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Possible Coursework - Plan or Proposal: Template:

Student Name: Khadeeja Ahmed Alhosani ID #: H00298810

Introduce the PDP setti ng:

As teacher, you always have to focus on some goals or skills that you want to improve in yourself. the Professional Development Plan can
help us to know what we need to improve in our self and what we can do in our lessons to manage them and make the lessons or
teaching practice more helpful to our future. and also, it helps us to be perfect teacher and to know what we want and what we should
do in our jobs.

Justify your professional development goals for this semester.

I have written this professional development plan to helps me to develop my skills as a teacher. I write three goals, first, manage the time
between the activates motivate student for finishing on time, by using different strategies could help to achieve this goal. Secondly, build a
perfect relationship with students, I should try to engage with the students and don't be shy Infront of them. Thirdly, different management
strategies for the activity, to improve student behaviors. I will do my best to handle all my goals and success on them this semester.

Previously stated development Skills you

needs personally Personal
MCT know you developme Needs of the setti ng Comments:
MST need to nt interest
recommendation develop
   1- Time  1- Be  It was good experience to teach the students by
1-The manageme aware of 1-Online timer, online
activities did nt student Ring.   Teaching.
not take a How to level
long time.  deal with Create
the different
activity. activates.

2- reflect on 2- how to 2- I should 2-students names

relationships gain good don't be list.
with students relationshi shy and try
as part of ps and to engage
professional know how with the
to deal
with the
practice. students.

3- using
3- Rotate 3- do
many kinds 3- More activity.
students different
of activity
around all the activity
and make
groups. with
it fun.
Development 1- Managing Learning
2- Professionalism
(aligned with
TP 3- Planning for Learning.

Reflections / Justifications / Information

Goal By the end of semester 7, I will be  
1: able to plan lessons to effectively use

During the TP I used to create lesson plan with 30 minutes, and I achieved my goal. It was
good and new experience I learn a lot and how to deal with the time.
Acti  I will manage the time for each
on activity to not finish early I will do
1: extra activity.
 Create plan about the time and how
well spend it during the activates
every lesson.
 I will use the ring to remind the
students about the time during the
 In every groups work I will put online
timer in front the classroom to
remined myself about time.
 Do 4 different activates according to
the whole class level such as reading
activity, listening, writing and
 Do some fun and learning activity to
let the student engage with it during
the beginning of every lesson. 1- I do activities with specific time and I tried my hard to let the student finish on time.
• Splitting students into levelled 2- I used online timer to manage my time.
groups to know what activity I can 3- I had to do 2 type of activity on each class because I don’t teach on real school.
use with those students and to know 4- I work with students and help them on the activities.
if it should take long time or short. 5- I get used a fun activity to teach the student in good way.
6- I tried my best to manage the time and I did it.
fram Semester 7
e:  3 weeks
Any  MST support in how the student
supp is grouped according to their
ort performance.
 MST feedbacks. Students teacher helps me on my lesson and give me much support.
 MST advice. MCT good feedbacks let me feel more confidence.
s to
be  Student class work, to know what
used the students can do and their
ide  Assessments, to know the
evid student’s level and what I can do
ence for them during my lesson.
of  Teacher feedback, to know if
the there is something special to do
succ or some students how needs
more help.
the  Nots, to help me remembering I collect some of students work during the online teaching via Zoom.
acti the student’s ability, level, needs My MCT get me good feedback on WhatsApp and also, she sends to me the observing
on and understanding. feedback via email.
Evid  Students work
MCT feedback:
ence  MCT feedback
(afte  Online timer

online timer for activity:

Students work:

Goal By the end of semester 7 and 8, I will  During this semester I lose the chance to teach the students face to face and create good
2: build professional relationship with memory with them I feel sad but at the same time it was new experience to teach students
students. by online.
Acti  Start to chat with the students  As my previous teaching practice, I went to different schools and every TP I meet new
on about their self in the bingeing students and I try my best to build good relationship with all of the student I get teaches.
2: the TP. In school, I put my good fingerprint as I am good at dealing with students. At the beginning
of my teaching journey, I was ashamed and nervous about speaking with them or teaching
 Know what the student like and
dislike by asking them.
 Sit and talk with each student in
the group to know the student
 Help the students during the
groups work by siting with each
student and give them help.
 Attending the lesson before the
students come to class to sit up
what I will do during the lesson
and to welcome them every them wrongly, but with the training and the three years I built good relationships with all
morning. students, developed myself and trusted myself a lot.
e:  Semester 7,8  Semester 7
Any All the MSTs that I trained with them helped me and support me to be more confident with
 MST support to know each
supp the students and I appreciate that, and I will remain that way throughout my life with the
ort student. students and I will treat them with kindness and love, and I will do what I can to build good
nee  List of student name and picture. relationships with all the students and teachers that I will get to know in my academic and
ded  Students work in classroom. professional life in the future.
Data  My nots, to know how I will deal 1- In all my TP’s I collect information about the students and also, I have collected their work
colle with each student. during the lessons, and I write everything in my nots.
ctio  Student work, to know their 2- In each teaching practice I asked the teachers to give my nots about the students and they give
ability. me and tell me more about each student.
s to  Teacher nots, to know what I can 3- In the first day I collect students name list and I try my best to know each student and what
be do to engage with the students would they like, love, understand and what they enjoy doing it.
used in classroom. 4- sometimes I give the students some tasks to do like they write about them self.
to  Students names list, this will let 5- I tried my best also to build good connection with the students’ parents to know their children
ide me know each student’s name
evid and to be more engage with
ence them.
of  Let the students write about
the them self and what they like, to
succ know them more.
 Parents nots, feedbacks, this will
the let me know how I can deal with
acti the students and know if there ability and needs to deal with them in good ways.
on are special things to do for them.
 Students works
on)  Assessments  There are some massages from my students that tell me I was a good teacher with them,
 photographs and they enjoy my lessons. I’m proud of myself and the relationships I get build with all of
 comments from MST the students I had teaches. Appendix 1
Goal By the end of this year, I will be able  For this semester I tried my best to manage the online learning by but specific rules to let
3: to Implement classroom management the students follow them and try to help the student if they faced any hard activity.
strategies for the activity. I tried to manage the time also during my lessons. Appendix 2
Acti  doing different type of activates 1- I used online games to teach the students about my lessons to let them learn in good and fun
on to let the students work on what ways.
3: they understand. 2- I notice about the student’s ability and level and according to that I give them the activity.
 Use ClassDojo to attract the 3- I had use ClassDojo to manage the student’s behavior and take their attention.
students to work hard. 4- In each TP I create different type of reward cards or poster to manage the student’s
 Creating poster include student’s behaviors. Appendix 3
name, add points, and the end of
the week and give the students
who gets high points a gift.
 The students should go through
all the activities and work on it by
changing the grouped students
around each group activity.
 Using some fun activity to let the
students enjoying the learning.
 Type of activity that students
enjoy doing them and learn in
same time.
e: One year. Semester 7
 MCT and MST support.
supp Every teaching practice I got MST support in each step I do, and it helped me a lot.
ort  Learning websites. In our situation I got the support from my friends who are students’ teacher and we helped
nee  Some of old activities. each other’s.
ded  Friends support.
Data  Assessment to know the  I have collected the students work from Padlet about my lessons.
colle student’s level.  Every lesson I use in ClassDojo points to motivate students to get active and engage with me.
ctio  Children’s work to know their  Students work in Appendix 4
ability and understanding.
s to  Tasks, to know each student’s
be level.
used  ClassDojo points, to motivative
to the students to work hard in class
prov  Photographs, to see what the
students can do and what ability
on they have.
 students’ worksheets.
on)  photographs.
 assessments.
 tasks. The evidence is down Appendix 2, 3, 4
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:

Appendix 3:

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