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Pepper Construction Group Case Study

How Does Pepper's Construction's "Team" mission help keep the company on the

track toward better Safety?

Before, safety issue was not a first and essential priority to the organization and its leaders

until its owner, Dave Pepper, disclosed that the EMR placed the company in the third bottom

position in its safety performance. Experience Modification Rate (EMR) is a tool for tracking the

severity and frequency of compensation claims (Flentge Para 1-3). Despite the fact the company

had 30% more than the national average for the standard contractors, the company owner

deduced that its safety performance was good but not good enough (Flentge Para 4).

Consequently, through the long-range strategic plan, the company developed a statement for the

Team Safety mission that relayed its commitment toward an accident and injury-free place of

work. The mission statement that helps to keep the company on the right track toward improved

Safety comprise of TEAM (Training, Empowerment, Action, Motivation) initiative

Training is offered to all staff in the company. The company provides different safety

training pieces to the employees, such as on 10-hours training scheme, OSHA-developed training

program, and on-site safety orientations. Moreover, these training programs are integrated with

first-aid training for the employees. The company also gives staff a 30-hours OSHA course on
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construction safety, especially on the craftsmen (Flentge Para 6). The interactive approaches in

Pepper Construction Group training are useful for employees as they help them understand

safety issues. These interactive approaches consist of partnering with OSHA to get guidelines on

how to address different workplace accident problems.

Empowerment of all staff to have the power to decline unsafe workplace. The company has

ensured staff involvement and participation in managing safety problems, which has resulted in

an effective program (Jazayeri and Dadi 20). The company has employed high engagement and

empowerment toward promoting Safety, in which it has bestowed trust and commitment in the

staff to instill a safe organizational culture.

Action through improving the vigor toward taking the steps required to protect the

administrative staff and continually advance the safety program. Pepper Construction Group has

taken the first measure in affirming managers and the company's commitment to using the

available resources to manage any safety and health issues at the workplace (Jazayeri and Dadi

15). The company has promoted a conducive workplace, which has been established through

policy and resulted-oriented set of objectives for Safety and health measures. Pepper

construction has also established collaboration with OSHA, which has enhanced health and

safety measures among employees.

The employees' motivation has been promoted by ensuring the Safety of the

administrative staff is the priority. The company has made sure Safety and health are the most

critical priority, where it has collaborated with OSHA to guide on the safety training and offer

the 30-hours course. The collaboration has led to the development of enforceable safety

principles in the company.

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The company owner developed this strategic plan to integrate workers' Safety as the

organizational highly valuable asset. The change's implications meant the company's

management made smaller group meetings, carried out with the staff. The smaller teams taught

the staff their right toward safe working conditions. The meeting had only an attendance of 40

individuals. Moreover, the firm developed OSHA training that comprises first aid training and a

10-hour course (Flentge para 5). The company offered as well a 4-hour training of particular to

the skills required by the organizational taskforce.

Why should pepper Construction be concerned about the Safety of its subcontractors?

Since the company considers employees the most valuable asset, the company should be

concerned about their Safety. The company workforce is the most significant benefit as it forms

its core foundation toward improved productivity, profitability, and efficiency. The company's

workforce creates the basis of its initiative toward improving performance, which is vital. The

company is currently seeking re-establishment to Pepper Constructions prequalified contractor


The company should be concerned about its subcontractors' Safety, particularly those who

fall off the safety measures. The subcontractors and the company are jointly liable when an

employee becomes injured. The company's workers' security is under the OSHA umbrella, which

is the employer's responsibility. The workers' Safety is a critical factor influencing the status of

the company's subcontractor and liability. The company oversees the work under a particular

contract. Therefore, the company is liable for staff safety because an injury or accident to

workers is within their boundaries and property (Flentge para 5). As a result, there is a

compulsory requirement for the company to scrutinize its subcontractors' Safety through the

contract bidding process. It is essential to remove the non-compliance and give an excellent
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reward for staff safety (Jazayeri and Dadi 23). The company was supposed to be concerned

because the contractor and subcontractor's engagement in the safety issue was vital effectiveness

and success of the scheme (Flentge para 11). Moreover, integrating good communication was

essential for the company as it ensured efficient Safety and health initiative in its organizational

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Flentge, Paul. Change in Safety Culture at Pepper Construction Group Leads to Dramatic

Decline in Injuries and Illnesses," Success Stories and Case Studies. Washington, D.C.:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, July 2020. Available at:

Jazayeri, Elyas, and Gabriel B. Dadi. "Construction safety management systems and methods of

safety performance measurement: A review." Journal of Safety Engineering 6.2 (2017):


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