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GALADRIEL (Elf) Points Value: 130/105

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 3 3 1 3 7 3 6+1 3

Unarmed but wearing Nenya.

Mirror of Galadriel………………….. 25 points

Terror; Woodland Creature.

Nenya. Galadriel may re-roll his dice when using Fate points.

Mirror of Galadriel. The mirror is deployed within 6” of Galadriel and may not be
moved during the game. At the end of each turn one Good Hero within 6” may restore their Fate to its starting value.

The Lady of Lothlorein. Galadriel may expend one free point of Will each turn.

Magical Powers Range Dice Score

Blinding Light - 2+
Immobilise 12” 3+
Command 12” 4+

CELEBORN (Elf) Points Value: 130/115

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 4 3 3 7 3 3 3


Heavy armour……..………………….. 10 points

Elven blade……………………………….. 5 points
Shield……………………………………….. 5 points
Horse………………………………..……. 10 points

If your army includes Celeborn, you can upgrade any number of

Galadhrim Warriors to Galadhrim Guard at a cost of +1 point per
model. Galadhrim Guards are Courage 6 rather than 5.

If your army includes Celeborn, you can upgrade any number of

Galadhrim Knights to Galadhrim Kinghts Elite at a cost of +1 point per
model. Galadhrim Knights Elite are Courage 6 rather than 5.

Terror; Woodland Creature.

Magical Powers Range Dice Score

Aura of Command - 2+
Immobilise 12” 3+
HALDIR (Elf) Points Value: 70/65

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 4 2 2 6 3 1 1

Elven blade.

Elven cloak……………………………… 10 points

Armour…………………………………….. 5 points
Elf bow……………………………………… 5 points

Woodland creature.

Expert Shot. Haldir may shoot his bow twice each turn.

HALDIR, DEFENDER OF HELMS DEEP (Elf) Points Value: 75/85

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 5 2 2 6 3 1 1

Elven blade, Elf bow and armour.

Elven cloak……………………………… 10 points

Woodland creature, Expert Shot.

Allies ‘till the End. Haldir counts as being in range of a banner and automatically passes courage tests if either
Aragorn or Theoden are within 12”.

One Final Blow. If Haldir is slain in close combat, he immediately makes a single Strength 4 hit on every enemy
model that was part of the fight.

RUMIL (Elf) Points Value: 70/80

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 6 2 2 6 3 1 1

Elven blade, shield and armour.

Elven cloak……………………………… 10 points

Elf Bow…………………………………..… 5 points

Woodland creature.

Swift Parry. Any 6’s rolled against Rumil in close combat must be re-rolled.
WOOD ELF CAPTAIN (Elf) Points Value: 65/55

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 4 2 2 6 2 1 1

Heavy armour and Elven blade.

Elven cloak……………………….……… 10 points

Elf Bow….………………………….……….. 5 points
Throwing daggers…………………….… 5 points
Wood elf spear………………………….. 5 points

Woodland Creature.

GALADHRIM CAPTAIN (Elf) Points Value: 65/60

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 5 2 2 6 2 1 1

Heavy armour and Elven blade.

Armoured horse…………………….... 15 points

Elf Bow….………………………….……….. 5 points
Elven blade………..…………………….… 5 points
Shield…………….………………………….. 5 points

Woodland Creature; Expert Rider; Fleetfoot.

GALADHRIM STORMCALLER (Elf) (Custom Profile) Points Value: 60/30

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/3+ 3 4 1 2 5 1 3 1


Woodland Creature.

Wind Channelling. If a Stormcaller casts a spell on the roll of a 6, the Will point is
immediately returned to the caster.

Magical Powers Range Dice Score

Wind of Change 12” 2+
Renew 12” 4+

Wind of Change. The targeted model may choose to swap its Strength & Defence, Strength & Fight or Fight &
Defence characteristics for the remainder of the turn. Channelled: Roll a dice at the end of the turn, on a 3+ the
effect continues for another turn until a 1 or a 2 is rolled.
WOOD ELF WARRIOR (Elf) Points Value: 7

Move F S D A W C

6” 5/3+ 3 3 1 1 5

Equipment: Unarmed.

Banner…….…………..……..………….. 25 points
Elven Cloak….………..………………….. 5 points/3
Elf Bow….…….………..………………….. 2 points/1
Throwing Daggers…………………….. 2 points/1
Elven blade…………………..……………..1 point
Wood Elf Spear……………………………1 point

Woodland Creature.

Wood Elf Spear. Counts as a spear and may also use the Shielding rule.

GALADHRIM WARRIOR (Elf) Points Value: 8

Move F S D A W C

6” 5/3+ 3 4 1 1 5

Armour. Unarmed.

Banner…….…………..……..…………… 25 points
War Horn…….………..…………………. 20 points
Elf Bow….…….………..………………….. 2 points/1
Elven blade…………………..…………….. 1 point
Shield……………..………………………….. 1 point
Spear………………………………………….. 1 point

Woodland Creature.

GALADHRIM KIGHT (Elf, Cavalry) Points Value: 18/13

Move F S D A W C

6” 5/3+ 3 4 1 1 5

Armour and armoured horse. Unarmed.

Banner…….…………..……..…………… 25 points
Elf Bow….…….………..………………….. 2 points
Elven blade…………………..…………….. 1 point
Shield……………..………………………….. 1 point

Woodland Creature; Expert Rider; Fleetfoot.

WOOD ELF SENTINEL (Elf) Points Value: 25/22

Move F S D A W C

6” 5/3+ 3 3 2 1 5

Elf bow and Elven cloak.

Woodland Creature.

Enchanting Song. A Sentinel may sing one song per turn, it is treated as a magical power that casts automatically and
cannot be resisted. The Sentinel may choose from the following songs:

The Hymn of Elbereth. Range 12”. The targeted model will automatically pass any Courage tests for the remainder of
the turn.
Eldamar Madrigal. Range 12”. The Evil model that is targeted must pass a Courage test or make a full move under
control of the Good player. This move cannot be used to enter another model’s control zone, or perform an action
that would cause harm to the target (such as jumping down a cliff etc). Affected models may not move further that
The Lay of Gondolin. The Sentinel causes Terror until the end of the turn.

GALADHRIM COURT GUARD (Elf) Points Value: 12

Move F S D A W C

6” 6/3+ 3 5 1 1 6

Heavy armour and pike.

Banner…….…………..……..…………… 25 points

Woodland Creature.

Caras Galadhon Fighting Style. Guards of the Galadhrim

Court may use their pikes normally or use the Shielding
rule. A warrior that is Shielding may not be supported by
any spear or pike.

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