Republic of The Philippines Main Campus C.P.G. Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus
C.P.G. Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

VISION: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource
for sustainable development in Bohol and the country.
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional
and technological fields; undertake research and development, and extension services for sustainable development of Bohol
and the country.

Name: Aliyah Louisse L. Magsino

Year and Section: BSCE 2A
Activity 3 – Essay on Critical Analysis

The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan

The Katipunan was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by Filipino anti-Spanish people in
Manila in 1892, which was aimed primarily to gain independence from Spain through revolution. The
society was initiated by Filipino patriots including Andrés Bonifacio. The KKK members had three
objectives which were political, moral, and civic goals. The political goal was to completely separate the
Philippines from Spain after declaring the country’s independence. The moral goal was to teach the
Filipinos good manners, cleanliness, hygiene, fine morals, and how to guard themselves against religious
fanaticism. The civic goal was to encourage Filipinos to help themselves and to defend the poor

Emilio Jacinto was only 18 years old when he joined the movement. Emilio Jacinto was an
eloquent and brave young man, known as both the soul and the brain of the Katipunan. In 1892, Emilio
Jacinto wrote the Kartilya ng Katipunan, which was made to introduce new recruits to the principles and
values that should guide every member of the organization. In 1986, Bonifacio wrote the decalogue
entitled Duties of the Sons of the People, which embodied his beliefs. The decalogue focused mainly on
one’s duties to God, the country, family, neighbor, the Katipunan, and himself. However, Bonifacio
recognized the value and intellect of Jacinto and how his Kartilya was longer and more philosophical and
therefore decided to adopt Jacinto’s Kartilya ng Katipunan as the official teachings of the Katipunan.

The Kartilya ng Katipunan became the guidebook of new members of the organization. It is a set
of principles that shows the path on how each one of us must live our lives to the fullest through good

The first code says “A life that is not consecrated to a large and holy greatness is a tree without
shade, if not a poisonous weed.” It tells us to live life with a purpose, otherwise, it is a useless life that
bears no meaning.
The second code states that “Good work that comes from selfish desires and not from a true
desire for excellence is not kindness.” It is about doing good things with pure intention, and without
expecting anything in exchange.

The third code emphasizes that love for one another and being good and righteous is godly and
blissful. It states that “Real piety is hard work and love for fellowmen, and measuring each action, labor
and speech by true Reason.”

Equality is what the fourth code focuses on. It states “Whether one’s skin be black or white, all
people are equal; it may be that each is superior in knowledge, wealth, beauty but there is no
superiority in human dignity.”

The fifth code says “One who has a high inner spirit, puts honor, goodness and virtue before
self-interest; one who has a lowly inner spirit puts self-interest before honor, goodness and virtue.” A
Katiponero must value honor, goodness and virtue before his own personal good.

The sixth states “To the person with shame, his or her word is sacred.” This code encourages a
Katipunero to be true to his words and to put his words into actions.

The seventh code highlights the idea of not living in the past, moving forward and living in the
present. It says, “Do not waste time: wealth can be lost and recovered, but time that already passes will
not pass again.”

The eight code is “Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor.” It’s about saving people who
are maltreated by people.

The ninth states “The wise man keeps watch over all that is said: learn to keep the secret.” It is
about being careful of what comes out of one’s mouth.

The tenth says “On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and of children; if the
guide led to evil, the destiny of those being led is also evil.” This is about the man being responsible for
guiding himself and his family to a good or an evil path.

The eleventh emphasizes a woman’s true value. It says “Do not look at the woman as a hobby
only. but a helper and sympathizer in the difficulties of this life, use your (physical) weakness with
reverence, and remember your mother of origin and nurture your infancy.” It is about viewing women
as a partner and not just some pastime for personal interests.

The twelfth states “What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, and siblings, do not
do unto the wife, children, and siblings of others.” It is about treating other people right, and not treat
them in a manner that you don’t want yourself and your family to experience.

The thirteenth code states “The value of a person is not in being sovereign, not in an aquiline
nose or in a white face, it is not in the priestly substitute for God, nor is it in the high station one has in
life. Pure and truly highly esteemed, beloved and noble is the person even if he or she was raised in the
forest and speaks nothing but his or her own language; who has beautiful behavior, and only one
sentence (which is) honor and virtue; who does not oppress others or allow one’s self to be oppressed;
who knows how to be sensitive and knows how to cherish the land of his birth.” it means that a man’s
value cannot be determined by beauty, occupation, and materialistic things. The value of a man is
having a kind heart and having a love for where he came from.

The last code states that “With the spread of these teachings, the sweet light of the day of
freedom will shine brightly and explode here in the humble archipelago of united brothers and sisters,
the lives spent, the fatigue, and the hardships endured will be greatly compensated. Once all of this has
been studied and he or she believes he or she can do the tasks, he or she can fill out the membership
form.” The final code says that with the help of this document, the sacrifices that had been made will be
compensated by freedom.

The significance of Kartilya ng Katipunan is that it shows us a set of principles on what we must
do to live our lives fully and morally. It reminded not only the Katipuneros of that time but also the
Filipinos of the present time, on values they need to equip themselves, like being kind, valuing time,
living with a purpose, and many more. Learning about the Kartilya ng Katipunan helps us appreciate the
Katipunan more and their efforts in imparting principles and values. I truly think that the Kartilya ng
Katipuan shows the path on how to live a meaningful life for every Filipino. The Kartilya was made for
Filipinos to realize their unacceptable behavior and also to inform them on matters they need to know
to make their lives better. Each code has its own remarkable lesson that can be applied in different
aspects of a person’s life. Explanations and understanding of the codes may vary from a person to
another, but I believe all of the interpretations are viewed positively.

The Kartilya ng Katipunan is one of the few primary sources from the colonial era. It is said to be
the only document of any length set in print by the Katipunan prior to August 1896 that is known to be
still extant. It not only contributes to imparting knowledge about the Katipunan, but also in the
appreciation of the Filipinos in the social and political environment in that era. It provides us with
learnings about the ideologies of the Katipunan and its members, and how the Kartilya has influenced
the way of thinking of the Filipinos of the present time. Indeed, the Kartilya ng Katipunan imparted us
with principles and ideas that can still be applied to this day.


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