within acceptable limits as below in relation to Nominal CCT.

Nominal CCT (ANSI C78.377A)

Nominal CCT CCT Range (Fixture Actual Allowed**)
4000K 3985K ± 275
4500K 4503K ± 243
5000K 5028K ± 283
5700K 5665K ± 355

3.3.3 Optical Control & Photometry

a) The luminaire shall be fitted with optical refractors, diffusers and/or reflectors designed
to exactly suit the specific application the fixture is intended for.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide product information describing the optical

control and components to cover the range and fixture application.

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
3.3.4 Thermal Management

a) The LED luminaires shall be designed to operate continuously at the specified ambient
temperature and humidity with special attention given to the effects of direct sun-
exposure during the day and the occasional sand storms and dust in designing the
luminaire body. The design of the luminaire shall be such that there is a direct thermal
path from the LED junctions to the atmosphere thus providing a thermal transfer effect
throughout the life of the luminaire. The thermal solution shall be proprietary and
designed by the lighting manufacturer to enable the luminaires to work efficiently in
Abu Dhabi climatic conditions. The luminaire shall be provided with a demonstrated
ventilation arrangement allowing heat to be dissipated to the atmosphere.

The luminaire shall be designed to prevent collection of debris by proven and stated
means. The design shall be such that the luminaire shall be self-cleaning in normal
operation. Provide detailed physical description of the fixture including images and

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written justification and luminaire product


b) The luminaire operating range (taking into account LED components, driver, etc.) shall
be from -20°C up to a minimum of +50°C ambient air temperature(Ta) with an
acceptable lumen-output performance at Ta+50°C needing to be demonstrated. The
operating range maximum refers to the Ta as per IEC/ISO 60598-1 or UL 1598.

Project Submission Requirement:- The effect of reduced lumen output at operation in

increased ambient temperatures (i.e. any ambient temperature higher than 25°C as per
LM-79) must be checked by a submitted LM-82 test report for 50°C ambient (testing the
luminaire’s/luminaire range’s largest LED engine/module, or (largest) whole luminaire,
per LM-82 procedures in all cases). This test shall be taken using the highest proposed
fixture/range drive current, by measuring total luminous flux or luminous intensity at
the elevated temperature and extrapolating to the 25°C Ta figure. This will be
considered acceptable provided the lumen output decrease is proved to be less-than-or-
equal-to 6%)

In addition this measured percentage drop of luminous flux shall then be applied to the
LM-79 luminaire flux value and when multiplied by the measured load at 50°C, will be
considered acceptable provided the resultant efficacy value still remains within the
minimum allowed fixture efficacy as set out within the table in Clause 3.3.2.

c) The luminaire storage range (i.e. non-operating/daytime) temperature shall be from -

20°C up to a minimum of 50°C ambient air temperature(Ta). With all internal

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
components suitable for storage within this range and rated between -20°C up to a
minimum of 80°C..

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of the conformity of the

Luminaire to the required storage extremes.

3.3.5 Ingress Protection

a) The luminaire control gear and LED optical-unit components shall be externally fully
rated to the minimum IP (Ingress Protection) rating and IK (Mechanical Strength) rating
as set out in the table below and have proven means of negating internal condensation
build-up for their application and be able to operate in high relative humidity.

Fixture Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

Sport Application Floodlight IP66 IK08

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test reports for IP and IK ratings: IP rating
determined by IEC 60529 or comparable International standard, IK rating determined by
IEC 62262 or comparable International standard.

3.3.6 Copper Content, Corrosion Resistance & Synthetic Materials

a) All Exterior pressure die-cast aluminum alloy components shall have a copper content
percentage of less than 3.5% by mass.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration of pressure die-cast aluminum

alloy standard used and associated component copper content (by mass) to ISO 3522,
EN/BS 1706 Standards or other comparable International standard.

b) Testing of exterior metal coated/painted and non-coated components for proven and
demonstrated corrosion resistance.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report to ASTM D1654-08 or other

comparable International standard for evaluation of a sample of the exterior painted or
coated metals subjected to corrosive environments. Or provide test report to EN/ISO
9227, ASTM B117-11 or other comparable International standard for Salt Spray test of
finished luminaire body and all metal coated/painted and non-coated fixture
components for minimum 1000hours, or approved accelerated test method under these

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
c) Where different metallic materials are used together, then proof of avoidance of bi-
metallic or galvanic corrosion with any touching dissimilar metals must be assured.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written report of all dissimilar metals used
within the lighting fixture and confirmation of the method/design in avoiding bi-metallic
or galvanic corrosion.

d) All synthetic optical materials shall be resistant to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation

and scratch resistant.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide declaration with supporting evidence that

the resistance to degredation by Ultraviolet Radiation will be sufficient to not
significantly affect the luminaire performance during the Department’s expected useful
lifetime of the luminaire. Manufacturer to submit a datasheet of the proposed optic
material to show both the Ultraviolet Radiation degredation resistance and scratch
resistance of the external optical synthetic material.

3.3.7 Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following requirements:
• Case Temperature (Tc) rating -40°C to +80°C at a minimum 95% Relative
Humidity (RH). Luminaires with open drivers need to prove Luminaire ambient
of 50°C maximum in equivalence with this requirement
• Nominal rated Input voltage: 220-240V±10% 50Hz (198-264V min. Input range)
• Drivers shall have a Power Factor (PF) of L ≥ 0.90
• Driver shall be UL and/or IEC Certified
• Drivers shall be Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant
• Drivers shall have a Total individual luminaire Harmonic Distortion (THD) of:
≤20% in accordance with ANSI C82.77-2002 or comparable International

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above

3.3.8 LED Luminaire Useful Life Requirements

a) Demonstrate 50,000 hour useful life of the luminaire based on the simplified B20-L70
threshold at ambient temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual average
recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance).

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide lumen maintenance report for 50,000 hour,

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
B20-L70 @ (Tq) of 35°C for the luminaire, referring to the chip manufacturer’s IES LM-80
data for demonstrated curve/drive current/ fVoltage. Using IES TM-21 or comparable
IEC/international standard.

3.3.9 Luminaire Photobiological Safety

a) Luminaire must comply with Photobiological Safety of lamps and lamp systems in
accordance with the requirements of IEC 62471 or ANSI/IES RP-27.3-2007.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test results for IEC 62471, ANSI/IES RP-27.3-
2007 or comparable International standards. The fixture must pass all fascets of the
tests for “No Risk”/”Exempt” results.

3.4 Particular Luminaire Requirements for The Department’s Projects

The LED luminaires in addition to the QCC Certification/minimum requirements as

defined within Clause 3.3, must adhere to the following specific supplimentary
requirements for use on The Department’s projects. Supporting data to be provided on
project submissions as stated within the following clauses:

3.4.1 Project Whole-Luminaire Minimum Efficacy & Nominal CCT

a) The nominal Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ANSI standard white LED colours
accepted for use for Sports lighting within The Department’s projects are 4000K, 4500K,
5000K and 5700K only. Actual nominal CCT to be confirmed by the Consultant for the
specific project and all associated luminaire data and lighting calculations must be
undertaken for luminaires with the specific CCT LEDs chosen. These CCTs are the cooler
end of the available range and required for higher fixture efficacies possible within this
range, to differentiate sports areas/activites to other public realm/park araes as their
more appropriate use for sports activities as part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Public
Lighting Strategy.

Note: For Informal Play Areas, which tend to blend into other public realm spaces less
formally it is advised to propose only 4000K.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide confirmation of project selected nominal


b) Minimum Luminaire Efficacy for use on The Department’s projects shall be as follows:

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting

Fixture Type Project Luminaire Efficacy*

Sports Application Floodlight ≥95lm/W

*Luminaire efficacy is given as lumen Output (lm) over input power (W) at standard
laboratory conditions. All tests to be taken at 230V.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide IES LM-79-08 test reports (Sections 11 & 12)
or comparable IEC/International standards to prove luminaire efficacy.

3.4.2 Project Requirement for Minimum IK-Rating

Fixture Type Minimum IK-Rating

Sports Application Floodlight IK10

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report for IK rating determined by IEC
62262 or comparable International standard

3.4.3 LED Binning

a) Luminaires shall be maximum proved MacAdam Ellipse Step-4. Luminaires and/or LEDs
at Step-5, Step-6 or Step-7 Binning are not acceptable.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide copies of highlighted LED chip data or full
luminaire LM-79-08 test data to show compliance acheived within limits of Step-4 or

3.4.4 Serviceability/Lamp Source Replacement

a) The fixture shall be ‘servicable’: Drivers and LED modules/boards/engine shall be site
removable/replaceable without any possible risk to maintaining luminaire photometry
and without the need to demount the fixtures for sake of future upgrading/
maintenance requirements if required.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written descriptions of LED source

maintenance and replacement.

3.4.5 Galvanised & Stainless Steel Materials

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
a) Any steel body materials, components, bolts, nuts and hardened washers shall be
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any steel

components to show all are galvanised to ASTM-A153 comparable standard or other
comparable International standard.

b) Any external stainless steel body materials, components bolts, nuts and hardened
washers shall be minimum 316 Grade or comparable International standard.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide written confirmation covering any stainless

steel components to show all are minimum 316 Grade to ASTM-SAE comparable
standard or other comparable International standard.

3.4.6 Project LED Driver Technical Requirements

a) Within the fixture the drivers shall meet the following additional project requirements:
• Driver shall be minimum 1-10v dimmable/addressable and 1-10v+DALI allowed
(DALI-only drivers can be proposed, but only if PLMS is included as part of the
project and a specific DALI-compliant PLMS provided as part of the project)
• Driver can have some means of built-in overheat thermal protection in the form
of either automatic dimming or stepping/holding down of the driver. But this
function can be present only if devices activate after the case-temperature
exceeds that experienced within the luminaire’s normal required maximum
operational limits: i.e. with Ta50°C (outside ambient-air temperature to the

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide LED driver manufacturer data sheets, test
reports and/or certification documentation demonstrating conformity to the above
requirements. If thermal protection is present within the driver, then proof required to
confirm it’s operation is not activated within the normal stated limits of luminaire
thermal operational requirements.

3.4.7 Project Lighting Management Requirements

a) Depending on the project type, size, scope, Estidama compliance and/or Light Pollution
Mitigation requirements, the project’s lighting management must be established to
ensure the required level of circuit switching, dimming, controls etc. are provided. Refer
to Manual Part-2 Section-D for the specific technical requirements for lighting
management and Manual Part-2 Section-F for the specific technical requirements for
Light Pollution Mitigation which might determine the level of lighting management
needed to be designed into the project. Special attention should be paid to any Sports
lighting projects/areas which will be used after 23:00 hours as the allowances for the

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
various aspects of light pollution are different before and after this threshold time.

The Consultant must propose and agree the lighting management with The Department
as part of the project Concept Design Stage submission approval process. If approved by
the Department this approach must then be described and designed for all further
project design stages, through and including to Tender.

Project Submission Requirement:- Check the project against the requirements detailed
within Manual Part-2 Sections-D and F and undertake the Concept Design to meet these
requirements. If approved follow the technical criteria set out within Manual Part-2
Section D for the Preliminary and Detail Design proposals as well as within the project

3.4.8 Earthing

a) Earthing of the LED luminaire shall be as per a class I “electrical unit” to EN/IEC 60598-1:
protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but which
includes an additional safety precaution in such a way that means are provided for the
connection of accessible conductive parts to the protective (earthing) conductor in the
fixed wiring of the installation in such a way that accessible conductive parts cannot
become live in the event of a failure of the basic insulation.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide manufacturer’s details of the class-I earthing

connection to achieve the Manual’s requirements to EN/IEC 60598-1 or comparable
International standard.

3.4.9 Quality Assurance

a) The Department may request standard production model luminaire samples, identical
(including LED Package) to the proposed products, to be installed for inspection. The
Department shall be sole judge regarding acceptability of optical system performance.

b) To verify luminaire performance and compliance with the specifications, The

Department may also request additional testing of sample luminaires. All such testing
shall be from accredited laboratories.

c) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

3.4.10 Warranty

Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of

project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement material, fixture,
finishes and workmanship against the deterioration of the housing, all external
components; such as lenses, gaskets & fastenings, and the fixture finishes shall include
warranty against failure or substantial deteriorations such as corrosion, blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents) with no cost to
The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty for
defective or non-starting LED source assemblies with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty on all
supplied drivers, power supply units (PSUs), electrical components and in-built control
components with no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty for on-
maintained luminance levels on all light sources (LED package, LED array, or LED
module) including, but not limited to the LED die, encapsulate, and phosphor. Stating
B20 compliance for a minimum of 5 years. If the expected useful life performance
parameters of the luminaire system are not being maintained, then the manufacturer
shall replace the light source(s) or luminaire as needed with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the luminaire or
luminaire component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of luminaires, obtaining Authority NOCs,
traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any
associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These requirements
are purely in regards to the terms of Luminaire/Luminaire Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Luminaire Supplier(s),
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

4. Project Lighting Design Requirements

For all project lighting design and calculations, refer to the Public Realm & Street Lighting
Handbook for guidance on applying the requirements of the Lighting Manual. Particular
attention should be given to Handbook Chapters F, H, I, J, K, M and O.

4.1 Appraisal

The Consultant shall read fully the Sports Lighting Section: Chapter K of the Public Realm &
Street Lighting Handbook prior to designing all sports lighting within Public Realm and Parks
projects. This Chapter provides information and recommendations on how to approach the
design of lighting for many of the more common sports activities applicable to public
projects and includes examples and sample calculation.

4.2 General Design Considerations

a) Mesopic Multipliers
Use of Mesopic multipliers shall be disallowed herein, by assuming an S/P ratio of 1.00
for all luminaires in all calculations.

b) Lighting Approach & Floodlighting Orientation

All floodlighting for pitches & courts shall be mounted equally-spaced along the sides of
the pitch or court so that the distance between each fixture is twice that of the end
fixture and pitch/court corner. Fixtures aimed tangentially (at right angles) to the
direction of play. Never mount floodlights at corners, at the pitch/court ends, behind
goals, nor aim fittings diagonally across the playing surface.

The simplified design procedure comprises of six steps:

• Determination of required illuminance, uniformity and Glare Rating from Table

4.3 (Class III figures, unless confirmed otherwise: see item e) below)
• Use International Sports Lighting Guidance for determination of specific Design
and Calculation criteria. Refer to Applicable Standards & References Section
• Choice of luminaires best suited to the sport and the area
• Calculation of the number and wattage of fixtures to give the required
illuminance and meet lighting criteria
• Determination of best arrangement and mounting positions for luminaires

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
• Specification of aiming angles/directions for the luminaires

c) Lighting Design Classes

All Lighting Levels (with the exception of Informal Play Areas) to following standard
International Class classifications as follows:

 Class I - Top Level Competition

 Class II - Intermediate Level Competition
 Class III* - Lower Level Competition, Supervised Training & Unsupervised play

*NOTE. Class III shall always be followed, unless specifically required otherwise by the
Project Brief or in writing from The Department.

d) Informal Play Areas

For Informal Play Areas, which tend to blend into other public realm spaces less formally
it is advised to propose only 4000K CCT Lighting fixtures within the project’s overall
lighting design and endeavour to combine the luminaires with other public realm
fixtures, such as adjacent pathway poles or locations following the landscape layouts.

e) Sports Lighting Columns/Fixtures/Poles

The Consultant shall undertake all necessary detailing and co-ordination (especially
during the Detail Design Stage for the Detail Design Stage submission) to ensure sports
lighting columns/fixtures/poles are never mounted within softscape. Fixtures must
always be mounted in hardscape or on a hard formed base and coordinated with the
landscape design, sports area fencing and/or detailing.

f) Wiring, Connections & Junction Boxes

Unless a lighting fixture can cater for direct internal termination of SWA (Steel Wire
Armoured) or any other form of armoured cable, all Public Realm and Park lighting
final circuits must be undertaken utilising double-insulated un-armoured flexible
cables with another form of physical mechanical cable protection proposed such as
ducts and/or tiles. This is to ensure both fixture IP ratings are maintained and circuits
can avoid unnecessary and hazardous additional joint/ junctions etc. The Consultant
shall ensure all luminaires proposed have a terminal-block capacity to directly take the
size of cable csa required within the project design.

g) Cost Analysis
The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project and in accordance with the instructions
given by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure all the above criteria and recommedations for
the specific project are applied as applicable.

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
4.3 Schedule of Lighting Levels
Minimum Average Design Level: (Em)*3 Lux (Horizontal plane)
and Uniformity Ratio (minimum to average) Glare rating (GR)*4
Sport 1
Class I* 1
Class II* Class III*2
Uo Uo Uo
(Em) Lux (Em) Lux (Em) Lux I II III
Min/Ave Min/Ave Min/Ave
MUGA (Multi Use
400 0.7 200 0.5 75 0.5 50 50 55
Games Areas)
Athletics 500 0.7 200 0.5 50 to 100 0.5 50 50 55
Running Tracks &
500 0.7 200 0.5 20 to 50 0.3 50 50 55
Circuit Training
Baseball In Fld 750 0.7 500 0.7 300 0.5 50 50 55
Out Fld 500 0.5 300 0.5 200 0.3 50 50 55
Basketball 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
Cricket Wkt 750 0.7 500 0.7 300 0.5 50 50 55
Field 500 0.5 300 0.5 200 0.3 50 50 55
Bowls (Flat Green) 300 0.7 200 0.7 100 0.5 50 50 50
Equestrian 500 0.7 200 0.7 100 0.5 50 50 55
Football (Soccer) 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
Hockey 500 0.7 200 0.7 200 0.7 50 50 55
Netball 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
Rugby (all codes) 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
Tennis 500 0.7 300 0.7 200 0.6 50 50 55
Volleyball 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
Hurling 500 0.7 300 0.7 200 0.5 50 50 55
Gaelic Football 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
American Football 500 0.7 200 0.6 75 0.5 50 50 55
Swimming Pools/
500 0.7 300 0.7 200 0.5 50 50 55
Pool Areas
Skate/ BMX Parks 500 0.7 300 0.5 100 0.3 50 50 55
Informal Play/
Flexible Lawn N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 0.15 N/A N/A 60
(N/A = Not Applicable)

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
Notes to Table 4.3
*1 Where More than one Class must be catered for then the use of multiple fixtures, separate circuits and controls
shall be implemented to ensure the different illumination, uniformity and glare requirements can be met. NOTE:
Just Class III shall be followed, unless specifically required otherwise by the Project Brief or in writing from The

*2 Class III shall always be followed, unless specifically required otherwise by the Project Brief or in writing from
The Department

*3 Em is the Minimum Average Design Level (specification level) and is the horizontal design illuminance level,
below which the lighting shall not be allowed to fall during the period to planned maintenance.

*4 In 1994, the CIE developed a glare evaluation method for outdoor sports lighting and area lighting applications
(CIE 112-1994). This system is available for checking the Glare Rating situation of existing installations and for
predicting glare rating at the design stage in new installations. The Glare Rating calculation grid provides an
indication of glare experienced by the observer for each point in the grid based on the veiling illuminance produced
by the luminaires and the environment (ground plane only) on an observer's eye. It is measured as the observer
looks at each point on a horizontal illuminance grid. Glare Rating is restricted to horizontal grids of points below
eye level and is the primary system as the limiting glare index for outdoor area and sports lighting applications.

*5 For Informal Play/Flexible Lawn Areas, which tend to blend into other public realm spaces less formally it is
advised to propose only 4000K CCT Lighting fixtures. Refer also to Part-2 Section-A, however all luminaire criteria is
as per this Section’s requirements.

4.4 Maintenance Factors

Note: Maintenance Factor (MF) and Light Loss Factor (LLF) are the same. Previous use of the
term LLF is now replaced by MF in the Lighting Manual in line with modern International

MF = LLD x LDD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation x Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

Project Maintenance Factors for lighting calculations shall never be assumed, nor default values
used in any lighting calculations submitted to The Department. All Maintenance Factors shall be
calculated and justified in accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

LLD (Lamp Lumen Depreciation)

The following method shall be used to determine the Lamp Lumen Depreciation component of
the Maintenance Factor used in the DiaLux lighting design software calculation:

The Consultant shall demonstrate the 50,000 hour lumen depreciation of the luminaire at 100%
output at an average night time temperature (Tq) of 35°C (Takes into account the annual
average recorded night time temperature for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance).
The methodology to be used is as follows:

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
a) The manufacturer shall submit a Thermal Report to a suitable reference & standard
agreed by The Department, showing the highest Ts (solder point temperature of an LED)
recorded within the luminaire, usually at the centre of the fitting and the centre of the
PCB or what would appear logically to be the hottest region of the optical
compartment. This thermal test will be conducted at 25°C ambient.

b) 10°C shall then be added to the hottest recorded Ts to simulate the required average
night time temperature of 35°C.

c) The LM-80 report from the chip manufacturer shall be provided showing the associated
Alpha and Beta (α and β) figures for each of the three Ts measurements namely, 55°C,
85°C and 105°C at the proposed driving current. The most appropriate higher Alpha and
Beta will be chosen for the Ts + 10°C. (Note: figures from “Energy Star” type calculations
can only be submitted as per TM-21 formula requirements as verification of the required
LM-80 report derived figures, never as an alternative to LM-80 or the TM-21 method).

Example; if a thermal test shows a Ts of 68°C measured at 25°C ambient at 500mA drive
current, then 10°C is added to give 78°C. In this case the most appropriate Alpha and
Beta figures would be the LM-80 data for a Ts of 85°C at 500mA. Any Ts measurements
that exceed 105°C (including the added 10°C for Tq 35°C) will not be permitted.

d) These Alphas and Betas will then be applied to the TM-21 formula which calculates the
expected lumen output at 50,000 hours.
The TM-21 equation to be used is: Lxx = β e^ (-αt) (with t = 50,000 hours)

e) This lumen output (percentage) figure (Lxx) shall then be used as the LLD component
(Lamp Lumen Depreciation) which forms part of the MF to be used in all DESIGN
calculations. The LLD must be ≥0.70 or the fixture will not be allowed for use on
Department projects.

Project Submission Requirement:- As per the stated process, provide the following:
Thermal Test Report at 25°C detailing the highest Ts within the luminaire. LM-80 Report from
chip manufacturer with α & β for the proposed driving current. TM-21 Calculation as per the
given formula.

LDD (Luminaire Dirt Depreciation)

The following table shall be used to justify the appropriate Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) in
accordance with the external optical material of the specific fixture and the appropriate
pollution category for the specific project. The appropriate value shall be selected from the table
and inputted as the LDD component of the Maintenance Factor with selection explained within
the MF written justification.

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Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
*Unless specifically informed otherwise by The Department, or with another justifiable reason,
assume Cleaning Interval as 12-months.

Fixture With Glass External Optic Fixture Without Glass External Optic
Project Pollution Category Project Pollution Category
Cleaning Interval High Medium Low High Medium Low
6 months 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.92 0.93 0.94
12 months* 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.91 0.92 0.93
18 months 0.91 0.92 0.96 0.9 0.91 0.92
24 months 0.90 0.91 0.95 0.88 0.89 0.91
36 months 0.89 0.91 0.95 0.83 0.87 0.90
Project Pollution Category:
High – Remote/desert areas, major city centres, heavy industrial areas
Medium– High density residential, light commercial/industrial, coastal areas
Low- low-density city residential, Park/island areas

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written report of the calculated Maintenance

Factor (for every different luminaire proposed) as per the above instructions for the LLD and
LDD components and ensure these Maintenance Factors are used in all lighting calculations in
which the particular LED luminaire is proposed.

4.5 Project Lighting Design Calculations

Lighting Design Calculations; assuming 50,000 hours of luminaire operation at 35C average
ambient temperature (Takes into account the annual average recorded night time temperature
for Abu Dhabi Emirate plus safety allowance). DiaLux calculations shall use the derived MF
value(s) as calculated under the requirements set out in 4.4 above and with these MFs used
designs shall achieve the Minimum Average Design Levels, Uniformities and other applicable
parameters set out within Table 4.3.

The Consultant shall undertake all necessary lighting calculations for the project based on the
specific requirements set out within all of Section-B Clause 4.

All lighting calculations shall be undertaken using DiaLux lighting design software, using the
Exterior Scene calculation section and Sports Facilities Inserts, as appropriate. DiaLux is certified
Freeware and can be obtained from or direct from luminaire manufacturers.

Note: DiaLux Evo can also be used if required as is especially useful in representing whole areas
made up of many different adjacent tasks, objects etc. which can be viewed together. However
it can only be submitted as an additional report to DiaLux if useful in justifying particular aspects
of the design for a submission.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SB-21

Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
DiaLux lighting calculations (at 100% luminaire output) for a project shall be issued within a
single DiaLux-generated report format and the Consultant shall comply with the following

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be entered in full
• Designer’s details and contact information shall be entered in full
• Project Notes section to be filled in for all justifications/notes required
• Each separate relevant sport/task calculation to be titled logically for the project and
cross-referenced to project drawings/reports specifically
• Table 4.3 and associated notes shall form the basis of all calculations with base variables
(Lux, Uo) manually adapted from software defaults as necessary to exactly match table
• Clause 4.4 calculated Maintenance Factors only shall form the basis of all entered
MF(LLF) values used and replace any DiaLux default values
• Sports Facility layouts/dimensions shall be inputted exactly as per the project
• Fixture locations shall exactly match those for the project

• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following selected
minimum options as and where applicable (These are DiaLux standard Output Report
Options to be selected before generating the report):

Project Cover
Table of Contents
Luminaire Parts List (overall project)
Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
Per Sports Facility/Task Calculation
Planning Data
Luminaire Parts List
Photometric Results
3D Rendering
False Colour Rendering
Valuation Fields: Isolines (E)
Valuation Fields: Value Chart (E)

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide the Dialux Lighting Calculation Output Report fully in
adhereance to the above requirements in PDF format. In addition, provide the source .DLX file
(DiaLux file) alongside the PDF Report in all submissions to The Department.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SB-22

Part-2 Section-B – Sports Area Use Lighting
5. Project Site Verification Requirements
5.1 Project Harmonic Measurement

The Contractor shall measure the harmonic at the supply point (LV side of the distribution
substation) after the installation of all the LED fixtures and adopt harmonic compensation
methods, if required, to limit the total harmonics distortion in the supply voltage.

The maximum allowed total harmonics distortion is to be taken as 5% (or as per latest Electricity
Authority latest requirements if different) and in accordance with IEEE 519 Regulations.

Warning: Under no circumstances shall any LED luminaires be directly connected to a

temporary generator for field testing, nor should they be energised via a temporary generator
without seeking fixture manufacturer approval, as the output from many generators on start-
up can permanently damage the luminaire components and thus render the fixture warranties

Temporary generator energisation can only be undertaken with prior and written
confirmation obtained from the fixture manufacturers stating they approve that their fixtures
can be energised by this means with details of the specific generator used and method
statement for connection and energisation.

The Contractor is fully responsible for all electrical connections to the LED fixtures and if
damage is caused to fixtures due to ignoring this warning will have to undertake remedial
action to replace any affected luminaires at his cost and without delay to the Contract.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide test report of the project installation and proof of
harmonic distortion limit compliance.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-C – Lighting Poles & Accessories

Part-2 Section C – Lighting Poles & Accessories

Note: For all structural, technical and material light pole and accessory Specification
details refer to The Department’s Standard Specifications, Drawings and Manuals
listed within the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section. The
criteria within the latest versions of these documents shall be adhered to. This Section
covers only some additional details and the lighting pole/accessory warranty
requirement information.

1. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook’s Chapters J & K: Public Realm Lighting and
Sports Lighting respectively are required reading as the primary learning resources before
undertaking any Park, Public Realm or Sports project lighting design.

All lighting poles and mounting accessories shall be selected along with the luminaires to
match the overall landscaping and furniture master plan and finishes. Poles and accessories
shall be made up of pressure die-cast aluminium alloy, extruded aluminium, wood, steel or
stainless-steel. The finishes colour and designs of the poles/accessories shall be as agreed
with The Department for the project.

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-2.

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their poles and accessories under all the required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SC-1

Part-2 Section-C – Lighting Poles & Accessories
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

2. Special Materials
2.1 Any proposed wooden poles, components or mounting accessories shall be from a
proven sustainable source of supply, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and
suitable for use in the UAE environment. All materials and finishes shall be guaranteed
against cracking and fading and be resistant to degradation by Ultraviolet Radiation.

3. Quality Assurance

a) The Department may request standard production model pole/accessory samples,

identical to the proposed products, to be installed for inspection. The Department shall
be sole judge regarding acceptability of products.

b) To verify performance and compliance with the specifications, The Department may also
request additional testing of sample poles/accessories. All such testing shall be from
accredited laboratories.

c) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

4. Warranty
Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SC-2

Part-2 Section-C – Lighting Poles & Accessories
a) A written warranty for a Minimum fifteen (15) year on-site replacement: material,
fixture finish, and workmanship. On-site replacement included transpiration, removal
and installation of new product. Finish warranty shall include warranty against
corrosion, failure or substantial deteriorations such as blistering, cracking or peeling
(excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances, fertilizers, water
containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents). The warranty shall include for
maintained aesthetic integrity of the poles, accessories and assembly, without any
partial or complete separation, dislocation, disjointing, flaring, etc. of any elements of
the pole, accessory and assembly with no cost to The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum fifteen (15) year replacement material warranty for
defective poles and mounting accessories with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum twenty (20) year replacement material warranty for
defective wooden poles and mounting accessories with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the pole/accessory
cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any costs associated with
labour for removal/fitting of pole, accessory or components, obtaining Authority NOCs,
traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for any
associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These requirements
are purely in regards to the terms of Pole/Pole Equipment/Accessory Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Supplier(s),
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management

Part-2 Section D – Public Realm Lighting

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-2
Section-D, refer to the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-2 Section-D of
the Lighting Manual. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-D

a) Basic Timing Controls to be provided for projects as defined below in Clause 3.1.
b) Split-Circuit Controls or Project Lighting management System (PLMS) to be provided
for projects as defined below in Clause 3.2.
c) Warranty for all lighting management systems/switches/timers/components set as
minimum 10-Years for all aspects.
d) Table of Initial Timer/PLMS programming profiles provided within the Manual.
e) The Department’s decision is final regarding project submissions and design

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-D

a) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
b) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual.

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and
performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-1

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
References at the end of Part-2.

Suppliers and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of their lighting management system, components and software under all the
required design conditions.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

The Consultant shall as requested by The Department provide full cost analysis including
payback assessments as required for the project (or part of the project) and in accordance
with the instructions given by The Department. All information provided and the cost
analysis/payback calculations must be calculated with the exact luminaire solution
proposed; including specific circuit wattages and drive currents, actual sources within the
luminaires, including the exact calculation for the lighting fixtures’ useful-life cycle, project
location, PLMS controls usage/programming etc.

3. Project Controls/Lighting Management System (PLMS) Provision

The following project parameters define a public realm/park project’s requirements for
provision of controls or PLMS:

3.1 Projects Requiring Basic Timed Operation

a) All Public Realm/Parks areas intended to be operated/occupied only up to 11:00pm and

have no defined lit sports facilities other Informal Play Areas.

b) Stand alone non-dynamic lit water features or non-interactive lit elements

3.2 Projects Requiring Split-Circuit Operation or PLMS Provision

a) Separate circuit timed control system or PLMS for All Public Realm/Parks areas intended
to be operated/occupied after 11:00pm.

b) All Public Realm/Parks areas intended to be operated/occupied only up to 11:00pm but

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-2

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
have defined lit sports facilities other Informal Play Areas.

c) All defined Sports facilities other than Informal Play Areas must be supplied via separate
circuits and be provided with separately controlled automatic/PLMS or user controls.

d) Solar lighting systems or lighting controlled/connected to solar supply systems (refer

also to the additional specific PLMS requirements within Section-E).

e) Stand alone dynamic-lighting effect water features or lit interactive elements.

f) Any Public Realm/Parks areas including lit water features or interactive elements.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide assessment of the project based on the above and
justification within project submissions of the required controls or PLMS

4. Lighting Controls & PLMS Technical Criteria

The project lighting control/operation shall be fully interlinked via either a system of circuit
timers/switches or a PLMS system which fully meets the requirements of this Section and
proposed as best meets the needs and location of the specific project:

4.1 Basic Switching/Timing Controls Technical Requirements

4.1.1 Circuit Control Devices

• For all general technical and material Specification details refer to The
Department’s Standard Specifications, Drawings and Manuals listed within the
Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section
• Timer switching devices shall be selected to be 24-hour or 7-Day programmable
to suit the intended project type/use and must have battery backup to maintain
programming through power outages and Photocell override
• Compliant with EN500065-1 and EN50178 and CE or comparable International
• System components shall be located within lighting control cabinets (LCCs) and
operate defined circuits through set programming with photocell override.
• All photocell devices to be located in positions clear to the sky and selected to
avoid becoming inhibited by future plant growth

4.1.2 General Mandatory Project Technical Requirements

• The Controls supplier shall have at least six (6) years of experience in the

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-3

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
manufacturer of control components and shall have at least two (2) years
experience of its products installed successfully in the GCC
• Suitable for luminaire sizes (wattages) as per the specific project’s requirements
• The system must prevent any daytime operation of the luminaires
• All system components shall be able to operate within a Nominal rated Input
voltage: 220-240V ±10% (198-264V min. Input range) 50Hz or as agreed
otherwise with The Department
• In the case of a power failure the timer shall be able to keep its programming
and time and upon power being regained continue as per the set programming
• Photocell or astro-clock input adjustment to timed programming for dusk/dawn
• Any UPS/batteries within the system components shall be rated for minimum 6-
years operation without need for replacement
• Components operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Components storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

4.2 PLMS Technical Requirements

4.2.1. Wired Systems

• System shall use power line communication and be suitable for three-phase
and/or single-phase distribution as per the project’s infrastructure
• The system shall be equipped with a suitable filtering system, preventing any
disrupting interference signals being fed back through the supply and proposed
to address the actual site supply conditions
• Compliant with EN500065-1 and EN60950 and CE or comparable International
• Main system units shall be located within lighting control cabinets (LCCs) and
must interconnect/communicate to all other main units and the luminaires’
interface modules via the existing power lines using the power line
communication method
• Each luminaire shall be equipped with an adjacent hard-wired transmitter/
receiver control interface through a hard-wired connection to the fixture
terminal block. The control interface and luminaire shall be interconnected via
5 core cable; phase, neutral, earth, control+ and control –
• Devices cannot be located within the luminaire bodies, but to be positioned in
locations to be agreed for the project by The Department
• System must be able to handle and maintain communication when one or more
of the main system components are down by demonstrating capability for signal
distance performance on the specific constraints of the project
• Project PLMS must be provided with a single point of data terminal/interface/

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-4

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
connection for any reprogramming needs of the PLMS project area to be
achievable from one point of interface
• The system shall be able to operate in a pre-programmed condition
autonomously for the project and also data shall be able to be interfaced via a
MODBus, RS232 interface for communication to a central CMS location via the
GSM/GPRS/TCP-IP network, with a TCP/IP over a fibre- optic converter or other
approved means and protocol to a Department central location in the future.

4.2.2. Wireless Systems

• Wireless system; Wi-Fi, Cloud or RF system, with MESH Capability and fully
tested and compatible with the lighting system proposed
• GSM 900/1800, GPRS, SMS, ZigBee etc. or other approved system agreed with
the Department
• All wireless communication complying with IEEE 802.15.4a
• 868MHz to 928 MHz or other approved frequency agreed with the Department
• System shall be compliant with all Abu Dhabi TRA Standards/requirements and
be proposed with all statutory approvals
• System to comprise of main system component units/nodes and addressable
transmitters/receiver units, with ‘hop’ capability, adjacent to or locally
connected to the luminaires to suit the proposed system’s requirements and
final connection to the luminaire through a hard-wired connection to the fixture
terminal block
• Devices cannot be located within the luminaire bodies, nor require special
luminaires, but are to be positioned in locations to be agreed for the project by
The Department
• System must be able to handle and maintain communication when one or more
of the main system components are down by demonstrating capability for signal
distance performance on the specific constraints of the project
• Project PLMS must be provided with a single point of data
terminal/interface/connection for any reprogramming needs of the PLMS
project area to be achievable from one point of interface
• The system shall be able to operate in a pre-programmed condition
autonomously for the project and also data shall be able to interface for
communication to a central CMS location via a GSM/TCP-IP network, with a
TCP/IP over a fibre- optic converter or other approved means and protocol to a
Department central location in the future

4.2.3. General Mandatory Project Technical Requirements

• The PLMS supplier shall have at least six (6) years of experience in public lighting
management systems and it shall be able to demonstrate at least two (2) similar
relevant installations in the UAE, GCC or MENA region
• The proposed system shall be fully compatible with all luminaire(s) and drivers

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-5

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
proposed for the project through a hard-wired final connection to the fixture
terminal block and all system components must comply with open
communication protocols
• Suitable for luminaire sizes (wattages) as per the specific project’s requirements
• Any brand of luminaires (as per the technical criteria within Part-2 Sections-A
and/or B) shall be able to be controlled from the system to ensure luminaire
choice can be made openly for the best current marketplace products available
for the project and for any future revisions and additions to the project area
• The PLMS and system main components must have a minimum of 20% spare
capacity for future potential street revisions and additions.
• The system must prevent all daytime operation of LED fixtures unless only the
specific manual override of the automated programming is desired by The
• All system components shall be able to operate within a range of Nominal rated
Input voltage: 220-240V ±10% (198-264V min. Input range) 50Hz or as agreed
otherwise with The Department
• The solution shall offers a complete backup operation; in the case of
communication or power failure to the system the area controlled shall be able
to operate automatically as per the set programming profiles
• System interface/software to be password encrypted, able to program the
project system and cater for revised programming settings for future if required
• System interface/protocol to be able to be interconnected to any outside
central system/control room in the future as and when required (refer to Part-1
Section-D Clause 4.2.6)
• Minimum 0-10V analogue dimming capability (optional PWM dimming 0-100%,
DMX and DALI interface capability as required) Standard & customizable 24-
hour light profiles for peak/off-peak times as per Clause 5 for the specific
project area/feature. Light levels configurable at 10% step increments. The
individual dimming profiles able to be changed to weekly plans if required
• Photocell or astro-clock input adjustment to timed programming for dusk/dawn
• Error Reporting - Comprehensive & instant overview about infrastructure
problems like circuit power failure, individual lamp/driver/fixture failures
• Alarm thresholds shall be programmable from the central software
• Energy Reports - Detailed daily overview about energy consumed, voltage,
current, pf, accumulative hours of operation (at dimming level) etc.
• Data Export/Import capability for future in depth analysis or integration into any
existing asset/inventory management/control systems operated by The
Department (refer to Part-1 Section-D Clause 4.2.6)
• Provision for data backup
• Any UPS/batteries within the system components shall be rated for minimum 6-
years operation without need for replacement

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-6

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
• Components operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Components storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

4.2.4. Optional Project Requirements

NOTE: These capabilities/devices/requirements are not suitable for general

project PLMS and should not be proposed for general projects. However only
if specifically requested by The Department they can be proposed for
particular projects which may have unique or special opportunities to warrant
their inclusion within that project proposal:
• Movement/infra-red sensors
• Pedestrian monitoring sensors
• Luminance and illuminance measurement sensors
• iOs/Android/Windows mobile application interface for maintenance work at site

4.2.5. Prohibited Components or Capabilities

• Individual fixture photocell light sensors
• Any fixture ‘flashing ‘or strobing programming operation
• Capability to monitor the separate internal components within the luminaires
• Public user-interface of lighting controls
• NEMA or similar proprietary socket-type luminaire connection of devices/
interfaces that prohibit the use of any particular brand of proposed luminaires
for a project
• Any luminaire interface or internal PLMS components which could affect the
thermal performance of LED luminaires and/or void the luminaire’s warranty
and/or require new luminaire testing

4.2.6. Central Management System (CMS) Technical Requirements

NOTE: Refer to Manual Part-1, Section-D Clause 4.1.6. for all details with
regards CMS

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-7

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management

5 Public Realm Programming

The following table shall be the default programming settings for all public realm/park
project types and should also used within in any required project cost analysis.

Public Realm Circuit Operation or PLMS Provision Basic Programming

Area/Features General Timings Alternative Approach/Notes
Access Points, Primary All circuits energised from systems ON*
Pathways at Dusk, until area closing time/Dawn* , as applicable
All Circuits energised from systems ON*
Open Public Spaces, Alternative post 11pm levels can be proposed to suit specific
until 11pm, then 50% levels/circuits from 11pm until space’s
Sikkas & Playgrounds 1
closing time/Dawn* , as applicable
project requirements

1 Consider coin-operation, user manual switching controls or

All Circuits separately controlled from systems ON* until other regime, but facilities must remain off after 11pm unless
Sports Facilities 11pm, after which time any sports areas not being used must specific sports activity is happening for a limited time
be designed to remain off. Any which are being used can be thereafter. Consider carefully the requirements of Estidama
(except Informal Play Areas) designed to remain on for a limited time after 11pm but only and the Light Pollution Mitigation Section-F as Sports Lighting
when sports are active levels are generally higher than all other public realm lighting
Secondary/Tertiary All Circuits energised from systems ON*
Jogging tracks may remain on till a later defined time as per
Pathways & Jogging until 11pm, then must remain off until energised again at
the community requirements
Tracks 5am and then off at Dawn*
All Circuits energised from systems ON*
May remain on till a later defined time as per the
Cycling Paths, Bus Stops until 12pm (Midnight), then must remain off until energised
community/bus-route timetable requirements
again at 4am and then off at Dawn*
Feature Lighting 1
All Circuits energised from systems ON* Flags may require longer lighting energisation as per the
(trees, bushes, water 1
until 11pm, then must remain off until Dawn* project requirements
features, flags, clocks etc)
Pedestrian Footbridges, All ambient lighting circuits energised from systems ON* at Any dedicated feature lighting circuits on Pedestrian
Cycle Racks Dusk, until area closing time/Dawn* , as applicable Footbridges should turn off at 11pm
All ambient lighting circuits for the underpass energised 24-
Pedestrian Underpasses hours a day, with outside parts of staircases energised from
1 1
systems ON* at Dusk, until Dawn*
Two levels of lighting to be provided as per Table 4.3 within
Outside Audience Areas Section-A to be manually controlled only during

*1 Dusk & Dawn operation determined by photocell input or astro-clock adjustment to timed programming

Project Submission Requirement:- Select and state the appropriate programming from the
above Table for the project and include within the project design and submission.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SD-8

Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
6 Quality Assurance
a) The Department may request standard production model samples, identical to the
proposed products to be installed. The Department may request independent testing of
the sample equipment to verify the performance and compliance with the
specifications. The Department shall be the sole judge regarding the acceptability of the
performance of the timer controlled switching components or PLMS.

b) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams.

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

7 Warranty
Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement: material,
material, fixtures, finish, and workmanship. On-site replacement includes
transportation, removal and installation of new products. Finish warranty shall include
warranty against corrosion, failure or substantial deteriorations such as blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents). The warranty
shall include for maintained integrity of the lighting control or PLMS System equipment;
all accessories, components and assemblies, without any partial or complete separation,
corrosion, leaking, dislocation, disjointing, flaring, etc. of any elements of the system
components with no cost to The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective lighting controls, CMS and PLMS equipment and components, with no cost to
The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty on any

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Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
UPS batteries or other batteries for on-site replacement: material and workmanship.
On-site replacement includes transportation, removal and installation of new products.
Warranty shall include substantial deteriorations such as leaking, buckling, corrosion,
inability to be charged or withhold a charge, impacted system autonomy and reduced
output with no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the Controls/PLMS
equipment/component component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also
refers to any costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of components, obtaining
Authority NOCs, traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be
liaible for any associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These
requirements are purely in regards to the terms of PLMS/Control Equipment
Warranties that must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way
in connection to the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific
terms agreed between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the PLMS Supplier,
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

8 Maintenance/Defects Contract Period

If requested within the Project documents, the Consultant/Contractor shall provide for
the lighting controls/PLMS manufacturer to include for a full maintenance and defects
contract for a defined period for the project. This would be above and beyond the
normal defects arrangements

This contract shall include for all preventative and reactionary maintenance of the
lighting controls/PLMS and components, including all parts and materials throughout
the duration of the contract. Full details of this maintenance contract including method
statement for the maintenance to be included for approval of The Department. The
maintenance contract should include for a renewal and/or extension of the contract if
required in the future by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects
including a PLMS

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Part-2 Section-D – Public Realm Lighting Management
9 Measurement and Payment
a) General. The measurement and payment for the Lighting Controls/PLMS shall include,
but not by way of limitations, all modules, units, components and all related materials
and works for the complete installation and energizing the system.

b) Lighting Controls/PLMS Components. Measurement and payment for the Lighting

Controls, PLMS and all components will be at the unit rates as included in the Bills of
Quantities, which rates shall be considered as full compensation for all labour materials,
finishes, tools, equipment and appurtenances as required, as specified, and as directed
by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects
including Lighting Controls or PLMS.

10 Operation and Maintenance Manual

An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual), in both English and
Arabic, should be provided for The Department for the project Lighting Controls or
PLMS. The following minimum details must be provided in the Manual:

• Basic principles of the Lighting Control/PLMS system

• A small write-up (with a block diagram) on the Lighting Control/PLMS system
and all its components
• Equipment manufacturer’s documentation (data sheets, handbooks, etc.)
• Clear instructions on regular maintenance, cleaning and troubleshooting of the
Lighting Controls/PLMS
• Compete software and programming information
• Do's and Don’ts
• Environmental Policy regarding the origin and manufacturer of all components,
operation performance and safe transportation, disposal and/or recycling of
components after removal/changing-over
• All names and contact details of the relevant contact persons for repair,
cleaning and maintenance, in case of non-functionality of the Lighting

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for all projects including
Lighting Controls or PLMS.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm

Part-2 Section E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm

Note: It is required that for every Public Realm and Park lighting project the
Consultant shall explore the current viability and options for solar lighting
solutions in the marketplace and propose where best it can be offered for
incorporation into the project. Particular attention should be paid to areas of
the project which might provide specific advantages for having some solar
lighting technology and/or their cost of implementation can be mitigated by
other factors. These include, but are not limited to, interactive/awareness
zones, integrated with local structures, isolated areas without current electrical
infrastructure, dedicated sports areas, children’s play areas, sculptures/arts or
specific paths. All Project Submissions from Concept Stage onwards shall cover
the proposal of Solar or solar lighting integration within the reports and detail
this as applicable from Preliminary Design Stage onwards. Refer to Part-2
Section-A for Public Realm and Park Lighting projects and for all solar technical
requirements this Part-2 Section-E must be complied with.

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-2
Section-E, refer to the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

For more reference information relating to solar lighting, refer to the Public Realm & Street
Lighting Handbook Chapters C, D, E, N and O.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-2 Section-E of
the Lighting Manual.

The technical brief criteria within this Section have been established after access to over five
years of on-site test data from various different solar installations within Abu Dhabi and the
UAE. From these results, has come the evidence of which types of technologies are viable as
long-term sustainable solutions for use on Abu Dhabi public realm/park lighting projects and
which are not viable. The detailed technical criteria for which are described in the Clauses

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-E

a) Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline silicon wafer PV construction

b) VRLA or Gel Lead Acid and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery technologies
c) Other battery technologies proposed with proven adherence to the technical
requirements of this Manual Section
d) Solar standalone solutions or grid-connected system options
e) Wind-generation components only as an addition to solar PV and with full material,
maintenance and efficiency data provided
f) Batteries mounted above ground at low-level or below ground within protected
g) Standalone systems with batteries to have minimum 24-hour autonomy
h) LED lighting fixtures (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology
as defined within this Manual’s Introduction) complying fully with the requirements
of Part-2 Section-A
i) Standalone or grid-connected project solar lighting control/operation fully
interlinked via wireless PLMS (Project Lighting Management System)
j) Minimum 5-year full on-site combined maintenance and defects cover in addition to
the standard warranty requirements
k) Full project cost analysis including payback
l) Provision of Operation and Maintenance Manual
m) Cleaning Proposal including the equipment as part of the project system provision
n) Environmental Policy Proposal for battery and component recycling/disposal

1.2 Not Permitted under this Manual Part-2 Section-E

a) Open ‘wet-type’ Lead Acid batteries

b) Other battery technologies proposed without proven adherence to the technical
requirements of this Manual Section
c) Batteries mounted above ground at high-level on a pole/column system
d) Batteries mounted below ground underneath a pole/column requiring demounting
of the pole/column to access
e) LED lighting fixtures (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology
as defined within this Manual’s Introduction) not complying fully with the
requirements of Part-2 Section-A
f) Any claim for “self cleaning” PV panels and/or unjustified maintenance factors
provided to include for dust accumulation
g) Any in-built mechanical/electrical automated cleaning mechanism or apparatus
h) Any wind-generation devices without full test data to prove long-term viability and
i) Standalone project solar lighting individual fixture (non-interconnected PLMS)

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
j) System approval unless full cost analysis provided and checked/approved by The
k) Any non-site specific sun-availability criteria used in calculations/analysis
l) Any deviation from the system technical criteria as set out within this Manual
m) Any deviation from the minimum maintenance and warranty requirements as set
out within this Manual Section

2. Public Realm Solar Lighting System Options

2.1 Project Selection

There are three viable solar lighting system options available for consideration for a
project as described in Clauses 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. The decision about which system option
is best considered is described within the three below clauses and can be determined
primarily by what level of existing public realm lighting electrical infrastructure is
present for the project.

The site-specific infrastructure as far as a local sub-station being either present or not
present is another primary consideration; also if planned for a defined or undefined
future date or present but lacking sufficient capacity. Even if local substation and
capacity is available, but there is no existing public realm lighting electrical
infrastructure currently in place (sub-mains distribution, lighting control cabinets, final
circuit cabling etc.) this can have a further implication.

A project area might indeed have both full infrastructure and capacity in place, but
other factors such as a client’s paramount need to ensure illumination is maintained at
all times or any area is subject to, or has a history of, power outages, may be an issue.

The main factors for consideration have been suggested in this section; however there
may be other factors to determine the best system proposal for a specific project. All
these factors all need to be weighed up when deciding on the most appropriate system
option to consider and propose through the project cost analysis.

2.2 Standalone System

No grid-connection, standalone Solar luminaires or remote solar equipment, with

integral batteries, controller/ inverter and wireless PLMS.

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
Recommended for solar public realm/park light projects:
• Without existing substation/cabling/infrastructure
• Or with existing cabling/infrastructure, but unsuitable for utilisation
• Or where new cabling may not be commercially feasible

The batteries mounted above ground at low-level or below ground within protected

The standalone fixture’s or luminaire groups connected to the remote solar

equipment’s controller/inverter controls the charge and discharge of the batteries,
battery status and the status of the fixtures.

A wireless type PLMS provides and controls the power for the light fitting, including
coordinated activation, dimming (as applicable) and status of the lights.

2.3 Grid-Connected System

Electric grid-connection, solar luminaires or remote solar equipment feeding fixtures,

without batteries, with controller/inverter and wireless PLMS.

Recommended for solar public realm/park light projects:

• With existing substation/cabling/infrastructure
• Or where new cabling may be commercially feasible

The grid-connected fixtures/ remote solar equipment, via controllers/inverters

during the daytime, converts the solar energy via the PVs from dc to ac and feeds it
to the power grid. During the night, fixtures work like any other conventional
luminaires, with the required energy for lighting taken from the power grid via local
lighting circuits.

A wireless type PLMS provides and controls the power for the light fittings,
including coordinated activation, dimming (as applicable) and status of the lights.

Ideally, the design of the system would ensure more energy from the solar PVs is
produced during the day than required for lighting the LED fixture(s) during the

Excess energy can be used for its own purposes or could be sold/credited in the

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
2.4 Full Backup System

Electric grid-connection, solar luminaires or remote solar equipment with integral

batteries, controller/inverter and wireless PLMS

Recommended for solar public realm/park light projects:

• With existing substation/cabling/infrastructure
• Or where new cabling may be commercially feasible
• Or for areas with infrastructure, but susceptible to power outages
• Or for a project where maximised efficiency of power generation is
• Or for a project where 100% assurance of illumination is always essential

Solar energy generated from the PVs during the day is stored in batteries. Once the
batteries are charged, excess solar generated energy is converted from dc to ac and
fed into the power grid.

During the night, the lighting fixtures can be designed to work in one of two ways:

• Either like any other conventional luminaires; with the required energy for
lighting taken from the power grid. Then in the case of power outage, the
system switches immediately to battery backup.

• Or, the required energy for lighting taken solely from the batteries, with the
grid used as a back-up in the event of the batteries failing or discharging
fully before the end of the required night-time operation timings for the

A wireless type PLMS provides and controls the power for the light fittings,
including coordinated activation, dimming (as applicable) and status of the lights.

With a system such as this the autonomy and thus size of the batteries could be
relaxed from the normal Manual’s requirements as part of the overall system

Excess energy can be used for its own purposes or could be sold/credited in the

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide assessment of the public realm/park project’s

solar proposal based on the above and justification within project submissions of the
proposed system(s).

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm

3. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

3.1 The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and
performance of Solar and lighting systems shall be in accordance with the applicable
requirements of all The Department’s civil, electrical, mechanical and lighting
infrastructure standards for electrical distribution works, except as specified herein.
Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.

3.2 The Project’s lighting design and illuminance level requirements and the LED luminaires
(or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this
Manual’s Introduction) shall be fully in accordance with the requirements of Part-2

Submissions for the project made to the Department must include all the usual proof of
compliance; lighting calculations, layouts, compliance checklist, luminaire/lamp-
source/gear data and all accredited test sheets to show the requirements of this
Lighting Manual have been met fully.

3.3 The Consultant and manufacturers shall guarantee adherence to this Manual and the
performance of the solar equipment: panels, pole/column, fixture and/or system and
the luminaire(s) under all the required design conditions.

3.4 The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and product
specifications are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual prior to
forwarding to The Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the
notice of The Department. The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following:
integration, coordination, functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be
the Consultant’s responsibility to bring the system to the design & operating and
maintenance conditions.

4. Project Cost Analysis

4.1 The Consultant shall, as requested by The Department, provide full cost analysis
including payback assessments as required for the project solar proposal(s) and in
accordance with the instructions given by The Department.

The full project life cycle cost analysis asset comparison shall be undertaken to the BS
ISO 15686-5 Supplement (Publicly Available Manual - published by the British Standards

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SE-6

Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
Institution) or similar and cover parameters which fully meets the requirements of this

All information provided and the cost analysis/payback calculations should be calculated
with the exact proposed lighting fixture types/sizes, solar equipment, battery, inverter,
autonomy and site position (sun availability).

The Economic Cost Analysis should include the following parameters and allowances:

a) Compare the solar proposal(s) against the base standard of LED (or other equally
sustainable alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s
Introduction) as per Part-2 Section-A, with standard installations as per the project’s
brief requirements and electrical infrastructure matching the site’s existing

b) Compare project specific Initial Capital Expenditure (CapEx) costs.

c) Compare project specific Annual Operational Expenditure (OpEx) to include

electricity usage and maintenance cost allowances.

d) Compare long-term total costs over minimum of 10-years based on present value
cost assessment including initial CapEx, annual OpEx and future CapEx for required
component replacement.

e) Compare Salvage Value of the system at the end of the study period.

f) Include all justifications of given and calculated values and timescales with
annotation and supporting data where applicable.

g) Provide the calculated Payback Period (if applicable) for the solar proposal(s) against
the base LED conventional approach.

h) Provide report and output graphs/tables as required to present project data clearly.

i) Include also average per lighting fixture ‘point’ cost comparisons of all options
within report findings.

j) Allow for 0.29.3fils/kWhr. As per the 2015 Meter Cost of Electricity; or

current/alternative tariff as agreed with The Department.

k) Allow for 11-hours per night, 365-days a year luminaire operation for primary
lighting circuits and lower hour operation if other non-essential circuits; as per the
requirements of Part-2 Section-D.

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm

l) Allow for load of actual luminaires, with actual driver/current including all losses as
per the fixtures’ LM-79 reports or comparable standard.

m) Allow for stated average useful life of all components in the long-term analysis, and
salvage analysis, including, but not limited to, the luminaire, driver, inverter,
battery, control components, cables, PV-panels/modules, pole/column/fixture, base
and associated synthetic and metal materials.

n) For any solar grid-connected systems for which the fixtures or connected circuit
have no batteries, but connect to a conventional grid, generate electricity in the
daytime and run conventionally at night time, provide justified figures based on the
local environment and actual site situation on assessed generation value used in the

o) Use an annual discount rate of 7% for the long-term Present Value analysis unless
confirmed otherwise by The Department

p) Allow for dimming savings in the analysis only if included within the project
proposal(s) and then only pro-rata as per the exact dimming/switching settings
proposed and justified.

q) If local infrastructure is present or not present this should also be factored into the
analysis for cost comparison purposes including, as applicable, local sub-station
provision, sub-mains distribution, lighting control cabinets, final circuit cabling,
protection, civil works and connections.

r) Solar system cleaning requirements and the associated costs, as described within
clause 5.6, should also be included within the project cost analysis

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide cost analysis based on the above for the solar
public realm lighting system or systems proposed.

5. System Components

5.1 LED Luminaires

a) The Project’s LED luminaires (or other equally sustainable alternative luminaire
technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction) shall be fully in accordance
with the requirements of Part-2 Section-A.

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
b) The Consultant and Manufacturers shall ensure all luminaires are fully compatible with
the Solar system, the fixture driver, the solar inverter/controller equipment, PLMS and
components to meet all the overall design requirements.

c) All luminaire drivers must be specified correctly to have suitable inputs for the solar
system’s 12Vdc-48Vdc. output from the Battery/inverter/ controller as required by the
specific system proposed.

d) Some systems may negate the need for a driver with the fixtures entirely as the driver
current function forms part of the inverter/controller equipment. Refer also to clause
5.3 to see details about the inverter/controller

e) All luminaire test data and supporting information must be provided with the specific
driver specification used.

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure the requirements of Part-2 Section-A are met in
regards to all LED luminaires as well as the particular criteria contained above.

5.2 PV System

a) General

Minimum Ingress Protection ratings for the PV system components:

Component Type Minimum IP-Rating Minimum IK-Rating

Solar LED Fixtures As per Part-2 Section-A As per Part-2 Section-A

PVs & Electrical components IP-66 N/A

Glass covers/components N/A IK08

Synthetic clear covers N/A IK08
Batteries IP44 N/A

Battery housing above ground IP66 IK07

Battery housing below ground IP68 IK07
Below Ground Battery housing
IP67 IK10
cover plate
(N/A = Not Applicable)

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
b) Materials

i) Foundations. Structural analysis shall be submitted to show that the foundation

design for any pole/column/bollard and other solar components meets the load of the
given solar-fixture/component type in its “Fully Loaded” state. For all system
foundations, full design details shall be submitted for The Department’s review and

ii) Photovoltaics (PVs). All photovoltaic components shall be either Monocrystalline or

Polycrystalline silicon wafer types manufactured, manufactured and tested as per the
standards within the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

iii) Wind Generators. Wind-generation components are only permitted as a potential

additional option to solar PV and must be proposed with full material and testing data,
including maintenance requirements and justified lifetime efficiency data for The
Department to consider their viability. For Warranty purposes they must be considered
to meet the same requirements as the PV modules.

iv) Synthetic Materials. All synthetic materials including translucent (non-glass) PV

covers shall be 100% UV Stable non-yellowing, environmentally resistant and scratch
resistant. Laboratory test data shall be provided to The Department to prove the
materials are resistant to deterioration.

v) Copper Content. All external pressure die-cast aluminium alloy components shall
have a maximum copper content of 1% by mass.

5.3 Inverters/Controllers

Inverters/controllers control the charge and discharge of the batteries, battery status
and the status of the solar system/solar luminaires. Inverters/controllers provide and
control the power for the lighting fixture(s), including dimming (as applicable) and

Technical Requirements
• Selected (with batteries) for minimum 24-hour autonomy operation (capability
of 1-night full operation following one full bad weather day)
• Photovoltaic charge control for 12Vdc-48Vdc. batteries as per the project
system requirements
• 12Vdc-48Vdc. output for powering LED fixture drivers
• Intelligent charging of batteries, battery charging 12Vdc-48Vdc. Monitoring of
all individual cell voltages when non Lead-acid batteries are used (i.e Lithium)
• 0-10V/DALI/dc/PWM/RS485 dimming 0-100%

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
• Solar input 10Vdc-48Vdc.
• Nominal rated Input voltage: 220-240V±10% 50Hz (198-264V min. Input range)
• Can be combined with dc/ac inverter for grid system connection as required
• Specified for the project assessed solar energy yield in combination with
wattage of luminaire(s) used, battery sizes and usage of dimming (as applicable)
• Automatic Light Switching
• Light On/Off controlled by sunset/sunrise and Integration with communication
module (PLMS), remote software/firmware capabilities, logging of all system
parametersas per Part-2 Section-D requirements

Operating Conditions
• Operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

5.4 Batteries

The type, size and quality of batteries specified shall be selected for their optimum
performance and integration for the project specific requirements.

Technical Requirements
• VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid), Gel Lead Acid, Lithium (Li-ion) or Nickel Metal
Hydride (NiMH) battery technologies
• With the exception of open ‘wet-type’ Lead Acid batteries, other battery
technologies proposed can be considered provided with proven adherence to all
technical requirements of this Manual Section
• Selected for minimum 24-hour autonomy operation (capability of 1-
night/evening (as applicable) full operation following one full bad weather day)
• 12Vdc-48Vdc. Min 70Ah rated as per proposed system
• Expected Lifetime for the project design - 5-6 Years
• Guaranteed Lifetime for the project design - 5 Years
• 75 % of the rated capacity of the battery should be between fully charged and
load cut off conditions (as per specific battery performance requirements)
• Manufactured, tested and installed as per the respective International
standards listed under Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Operating Conditions
• Operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SE-11

Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
5.5 Controls

Whether the Standalone, Grid-Connected or Full Backup type systems, the project solar
lighting control/operation shall be fully interlinked via a wireless PLMS system.

PLMS Technical Requirements

• Wireless system; Wi-Fi, Cloud or RF system, with MESH Capability and fully
tested and compatible with the lighting system proposed
• GSM 900/1800, GPRS, SMS, ZigBee etc. or other approved agreed system
• All wireless communication complying with IEEE 802.15.4a
• 868MHz to 928 MHz or other approved frequency agreed with the Department
• System shall be compliant with all Abu Dhabi TRA Standards/requirements and
be proposed with all statutory approvals
• The proposed system shall be fully compatible with the specified luminaire and
driver (ac or dc) proposed for the project and the inverter/controller
• Any brand of luminaires (as per the technical criteria within Part-1 Section-A)
shall be able to be controlled from the system to ensure luminaire choice can be
made openly for the best current marketplace products available for the project
• The PLMS must have a minimum of 20% spare capacity for future potential
street revisions and additions
• System interface/software to be password encrypted, able to program the
project system and cater for revised programming settings for future if required
• System interface/protocol to be able to be interconnected to any outside
central system (CMS)/control room in the future as and when required (refer to
Part-1 Section-D Clause 4.1.6)
• The system shall be able to operate in a pre-programmed condition
autonomously for the project and also data shall be able to interface for
communication to a central CMS location via a GSM/TCP-IP network, with a
TCP/IP over a fibre- optic converter or other approved means and protocol to a
Department central location in the future
• The system must prevent all daytime operation of the LED streetlights unless
only the specific manual override of the automated programming is desired by
The Department
• 0-10V/DALI/dc/PWM/RS485 dimming 0-100%
• Standard & customizable 24-hour light profiles for peak/off-peak times as per
Part-1 Section-D Clause 5 for the specific project type/location. Light levels
configurable at 10% step increments. The individual dimming profiles able to be
changed to weekly plans if required, rather than just identical 24-hour plans as
per the initial programming
• Must enable slow transitions (30-seconds) between the pre-set dimming levels
• Photocell/astro-clock input adjustment to timed programming for dusk/dawn

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
• Programmed dimming operation shall be only for luminaire groups set for each
length of roadway from defined intersection to defined intersection and never
allow individual switching/dimming of any adjacent fixtures in the same road.
• Automatic luminous flux reduction in case of consecutive bad weather periods
to avoid light switch off
• System must be provided with a single point of data terminal/interface/
connection for any reprogramming needs of the PLMS project area to be
achievable from one point of interface
• Error Reporting - Comprehensive & instant overview about infrastructure
problems like lamp/driver errors, battery errors, inverter errors per pole
• Reporting - Detailed overview about solar energy generation, energy consumed,
accumalated power usage(Wh), temperatures, individual cell voltages when non
Lead-acid batteries are used (i.e Lithium) and accumulative hours of luminiaire
operation at dimming levels, etcOptional iOs/Android mobile application
interface for maintenance work at site – Basic status info and instant setting
configuration via mobile phone, while on site
• Data Export for further in depth analysis or integration into existing inventory
management systems operated by The Department

Operating Conditions
• Operating temperature: - 20°C to +60 °C
• Storage (non-operating) - 40°C to +80 °C

5.6 Cleaning System

To ensure optimum performance at all times, the solar system’s components must be
cleaned on a regular basis. The Department requires a cleaning system solution and any
necessary equipment to form part of the project proposal.

It shall be purchased as part of the project. At the end of the maintenance period, and
as and when determined by The Department, the cleaning equipment shall be handed
to the Department to be retained and re-distributed as per The Department’s

Project Submission Requirement:- Ensure all the material and component requirements are
met by the system proposed and provided as part of the project submission.

6. Quality Assurance
a) The Department may request standard production model samples, identical to the

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
proposed products to be installed. The Department may request independent testing of
the sample equipment to verify the performance and compliance with the
Specifications. The Department shall be the sole judge regarding the acceptability of the
performance of system or components.

b) According to the requirements of the Project’s Contract documents, if required The

Department reserves the right to attend, or appoint another party to attend, a factory
inspection. These would only be in relation to Department projects.

The Department will not attend, nor should be invited to attend, any factory inspections
for Third-Party/Private/Developer owned and funded projects; these are the personal
decision/responsibility of the Third-Party’s/Developer’s project teams.

Project Submission Requirement:- Written confirmation stating acceptance of the

above requirements if and when envoked by The Department.

7. Warranty
Note: Warranties shall be for/transferable to The Department after the end of
project’s defined defects phase to cover the remainder of the Warranty period to the
requirements as defined below.

a) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year on-site replacement: material,
material, fixtures, finish, and workmanship. On-site replacement includes
transportation, removal and installation of new products. Finish warranty shall include
warranty against corrosion, failure or substantial deteriorations such as blistering,
cracking or peeling (excluding damage caused by contact with chemical substances,
fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents or stray electrical currents). The warranty
shall include for maintained aesthetic integrity of the solar fixtures/system components,
photovoltaic panels, accessories, components and assemblies (not including the
photovoltaic panels and batteries), without any partial or complete separation,
corrosion, leaking, dislocation, disjointing, flaring, etc. of any elements of the solar
fixtures/system components and assembly with no cost to The Department*

b) A written warranty for a Minimum ten (10) year replacement material warranty for
defective solar fixture/system, accessories, components and assemblies (not including
the photovoltaic panels and batteries), with no cost to The Department*

c) A written warranty for a Minimum five (5) year replacement material warranty on the
batteries for on-site replacement: material and workmanship. On-site replacement
includes transportation, removal and installation of new products. Warranty shall
include substantial deteriorations such as leaking, buckling, corrosion, inability to be

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SE-14

Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
charged or withhold a charge, impacted system autonomy and reduced dc output with
no cost to The Department*

d) A written warranty for a Minimum twenty-five (25) year replacement material warranty
for the photovoltaic (PV) modules for their output peak watt capacity to not fall below
70% at the end of twenty five (25) years. With a Minimum-ten (minimum-10) year
replacement warranty for their output peak watt capacity to not fall below 85% at the
end of ten (10) years. With no cost to The Department*

(Please note: * With no cost to The Department does not just refer to the solar
equipment/component cost in regards to any warranty actions. This also refers to any
costs associated with labour for removal/fitting of components, obtaining Authority
NOCs, traffic management costs, transport etc. The Department will not be liaible for
any associated costs arising/necessary in relation to warranty actions) These
requirements are purely in regards to the terms of Solar Equipment Warranties that
must be provided to The Department at Handover. It is not in any way in connection to
the cover during the defects period which shall be solely as per specific terms agreed
between the manufacturer and Contractor.

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a written undertaking, to the satisfaction of

The Department, of the Warranty for The Department from the Solar Supplier,
accompanied with written proof of the local representative’s UAE Operating License and
established UAE background, to warranty the materials and performance as stated
within this clause and for the minimum periods defined.

8. Maintenance/Defects Contract Period

If requested within the Project documents, the Consultant/Contractor shall provide for
the solar system manufacturer to include for a full maintenance and defects contract for
a defined period for the project. This would be above and beyond the normal defects

This contract shall include for all preventative and reactionary maintenance of the solar
system and components, including all parts and materials throughout the duration of
the contract. Refer also to Clause 5.6 regarding cleaning. Full details of this maintenance
contract including method statement for the maintenance to be included for approval of
The Department. The maintenance contract should include for a renewal and/or
extension of the contract if required in the future by The Department.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for the solar lighting

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SE-15

Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
9. Measurement and Payment
a) General. The measurement and payment for the solar lighting system shall include, but
not by way of limitations, the complete solar fixture/system and components, batteries,
invertors, controllers, PLMS, luminaires with all accessories, foundations, earthing and
all related materials and works for the complete installation and energizing the system.

Installation of cables shall be in accordance with The Department’s standard


b) Solar Fixtures/System. Measurement and payment for the solar fixtures/system and
components, will be at the unit rates as included in the Bills of Quantities, which rates
shall be considered as full compensation for all labour materials, finishes, tools,
equipment and appurtenances as required, as specified, and as directed by The

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for the solar lighting

10. Operation and Maintenance Manual

An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual), in both English and
Arabic, should be provided for The Department for the solar system. The following
minimum details must be provided in the Manual:

• Basic principles of the photovoltaic system.

• A small write-up (with a block diagram) on the project solar system - its
components, fixtures and PV-modules, batteries, inverter/controller electronics
and LED luminaires (if applicable), driver, including expected performance.
• Type, Model number, Voltage & capacity of the batteries used in the system.
• Charging, discharging regime and significance of any indicators.
• Clear instructions about the installation of all solar system components.
• Equipment manufacturer’s documentation (data sheets, handbooks, etc.
• A list of actions to be taken in the event of an earth fault alarm
• The shutdown and isolation procedure for emergency and maintenance
• A copy of the Shutdown procedure and any electrical safety warnings
• Clear instructions on regular maintenance, cleaning and troubleshooting of the
solar system.
• The system performance estimate, including expected seasonal or operational

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Part-2 Section-E – Solar & Lighting for Public Realm
• Do's and Don’ts.
• Environmental Policy regarding the origin and manufacturer of all components,
operation performance and safe transportation, disposal and/or recycling of
components after removal/changing-over.
• All names and contact details of the relevant contact persons for repair,
cleaning and maintenance, in case of non-functionality of the solar system.

Project Submission Requirement:- Cover the above requirements for the solar lighting

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation

Part-2 Section F – Light Pollution Mitigation

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-2
Section-F, refer to the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

For more reference information regarding light pollution, light trespass and sky glow, refer to
the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook Chapter F.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-2 Section-F of
the Lighting Manual.

The technical brief criteria developed within this Section aims to ensure the appropriate
reduced night time light pollution is maintained for a project. This is to ensure the correct
balance is achieved to avoid excessive and obtrusive light pollution and its associated
adverse impacts on human and ecological health.

The Light Pollution Mitigation calculations must be provided at Detailed Design Stage for
the whole project area or a typical section of project area if applicable: i.e. for a linear
streetscape project with a repetitive lighting design solution.

All lighting within a project area must be considered together whether it is street lighting
only, landscape lighting only, or combined street and landscape lighting. A single project
submission is required to cover all the area’s lighting. To ensure this holistic requirement is
understood fully, this section is repeated within Part-1 of this Manual

1.1 Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-F

a) A project Light Pollution Mitigation submission at Detailed Design Stage to cover

whole project lighting.

1.2 Not Required/Permitted under Manual Part-2 Section-F

a) Separate street lighting and landscape lighting submissions if both are present
together within a project area.
b) Submission during any other stage than for Detailed Design

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SF-1

Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation

2. General Project Design Requirements & Responsibilities

2.1 General

The design, specification, calculation, manufacturing, testing, shipment, installation and

performance for the project shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of The
Department’s electrical and lighting standards for electrical distribution works, except as
specified herein. Copies should be requested from The Department if not already held.
Details of all standards are provided within the Applicable Standards & Guidance
References at the end of Part-2.

The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the project and all product specifications
are fully in compliance, without any deviation from this Manual, prior to forwarding to The
Department for approval. Any deviation should be brought to the notice of The Department.
The Consultant shall ensure in his design the following: integration, coordination,
functionality and accessibility of these services. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to
bring the system to the design & operating and maintenance conditions.

2.2 Exterior lighting:

a) All non-safety and non-security public realm lighting must be automatically switched
off or dimmed between 23.00hrs and 07.00hrs and outside these hours if daylight
levels are sufficient.

b) If safety lighting is provided and will be used between 23.00hrs and 07.00hrs, this
part of the lighting system must comply with the lower levels of lighting
recommended during these hours by IESNA RP-33-99 and IES RP-8. For example by
using automatic switching to reduce the lighting levels at 23.00hrs or earlier.

c) If security lighting is provided, it must be activated using motion sensors with

threshold and time-off adjustment so that luminaires only activate when someone is
in the immediate area and turn off a reasonable time after motion is no longer

2.3 Lighting levels at the site boundary and beyond:

a) All projects must be classified and stated under one of the zones defined in the below table:

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SF-2

Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation

Table of Lighting Zones

Lighting Zone Description
Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land
and rural areas
Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning,
LZ2 neighbourhood business districts, light industry with limited
nighttime use, and residential mixed-use areas
LZ3 All other areas
High-activity commercial districts in major metropolitan
areas as designated by the local land use planning authority

b) The project’s exterior lighting must then be designed to meet the following

Table of Lighting Design Requirements

Maximum Maximum Light Maximum
Maximum Initial Trespass into Surface
Luminaire Source
Initial Illuminance at Maximum windows (Vertical Luminance
Lighting Intensity (kcd)
Illuminance at Specified % Direct Lux) (cd/m2)
Site Boundary Distance Up-light 07.00 to 23.00 to 07.00 to 23.00 to
(Lux) Beyond Site 23.00 07.00 23.00 07.00 Average
Boundary (Lux) hrs hrs hrs hrs
LZ1 <1 N/A 0% 2 1*1 2.5 0 2.5
LZ2 1.1 <1 AT 3m 2% 5 1 7.5 0.5 5
LZ3 2.2 <1 AT 4.5m 5% 10 2 10 1 10
LZ4 5 <1 AT 7.5m 15% 25 5 15 2.5 15
1 2
* Allowed from public road street lighting installations only. * Where the site boundary lies adjacent
to a Lighting Zone of a lower category, the requirements of the lower category must be met at and
beyond that boundary.

2.4 Additional Requirements/Clarifications:

a) High structure aircraft hazard lights are excluded from the calculations.

b) Feature lighting may be exempted from these requirements where a specialist

lighting consultant has recommended their inclusion in order to protect illuminated
visual elements/character as part of artwork.

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Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation
c) Any floodlighting for sports facilities, for a limited amount of time in the evenings
can also be excluded from the project calculations. These sports facilities must only
have lighting activated during sporting activities/use. Sports facilities intended for
operation during non-operational hours must include the sports lighting within the

d) Lighting schemes requiring/proposing upward light, for example ground recessed

luminaires, ground mounted floodlights and decorative lighting may not in
combination achieve the Table’s limits. In these instances, deliberation and care
should always be taken to minimise any upward waste light by the proper
application of suitably directional luminaires where applicable; accurate aiming onto
surfaces, minimal lumen-output/wattage selection, light controlling attachments
and the project’s circuit/control philosophy.

Project Submission Requirement:- To demonstate the above requirements are met

3. Light Pollution Criteria Definitions

Diagram showing Light pollution

3.1 Definitions

a) Percentage Direct Uplight - The percentage of direct upward light associated with the
total initial designed fixture lumens emitted at an angle of 90-degrees or higher from
nadir (straight down). This percentage must be met at the project’s plot boundary.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SF-4

Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation

b) Maximum Light Trespass (into windows) - This is calculated in vertical illuminance (Lux)
and is measured flat on the glazing at the centre of the window. These values are the
maximum levels permitted excluding existing base light levels.

c) Maximum Luminaire Source Intensity - This applies to each lighting source and/or
luminaire directly visible outside of the area being lit which could be a source of glare or
distraction. These values must be achieved however exceptions may be permitted it
mitigated for particular lighting applications, such as sports lighting.

d) Maximum Surface Luminance - This is the measurement of actual visual brightness and
must be limited to avoid over lighting of all or any of the external lighting elements. The
area luminance is only applicable to surfaces directly illuminated as part of the night
time external lighting scheme.

e) Motion sensors with threshold adjustment - Threshold adjustments can be made to

prevent nuisance activation by insects, birds and small animals. Hours of operation
should be followed, except where it can be demonstrated that the project’s known
‘hours of usage’ exceed these.

4. Design Calculation Requirements and Methodology

a) Provide a narrative describing the type and location of all external lighting provided on
the project, and lighting calculations demonstrating that the required illuminances and
percentage up-light limits within the Table of Lighting Design Requirements have been

b) Provide overall project site external lighting drawing(s) and details of lighting controls
and locations of any daylight sensors.

c) Provide specification and luminaire schedule details confirming mounting heights and all
information relating to the light output and aiming of each luminaire.

d) Provide the Control Strategy confirming which luminaires will be turned off and/or
dimmed outside the recommended hours of operation and which luminaires will
operate at the reduced levels.

e) Provide confirmation of any safety or security lighting used between 23.00 and 07:00
complies with the lower levels of lighting recommended within the Table of Lighting
Design Requirements.

f) Provide a Light Pollution Mitigation Calculation Report within a single report format

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Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation
which must include for all public realm lighting, including safety, security, pedestrian
circulation, landscape (functional/accent/feature/ architectural), street, external car
parking, and external signage/advertising. Proprietary lighting calculation software, such
as DiaLux must be used to evaluate and demonstrate compliance of the project and
achievement of the limits set out within the Table of Lighting Design Requirements.

The Consultant shall comply with the following requirements:

• All Company Details and Project Set-Up information shall be entered in full
• Designer’s details, contact information and project notes shall be entered in full
• Use of horizontal and vertical calculation planes, false-colour, contour and/or
point measurement grids can be used to address appropriately the various
• Each separate calculation/calculation plane to be titled logically for the project
and cross-referenced to project drawings/report specifically if applicable
• The Table of Lighting Design Requirements under Clause 2.2 b) and associated
notes shall form the basis of all calculations with any base variables manually
adapted from any software defaults as necessary to exactly match the Table’s
• The calculated Maintenance Factors derived as per the relevant lighting design
Section(s) only shall form the basis of all entered MF(LLF) values used and
replace any software default values
• Only exact-fixture IES/Eulumdat luminaire data used within the calculation(s),
fixtures files always used at appropriate % lumen output as per the controls
• Fixture offsets, aiming and tilt angles shall exactly match those proposed for the
• Project Output Report for submissions shall always include the following
selected minimum options as and where applicable :
o Project Cover
o Table of Contents
o Luminaire Parts List
o Luminaire Data Sheet(s)
o Planning Data
Per Calculation/Calculation Plane (as applicable)
o Luminance Photometric Results OR
o Illuminance Photometric Results OR
o Greyscale or False Colour 2D/3D Contour Rendering

Project Submission Requirement:- Provide a Project Light Polution Mitigation Report including
the Software Lighting Calculation Report fully in adhereance to the above requirements in PDF
format. In addition if requested by The Department, provide the software source file alongside
the PDF Report.

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Part-2 Section-F – Light Pollution Mitigation

Page Intentionally Blank

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements

Part-2 Section G – Project Submission

For full descriptions of any standards and guidance documents referred to within this Part-2
Section-G, refer to the Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References Section.

1. Section Explanation
The below is a brief summary of the primary factors covered within this Part-2 Section-G of
the Lighting Manual.

This Section covers Project Design Submissions made to The Department in relation only to
the lighting discipline and the specific technical lighting submission information required in
addition to any Department standard Consultant Procedures/standard submission
standards. It is not in relation to any other disciplines, nor planning submissions, material
submittals, shop drawings, Tender submissions or any other pre or post-design submissions.
These are separate issues and covered elsewhere as per Department procedures for other
disciplines and as required for Town Planning submissions or Contract works.

The Project Design Stage Submission Requirements for Lighting are grouped as per four the
separate Stages as follows:

• Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage

• Concept Design Stage
• Preliminary Design Stage
• Detail Design Stage
Concept Design, Preliminary Design and Detail Design are statutory project submission
stages for Department projects. The Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage
does not always form part of project requirements, however if submitted, the requirements
in regard to the lighting technical provisions are also covered here.

The Consultant shall ensure that all submissions made to The Department are correctly
labelled as per these Design Stages and if different terminology is used, aligned to the
requirements of these stage requirements and stated.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-1

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements

2. Project Study/Project Set-up/Pre-Concept Design Stage

NOTE: This Stage is not a statutory Department project submission requirement

If lighting forms part of the project (as per RFP ToR), generally this submission stage comprises
of a written report section covering lighting, with perhaps some generic supporting details.

2.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

a) As far as referred-to standards, this Lighting Manual must be stated as the primary
basis of the project’s lighting design. Any CIE or IESNA lighting standards etc. can be
mentioned, but only if listed after this Lighting Manual. However all relevant
international standards are already covered and referred to as and when applicable
within this Lighting Manual.

b) Reference to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook is also desired.

c) Any Supply Authority standards/requirements can only be mentioned in regards to

sub-mains electrical requirements, not in relation to lighting, luminaires or lighting

d) UPC: USDM, PRDM, UCDM, SSPM and ESTIDAMA documents and stated
requirements are recommended and acceptable references for lighting in relation to
planning and general project lighting requirements.

e) Any other QCC approved relevant Abu Dhabi standards and specifications can also
be stated.

f) If lighting levels, any design variables, fixture heights, spacings/arrangements etc.

are stated then they must match the relevant requirements within this Manual
unless specific reasons are stated to justify a variation to the normal Department

g) Any reference to luminaires must confirm they are LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

h) Any reference to lighting management controls or solar lighting equipment must

conform to the requirements of this Manual’s Part-2 Sections D & E respectively.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-2

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

3. Concept Design Stage

This submission stage’s requirements in regard to lighting are similar in scope to the previous
stage’s and still generally comprises of a written report section covering lighting correctly. With
perhaps some more comprehensive generic supporting layouts, details, visuals/renderings,
design tables and lighting calculations included.

It must be noted that any submission must be presented to The Department clearly and
logically and the various documents sensibly labelled. As most Department submission
systems are becoming electronic, it is essential that all electronic files are titled simply and
logically as to what they are, so the Department reviewer can see instantly from a list of files
what is what. Reports should be named as a report; any lighting calculations should be named
lighting calculations and any lighting layouts named as per the layout’s titles and not the
drawing numbers.

3.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

3.1.1 Cover Letter

a) Include a cover letter describing exactly what the project is, where it is and what lighting
the project encompasses.

3.1.2 Lighting Report Key Aspects

a) As far as referred-to standards, this Lighting Manual must be stated as the primary basis
of the project’s lighting design. Any CIE or IESNA lighting standards etc. can be
mentioned, but only if listed after this Lighting Manual. However all relevant
international standards are already covered and referred to as and when applicable
within this Lighting Manual. Reference to the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
is also desired.

b) State prior approval of relevant authorities such as UPC and DMAT.

c) Proposed solar/solar lighting idea(s) for the project to be submitted as per Part-2

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-3

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
d) Any Supply Authority standards/requirements can only be mentioned in regards to sub-
mains electrical requirements, not in relation to lighting, luminaires or lighting design.

e) UPC: USDM, PRDM, UCDM, SSPM and ESTIDAMA documents and stated requirements
are recommended and acceptable references for lighting in relation to planning and
general project lighting requirements.

f) Any other QCC approved relevant Abu Dhabi Standards and Specifications can also be

g) If lighting levels, any design variables, fixture heights, spacings/arrangements etc. are
stated then they must match the relevant requirements within this Manual unless
specific reasons are stated to justify a variation to the normal Department

h) Any reference to luminaires must confirm they are LED (or other equally sustainable
alternative luminaire technology as defined within this Manual’s Introduction).

i) Any reference to lighting management controls or solar lighting equipment must

conform to the requirements of this Manual’s Part-2 Sections D & E respectively.

j) Include within the Concept Report at least one night-time visualisation/rendering

alongside any daytime imagery. This should be provided to demonstrate the intended
nighttime visual environment at an eye-level perspective. If needed to convey all the
lighting aspects for larger projects in which a single image may not convey to The
Department to concept visually, provide more nighttime visuals as the project
size/scope demands.

3.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material:

a) If there are lighting calculations included then they must always match the relevant
requirements within this Manual unless specific reasons are stated to justify a variation
to the normal Department requirements. They must also correlate with any lighting
layout/plan information submitted (if supplied).

b) If there are lighting layouts/plans included then they must always match the relevant
requirements within this Manual unless specific reasons are stated to justify a variation
to the normal Department requirements. They must also correlate with any lighting
calculation information submitted (if supplied). For street lighting, issues such as any
intersections and junctions submitted must be clear and thought out to show they are
optimised sensible pole locations.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-4

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
c) If there are any images, renderings or visualisations shown, then they must always
correlate with the relevant requirements within this Manual and the recommendations
provided within the Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook.

As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

4. Preliminary Design Stage

The general rule of what technical information must be submitted for the Preliminary Design
Stage for lighting can be summarised into the following three requirements:

• Lighting Calculations
• Lighting Layouts
• Luminaire Data

All three things must always be submitted together as project lighting cannot be reviewed or be
able to gain an approval when provided in isolation.

It must be noted that any submission must be presented to The Department clearly and
logically and the various documents sensibly labelled. As most Department submission
systems are becoming electronic, it is essential that all electronic files are titled simply and
logically as to what they are, so the Department reviewer can see instantly from a list of files
what is what. Reports should be named as a report; lighting calculations should be named
lighting calculations and lighting layouts named as per the layout’s titles and not the drawing

4.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

4.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Concept Design Approval

a) Include a cover letter describing exactly what the project is, where it is and what lighting
the project encompasses. Include under this letter a copy of the project’s Department
approval (or conditional approval if applicable) for the Concept Design Stage.

4.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-5

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements

a) DiaLux software must be used; any other software and manufacturer’s own software is
not permitted unless submitted as an addition to the DiaLux report.

b) All luminaires used within lighting calculations are to be proposed only when
determined as being fully compliant with all the criteria set out with the Clause 3
requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.

c) The Maintenance Factor (MF) calculated value as per this Manual’s requirements must
be provided for the specific luminaire solution(s) and these calculated values used with
the lighting calculations. Software default values or any assumed unjustified values are
not acceptable.

d) Lighting Levels, design factors and spacing arrangements proposed must comply with
the tables of lighting design requirements as described within this Manual, unless
accompanied by written justifications.

e) A single lighting calculation report must be provided to fully include all the requirements
set out with the Clause 4 requirements as per the relevant Section(s) within this Manual.

f) The calculation results (spacings, heights, locations etc.) must correlate fully with the
setting out of the fixtures on the lighting layout drawings.

g) The luminaires used within the lighting calculations must correlate fully with the
luminaire data provided within the submission.

4.1.3 Lighting Layouts Key Aspects

a) All lighting layouts must be provided with written dimensions included for spacings, set-
backs etc. regardless of whether the layouts have a stated scale; as any electronic
submission systems cannot scale layouts. If the spacing arrangement is repetitive, such
as with a long pathway arrangement, and these spacings are regular, then a sample
calculation can be shown for every change in arrangement in order to convey clearly the
spacings to a reviewer. Single calculations can also be provided for repeating tasks such
as tree lighting.

b) The lighting layouts’ fixture spacings, heights, locations etc. must correlate fully with the
lighting calculation’s results for spacings, heights, locations.

c) Luminaires must never be referenced, labelled or defined by their wattage; wattage is

just a result a particular luminaire’s combination of light source, driver, optics and
fixture efficacy to meet the lighting design requirements and no longer can two fixtures
be deemed to be alike by this method. Referencing should be by symbol and unique

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-6

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
letter or number, for example: A, B, C1, C2, D etc…

d) The luminaires shown on the lighting layouts (as referenced/labelled) must correlate
fully both with those used within the lighting calculations and with the luminaire data
provided within the submission.

e) All Layouts; title blocks, labelling, electrical/civil layer information and all other general
requirements shall be as per The Department’s Drawing/CAD/CADD Standards.

4.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects

a) All luminaire data provided must prove they are fully compliant with all the criteria set
out with the Clause 3 requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.
All necessary data required, as shown in the blue Project Submission Requirement
clause summaries, must be included as applicable. The Consultant is responsible for
ensuring technically compliant fixtures are selected and proposed.

b) Each luminaire proposed within the submission must be clearly defined by the
referencing system and cross-referenced with both the lighting calculations and as they
are located on the lighting layouts.

c) Luminaires must be presented in a Lighting Schedule format, either on the layouts or as

a separate document, with the supporting data submitted separately in a clear and
ordered manner containing all the supporting information required for each luminaire.

d) Any lighting management system proposed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-D)

e) Any solar lighting system proposed and agreed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-E)

4.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material:

a) Lighting Detail Drawings, whilst required for Detail Design Stage are optional for
Preliminary Design, but can be provided if they can show any necessary information on
fixture integration, mounting, bases etc. that might be required to suit a particular

b) It is useful to include any lighting information contained within a Preliminary Report (or
even from the original Concept Design Report) if the project has something, as often this
gives the reviewer some useful background to the project that can assist in the review.

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-7

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

Note: Approval at Preliminary Design Stage is always based on the specific luminaire
solution(s) proposed and proved through the combined calculation, layout and luminaire data
material submitted. Lighting approvals are not ‘generic’ and the Consultant is fully responsible
to ensure this approved solution is taken forward to Detail Design Stage and subsequently the
Tender package in whatever method is preferred to ensure the Department Approved
solution is either delivered or a fully Equal and Approved solution delivered in its place.

5. Detail Design Stage

The general rule of what technical information must be submitted for the Detail Design Stage for
lighting can be summarised into the following four requirements:

• Lighting Calculations
• Lighting Layouts/Details
• Luminaire Data
• Light Pollution Mitigation Report

All four things must always be submitted together as project lighting cannot be reviewed or be
able to gain an approval when provided in isolation.

It must be noted that any submission must be presented to The Department clearly and
logically and the various documents sensibly labelled. As most Department submission
systems are becoming electronic, it is essential that all electronic files are titled simply and
logically as to what they are, so the Department reviewer can see instantly from a list of files
what is what. Reports should be named as a report; lighting calculations should be named
lighting calculation, lighting layouts named as per the layout’s titles and not the drawing
numbers and the light pollution mitigation report files labelled accordingly.

5.1 Lighting Submission Minimum Requirements:

5.1.1 Cover Letter & Copy of the Preliminary Design Approval

a) Include a cover letter describing exactly what the project is, where it is and what lighting

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-SG-8

Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
the project encompasses. Include under this letter a copy of the project’s Department
approval (or conditional approval if applicable) for the Preliminary Design Stage.

5.1.2 Lighting Calculations Key Aspects

a) DiaLux software must be used; any other software and manufacturer’s own software is
not permitted unless submitted as an addition to the DiaLux report.

b) All luminaires used within lighting calculations are to be proposed only when
determined as being fully compliant with all the criteria set out with the Clause 3
requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.

c) The Maintenance Factor (MF) calculated value as per this Manual’s requirements must
be provided for the specific luminaire solution(s) and these calculated values used with
the lighting calculations. Software default values or any assumed unjustified values are
not acceptable.

d) Lighting Levels, design factors and spacing arrangements proposed must comply with
the tables of lighting design requirements as described within this Manual, unless
accompanied by written justifications.

e) A single lighting calculation report must be provided to fully include all the requirements
set out with the Clause 4 requirements as per the relevant Section(s) within this Manual.

f) The calculation results (spacings, heights, locations etc.) must correlate fully with the
setting out of the fixtures on the lighting layout and detail drawings.

g) The luminaires used within the lighting calculations must correlate fully with the
luminaire data provided within the submission.

5.1.3 Lighting Layout/Details Key Aspects

a) All lighting layouts must be provided with written dimensions included for spacings, set-
backs etc. regardless of whether the layouts have a stated scale; as any electronic
submission systems cannot scale layouts. If the spacing arrangement is repetitive, such
as with a long pathway arrangement, and these spacings are regular, then a sample
calculation can be shown for every change in arrangement in order to convey clearly the
spacings to a reviewer. Single calculations can also be provided for repeating tasks such
as tree lighting.

b) The lighting layouts’ fixture spacings, heights, locations etc. must correlate fully with the
lighting calculation’s results for spacings, heights, locations.

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Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
c) The lighting detail drawings must show every luminaire type’s installation, fixing,
mounting details clearly and how they are integrated within the project’s hardscape
arrangements and compliance with any Department requirements.

d) Luminaires must never be referenced, labelled or defined by their wattage; wattage is

just a result a particular luminaire’s combination of light source, driver, optics and
fixture efficacy to meet the lighting design requirements and no longer can two fixtures
be deemed to be alike by this method. Referencing should be by symbol and unique
letter or number, for example: A, B, C1, C2, D etc…

e) The luminaires shown on the lighting layouts and details (as referenced/labelled) must
correlate fully both with those used within the lighting calculations and with the
luminaire data provided within the submission.

f) All Layouts/Details; title blocks, labelling, electrical/civil layer information and all other
general requirements shall be as per The Department’s Drawing/CAD/CADD Standards.

5.1.4 Technical Data Key Aspects

a) All luminaire data provided must prove they are fully compliant with all the criteria set
out with the Clause 3 requirements of the relevant Part/Section(s) within this Manual.
All necessary data required, as shown in the blue Project Submission Requirement
clause summaries, must be included as applicable. The Consultant is responsible for
ensuring technically compliant fixtures are selected and proposed.

b) Each luminaire proposed within the submission must be clearly defined by the
referencing system and cross-referenced with both the lighting calculations and as they
are located on the lighting layouts and detail drawings.

c) Luminaires must be presented in a Lighting Schedule format, either on the layouts or as

a separate document, with the supporting data submitted separately in a clear and
ordered manner containing all the supporting information required for each luminaire.

d) Any lighting management system proposed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-D)

e) Any solar lighting system proposed and agreed for the project (provision requirement as
determined by, and technically compliant to, the requirements of Section-E)

5.1.5 Light Pollution Mitigation Report

a) Provide a Project Light Pollution Mitigation Report including the Software Lighting
Calculation Report fully in adherence to the requirements of Section F in PDF format. In

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Part-2 Section-G – Project Submission Requirements
addition if requested by The Department, provide the software source file alongside the
PDF Report.

5.2 Optional Lighting Submission Material:

a) It is useful to include any lighting information contained within a Detail Design Report
(or even from the original Concept Design and/or Preliminary Design Report) if the
project has something, as often this gives the reviewer some useful background to the
project that can assist in the review.

As and when applicable to provide the above listed submission requirements, always refer to
the blue Project Submission Requirement summaries located at the end of clauses within this
Manual for assistance in specific requirements.

6. Tender/Construction Responsibilities
Note: Approval at Detail Design Stage with regards to lighting is always an approval based on
the entire optimum project design and includes the specific optimum luminaire solution(s)
contained which has been proved through the combined calculation, layout and luminaire
data material submitted to meet all this Manual’s requirements. The luminaires included
within a Project’s lighting approval can therefore never be treated as ‘generic’, nor can
lighting fixtures be deemed purely an arbitrary commodity item based on a handful of
performance variables such as wattage, number of LEDs, IP-rating or lumen output. All LED
luminaires are precise optical instruments with a particular unique combination of a multitude
of performance, distribution, quality, material and aesthetic attributes, albeit attributes which
can and should be correctly defined for the later project stages from Tender onwards.

The Consultant is fully responsible to ensure the approved Detail Design can be taken forward
to Tender package and then to Construction accurately, in whatever method prefered, to
ensure the Department’s approval is either delivered exactly as the DD or an equal or better
optimum luminaire/lighting design solution could be approved and delivered in its place.

It is recommended that Tender documentation covers each fixture requirement/specification

in enough fine detail to set out all the necessary photometry/efficiency performance,
component, quality, material and aesthetic parameters clearly, including the specific fixture
brand/references/images if preferred, including accessories. But always being clearly set out
that any specific luminaire references are on an Equal & Approved basis. So a Contractor can
make his free choice and that any luminaires proposed by the Contractor that are different to
those approved within the Detail Design submission will need to be put forward to meet or
exceed all requirements and with new lighting calculations and data/testing sheets instructed
to be included within material submissions to prove this.

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Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016
Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References

Part-2 Applicable Standards & Guidance References

The following documents where applicable and/or as invoked specifically, shall be followed with
regards to the Lighting Manual Part-2 Sections A to G. Any versions listed (or equivalent
International approved documents) that are superseded by either updated versions or by
alternative documents, if and when they become available, the latest applicable
versions/editions always shall be obtained and referred to.

A. Abu Dhabi Standards & Guidance

1. DMAT Abu Dhabi Sustainable Lighting Strategy
2. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
3. The Abu Dhabi Guide to Infrastructure Standards -
 Energy Infrastructure Chapter
 Public Realm Infrastructure Chapter
 Transport Infrastructure Chapter
Along with the following specific unified manuals, standards, codes,
specifications, guides and other documents encompassed by and referenced
within these Chapters:
 Urban Street Design Manual (USDM)
 Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM)
 Walking & Cycling Master Plan – Network Design
 Landscape Design Guidelines
 Landscape Standard Specifications
 Landscape Standard Drawings
 Landscape O&M Specifications
 Landscape O&M Guidelines
 Irrigation Manuals – Volumes I to IV
 Stormwater Design Manual, Standard Drawings, O&M & Technical
 Consultant Procedure Manual
 Sustainability Guideline Standards
 Safety & Security Planning Manual
 Standard Bill of Quantities
 Project Cost Estimating Manual
 Project Risk Management Manual
 Utility Corridors Design Manual (for Utilities in Urban Areas)
 Roadway Design Manual, Standard Drawings & Specifications
4. The Department’s Sustainable Project Rating Schemes
For Abu Dhabi City Municipality (ADM):
 Abu Dhabi Sustainable Roads Rating System (SRRS) (latest version)
5. Department Project Value Engineering Requirements

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-Ref-1

Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
For Abu Dhabi City Municipality (ADM):
 Value Engineering Guidelines (VEG) (latest version)
6. Estidama-Pearl Community Rating System (latest version)
7. Estidama-Pearl Public Realm Rating System (latest version)
8. Estidama-Submittal User Guides – PQP
9. UPC Interim Coastal Development Guidelines (ICDG)
10. UPC UPC Al Bateen Waterfront Design Guidelines
11. ADDC/AADC Standard Technical Specifications for Electrical Works
12. Abu Dhabi Regulation & Supervision Bureau - The Electricity Wiring Regulations
13. Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Technical Standards
14. UAE Fire & Life Safety Code of Practice

B. International Standards & Guidance

1. CIE S 017/E:2011 ILV: International Lighting Vocabulary
2. ANSI/IES RP-16-10 Nomenclature & Definitions for Illuminating Engineering
3. Illuminating Engineering Society: The Lighting Handbook Reference and
Application – 10th Edition
4. The Society of Light and Lighting 2009: The SLL Lighting Handbook
5. The Society of Light and Lighting 2012: The SLL Code for Lighting
6. ISO 9001:2008/2015 Quality Management System – Requirements
7. ISO 80000 Quantities and Units (SI units)

C. Lighting Maintenance & Measurement

1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. CIE 154-2003 The Maintenance of Outdoor Lighting Systems
3. CIE 112-1994 Glare Evaluation System for Use within Outdoor and Area Lighting
4. BS 667:2005: Illuminance Meters. Requirements and Test Methods
5. CIE S 023/E:2013 - ISO/CIE 19476:2014 Characterization of the Performance of
Illuminance Meters and Luminance Meters

D. Mechanical/Material
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. EN/ANSI/IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code for
Ingress Protection)
3. EN/ANSI/IEC 62262 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures for Electrical
Equipment Against External Mechanical Impacts (IK Code)
4. EN/IEC 60068-2-6:2008 Environmental testing. Tests. Test Fc. Vibration
5. EN/IEC 60068-2-68-2 L Environmental Testing – Part 2-68: Tests – Test L: Dust
and Sand

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-Ref-2

Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
6. ASTM B117-11 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
7. ASTM D1654-08 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated
Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments
8. EN/ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres. Salt Spray Tests
9. ISO 8289:2000 Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels - Low voltage Test for Detecting
and Locating Defects
10. ISO 4892-1:1999 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources --
Part 1: General Guidance
11. ISO 3522:2007 - BS EN 1706:2010 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys - Castings -
Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties
12. ASTM A153/A153M–09 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron
and Steel Hardware
13. Stainless Steel Specification /Designation to ASTM-SAE or aligned equivalent

E. Electrical
1. IEC 60050 International Electro-technical Vocabulary (IEV)
Electrical & Material Safety:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. EN/IEC 60598-1:2015 Luminaires. General Requirements and Tests
3. EN/IEC 60598-2-1:1989 Luminaires. Part 2: Particular Requirements. Section
One: Fixed General Purpose Luminaires
4. BS EN 61140:2002+A1:2006/IEC 61140:2001 Protection against electric shock.
Common aspects for installation and equipment
5. Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) Conformity
Assessment System for Lighting Products (latest version)
6. IEC 61347-1:2015 Lamp Control Gear. General & Safety Requirements
7. IEC 61347-2-13:2014 Lamp Controlgear - Part 2-13: Particular Requirements for
d.c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Controlgear for LED Modules
8. IEC 62384:2006+A1:2009 dc or ac Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED
Modules. Performance Requirements
9. IEEE STD C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of
Surges in Low-Voltage (1000v and Less) ac Power Circuits
10. RoHS-2 Directive 2011/65/EU (Recast RoHS-1) Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive…in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Electromagnetic Compatibility:
1. EN/IEC 61547ed.2.0:2009 Equipment for General Lighting Purposes - EMC
Immunity Requirements (Surge Protection)
2. IEEE/ASNI C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of
Surges in Low-Voltage (1000V and Less) ac Power Circuits
3. EN/IEC 61000-3-2ed4.0:2014 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2:

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Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
Limits - Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions
4. EN/IEC 61000-3-3ed3.0:2013 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3:
Limits - Limitation of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public
Low-Voltage Supply Systems
5. IEC CISPR-15:2013 - EN 55015:2013 Limits and Methods of Measurement of
Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipment
6. NEMA ANSI C82.77:2002 Harmonic Emission Limits – Related Power Quality
Requirements for Lighting Equipment
7. IEEE 519-1993 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control
in Electrical Power Systems

F. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

LED Manufacturing, Testing, Photometry & Measurement:
1. ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2011 – American National Standard for Electric
Lamps— Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL)
2. IEC 62717ed1.0:2014 LED Modules for General Lighting - Performance
Requirements (cancels and replaces IEC PAS 62717 published in 2011)
3. IES/IESNA LM-80-08 Approved Method for Measuring Lumen Maintenance of
LED Light Sources
4. CIE-127:2007 Measurement of LEDs
5. JEDEC JESD22-A108D:2010 Temperature Bias and Operating Life
6. JEDEC JESD51-5:1999 Extension of Thermal Test Board Standards for Packages
with Direct Thermal Attachment Mechanisms
7. JEDEC JESD51-50:2012 Overview of Methodologies for the Thermal
Measurement of Single and Multi-chip, Single and Multi-PN-Junction Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
8. JEDEC JESD51-51:2012 Implementation of the Electrical Test Method for the
Measurement of Real Thermal Resistance and Impedance of Light-Emitting
Diodes with Exposed Cooling Surface
9. JEDEC JESD51-52:2012 Guidelines for Combining CIE 127-2007 Total Flux
Measurements with Thermal Measurements of LEDs with Exposed Cooling
10. JEDEC JESD51-53:2012 Terms, Definitions and Units Glossary for LED Thermal
11. CIE-15:2004 Colorimetry Technical Report (3rd edition)
12. EN/IEC 62471-2 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems

G. LED Luminaire Performance

1. CIE-140 Methods of Calculation
Luminaire Testing, Photometry & Measurement:

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-Ref-4

Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) Abu Dhabi Certification
Scheme for LED Exterior Lighting Fixtures (Luminaires) (latest version)
3. CE Product Certification: 92/59/EEC: 1992 (General Product Safety) & 73/23/EEC
Guidelines to Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
4. UL Product Certification: UL 1598, Luminaires
5. IES/IESNA LM-79-08 Approved Method: Electrical and Photometric
Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products
6. IEC 62722-2-1ed1.0:2014 Luminaire performance - Part 2-1: Particular
requirements for LED luminaires
7. EN 13032-1:2004+A1:2012 Light and Lighting. Measurement and Presentation
of Photometric Data of Lamps and Luminaires. Measurement and File Format
8. EN 13032-4 Light and Lighting - Measurement and Presentation of Photometric
Data of Lamps and Luminaires Part 4: LED Light Sources and Luminaires (once
approved; used in conjunction with EN 13032-1)
9. IES/IESNA TM-21-11 Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED Light
Sources + Addendum A: Projecting Long Term Lumen Maintenance of LED
10. IES/IESNA LM-82-12 LED Light Engines and LED Lamps for Electrical and
Photometric Properties as a Function of Temperature
11. IES/IESNA LM-84-14 Measuring Luminous Flux and Color Maintenance of LED
Lamps, Light Engines and Luminaires
12. IES/IESNA TM-28-14 Projecting Long-Term Luminous Flux Maintenance of LED
Lamps and Luminaires
13. IEC 60068-2-6 ed.07:2007 Environmental Testing - Part 2-6: Tests - Test Fc:
Vibration (sinusoidal)
14. EULUMDAT Photometry file – European data file format used for Specification
of photometric data. The file extension is .ldt
15. IES Photometry file – North American data file format used for Specification of
photometric data. The file extension is .ies
Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems:
1. EN/IEC 62471-2 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems
2. ANSI/IESNA RP-27.3-07 Recommended Practice for Photobiological Safety for
lamps – Risk Group Classification

H. Lighting Design
Public Realm:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. CIBSE/SLL LG06 - SLL Lighting Guide 6: The Outdoor Environment 2016
3. IESNA RP-33-14 Lighting for Exterior Environments
4. IESNA DG-18-08 Light + Design: A Guide to Designing Quality Lighting for People
and Buildings

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-Ref-5

Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
5. IESNA G-1-03 Guideline on Security Lighting for People, Property, and Public

Sports Lighting:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. CIBSE/SLL LG04 - SLL Lighting Guide 4: Sports Lighting 2006 + 2013 Addendum
3. IESNA RP-6-15 Sports and Recreational Area Lighting
Outdoor Work Places:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. CIE 129-1998 Guide for Lighting Exterior Work Areas
3. EN 12464-2:2014 Light and Lighting. Lighting of Work Places. Outdoor Work
Light Pollution Mitigation:
1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. IESNA RP-33-99, Lighting for Exterior Environments, 1999
3. IESNA TM-10 Addressing Obtrusive (Urban Sky Glow and Light Trespass)
4. CIE 126-1997 Guidelines for Minimizing Sky Glow
5. ILP Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light 2005
6. CIBSE/SLL 2012 Guide to Limiting Obtrusive Light
7. Estidama-PCRS Pearl Community Rating System (latest version)
8. Estidama-Pearl Public Realm Rating System (latest version)
9. UPC, Abu Dhabi Safety and Security Planning Manual, P4 Lighting

I. Solar Public Realm Lighting

1. DMAT Public Realm & Street Lighting Handbook
2. ISO 9488 Solar Energy – Vocabulary
3. ASTM E772 Standard Terminology Relating to Solar Energy Conversion
Solar PV Systems and Components:
1. IEC 61646ed2.0:2008 Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules - Design
Qualification and Type Approval
2. IEC 61730-1ed1.2 Consol. with am1&2 - Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety
Qualification – Part 1: Requirements for Construction.
3. IEC 62093ed1.0B:2005 Balance-of-System Components for Photovoltaic Systems
- Design Qualification Natural Environments
1. IEC 60050-486 (IEV) Chapter 486: Secondary Cells and Batteries
2. IEC 60086-1ed11.0:2011 Primary Batteries – Part 1: General
3. IEC 60086-2ed12.0:2011 Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical
4. IEC/EN 60896-11ed1.0:2002-12 Stationary lead-acid batteries - Part 11: Vented

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-Ref-6

Part-2 – Applicable Standards & Guidance References
types - General requirements and methods of tests
5. IEC/EN 60896-21:2004 Stationary Lead Acid Batteries, Valve-Regulated Types:
Methods of Test
6. IEC/EN 60896-22ed1.0:2004 Stationary Lead Acid Batteries, Valve-Regulated
Types: Requirements
7. IEC/EN 61951-2ed3.0b:2011 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or
other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 2:
Nickel-metal hydride

J. Economic/Cost - Life-Cycle Analysis

1. ISO 15686-5:2008 Buildings and constructed assets -- Service-life planning
-- Part 5: Life-cycle costing

K. Lighting Controls/PLMS
1. EN 60950 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
2. IEEE 802.15.4a - Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
3. IEC 62386 - DALI Standards
4. DMX512 Standards

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016 Page P2-Ref-7

User’s Notes

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

User’s Notes

Lighting Manual – Version 1.0: December 2016

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