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Steam For
Clean, Reliable
Concentrating Solar Power
Standalone and Hybrid Plants
Offer Flexibility and Reliability

AREVA develops, manufactures and installs Clean, Cost-Competitive

Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) solar Electricity
steam generators to serve our customers’ Our CLFR solar steam technology boils water with
global energy needs in a dependable, market- concentrated sunshine. Mirrors track the sun, reflecting
competitive and environmentally responsible solar heat onto boiler tubes to generate high-pressure,
superheated steam without the costs, emissions and
manner. To meet your large-scale solar energy
permitting complications of fossil-fired boilers. In
requirements, our CLFR solutions include addition, the solar steam generators retain heat,
standalone and solar/natural gas hybrid allowing for a more seamless integration with the electric
designs. In early 2013, we are expanding our grid. The result is a system that produces steam directly
from the sun to generate clean, reliable power.
suite of dispatchable solar solutions with a
proven CLFR molten salt storage system to AREVA’s solar steam generators are simple, durable
further meet our customers’ demand for cost- and scalable. And they use the most land-efficient
renewable energy technology in operation, generating
effective, grid-reliable solar energy solutions. 1.5- to 2.6-times more peak energy per acre of land than
competing solar technologies.
Power providers can rely on AREVA’s
AREVA is the first and only solar steam power boiler
standalone and solar hybrid power plants to
manufacturer to receive the American Society of
deliver clean, cost-effective electricity with Mechanical Engineers’ (ASME) “S” Stamp Certificate
the same assurance and dispatchability as of Authorization—the industry hallmark of acceptance
traditional fossil-fired plants ―not just when and certification. AREVA has also received the National
Board Certificate of Authorization “NB” to register its
the sun is shining. We engineer our systems to solar boilers.
provide firm power capacity on a year-round
basis. Our solar hybrids also serve as a hedge
against rising fuel and emissions costs and can Proven Success
provide an added financial benefit in upcoming
carbon market scenarios. AREVA’s 5 megawatt (MWe) Kimberlina facility is the first
solar thermal power plant to be built and enter operation
in California in nearly two decades. Kimberlina is the first
and only once-through solar steam boiler to generate
sustained, high-pressure superheated steam.

In India, AREVA is building the first of two 125 MWe CLFR

power plants. When completed, this 250 MWe project
will be the largest concentrated solar power installation
in Asia. AREVA is also building a 44 MWe solar power
augmentation project at CS Energy’s 750 MWe coal-fired
Kogan Creek Power Station in Queensland, Australia.
Scalable. Cost-
The project is scheduled to commence operation in
Competitive 2013, and will be the largest solar integration with a
Solar Power. coal-fired power plant.

In Arizona, AREVA will soon begin construction of a solar

Durable Solar Field augmentation project for Tucson Electric Power’s coal/
Heat Transfer Fluid: Water/steam; no oil natural gas power plant. It will increase plant output by up
Steam Generator Tubing: Carbon steel, horizontal to 5 MWe without added emissions.
mount solid piping, no moving joints
Reflectors: Steel-backed mirrors rotate downward
for protection
Tracking: Automatic computer control
Substation Simple, Durable Design
Generator • Low wind profile
Steam • Direct steam generation
• Water is working fluid
• Steel-backed, flat mirrors for long life
Solar Steam Generators
Cost-Effective, Emissions-Free Electricity
Gas Fired
Boiler • Most land-efficient solar technology
Air Cooled • Eliminates (via standalone) or helps eliminate
Condenser (via hybrid) fuel and emissions cost risks
• Simple design reduces costs
• Helps meet RPS requirements
• On-peak energy delivery

Reliable And Robust

• Proven technology
• Engineered for toughest environmental
conditions (UV, rain, high wind, hail, seismicity)
• Hybrid systems provide same dispatchability as
SOLAR THERMAL SCHEMATIC fossil-fired power plants, and in early 2013 a CLFR
molten salt storage option will be available for
customers requiring storage

Rapid Deployment And Installation

• Modular and scalable
• High-volume, automated production and standard
materials help eliminate supply chain constraints
• Rapid field installation (12–24 months)
• Hybrid options in modular, standard or
customized design

Optimized Siting
• Ease of permitting (no synthetic fuels, no solar field
VOC emissions, no toxic materials)
• Closed loop system and dry-cooling capability to
conserve water
• No fuel infrastructure required
• Non-flammable, non-toxic working fluid


Nameplate Capacity 50–560 MW

Peak Power per Square 150–200 MW

Mile (260 Hectares)


Solar Steam Performance

Temperature Up to 905°F (485°C)

Pressure Up to 2,400 psia (165 bara)

250 MWe CLFR = 890 Acres = 360 Hectares

AREVA supplies solutions for power
generation with less carbon. Its expertise
and unwavering insistence on safety, security,
transparency and ethics are setting the standard,
and its responsible development is anchored in a
process of continuous improvement.

Ranked first in the global nuclear power industry, AREVA’s

unique integrated offering to utilities covers every stage of the
fuel cycle, nuclear reactor design and construction, and related
services. The group is also expanding in renewable energies –
wind, solar, bioenergies, hydrogen and storage – to be one of the
top three in this sector worldwide.

With these two major offers, AREVA’s 48,000 employees are

helping to supply ever safer, cleaner and more economical
energy to the greatest number of people.

The data contained herein are solely for your information and are not to be

construed as a warranty or other contractual obligation.
© 2012 AREVA Inc. All rights reserved.

303 Ravendale Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043 - Tel: +1 650 424 9300 -

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