3-Reem Naser Hamad Salem Alkarbi h00293411 S 7 Second

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Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

MCT and MST Placement Feedback Form Semester 7

Student Name: Reem Naser Hamad Salem Alkarbi School: Online session

MCT/MST: Ebtesam Alzahmi Date: November 24, 2020

Commitment to the Profession

Reem seemed to be prepared for her lesson she managed to send her lesson plan a
day before her lesson.

Planning for Learning

The lesson plan had limited details, to the delivery of the lesson. It included the
differentiation activities.

Managing Learning
Reem managed her lesson well, seeking student engagement and participation and
she did well.
The lesson was smooth and easy to follow, she was able to engage learners in the
learning process, throughout the prepared activities.
She used good strategies to give clear instructions and carry out task activities.

Implementing Learning
Reem managed to present material that is accurate, meaningful, and accessible to
support student engagement and learning.
Again keep working on your sentence formation (grammatically) - practice
Teaching young children requires more enthusiasm, try to develop that while you
practice teaching.
I liked how you tried to keep this class more students centered and the different
activities that were distributed to different groups (but how do you manage if
learners managed to work on their tasks or not?)
In your lesson plan, under the assessment category you mentioned formative
assessment, try to include more details in the future.

Reflection on Practice
Take your time to truly reflect on your lesson and always keep in mind when
teaching young learners, that they can give more than you expect them to. So rise up
to those expectations.

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