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Why is it important

to manage safely?
Rachel Bundy
City of Lincoln 10K Road Race

Sponsorship Marketing Volunteers

Logistics Health and Safety Administration

Rachel Bundy 2 27/02/2015

Key Learning Points

• Why is it important to manage safely?

• What does the law say about Health and Safety?

• Your responsibilities as a manager

• What is risk?

• How do we evaluate risk?

• How can do we control risk?

• What is a risk assessment?

Rachel Bundy 3 27/02/2015

Why is it important to manage safely?


It’s the law!


Duty of reasonable care


Reduce sick pay

Control downtime
Reduce negative PR
Reduce the possibility of fines and personal injury claims
Save money through reduced insurance premiums

Rachel Bundy 4 27/02/2015

What does the law say?

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The British Government body responsible for the encouragement, regulation and
enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare

Management of
Health and Safety at Work Health and Safety
act 1974 at Work Regulations

“Employers must ensure so far as “Every employer shall make a

is reasonably practicable the suitable and sufficient
health and safety and welfare of assessment of the risks to health
their employees and anyone else and safety of his employees
who may be to which they are exposed at
affected by their work activities” work”
Rachel Bundy 5 27/02/2015
What are your responsibilities as a manager?

Responsibility leads to accountability

You are ultimately accountable for assessing and managing risks

Employers must carry out risk assessments of reasonably foreseeable risks and to
implement risk controls so far as is reasonably practicable

Reasonably Foreseeable Reasonably Practicable

Rachel Bundy 6 27/02/2015

What is a risk?

Management of Health and Safety

at Work Regulations 1999

“Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to health
and safety of his employees to which they are exposed at work”

Hazard Hazardous Event Consequence

Anything that has the When someone or something Is the outcome of the
potential to cause harm interacts with that hazard hazardous event

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Hazard Hazardous Event Consequence
Anything that has the When someone or something Is the outcome of the
potential to cause harm interacts with that hazard hazardous event

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Hazard Hazardous Event Consequence
Anything that has the When someone or something Is the outcome of the
potential to cause harm interacts with that hazard hazardous event

Rachel Bundy 9 27/02/2015

Group Exercise

Identify one hazard associated with the race

Identify the hazardous event(s)

Identify the consequence(s)

Common Hazards
 Aggression and violence  Lighting
 Chemicals  Manual handling
 Computer workstations  Noise
 Electricity  Vibration
 Fire  Slips and trips
 Getting in and out  Stress
 Heights  Temperature
 Housekeeping  Vehicles
Rachel Bundy 10 27/02/2015
What is a risk?

Is the calculation of the likelihood of a hazardous event occurring
and the severity of harm caused by the hazardous event

Is a measure of the chance that a hazardous event will occur

Is a measure of the likely effect of that hazardous event

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Evaluating Risks

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Group Exercise

Use the hazardous event you identified


Assess the likelihood of that hazardous

event occurring

Assess the severity of the hazardous


Calculate a risk number and determine if

it’s a low, medium or high risk

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Controlling and Minimising Risks

Reduce Likelihood

Reduce Severity

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Hierarchy of Risk Controls


Reduce and Replace

Isolate and Control

Safe Systems of Work

Personal Protective Equipment

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Group Exercise

Use the hazardous event you identified


Apply your risk control measure to the


Assess the likelihood of that hazardous

event occurring

Assess the severity of the hazardous


Calculate a new risk number

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Risk Assessment

Management of Health and Safety at

Work Regulations 1999

“Every employer shall make a suitable

and sufficient assessment of the risks to
health and safety of his employees to
which they are exposed at work”

1) Identify risks

2) Evaluate risks

3) Control and minimise risks

Rachel Bundy 25 27/02/2015

Key Learning Points

 Why is it important to manage safely?

 What does the law say about Health and Safety?

 Your responsibilities as a manager

 What is risk?

 How do we evaluate risk?

 How can do we control risk?

 What is a risk assessment?

Rachel Bundy 26 27/02/2015

Any questions?

Rachel Bundy 27 27/02/2015

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