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ARVEDUI, LAST KING OF ARNOR (Man) Points Value: 70/65

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 4 6 2 2 5 3 2 0

Heavy armour.

The King in the North. Arvendui’s Stand Fast! rule has a range of 12”.

MALBETH THE SEER (Man) Points Value: 80

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 3/4+ 4 5 1 2 5 1 2 1


Gift of Foresight. Every time a Good model within 6” of Malbeth suffers

a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, the Wound is ignored.

CAPTAIN OF ARNOR (Man) Points Value: 50/55

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 4 6 2 2 3 2 1 1

Heavy armour.

Bow………………………………………….. 5 points
Shield.………………………………………. 5 points

RANGER OF THE NORTH (Man) Points Value: 25

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 4/3+ 4 5 1 1 5 1 1 1

Armour and bow.

Horse………………………………………... 6 points
Spear………………………………………….. 1 point

Proficient (Bow & Spear).

ARAGORN, ISILDUR’S HEIR (Man) Points Value: 200/205

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 7/3+ 4 5 3 3 6 3+1 3 3


Elevn Cloak……….…………………….. 10 points

Mighty Hero. Aragorn can expend one point of Might per turn without reducing his
Might store.

Cheiftain of Forgotten Arnor. Legolas, Gimli and Heroes and Warriors of Arnor count as
being in range of a banner if they are within 3” of Aragron, Isildur’s Heir.

Master of the Wilderness. Legolas, Gimli and Heroes and Warriors of Arnor may move through difficult terrain
without penalty if they are within 6” of Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir. This affects Aragorn himself.

HALBARAD DUNADAN (Man) Points Value: 65

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/3+ 4 5 2 2 6 3 2 1

Armour and bow.

Banner of Arwen Evenstar………. 60 points/50

Horse………………………………………. 10 points
Spear………………………………………… 5 points

Proficient (Bow & Spear).

The Banner of Arwen Evenstar. Good models within 6” of the banner always pass any Courage test that they are
required to take and count as being in range of a banner. Halbarad may use his bow if he carries the banner.

ARATHORN (Man) Points Value: 75

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/3+ 4 5 3 2 5 3 2 1

Armour and bow.
ELLADAN AND ELROHIR (Man) Points Value: 140 for both/170

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 5 2 (3) 2 6 3 2 2

Both Elladan and Elrohir have armour and two elven blades.

Elven Cloaks….….…………………….. 20 points for both

Horses……..……….…………………….. 20 points for both
Elf bows…..……….…………………….. 10 points for both
Heavy armour…..…………………….. 10 points for both

Woodland Creature.

Twin Elven Blades. When fighting on foot the brothers may choose to fight with a single sword (counts as a two-
handed weapon), two swords (for +1 Attack) or parry (counts as shielding).

Unbreakable Bond. If one twin dies, the surviving twin’s Strength is increased to 5 and his Defence is reduced to 4.
The survivor always passes Courage tests and must do everything he can to charge the model that killed his brother
as quickly as possible. Once that model is killed, the surviving twin must then charge or move towards the nearest
available enemy for the rest of the game.

DUNEDAIN RANGER (Man) (Custom Profile) Points Value: 14

Move F S D A W C

6” 5/3+ 4 4 2 1 5


Throwing Knives…………………………. 1 point

Two-handed Sword………… Free Exchange

Woodland Creature, Bodyguard (Arnor).

WARRIOR OF ARNOR (Man) Points Value: 8/9

Move F S D A W C

6” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 2

Heavy armour, spear and shield.

Banner……………..…………………….. 25 points
RANGER OF ARNOR (Man) Points Value: 8

Move F S D A W C

6” 4/3+ 3 4 1 1 3

Armour and bow.

Spear…………………………..…………….1 points

Proficient (Bow & Spear).

ANNUMINAS VETERAN (Man) (Custom Profile) Points Value: 10

Move F S D A W C

6” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 4

Very heavy armour.

Pike……………………………..…………….1 point
Shield…………………………..…………...1 point
Two-handed Weapon..... Free Exchange

For the Ruined Kingdom! If the allied force is broken, Annuminas Veterans count as having a Strength value of 5 and
also count as having the Fearless special rule.

SCOUT SLEDGE (Man, Cavalry) (Custom Profile) Points Value: 30

A Snow Sledge is represented by a single combined profile here – the component parts cannot be attacked or
wounded separately. The Snow Sledge is a cavalry model in all regards except those noted below.

Move F S D A W C

10” 4/3+ 3 4 2 2 3

Armour and bows.

On the Hunt. The Snow Sledge may fire two shots each turn. Additionally, the Scout Sledge is a Woodland Creature
and counts as a cavalry model for the purposes of combat.

Dunedain Scout Sledge…………..25 points

Dunedain Scout Seldge. Add one to the Fight, Strength, Attacks and Courage characteristics of the sledge.

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