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ARAGORN, ISILDUR’S HEIR (Man) Points Value: 175

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 7/3+ 4 6 3 3 6 3+1 3 3


Mighty Hero. Aragorn can expend one point of Might per turn without reducing his Might store.

LEGOLAS (Elf) Points Value: 95

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 5 2 2 6 3 2 3

Elf bow, armour.

Deadly Shot. Legolas is allowed to shoot his bow three times in the Shoot phase instead of
once. Alternatively, he can choose to fire one arrow that will hit automatically, even if the
target is in combat.

GIMLI, SON OF GLOIN (Dwarf) Points Value: 95

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

5” 6/4+ 4 8 2 (3) 2 6 3 2 2

Heavy Dwarf armour, two-handed axe and throwing axes.

Axes of the Dwaves! At the start of each fight, Gimli may choose to use an axe in each
hand, which allows him to fight with 3 Attacks, or use his two-handed axe, only without a -1
penalty to his duel roll.


Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 6/3+ 4 5 2 2 6 3 1 1

Elven blade, Elf bow and armour.

Expert Shot.

Allies ‘till the End. Haldir counts as being in range of a banner and automatically
passes courage tests if either Aragorn or Theoden are within 12”.

One Final Blow. If Haldir is slain in close combat, he immediately makes a single
Strength 4 hit on every enemy model that was part of the fight.

GALADHRIM WARRIOR (Elf) Points Value: 10

Move F S D A W C

6” 5/3+ 3 4 1 1 5

Armour, elven blade and elf bow.

THEODEN, KING OF ROHAN (Man) Points Value: 60

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 4 6 2 2 5 2 0 2

Heavy armour.

Expert Rider.

GAMLING, CAPTAIN OF ROHAN (Man) Points Value: 90

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 4/4+ 4 6 2 2 4 2 1 1

Heavy armour, Royal Standard of Rohan.

Expert Rider.

Royal Standard of Rohan. The Royal Standard of Rohan counts as a banner. In

addition, any Hero of Rohan who has 0 Might points at the start of the turn
automatically adds 1 Might point to his store if he starts within 3” of the Royal
Standard of Rohan. This does not affect Gamling himself.

WARRIOR OF ROHAN (Man) Points Value: 6

Move F S D A W C

6” 3/4+ 3 4 1 1 3


Throwing Spears……..…..…………..... 1 point

Bow……………………………………………. 1 point
Shield…………………………………………. 1 point

ROHAN ROYAL GUARD (Man) Points Value: 10

Move F S D A W C

6” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 3

Heavy armour and shield.

Throwing Spears……..…..…………... 1 points

Expert Rider, Bodyguard (Rohan)

GANDALF THE WHITE (Wizard) Points Value: 210
Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 4 (5) 5 1/2 3 7 3 6+1 3

Staff (two-handed weapon), Glamdring, Narya and Shadowfax.


Glamdring. When Gandalf fights with Glamdring, his Strength value counts as 5.

Narya. Gandalf may re-roll his dice when using Fate points.

Staff of Power. Gandalf may expend one free point of Will each turn.

Magical Powers Range Dice Score

Blinding Light - 2+
Immobilise 12” 2+
Command 12” 3+
Sorcerous Blast 12” 4+

Shadowfax (Custom Profile)

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate
12” 0 4 5 0 2 5 1 0 1

Old Friends. Gandalf may use Shadowfax’s Might points as his own.


Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 4 6 2 2 5 3 2 2

Heavy armour, shield, horse and throwing spears.

Expert Rider.

RIDER OF ROHAN (Man) Points Value: 12

Move F S D A W C

6” 3/4+ 3 5 1 1 3

Armour, shield and horse. Plus bow or throwing spear.

Expert Rider
URTHOG, ISENGARD COMMANDER (Uruk-hai) (Custom Profile) Points Value: 85

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 5 6 2 3 4 2 2 1

Heavy armour and sword.

A New Power Is Rising. Urthog may include 24 warriors in his warband,

provided they are all Uruk-hai.

March Through Their Lands. Any Might spent to call a Heroic March is
immediately recovered on the roll of a 3+.

URUK-HAI CAPTAIN (Uruk-hai) Points Value: 55

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 5/4+ 5 6 2 2 4 2 1 1

Heavy armour.

Shield.………………………………………. 5 points

URUK-HAI BERSERKER (Uruk-hai) Points Value: 15

Move F S D A W C

6” 4/4+ 4 6 2 1 7

Two-handed weapon.

Berserker Rage. Berserkers may choose to inflicted a single Strength 6 attack

upon an enemy model instead of making their usual attacks. This attack still
receives the benefits of the two-handed weapon and if the model is not slain it
is Knocked Prone.

URUK-HAI WARRIOR (Uruk-hai) Points Value: 9

Move F S D A W C

6” 4/4+ 4 5 1 1 3

Heavy armour with shield, crossbow or pike.

Crossbow……………………………………… 2 points
Shield…………………………………………….. 1 point
Pike……………………………………………….. 1 point
Banner…..……....….… …………………… 25 points
ORC CAPTAIN (Orc) Points Value: 45

Move F S D A W C Might Will Fate

6” 4/5+ 4 5 2 2 3 2 1 1


Shield.………………………………………. 5 points

ORC WARRIOR (Orc) Points Value: 5

Move F S D A W C

6” 3/5+ 3 4 1 1 2

Orc Bow…..………………………………... 1 point

Shield.………………………..………………. 1 point
Spear.………………………..………………. 1 point
Two-handed weapon...………………. 1 point


Strength Defence Wounds Range

(9) 10 4 18” – 96”

Piercing Shot. If shooting at a Battlefield target; the target model is struck one blow at the Strength of the ballista, is
knocked to the ground, and is flung 2D6 directly away from it. Any other models that lie within the path of the victim
suffer a single Strength 6 hit and are knocked to the ground if they have Strength 5 or less. If the propelled model
hits an obstacle or Siege target, it immediately stops and inflicts a single Strength 6 hit upon it.

Raise the Ladders! The Assault Ballista can attempt to raise a

ladder to the enemy battlements during the Shoot phase. To
do this, the player must first nominate a point on the
battlements within range and which at least one crew
member and the machine have line of sight to. Roll To Hit as
usual – if a hit is scored, the grapple has struck home; if the
machine misses, there is no further effect. When the
grappling hook hits, a single siege ladder within 6” of the wall
base below the target point is moved forward to the wall and
raised immediately. All ladder carriers drop their ladder as it
is raised. Any one of the carriers can grab the top of the
ladder and ride to the top as it ascends. The warrior is then
treated exactly as if he had climbed to the top of the ladder
that turn.

Additional Information. An Assault Ballista is crewed by two warriors (not included in cost). Assault Ballistae Volley
Fire and so do not need a Line of Sight to their opponent.

Defence Wounds

8 3

Move into base contact with a Gate, Doorway or Building and roll to
strike as normal in the Fight phase. The ram receives one Attack – there
is no need for a Duel Roll.

The Strength of this Attack is equal to the Strength of the weakest

model carrying it, +1 for each additional model carrying it, to a
maximum of 10. A battering ram that would have a Strength of more
than 10 may re-roll failed rolls To Wound – and may also Wound walls,
as with all Strength 10 models.

Up to six models may carry a battering ram.

Two battering rams may be in contact with a gate that is 4” or more wide.


Defence Wounds

8 3

If a model carrying a siege ladder moves into base contact with a wall, it is automatically raised. This uses up any
remaining movement of one model.

When fighting from a ladder, the defender counts as being behind a barricade – assuming the fortifications have
crenulations. If the attacker wins the combat and slays the defending model he will take the defender’s position on
the wall.

If the model on the ladder loses a Fight, roll a D6; on a 1-3 the model falls to the ground and takes one Strength 3 hit
per inch fallen and is knocked Prone at the bottom of the ladder. Furthermore, roll a dice for every model below him
on the ladder; on a 1-3 these also fall.

If there is no attacker at the top of the ladder during the defending player’s Move phase, he may attempt to
immediately push the ladder down – using up any remaining movement. On a 4+ the ladder falls to the ground. For
every additional model helping push, add 1 to the roll and for each model currently on the ladder apply a -1
modifier. Monsters modify the dice roll by 3.

Siege Ladders count as a Heavy Object.


Defence Wounds Defence Wounds

9 4 9 4

Defence Wounds Fortifications

6 3 4+

This is a 3” long barricade that provides cover on the roll of a 1, 2 or 3.

Barricades may not be deployed or move within 3” of the gate.


Defence Wounds

7 3

Detonating the Charge - To use the demolition charge it must be

dropped. A model with a flaming brand in base contact with the
charge, which is not also engaged in combat, may attempt to set it
off at the start of the Fight Phase. The model attempting to set off
the charge must pass a Courage test. If he fails, he cannot detonate
the charge. If he succeeds, the controlling player rolls on the
Detonation table to determine the effects.

When it explodes, a demolition charge automatically strikes

everything within 2” of the model – gates, doors and any models that are in range of it. Each target struck
automatically takes D6 Wounds, regardless of its Defence value.

Desperate Detonations - Without a burning brand, causing a detonation is hard. Any model from the same army as
the demolition charge may attempt a Desperate Detonation at the start of the Fight phase as long as it is in base
contact and not engaged in combat. It must also pass a Courage test as normal. For each model attempting this, roll
a D6. If one or more 6s are rolled, the charge is detonated – roll on the detonation table as usual.

Attacking the Charge - If the charge is wounded, roll a D6 per Wound inflicted. On the roll of a 6, the charge
immediately detonates – roll on the Detonation table as normal.

A demolition charge that is wounded by

Detonation Table
another demolition charge will be detonated on
the roll of a 4+ (per Wound suffered) rather Dice Score Result
than a 6.
The charge has been damaged in some way
If brought to 0 Wounds without exploding, the and will not detonate; remove it from play.
demolition charge is shattered and the powder
The charge catches instantly exploding in a
scatters harmlessly on the ground – remove the 2-5
roar of smoke and flame.
charge from play.
The powder in the charge detonates with
An enemy model that spends a Fight phase in
6 colossal fury and inflicts 2D6 Wounds rather
base contact with a demolition charge, and is
than D6.
not engaged in combat, may automatically
disable it. Remove it from play. Note: Good
models may not shoot at a demolition charge if another Good model is within 2” of the charge.

Movement - A demolition charge is a Heavy Object. It may never be carried whilst mounted.

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