Hailing A Taxi Document

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Everyday Dialogues

Hailing a Taxi

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

(At the Airport Taxi Stand)

Taxi Driver: Are you waiting the taxi?

Gentleman: Yes, I am.

Taxi Driver: Do you have any luggages?

Gentleman: Yes, I have just one luggage.

. (The taxi driver picks up the suitcase and carries it to the trunk.)
Iʼm going downtown. Is there a fixed rate or do you use the meter?
Taxi Driver: I use the meter.

(In the Taxi)

Taxi Driver: Where do you want to go ?
Passenger: Iʼm going to the Claremont Hotel on 5th and Broadway. Taxi
Driver: Okay.
Passenger: I’m on hurry now. How long does it take to get there?

Taxi Driver: Oh, at this time of day, the traffic jam is heavy, so it might take awhile.
Passenger: How much is it?
Taxi Driver: Probably around twenty five dollars.
(Fifteen minutes later.)
Taxi driver: Here we are.

Passenger: Is it $25.00?

Taxi Driver: That is just $22.00.

Passenger Here is $25.00. Keep the change.
Taxi Driver: Thank you. Iʼll get the suitcase for you. (The taxi driver
opens the trunk.)

Here you go. Have a nice day.

Passenger: Thank you.
5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice the
dialogue and present it to your class.

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