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Department of Electrical Engineering

Network Analysis Lab

Lab Report: 05
Group member Names: Usairum Mirza, Noman Ali Javed
Roll Number: 160363, 150409
A. To comprehend the working principle of passive low pass RC, RL & RLC circuits, and
to observe the effects of low pass filtering on the magnitude of an input signal appearing
on filter’s output, at different frequencies.
B. To comprehend the working principle of passive high pass RC, RL & RLC circuits, and
to observe the effects of high pass filtering on the magnitude of an input signal appearing
on filter’s output, at different frequencies.
Equipment Required
A. Function Generator
B. Oscilloscope
C. Resistors: R11 = 1 kΩ. R12,3 = 10 Ω.
D. Inductors: L1 = 0.1 mH
E. Capacitors: C1 = 0.01 μF

In circuit theory, a filter is an electrical network that alters the amplitude and/or phase
characteristics of a signal with respect to frequency. A low-pass filter passes low frequency
signals, and rejects signals at frequencies above the filter's cutoff frequency. A sinusoidal signal
is applied to simple low pass filter circuits. The input and output voltage are monitored on an
Oscilloscope, and effects of changing the input frequency is investigated.

Circuit Diagrams and simulation:

Figure 1 Low pass RC circuit

Figure 2 Simulation of Low Pass RC cicuit

Figure 3 High Pass RL circuit

Figure 4 Simulation of High Pass Circuit

In this lab we learned about passive low pass and high pass filters using RC and RL circuits and saw their
behavior at output after changing different input and resistances values and different frequencies.

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