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Problem Set 1 Magnetic Circuits

1. Consider an electromagnetic system a shown below. It is used to lift a section of steel channel and it
consists of coils of 600 turns. The reluctance of the magnetic material can be neglected up to a flux
density of 1.4 T.

a. For a coil current of 15 A (DC), find the maximum air gap length at which the flux density is 1.4 T.

b. For the air gap found in (a), find the force acting on the steel channel.

2. Consider an electromagnet that can lift a length of steel strip, as shown below. It consists of 500 turns
that carry 20 A without overheating. The magnetic material consists of negligible reluctance at flux
densities up to 1.4 T. Find the maximum air gap such that a flux density of 1.4 T can be established
with a coil current of 20 A.

3. Consider a toroid that is made from cast steel with flux density of 1.2 T and field density of 1000 At/m
as shown below.

a. If a core flux density of 1.2 T at the mean radius of the toroid is needed, find the coil current.

b. Assuming uniform flux density in the coil, find the core flux in Wb.
c. If a 2-mm-wide air gap is made in the toroid, find the new coil current needed to maintain a core
flux density of 1.2 T.

4. Consider a toroid in Q.3. It consists of coil current of 2 A and relative permeability of the core of 2000.
The core is with a square cross section.

a. Find the maximum and minimum values of the flux densities in the core.

b. Find the magnetic flux in the core.

c. Find the flux density at the mean radius of the toroid and compare it with the average flux density
across the core.

5. A coil wound on a magnetic core is excited by (i) 100 V, 50 Hz and (ii) 110 V, 60 Hz. Compare the
hysteresis and eddy current losses with the two sources. For hysteresis loss, n = 2 is chosen.

6. Consider a two-winding transformer with a laminated core as shown below. It consists of primary
winding of 200 turns that is able to generate a flux density in the core of B = 1.2 sin 377 t. The
secondary winding consists of 400 turns that is left open-circuited. The stacking factor of the core is
0.95, i.e., the core occupies 95 % of the gross core volume. The gross cross-sectional area of the core
is 25 cm2 with relative permeability of 10,000. The core length is 90 cm.

a. Find the rms value of the applied voltage.

b. Find the current in the winding.

c. Find the rms voltage induced in the secondary winding.


1. (a) 4.04 mm (b) 199.6 kN

2. 4.5 mm

3. (a) 2.51 A (b) 1.51 x 10-3 Wb (c) 12.1 A

4. (a) 2.67 T; 1.6 T (b) 3.27 x 10-3 Wb (c) 2 T; 2.04 T

5. 1.008; 1.21

6. (a) 152 V (b) i1 = 0.43 sin 377 t (c) 304 V

Problem Set 2 Electromechanical Energy Conversions
1. Consider a translational motor actuator with the following condition

𝑖 = 𝜆3/2 + 2.5𝜆(𝑥 − 1)2

For 0 < x < 1 m, where i is the current in the coil of the actuator. Find the force acting on the moving
part at x = 0.6 m.

2. Consider an electromagnetic system with the following condition

1.2𝑖 1/2
Where g is the air gap length. If i = 2 A and g = 10 cm, find the mechanical force acting on moving part

a. By energy of the system.

b. By coenergy of the system.

3. Consider an actuator system as shown below with all dimensions are in centimeters. The magnetic
material is cast steel, with magnetization characteristics as shown below. The magnetic core and air
gap both consist of a square cross-sectional area. It consists of 500 turns with resistance of 4 Ω.

a. If gap is 1 mm, find

i. The coil current and required DC supply voltage to produce an air gap flux density of 0.5 T.

ii. The stored energy in the actuator system.

iii. The attraction force on the actuator arm.

iv. The inductance of the coil.

b. If the actuator arm is allowed to move with the air gap closed finally.

i. For zero air gap, find the flux density in the core, force on the arm and stored energy in the
actuator system.

ii. Excluding energy loss in the coil resistance, find the energy transfer between the DC source
and the actuator. Assume the arm is moved slowly. Find the direction of energy flow and how
much mechanical energy generated.

4. Consider an electromagnet lift system as shown It consists of 2500 turns with flux density in air gap
of 1.25 T. Assume the core material is ideal.

a. If gap is 10 mm, find

i. The coil current.

ii. The energy stored in the system.

iii. The force acting on the load, i.e., sheet of steel.

iv. The mass of the load, with gravity of 9.81 m/s2.

b. If gap is 2 mm, find the coil current required to lift the load.

5. Consider moving-iron ammeter as shown When current flows through the curved solenoid coil, a
curved ferromagnetic rod is pulled into the solenoid against the torque of a restraining spring with
spring constant of 0.65 x 10-3 Nm/rad. The coil consists of inductance of L = 4.5 + 18θ μH, where θ is
angle of deflection in radians, and resistance of 0.015 Ω.
a. Show the ammeter measures the rms of the current.

b. Find the deflection in degree for a current of 10 A (rms).

c. When 10 A (rms) at 60 Hz flows through the ammeter, find the voltage drop across the terminal.

6. Consider a reluctance machine as shown below. A current of 10 A (rms) at 60 Hz flows through its
stator coil. The inductance of stator winding is Lss = 0.1 – 0.3cos2θ – 0.2cos4θ H. Find

a. The values of rotor speed where the machine can develop an average torque.

b. The maximum torque and mechanical power that can be developed by the machine at each speed.

c. The maximum torque at zero speed.


1. λ2

2. – 226.3 N; – 226.3 N

3. (ai) 1.22 A; 4.88 V (aii) 0.38 J (aiii) 248.7 N (aiv) 0.512 H

(bi) 1.2 T; 1432 N; 0.9 J (bii) 1.068 J; from source to actuator; 0.548 J

4. (ai) 7.96 A (aii) 19.8 J (aiii) 1980 N (aiv) 201.6 kg (b) 3.98 A

5. (b) 79.4° (c) 0.186 V

6. (a) ±377 rad/s; ±188.5 rad/s (b) 15 Nm; 5655 W; 20 Nm; 3770 W (c) 62.5 Nm
Problem Set 3 DC Machines
1. Consider a 240 V separate excited DC motor with an armature resistance of 0.06 Ω. When it is
connected to a 240 V supply, it can draw 90 A and rotates at 1200 rpm.

a. Find the developed torque at this operating condition.

b. Under same excitation, if the developed torque is 280 Nm, find the speed and armature current.

2. Consider a 25 kW, 120 V separately excited DC machine with an armature resistance of 0.025 Ω. When
it is operated with a constant field current and constant speed of 2500 rpm, its open circuit armature
voltage becomes 120 V.

a. If the DC machine is connected to a 125 V supply, will it operate as a generator or a motor?

b. Find the armature current, supply power and developed torque.

c. Repeat (a) and (b) if the DC machine is connected to a 115 V supply.

3. A DC machine is connected across a 240-volt line. It rotates at 1200 rpm and produces 230 V with
armature current of 40 A.

a. Is the machine operating as a generator or a motor?

b. Find the resistance of the armature circuit, power losses in armature circuit resistance,
electromagnetic power and electromagnetic torque.

4. A 500 V DC shunt motor consists of an armature resistance of 0.25 Ω and field resistant of 240 Ω. It
drives a mechanical load that needs a torque proportional to speed. When the system is connected
to a 500 V supply, it takes 100 A and rotates at 1100 rpm. By inserting a resistance in series with the
armature, the speed is able to reduce to 900 rpm. Find the value of the added series resistance.

5. A 125 V, 5 kW, 1800 rpm DC shunt motor needs only 5 V to send full-load current through the
armature when the armature is held stationary.

a. If full-line voltage is impressed across the armature at starting, find the armature current.

b. If the starting current is limited to 1.5 times of the full-load current, find the value of the external
resistance needed.

c. Neglect rotational losses and assume 10 % reduction due to armature reaction at full load.

i. The motor is coupled to a mechanical load by a belt. Find the generated voltage at full-
load conditions.

ii. If the belt breaks, find the speed of the motor.


1. (a) 168.3 Nm (b) 123.5 rad/s; 149.7 A

2. (a) Motor (b) 200 A; 25 W; 91.7 Nm (c) Generator; 200 A; 23 kW; 91.7 Nm

3. (b) 0.25 Ω; 400 W; 9200 W; 73.2 Nm (ci) 1252 rpm (cii) 1127 rpm

4. 1.11 Ω

5. (a) 40 A (b) 1.96 Ω (ci) 120 V (cii) 1688 rpm

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